?bcYgƒÐ Player: stonewall Game: Slash'EM Extended Server: $ATTR(14)em.slashem.me - https://em.slashem.me/$ATTR() Filename: 2017-07-10.11:17:19.ttyrec Time: (1499685439) Mon Jul 10 11:17:19 2017 ?bcYfÏiThis is SuperLotsoAddedStuffHack-Extended Magic Extended 1997-2016 NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, M. Stephenson. Slash'EM Extended version by Amy (user Bluescreenofdeath at Nethackwiki). See license for details. Bug reports to Bluescreenofdeath's user talk page. Restoring save file...?bcY–Û?bcYYÝ--More--?bcYØÀzYou return to the game with your underwear intact, but can't remember exactly where you are.--More--@bcY\n ###--------,#----------##|.......,#|.........,#|.....%|%###|........|##----|......+,,,,..........,#..#|......|,#,,|........|,#..#|......|,,,,|........|,##.%|......|,,,,|........|,#-u-#------.-,,,,----------,@bcY®n##,,#,,,,,,,----------#,#########,####,##,,,##,|........+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##,####,|........|##,########,###,,###,,##,,,.........|#####,#-------#,,###,#,|........|,,,,,,,+.....|,#---+------.---,,,[33@bcYænm|.........,,###,,|......,,+........|..>.,,,#|........|,,,+.....|#,|<.....{||...|##%#----------#,|.....|#,|.......||....,,,,0#,%....^|,,.........-----#######|......,#----------------Salutations stonewall@bcYo], the problematic centaur Knight, welcome back to SlashEMExtended!--More--@bcYá8 [ ###You are lucky! Full moon tonight.BbcY¤T x---....u.,,CbcY'=v.|..u.....----CbcYûr u..CbcYRQu.CbcY((There is a wall in the way!DbcYuK*u.DbcYpìK#,u.,DbcYE_ O,,u.,DbcYØ8k,#u,#There is a wall in the way!EbcYßH «,,,,,##u#,There is a wall in the way!FbcYÇÜš###,u,,,,,,FbcY¯ÕÉ,###0u,,,,####,,VWScirocco tries to move the boulder, but cannot.GbcY×yv##u,,There is a wall in the way!HbcY’rk,,,,u,,HbcYcm,,,u,,There is a wall in the way!HbcY(ü ^,,,u,IbcY=É:,.u,IbcYÎR .uIbcY€ =...uThere is a tree in the way!JbcYî'.uJbcY‰å(There is a tree in the way!JbcYEÁ'.uKbcYž(There is a tree in the way!KbcYç¨ 5There is a tree in the way!LbcY 5There is a wall in the way!LbcYÈ}A.u,,LbcY¾9 4.u,LbcY›ó 8,u,,MbcYbtÁ,,,,,,,,u,You can't lead VWScirocco through that closed door.NbcYLZ,,###,,,,u#NbcY}))There is a wall in the way!NbcYÞý 7There is a wall in the way!ObcYR‰¯,,u,,,#,,,,,There is a wall in the way!ObcYæ¥ 7There is a wall in the way!PbcYÏ ž,,,u,,,,,,,PbcY ›,,u,,,,,,,,,,,,PbcY¢éM,,u,,PbcYºÑÍ###,u,,,,,,###,You can't lead VWScirocco through that closed door.QbcYåäOYou can't lead VWScirocco through that closed door.RbcYél hWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)RbcYê[ SbcYçæIYou can't lead VWScirocco through that closed door.TbcY‡3,u,TbcY]Ï3,,u,TbcYZó P,,,u,TbcYý K,,u,,UbcYí3ªu,,,,,,,,,,UbcYÎ 6u.,,VbcYZ·u.VbcY ›šu.....You stepped on a trigger!Your ears are blasted by hellish noise!--More--WbcYM&You wobble in the saddle.XbcY4¬%u^XbcYR8,u.,XbcYþÜ<,u.,YbcYç‰J,,u,,,YbcYf,,,,u,,,YbcY€” ‹,,,,,,u,,,,YbcY¼^ X,u,,,ZbcYø·Z,,u,,ZbcYª5t,,,,,,,u,ZbcY¬Í ¸,,,u,,,,You hear a nearby zap.There is a wall in the way![bcY.ÓBYour body is too large to fit through.[bcY+æ7There is a wall in the way!\bcYµ^BYour body is too large to fit through.\bcYÅÙ[,,u,,\bcYfÖ N,,,u,]bcY#FT,,u,,]bcY¸U,u,,,]bcYf{U,,u,,,]bcY¯À=u,,,]bcY¿Ú 7,u,,^bcYS%/,,,,,,,u,,,,,You feel a bit steadier now.,,u,There is a wall in the way!^bcYN1 5There is a wall in the way!^bcYÏ 5There is a wall in the way!_bcYiG,u,,_bcY9ý¢,,,u,,,,,,There is a wall in the way!_bcY1Ÿ\,,u,,,_bcY½b =u,,,`bcY´¿ Kick your steed? [yn] (n) abcY‚1nIn what direction? [hykulnjb><] cbcY1CAs you kick the door, it crashes open!.cbcYɾ /u,,dbcY¥O:u.,,dbcYo™.udbcYß.udbcYgå.uebcYðy(There is a wall in the way!ebcYAC.u,,,ebcYàf O.,u,,ebcY•ç,,,u,,,,,,,###,,,You see here a greasy potion {1}.fbcYÝx U,,!u,gbcYr|,,u,,You see here a greasy potion {1}.gbcY#,u - a greasy potion {1}.gbcY gbcY¤_gbcYZeœ##,#u#,,,#There is a wall in the way!hbcYÄv ,#0#u#,#,,,,,,VWScirocco moves the boulder.#0u,,ibcYé B,u,ibcY’Å Ì,,,,,,,,u,There is a wall in the way!jbcYrU,,,u,jbcY¡c,,,u,,jbcY´­K,,u,,jbcY°ª 7,u,jbcYØ€ S,,,,u,,jbcY(\p,,,,,,,ukbcYò')There is a wall in the way!kbcYJ G,,.ulbcYR®.ulbcYF0d,,,#u,##,mbcYšê—,##,u#,<,,mbcY•×~,,%,u#,,,,mbcY°¼Ì#####u,,##,,,A red glow surrounds you...You were burned!nbcYŒ0¸|..^,,u,,,You see here a food ration {1}.obcYì2v - a food ration {1}.obcY~Ô +Pick an object.pbcYØ»u a unicorn or horse (centaur knight called stonewall, mounted on VWScirocco)  Accessing Pokedex entry for humanoid centaur...   Base statistics of this monster type:  Base level = 4, difficulty = 7, AC = 4, magic resistance = 0, alignment 0. Fast (18). Normal generation, with frequency 1. No resistances. No conveyed resistances. Big, genocidable, carnivorous, herbivorous. Can be seen with infravision. Is not a valid polymorph form.  Attacks:  1d6, uses weapon - ordinary physical  1d6, kick - ordinary physical pbcY¼  --More--qbcYz „rbcYÉÔg|'.u,,sbcY¯FcYou hit the karakasa!You kick the karakasa.--More--sbcYŒôXYour leather gloves deflect the karakasa's attack.--More--tbcYB7 "The karakasa misses.ubcYcFqYou hit the karakasa!You kick the karakasa.--More--ubcY^d 8You destroy the karakasa!.ubcY>í 0Unknown command ' '.vbcYœ£Ï,r.u.,,,Your leather gloves deflect the sewer rat Farter's attack.rwbcYÔ0Unknown command ' '.xbcYÓcYou kill the sewer rat Farter!.--More--xbcY` <Your plate mail blocks the sewer rat's attack.ybcYŠyYou just miss the sewer rat.You kick the sewer rat.--More--ybcYhZ6You kill the sewer rat!%zbcY#÷Ë#,.#u.#....You see here a sewer rat corpse {20}.{bcY-pd,,.u%.{bcY¾x#,-,u.,,..Your burns disappear..|#.u#-,,,.,,.{bcY«@ZThere is a wall in the way!|bcY¦LHYou destroy the kobold zombie!%|bcYðЩ..|.u.,,You see here a kobold corpse {400}.}bcYhÛ ---.u|..|[.|...%..,There is a wall in the way!}bcY;ß~bcY²™~bcYý V...u..~bcY9cy....u...You see here an angelic cloak {4}.bcYøæ3w - an angelic cloak {4}.€bcY m7What do you want to wear? [w or ?*] €bcY]®9You are now wearing an angelic cloak.bcY¦ ‰....u.......bcYÏÿ°---.u.......There is a wall in the way!bcYVó ¬--|u...-...There is a wall in the way!‚bcYO„è.......................,,u,,.‚bcYå{ù.,,,,.,,.,.u..You see here a sewer rat corpse {20}.ƒbcY?Ö7There is a wall in the way!„bcY*lx,.u%.„bcY¿X¼,,.u,.Your angelic cloak deflects the weregridbug's attack.--More--…bcYó<Your helmet deflects the weregridbug's attack.…bcY‰î ¢You kill the weregridbug!But wait...The weregridbug shudders!,--More--†bcYªe,Welcome to experience level 4.‡bcY.·µ,,,u.,,.,.‡bcYãÆ ‡,,,u,,#,‡bcY&ã-..|u..|....--,,,##,,,#,,There is a wall in the way!ˆbcY¤ž 5There is a wall in the way!ÀbcYï× U...u...ÀbcY;Ú M..u...ÁbcYýã’.|...u....|..ÁbcY¨TXe-u-..ÂbcY¡XQYou kill the gas spore!.-|-ÂbcYÕ7..u--More--ÃbcYËJWVWScirocco is caught in the gas spore's explosion!--More--ÃbcY‘o †You kill poor VWScirocco!@You hear the rumble of distant thunder...--More--ÄbcY0þ9You are caught in the gas spore's explosion!ÅbcYLÊb.%@..ÅbcY Or..-@...ÅbcY G t..@....ÅbcY>xÞ.@-.. Things that are here: a pony corpse named VWScirocco {1300} an uncursed saddle {1}--More--ÇbcYÝû/ÇbcYûV u....@-%..ÈbcY¿v.....@...--ÈbcYØ[ j---@>There is a wall in the way!ÈbcYBØ ¯---....@|....There is a wall in the way!ÉbcY÷¿k.@.......ÉbcY`á-------.@.................ÉbcYÓß®----|@.....|......There is a wall in the way!ÉbcYe.5There is a wall in the way!ÊbcYîE.@---ÊbcYœj.....@.--ÊbcYÕAx..................@.---.--ÊbcYd].......@.ÊbcY~"m....@.}}.ÌbcYTo-------------------------|...............||......||...........@...|-......|--------.------%-.......|..|-......||.....%|#|......,#--,,,-,-##,,,,.##,,,.#,.#%..#|..###|..#^,,,,##,,###,,#,,ÌbcY¬oU,#<,##,ÍbcYAAu.......@..>.ÍbcYæe...........@........ÍbcYéù@.@..ÍbcY·ú(There is a wall in the way!ÍbcYã™>..@.ÍbcY U....@.ÍbcYR# U....@.ÍbcYU"U....@.ÎbcY¼ãU....@.ÎbcYköU....@.ÎbcYÈ,U....@.ÎbcY‘§ b....@#,#ÎbcY¨¬ Å....,#,##,##@####ÎbcY°­ (There is a wall in the way!ÏbcY§F,@,ÏbcYx }...@,,,,ÏbcY®¢U...@.,ÐbcY¸K..........@ÐbcY?á]....@.ÐbcYªœ›.....>.@.IYour plate mail blocks its attack.ÐbcYî 5There is a wall in the way!ÑbcYaiwYou miss the maggot.You miss the maggot.ÑbcYú DYou kill the maggot!%ÒbcY%Æñ.....@.. Things that are here: a pony corpse named VWScirocco {1300} an uncursed saddle {1}--More--ÒbcY ó /ÒbcY.½ a..%@..|ÓbcYwU”....@|.--There is a wall in the way!ÓbcY&»Ï#|...#@...#-..There is a wall in the way!ÓbcYˆb 5There is a wall in the way!ÔbcYÞ>|--.@.,..ÔbcYuÐ(There is a wall in the way!ÔbcY¿ñ T..@..ÔbcYMÜ ×..,....#,##@####There is a wall in the way!ÕbcYf/7There is a wall in the way!ÕbcY›¿ E..@,ÕbcYàVc,..@,,ÖbcYBy.d.,@..,ÖbcYJ#£...@....Your plate mail blocks the stoat's attack.ÖbcY%×@...Your large shield blocks the stoat's attack.×bcYX§You miss the stoat.You kick the stoat.You kill the stoat!.×bcY1J..@...×bcY¶ !Unknown command ' '.×bcY!Š T@.....×bcYÏà..@... Things that are here: a pony corpse named VWScirocco {1300} an uncursed saddle {1}--More--ØbcY]—>MØbcYÁ:You destroy the mummy!%ØbcYà .%@.. There is an open door here.  Things that are here: a human corpse {1450} a tin {1}--More--ÙbcY êCÙbcYd¸..%@S..Your angelic cloak blocks the small snake's attack.wÙbcYowZYou kill the small snake!%--More--ÚbcY ‡:Your plate mail deflects the maggot's attack.ÚbcYë.Unknown command ' '.ÚbcYòà HYou kill the maggot!?ÛbcY)Öì...@... Things that are here: a scroll of standard id {1} a scroll of cure {1}--More--ÛbcY’Ÿ /ÛbcY¶È Pick up what?  Scrolls ('?') a - ? a scroll of standard id {1} b - ? a scroll of cure {1}(end) ÜbcY3¨+ÜbcYw2+ÜbcYØæ œl - an uncursed scroll of standard id {3}.--More--ÝbcY c0m - an uncursed scroll of cure {2}.ÝbcY d...@..ÝbcY(×®...@......You see here a small snake corpse {50}.ÞbcYç'Unknown command ' '.ÞbcYüÞbcYi— ÞbcY š v...%.@....ÞbcY‹ ¦................,,@,,qßbcYë>You kill the papier-mache cow!,àbcY©àbcY+‰...,,,,@,,,,àbcYù†|,,,,,@.,,..àbcY/dß,,-,..@|,..|There is a wall in the way!ábcYÙ£...|.@.#|...##,..#,,.,,....ábcY.„Ø---..@.....$.......There is a wall in the way!âbcYå%Í....@....There is a fountain here. Use "q." to drink from it.--More--âbcY%’+You see here a gold piece {0}.ãbcYCâ'1 gold piece.ãbcY† .@..{....äbcYN®‚---|@....|....äbcY(There is a wall in the way!äbcY-’äbcY ˜¯---......@|......|There is a wall in the way!äbcYn0M.@..|åbcYhͲ......@|..|You see here a bag of tricks {5}.æbcYÎ....(.....@..---There is a wall in the way!æbcY·‰....,....@,--,çbcY`¤¯.,#.,,@#,#There is a wall in the way!çbcYK Þ####@#,,#,,#,,#,,,,,,çbcY·ø !There is a wall in the way!çbcYkú èbcYv].There is a wall in the way!èbcY¨^èbcYŸúèbcYÎÝ,,,,,,,,,,,,,#@)##,èbcYdì9,,,#,,##-,,,,#,,,##,,,,##,@#####There is a wall in the way!ébcY)],,,,@,,ébcYœ. ~,,,,@,,,,,ébcYRô ˆ,#,@,,,,,ébcYª-f#,@,,,,êbcYñß”,#,@,,,You see here a mallet {20}.êbcYž| êbcY€ ž,,),,,,,,,@,,,êbcY—Y ,,,,,,,,,,,,@There is a wall in the way!ëbcY†³##,,@,,,,,,,,,There is a wall in the way!ìbcY‰ï Weapons  a - ) an uncursed +1 long sword (weapon in hand) {16}  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) a moon axe {32}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ an uncursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  w - [ a +0 angelic cloak (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  j - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  k - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3}  l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of standard id {3}  ìbcY¥ï˜m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of cure {2}  Potions  s - ! a cornflower potion {1} (1 of 2)íbcYw›----------------------------------###|...............||......||.......|#,#|...........>...|-......||....{..|,,#--------.------%%.%.....||.......|,,##,#--..|-......|#|.....(|,,##,##|...||.....%|###[íbcY´›1m,......|,,##,##,...||......,##,,.....,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,------,,######,###,,,,...|#,)###,###,,,...|##,,####,####,.#-,,,,@,#%..,#,,,,,#|..##,,,,íbcYΛP###|..##,,##^,,,,######,,###,,#,,,#<,##,íbcYq“ ´,,,#,@,,,#There is a wall in the way!îbcYMŽc,,@,,,îbcYüi§####,@#,,#,,,There is a wall in the way!ïbcYè¾M,,@,,,ïbcY×\‡,,,,,@#,#ïbcY"^)There is a wall in the way!ðbcY¤6y,,,,,@,,,,,,,ðbcYÇ".,.@,,,,#,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ðbcY` .@.................,..,,,There is a wall in the way!òbcY©N‘..........@....òbcY¿<............,..,,,,,,,,@,,,òbcY•%è,,,,,,,,,,,,@,,,,,,#There is a wall in the way!óbcYzbJ,,@,,óbcYpP°,,@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,óbcYd).@.................,..,,,,,,,óbcY7(There is a wall in the way!ôbcYi×................@.--There is a wall in the way!õbcYw"5There is a wall in the way!õbcYrÔ}(0/(B..@..-õbcY6OS,.,@..õbcYÐø NYou miss the tool trove.You kick the tool trove.öbcYµ¦xYou destroy the tool trove!(Welcome to experience level 5.öbcYAÎ q..@.You see here an expensive camera {1}.÷bcYô 6x - an expensive camera {1}.øbcY‰˜t....,@.,øbcYP% i,.,.,@..ùbcYVÌy,,,,..@..|ùbcY³¤Å...@.(01(B|Your plate mail blocks the small turret's attack.--More--úbcY¥>+The small turret just misses!úbcY/ƒ CYou kill the small turret!.ûbcYtÕf...@..|ûbcYñ@µ......@,,-,There is a wall in the way!übcYƒÑ´.,..@#,#There is a wall in the way!übcYgBYour body is too large to fit through.ýbcY‡ö @wYou stop searching.þbcY¹ÚnYour helmet deflects the tearmaggot's attack.You stop searching.ÿbcYe*vYou miss the tearmaggot.You miss the tearmaggot.--More--ÿbcYžú BYour angelic cloak deflects the tearmaggot's attack.ccY¥ MYou kill the tearmaggot!%ccY .,,@-#,. Things that are here: a tearmaggot corpse {10} a scroll of phase door {1}--More--ccY÷ 0ccYÏÿë Pick up what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % a tearmaggot corpse {10} Scrolls ('?') b - ? a scroll of phase door {1}(end) ccYî +ccYd3 ©---###..|#,#..|,,#..|,,#.(|,,#..|,,#..,,,#k - an uncursed scroll of phase door {4}.ccY•F§.,%@#|.There is a wall in the way!ccYötP-,@..ccYx¤-------,.......@....$.....ccYäï²-..@..w.Your angelic cloak deflects the dung worm's attack.ccYpÁ+Pick an object.ccYt! ccYÿï yw a worm (dung worm) (base level 3)  Accessing Pokedex entry for dung worm...   Base statistics of this monster type:  Base level = 3, difficulty = 4, AC = 5, magic resistance = 0, alignment 0. Slow (9). Normal generation in groups, with frequency 12. No resistances. No conveyed resistances. Genocidable, carnivorous. Origin: Vanilla NetHack or SLASH'EM. Is a valid polymorph form.  Attacks:  1d4, bite - ordinary physical  --More--ccYV----------------------------------### |...............||......||.......|#,# |...........>...|-......||....{..|,,# --------.------%%.%.....||.......|,,# #,#--..|-......|#|......(|,,# #,##|...||.....[ccYv/m%|###,.......|,,# #,##,...||......,##,,.......,,,# #,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,## ####,###,,,,...|##,)###### #,###,,,...|##,,####,,#ccYQÀ NYou miss the dung worm.You miss the dung worm. ccYô’TYou miss the dung worm.You kick the dung worm. ccYp” --More-- ccYì€?Your angelic cloak blocks the dung worm's attack. ccYŠ^tYou miss the dung worm.You miss the dung worm.--More-- ccY^F ?Your angelic cloak blocks the dung worm's attack. ccYfMtYou miss the dung worm.You miss the dung worm.--More-- ccYa AYour leather gloves deflect the dung worm's attack. ccYöÊ\You miss the dung worm.You miss the dung worm. ccYQ©tYou miss the dung worm.You miss the dung worm.--More-- ccYë·?Your angelic cloak blocks the dung worm's attack. ccY sYou hit the dung worm!You miss the dung worm.--More--ccY_/<Your plate mail blocks the dung worm's attack.ccYzZ tYou miss the dung worm.You miss the dung worm.--More--ccY9?Your angelic cloak blocks the dung worm's attack.ccY¿\You miss the dung worm.You kick the dung worm.ccY£ tYou miss the dung worm.You miss the dung worm.--More--ccY0þAYour angelic cloak deflects the dung worm's attack.ccY Å0Unknown command ' '.ccYÒï CYou kill the dung worm!%ccYÐ_0Unknown command ' '.ccYŽ(ë....@....You see here a dung worm corpse {10}.You smell sweet scent...--More--ccYÁ!?You are suffering from smoke of mosquito-incense!ccYì  €...@%...ccYÞˆ ­.......@.........You see here a gold piece {0}.ccYöE)1 gold piece.ccY» Ù.............@..F..You are feeling mildly nauseated.ccY}6½|.|@..,.There is a wall in the way!ccY…f ;Really attack the red growth? [yn] (n) ccY•‚ nccY±;Really attack the red growth? [yn] (n) ccYs[0yAre you really sure [yes/no]? ccY—z ccY - ccYØ[ccY$?½ Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) ccYi0mccY¹# t....,@....ccY 1Ò..(.@...You feel slightly confused.......@....You can't seem to think straight.....@.............ccY\--More--ccYˆ4‘You feel incredibly sick.@....There is a wall in the way!ccYÙU³.....@....You suddenly vomit!You can move again.ccY’Ž¦..............@$...ccYk~±............@...You feel a bit steadier now.ccYE‡ccY¿¤m....@...ccY9Õý....@... Things that are here: a gold piece {0} a statue of a tortoise {180}--More-- ccYÀn###;The statue comes to life! ccYº2)1 gold piece.!ccYO_Ž................@..........!ccY7Ø.......@.....You see here a gold piece {0}.You stumble into a spider web!"ccY~KyYou disentangle yourself.....@*..$....You feel less confused now.---.@?......"ccY¾ --More--#ccYû)There is a wall in the way!#ccYÌó è-..@...You see here the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named Holcolleth {1}.--More--$ccY´{ p ----------------------------------###%ccYVWy - the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named Holcolleth {1}.&ccY'u²FFF..(00(B@(01(B..(01(BjFvailable, exit anyway?(ccY¥8Message History You see here a dung worm corpse {10}. You smell sweet scent... You are suffering from smoke of mosquito-incense! You see here a gold piece {0}. 1 gold piece. You are feeling mildly nauseated. There is a wall in the way! Really attack the red growth? [yn] (n) Really attack the red growth? [yn] (n) Are you really sure [yes/no]? You feel slightly confused. You can't seem to think straight. You feel incredibly sick. There is a wall in the way! You suddenly vomit! You can move again. You feel a bit steadier now. The statue comes to life! 1 gold piece. You see here a gold piece {0}. You stumble into a spider web! You disentangle yourself. You feel less confused now. There is a wall in the way! You see here the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named Holcolleth {1}. y - the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named(ccYÑ8/ Holcolleth {1}. --More--*ccYýY >vailable, exit anyway? --More--,ccYÇF ,ccYo----------------------------------###|...............||......||.......|#,#|...........>...|-......||....{..|,,#--------.------%%.%.....||.......|,,##,#--..|-......|#|......(|,,##,##|...||.....%|###,.......[,ccYno1m|,,##,##,...||......,##,,.......,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,)#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,#####,...|#-,,,,,,###%...|,#,,,,,,##|...|,##,,,,##,ccY§o*[15;32H###|...,###,,###^,,,,-%-------------FFF##,,###,.............(00(B@(01(B#,,##|.......%.....(01(BjF,,,|...........*#<,|................##,,(.............$.................,ccY%= Message History You see here a dung worm corpse {10}. You smell sweet scent... You are suffering from smoke of mosquito-incense! You see here a gold piece {0}. 1 gold piece. You are feeling mildly nauseated. There is a wall in the way! Really attack the red growth? [yn] (n) Really attack the red growth? [yn] (n) Are you really sure [yes/no]? You feel slightly confused. You can't seem to think straight. You feel incredibly sick. There is a wall in the way! You suddenly vomit! You can move again. You feel a bit steadier now. The statue comes to life! 1 gold piece. You see here a gold piece {0}. You stumble into a spider web! You disentangle yourself. You feel less confused now. There is a wall in the way! You see here the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named Holcolleth {1}. y - the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named Holco,ccYO= )lleth {1}. --More--.ccYH† >vailable, exit anyway? --More--/ccYj0 /ccYrV----------------------------------###|...............||......||.......|#,#|...........>...|-......||....{..|,,#--------.------%%.%.....||.......|,,##,#--..|-......|#|......(|,,##,##|...||.....%|###,.......[/ccYéV1m|,,##,##,...||......,##,,.......,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,)#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,#####,...|#-,,,,,,###%...|,#,,,,,,##|...|,##,,,,##/ccY!W*[15;32H###|...,###,,###^,,,,-%-------------FFF##,,###,.............(00(B@(01(B#,,##|.......%.....(01(BjF,,,|...........*#<,|................##,,(.............$.................1ccYë # 1ccYC t2ccY¾:2ccY@2ccYè½ Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) 4ccYйe4ccY Æ4ccY}J /What do you want to read? [i-moqy or ?*] 5ccYU† Weapons  a - ) an uncursed +1 long sword (weapon in hand) {16}  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) a moon axe {32}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ an uncursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  w - [ a +0 angelic cloak (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  j - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  k - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of phase door {4}  l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of standard id {3}  m - cY†¿1m? 2 uncursed scrolls of cure {2}  y - ? the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named Holcolleth {1}  Potions (1 of 2)6ccYôâ +----------------------------------###|...............||......||.......|#,#|...........>...|-......||....{..|,,#--------.------%%.%.....||.......|,,##,#--..|-......|#|......(|,,##,##|...||.....%|###,cY^ã m.......|,,##,##,...||......,##,,.......,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,)#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,#####,...|#-,,,,,,###%...|,#,,,,,,##|...|,##6ccY£ã ˆ,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%-------------FFF##,,###,.............(00(B@(01(B#,,##|.......%.....(01(BjF,,,|...........*#<,|................##,,(.............$.................As you read the scroll, it disappears.--More--7ccYe© 3Your body is transported to another location!7ccY„´ ‘,,,,@,,,---......8ccY'0Unknown command ' '.8ccYG‚,,@,,,,,9ccY_vT,@,,,,9ccYã8 C,@,,:ccYŠÌk,,@,,,:ccYq’^,,,@,,:ccY[* .,.@,,,,;ccY“.....,.@...,,,;ccYÝ3Ì,.....,,.....,,,,@..,..;ccY2¹,,,..,@.,.There is a wall in the way!;ccYÞ@ccYl}5You kill the weak crow!%>ccYïó .Unknown command ' '.>ccY¤Ò Ô.@%.. Things that are here: a weak crow corpse {40} an uncursed saddle {1}--More--?ccYéV /@ccY¸L-What do you want to eat? [ghnv or ?*,] AccYœ • eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % a weak crow corpse {40}(end) BccY•²+####,#,,#,,#,,#BccY&KThis weak crow corpse tastes terrible!--More--BccY®é 4You finish eating the weak crow corpse.CccY1Ùb....@(..CccYM¯ N..@..CccYË _...@..DccYÎxm....@.}}.DccY£†*You're pushed back!--More--DccYX'›.....#@.<.}}}}.EccYv! F}..@;FccY9*¿}.#@..#.Your angelic cloak blocks the hata-hata's attack.GccY™g*You kill the hata-hata!GccYY„%HccYfQœ...@.:You see here a hata-hata corpse {10}.HccY¯O :What do you want to eat? [ghnv or ?*,] IccY™Ù Never mind.JccY–<You kill the newt!}JccYØH:What do you want to eat? [ghnv or ?*,] KccY·@• eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % a hata-hata corpse {10}(end) KccY^ M+}}..#.....##@.<.}}}}.This hata-hata corpse tastes terrible!I--More--LccYVIYour plate mail deflects its attack.--More--LccYÝlPYou finish eating the hata-hata corpse.I--More--MccY½é4Your angelic cloak deflects its attack.NccY! d..}.@..OccY_Ü{.#..@...OccYÜc …...}.@}..PccYxzf...}@}}#QccYì‚.#}..@}.}QccYs# ¹...}@I#.ZYour plate mail deflects its attack.;--More--RccYøú >Your plate mail deflects the orc zombie's attack.SccYô§ b;You miss the tortoise.You miss the tortoise.TccY=È WYou kill the tortoise!}--More--UccYªšVYour angelic cloak blocks the hata-hata's attack.--More--VccYÈ(The orc zombie just misses!VccY[ AYou kill the hata-hata!.WccYsYou miss the orc zombie.You kick the orc zombie.--More--XccYÏ{?Your angelic cloak blocks the orc zombie's attack.XccYEó_You hit the orc zombie!You just miss the orc zombie.XccYé1 CYou destroy the orc zombie!.YccY ÛYccY!ßy..}@}}..YccY{¹k..@G#}.ZccYx¾ ,You kill the gnome!%ZccY4š.}.@..You see here a gnome corpse {650}.\ccYÓ“;What do you want to eat? [ghnv or ?*,] \ccYbú’ eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % a gnome corpse {650}(end) \ccYû@ Â+}}..}##.....}##..<.}#}I}I}...}This gnome corpse tastes terrible!MYou stop eating the gnome corpse.]ccY£70Unknown command ' '.]ccY\ ˆYou destroy the mummy!%You hear a flinging sound.*^ccYŸUYou dodge a rock.*%^ccY(x@^ccYP 0Unknown command ' '.^ccY¡-.*@.h. Things that are here: a human corpse {1450} a two-handed sword {60} a scroll labeled 01DOTE {1} 10 rocks {5}--More--_ccYx² F}}..}##.....}##..<.}#}I}I}...}`ccY4} Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - ) a two-handed sword {60} Comestibles ('%') b - % a human corpse {1450} Scrolls ('?') c - ? a scroll labeled 01DOTE {1} Gems ('*') d - * 10 rocks {5}(end) accY,t+accYŽ•Â}}..}##.....}##..<.}#}I}I}...}}}#.}}.}}#..}}}.*.#}@..h.z - a scroll labeled 01DOTE {1}.bccY’ sYou just miss the hobbit.You miss the hobbit.--More--cccY3RBThe hobbit swings her sling.--More--cccYÆÅ <Your angelic cloak blocks the hobbit's attack.cccY…q ™You miss the hobbit.You kick the hobbit.The hobbit shoots a rock!--More--dccYÐØ0You dodge a rock.*dccY¯¾@dccY5 0Unknown command ' '.eccYÞV=You kill the hobbit!*eccYŒŸ˜..*@...You see here 2 rocks {1}.fccY´EØ.}.*.@;....Your angelic cloak blocks the hata-mata's attack.--More--gccYº AYour angelic cloak deflects the hata-mata's attack.gccYÔ nYou kill the hata-mata!%Welcome to experience level 6.iccY0 j.}@....iccY†Îë..@.... Things that are here: a rock {1} a partly eaten gnome corpse {487}--More--jccY$ —}}..}##.....}kccYÌ-What do you want to eat? [ghnv or ?*,] kccY~ÒŸ eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % a partly eaten gnome corpse {487}(end) lccYòÔ¦+}}..}##.....}##..<.}#}I}I}...}You resume your meal.You finish eating the gnome corpse.lccYU±(Unknown command ' '.lccYKºlccYµúlccY mccY~¨.@...*..There is a wall in the way!mccYZ½X..@...nccYçpZ..@..nccY{‘>@...nccYa/ [....@..occYy‘----------------------------------###|...............||......||.......|#,#|...........@...|-......||....{..|,,#--------.------(%.%.....||.......|,,##,#--..|-......|#|......(|,,##,##|...||.....%|ccYÆ‘m###,.......|,,##,##,...||......,##,,.......,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,)#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,#####,...|#-,,,,,,###%...|,#,,,,,,##|...|,ccYþ‘m##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,|...........*#<,|................##,,(.............$.................pccYÕ6ž......>..@%There is a wall in the way!pccY­kDYou cannot diagonally move through a door!pccYÒ .Unknown command ' '.qccY°=…...@..You see here an uncursed saddle {1}.qccY =ª.(@..There is an open door here.You see here a tin {1}.qccYp¨ qccY;®!Unknown command ' '.qccY¦¢w..%@...qccYs M..@..qccYŒÁn.....@....rccYuë€.......@....rccYŠÞ„.......@.,,,rccY"í|......,@,,,rccYHÌ !There is a wall in the way!rccYcÙ sccY=ÒsccY¶(‰...,,,,@,,,,sccY¿n ,,,,.,@.,.sccYµ¤ b,.,,@..sccYй },.,.@.,.tccY­5Y,,@....tccYÞçZ,@....tccYU[`,@,,...tccYf  m.@.,.,,tccYU× y..@.,.,,.tccY·Ý s...@...,..uccYk„....@.......uccYöAr....@..uccYŸT{....@...uccYõ # uccYôUdipvccYªt8What do you want to dip? [a-z or ?*] vccYëÜ0Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) vccYŒxIyYour long sword gets wet.--More--wccY4( bWater gushes forth from the overflowing fountain!}}xccYQ # yccYÐdipyccY€L8What do you want to dip? [a-z or ?*] yccYâ 0Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) zccYn7yYour long sword rusts somewhat.zccYr§ # {ccYø dip{ccYÜ“8What do you want to dip? [a-z or ?*] {ccY„š0Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) {ccYÉø†yYour long sword gets wet.An endless stream of snakes pours forth!SSS|ccY±ß {You miss the river moccasin.You miss the river moccasin.--More--}ccYÞ$XYour plate mail blocks the river moccasin's attack.--More--}ccYnW XYour plate mail blocks the river moccasin's attack.--More--}ccYÖ€ @Your plate mail blocks the river moccasin's attack.~ccYºm©..S@...Your angelic cloak blocks the river moccasin's attack.S~ccYçÛ.Unknown command ' '.~ccYU7 ~ccYÂN Ž.{.SSS..@....ccY OÜ.}..SS.}@....The river moccasin bites you!--More--ccYNô@Your plate mail blocks the river moccasin's attack.ccY^Os....SS..@.€ccY¾ÊnYou miss the river moccasin.You miss the river moccasin.--More--€ccY¢‡ ]Your angelic cloak deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--ccYr¾<The river moccasin just misses!S‚ccY9zYou hit the river moccasin.You miss the river moccasin.--More--‚ccY`ð[Your angelic cloak blocks the river moccasin's attack.--More--‚ccYï]Your angelic cloak deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--‚ccYÌU>Your helmet deflects the river moccasin's attack.ƒccYÙ;.Unknown command ' '.ƒccY4{ ƒccYEÛmYou hit the river moccasin!You kick the river moccasin.--More--ƒccYË: UYou kill the river moccasin!}--More--ƒccYY) VYour helmet deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--ƒccY L ZYour plate mail deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--„ccY/ŸZYour plate mail deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--„ccYƒŸ*The river moccasin bites you!„ccY Í.Unknown command ' '.„ccY’1 „ccY2#nYou miss the river moccasin.You miss the river moccasin.--More--…ccY–]Your angelic cloak deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--…ccY,¥@Your plate mail blocks the river moccasin's attack.…ccYÙ.Unknown command ' '.…ccYI5 …ccY„¾ mYou hit the river moccasin.You miss the river moccasin.--More--†ccY^„BThe river moccasin bites you!--More--†ccYk<Your helmet blocks the river moccasin's attack.†ccY°Ä.Unknown command ' '.†ccYÇ †ccY1Ý nYou miss the river moccasin.You miss the river moccasin.--More--†ccY˜£ZYour plate mail deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--‡ccYIxEYour leather gloves deflect the river moccasin's attack.‡ccYÙ¤.Unknown command ' '.‡ccYÞ ‡ccY‘ mYou hit the river moccasin!You miss the river moccasin.--More--ˆccY VThe river moccasin reads a scroll of healing {1}!--More--‰ccYT£EThe river moccasin looks better.--More--ŠccYÅ%]Your angelic cloak deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--ŠccY£²VYour helmet deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--‹ccY¸™EYour angelic cloak deflects the river moccasin's attack.‹ccY2 You hit the river moccasin!You just miss the river moccasin.--More--ŒccYÛ†ZThe river moccasin bites you!The river moccasin just misses!ŒccYöÔ.Unknown command ' '.ŒccY„ ŒccYÀ nYou miss the river moccasin.You kick the river moccasin.--More--ŒccY®öZYour plate mail deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--ccYÆÒ<Your helmet blocks the river moccasin's attack.ccYÞ.Unknown command ' '.ccYÍ. ccYsønYou miss the river moccasin.You miss the river moccasin.--More--ccY0– ]Your leather gloves deflect the river moccasin's attack.--More--ccYKµ EYour angelic cloak deflects the river moccasin's attack.ccYOÕ.Unknown command ' '.ŽccYÒï ŽccY1‰sYou miss the river moccasin.You just miss the river moccasin.--More--ŽccY¸OBThe river moccasin bites you!--More--ŽccY7\]Your angelic cloak deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--ŽccYÚ XThe river moccasin bites you!The river moccasin bites you!ŽccYœC .Unknown command ' '.ccY-1{You miss the river moccasin.You miss the river moccasin.--More--ccY:)ZThe river moccasin just misses!The river moccasin bites you!ccYw:.Unknown command ' '.ccY† ccYnYou miss the river moccasin.You miss the river moccasin.--More--ccYs/]Your leather gloves deflect the river moccasin's attack.--More--ccY@7EYour leather gloves deflect the river moccasin's attack.ccY‡P.Unknown command ' '.ccY)Â=What do you want to wield? [- abnt or ?*] ‘ccYìÖ Weapons  a - ) an uncursed rusty +1 long sword (weapon in hand) {16}  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) a moon axe {32}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ an uncursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  w - [ a +0 angelic cloak (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  j - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  k - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {2}  l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of standard id {3}  ‘ccYþÖàm - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of cure {2}  y - ? the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named Holcolleth {1}  z - ? a scroll labeled 01DOTE {1} (1 of 2)’ccYbË +----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........>...|-......||....{..|,,#--------.------(%.......||...}...|,,##,#--..|-......|#|......(|,,##,##|...||.....%|###’ccYË [33m,S}S....|,,##,##,...||......,##,,.@.....,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,)#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,#####,...|#-,,,,,,###%...|,#,,,,,,##[’ccYË Š1m|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,|...........*#<,|................##,,(.............$.................b - an uncursed +0 lance (weapon in hand) {75}.--More--’ccYÿ´ ----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........>...|-......||....{..|,,#--------.------(%.......||...}...|,,##,#--..|-......|#|......(|,,##,##|...||.....%|##’ccYµ #,S}S....|,,##,##,...||......,##,,.@.....,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,)#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,#####,...|#-,,,,,,###%...|,#,,,,,,#[’ccY+µ §33m#|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,|...........*#<,|................##,,(.............$.................Your plate mail deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--’ccY…=<Your helmet blocks the river moccasin's attack.“ccYè.Unknown command ' '.“ccYsÀ]You begin bashing monsters with your lance.--More--“ccYè rYou hit the river moccasin!You just miss the river moccasin.--More--“ccY+> ]Your leather gloves deflect the river moccasin's attack.--More--“ccY¾¨XYour plate mail blocks the river moccasin's attack.--More--”ccY±iXYour plate mail blocks the river moccasin's attack.--More--”ccYÓBYour plate mail deflects the river moccasin's attack.”ccY:° .Unknown command ' '.”ccY7 You hit the river moccasin.You just miss the river moccasin.--More--”ccY€¸ZYour plate mail deflects the river moccasin's attack.--More--•ccY”WBYour plate mail deflects the river moccasin's attack.•ccY.Unknown command ' '.•ccYZÖ •ccYÉþ nYou miss the river moccasin.You kick the river moccasin.--More--•ccYô gYou kill the river moccasin!.The river moccasin bites you!•ccYcì'Unknown command ' '.•ccY$ï–ccY"ã–ccY,ç–ccY„½NYou hit the river moccasin!You kick the river moccasin.–ccY#¾--More--–ccY] CYour angelic cloak blocks the river moccasin's attack.–ccYÍ .Unknown command ' '.–ccYW- —ccY‚nYou miss the river moccasin.You kick the river moccasin.--More--—ccYÇÝ[Your angelic cloak blocks the river moccasin's attack.--More--—ccYD EYour angelic cloak deflects the river moccasin's attack.—ccYº .Unknown command ' '.—ccYÄè {You miss the river moccasin.You kick the river moccasin.--More--˜ccY*×EYour angelic cloak deflects the river moccasin's attack.˜ccY?ò.Unknown command ' '.˜ccY÷\ ˜ccYõ« nYou miss the river moccasin.You kick the river moccasin.--More--™ccYZá9You kill the river moccasin!.šccY-{}.,@.,..šccY“þ €...@.,..,..›ccYc‡.}..@....›ccYEœ{....@......œccY^_..@...œccY q # œccYŸºdipccYwÐ8What do you want to dip? [a-z or ?*] ccYã0Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) ccY±ô ZyYour long sword gets wet.You feel a sudden chill.žccYx` # žccYJédipŸccYs´8What do you want to dip? [a-z or ?*] ŸccYßf0Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) ŸccYSñ8yYour long sword rusts some more. ccYŒ)#  ccY—dip ccYŒõ8What do you want to dip? [a-z or ?*]  ccYê’0Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n)  ccY•ê jyYour long sword rusts some more.A feeling of loss comes over you.¡ccYÓÓ # ¢ccYM“dip¢ccYoµ8What do you want to dip? [a-z or ?*] ¢ccYã|0Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) ¢ccY“8{yYour long sword gets wet.A feeling of loss comes over you.--More--£ccY›j#The fountain dries up!¤ccYà1v.....@...¤ccY>¹b....@.}.¤ccYQl‡......@..}.¤ccYª; _......@.¤ccYµ7(There is a wall in the way!¥ccY1zB..@.¥ccYr³÷,...,,....,,,,,...,@..,.¥ccYŸ›)There is a wall in the way!¦ccY­‘hWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)¦ccY»6 ¦ccYæm ),,.,,..,..,......,,,,,,,@,,,¦ccY:Wt,,,,@,,§ccY@,©ccYõÓU,@,.,©ccYP` ®,,@,,,r,,,,,©ccY€h ,,@,,,,,.,,..$.There is a wall in the way!ªccYU^,,@,ªccY1 b,,,@,,«ccY8G¡,,.,@rr,.«ccYƒÊfYou miss the sewer rat.You kick the sewer rat.--More--«ccYijXYou kill the sewer rat!..r¬ccY¶0Unknown command ' '.¬ccYÆô†,,.@r,.¬ccY¤û@.@r.s¬ccY&œ p.@Your angelic cloak blocks the hole spider's attack.--More--­ccYâAYour angelic cloak deflects the sewer rat's attack.­ccYÌM 0Unknown command ' '.­ccY…‰ ­ccY³«fYou miss the sewer rat.You miss the sewer rat.--More--®ccY|BThe hole spider just misses!--More--®ccYõ° ?Your angelic cloak blocks the sewer rat's attack.®ccY"ô šUnknown command ' '.You kill the sewer rat!.The hole spider bites you!®ccYm0Unknown command ' '.¯ccY²¯ccYoÖiYou hit the hole spider!You miss the hole spider.--More--¯ccYÒ9:Your helmet blocks the hole spider's attack.°ccY$0Unknown command ' '.°ccYª‹°ccYàEjYou miss the hole spider.You miss the hole spider.--More--°ccY|Ž@Your plate mail deflects the hole spider's attack.±ccYˆä0Unknown command ' '.±ccY[ÓmYou kill the hole spider!.You hear a chugging sound.±ccY8-.@±ccYøÒ.@You see here a gold piece {0}.You hear the splashing of a naiad.²ccY)1 gold piece.²ccY*=²ccY!O"....@²ccY±0[.@Wait! There's something there you can't see!--More--³ccYçH ^IYour angelic cloak deflects its attack.--More--´ccYJ2Your plate mail deflects its attack.µccYU|You hit it.You kick it.Your angelic cloak blocks its attack.µccY¤]3You kill it!.µccY„ T,.@,,¶ccY´O,.@,,¶ccYh£F,,@,¶ccYaè f,@,,,,,,¶ccYT•,,,,,,@,,,Ouch! You bump into a door.·ccY¥ëo,@,,,,·ccYe s,,,@,,,,·ccYŽ J,@,,,¸ccYÃC,,,,,,,@,,¸ccYÇÃœ,,,,,,,,,,@,,,¸ccY¶£)There is a wall in the way!¹ccY µa,,@,,,¹ccY­2 =,,,@ºccYŽ&In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ºccY9 WHAMMM!!!ºccYì˜ 8Ouch! You bump into a door.»ccYº·4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] »ccY¾ªIAs you kick the door, it crashes open!.»ccYúXG,,,@»ccY~´ L,,,..@¼ccYt>.@¼ccY].@¼ccYEl.@¼ccYÊ # ¼ccY>Õ dip¼ccY•å 9What do you want to dip? [a-z or ?*] ½ccYiÕ1Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) ½ccYOä3yYour long sword gets wet.¾ccY€”# ¾ccY\ëdip¾ccYHZ9What do you want to dip? [a-z or ?*] ¾ccYý¿1Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) ¾ccYà$ :yThe item rusted away completely!¿ccYrÓ # ¿ccYÄ dip¿ccY¡Í 9What do you want to dip? [b-z or ?*] ÀccYN:You don't have that object.--More--ÁccYÅ3What do you want to dip? [b-z or ?*] ÁccYŠ!Never mind.ÁccY3±Ã Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) ÂccY‚FmÂccYfè ½ Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) ÃccY TmÃccY©# ÄccY«Ê enhanceÄccYû nhanceÄccY®| Current skills: (10 slots available)   Fighting Skills  bare-handed combat Unskilled (max Expert)  high heels Unskilled (max Expert)  general combat Unskilled (max Expert)  shield Basic (max Expert)  body armor Basic (max Expert)  two-handed weapons Unskilled (max Expert)  polymorphing Unskilled (max Expert)  devices Unskilled (max Expert)  searching Unskilled (max Expert)  spirituality Unskilled (max Expert)  petkeeping Unskilled (max Expert)  two-weapon combat Unskilled (max Expert)  riding Basic (max Master)  Weapon Skills  dagger Unskilled (max Expert)  knife Unskilled (max Expert)  axe Unskilled (max Expert)  pick-axe Unskilled (max Expert)  short sword ÄccYâ|k Unskilled (max Expert)  broadsword Unskilled (max Expert) (1 of 2)ÅccYrW###--------,#----------#####0|.......,#|.........,#,#######,|.....%|%###|........|##0,,,,,#-------#,|.......,,,,..^.......,######,,......##,|......|,#,,|........|,##,,|.....##,|......|,,,,|........|,###ÅccY÷W,....#.%##,|......|,,,,|........|,##,-----.-##,,------.-,,,,----------,##,,##,,,,,,,,,,----------####,#########,####,######,,,##,|........+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##,####,|........|#####,########,###,,######,,##,,,.........|##ÅccY.,,,#|........|,,,,,+.....|#,|<.....@||...|##%#----------#,|.....|#,|.......|[19ÅccY‚Xg;14H|....,,,,0#,%....^|,,.........-----#######|......,#----------------ÅccY–; ZWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)ÅccYHç ÆccY’+F{.@.ÆccYuƒ,,,......@,##ÆccY)Æ¿,,@.....,.....,......,ÆccYjù¹,,,@,,,,,,,,,,,####,,ÆccYS÷r@......,.,,ÆccY"éÒ,,,...,,,,,,@,,,,ÆccYã¼I,@.,ÇccYà”----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........>...|-......||..}....|,,#--------.------(%.......||...}...|,,##,#--..|-......|#|}.....(|,,##,##|...||.....%|###ÇccYpš,.}...}.|,,##,##,...||......,##,,....}..,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,)#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,#####,...|#-,,,,,,###,...|,#,,,,ÇccYЛb,,##|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,|...........*#@,|................##,,(.............$.................ÇccYã ZWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)ÇccY1 ÊccY‹\ÊccYN±ÊccYJT ËccY<ùËccYGN ###--------,#----------#####0|.......,#|.........,#,#######,|.....%|%###|........|##0,,,,,#-------#,|.......,,,,..^.......,######,,......##,|......|,#,,|........|,##,,|.....##,|......|,,,,|........|,###ËccY^N ,....#.%##,|......|,,,,|........|,##,-----.-##,,------.-,,,,----------,##,,##,,,,,,,,,,----------####,#########,####,######,,,##,|........+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##,####,|........|#####,########,###,,######,,##,,,.........|#####ËccYtN [m,#-------#,,,,,##,,###,#,|........|,,,,,,,+.....|,#---.------.---,,,,|.........,,###,,|......,,.........|..@.,,,#|........|,,,,,,,+.....|#,|<.....{||...|##,#----------#####,|.....|#,|.......||...[ËccY‚N Zm.,,,,0#,.....^|,,.........-----#######|......,#----------------##ÍccYö¸ ----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........>...|-......||..}....|,,#--------.------(%.......||...}...|,,##,#--..|-......|#|}.....(|,,##,##|...||.....%|###ÍccY ¹ ,.}...}.|,,##,##,...||......,##,,....}..,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,)#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,#####,...|#-,,,,,,###,...|,#,,,,ÍccY"¹ b,,##|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,|...........*#@,|................##,,(.............$.................ÎccYÂE Q,#<@,,ÎccY4¬ A,,@,ÏccY8‡,,,.,@F,$.ÐccYh÷x,.,@You see here a gold piece {0}.ÐccYD6 )1 gold piece.ÑccY@Xr,,,@(#,.ÑccYýál,,@,,,,ÑccY¶ÿ\,@,,,ÑccYG)There is a wall in the way!ÑccYí u,,@,,,,ÑccYié b,,,,@,,,,ÒccY®ˆU@,,,,ÒccYê´)There is a wall in the way!ÒccYŽo7There is a wall in the way!ÒccYä 7There is a wall in the way!ÓccY [0.,@,ÓccYNX..@.,,,,,ÓccYÀej...@...,,,ÓccYõ!³,,.@................ÓccYå @.,,.,,......ÔccY O.,@,.ÔccY{…k.,..,@.ÔccY©U l....@....ÔccY’ê ...@......ÕccY„®m....@..ÕccYNd...@..ÕccYZöƒ...@.You see here a bag of tricks {5}.ÖccY©...(..@,There is a wall in the way!ÖccY³^,..@,,ÖccYu2 `.,.,@,,ÖccYt _,,,,@,×ccYÔLŒ,,,,@,,You see here a mallet {20}.×ccYQe `,,,@),,×ccYŒc [,,,@,,ØccY¡_,,,,@,ØccY àŒ,,,,@,,You see here a mallet {20}.ØccY° .A - a mallet {20}.ÙccYþd,,,@,,,ÙccYG›],,,@,,,ÙccYGÂf.,.@,,,ÙccYžÓX,.@,,,ÙccY–þ ;.@.,ÚccYo....@....ÚccY‚~_......@.ÚccYì ;..@.ÚccY†/ ÷,...,,....,,,,,...,@..,.ÚccY) )There is a wall in the way!ÛccYï7There is a wall in the way!ÛccYÒŠþ.....@,,,,,,,.,,,.,.There is a wall in the way!ÜccY?‡—....@.......,,,ÜccY<€¬.@.............There is a wall in the way!ÜccYÑë b.@....ÜccYÕÿ >@...ÝccYŽ4(There is a wall in the way!ÝccYsA.@...ÝccYUOg....@..ÝccY×v Ä..@....There is an open door here.You see here a tin {1}.ÞccYC®­.@%..You see here an uncursed saddle {1}.You hear bubbling water.ßccYò/.There is a wall in the way!ßccY¶8ßccYP©.There is a wall in the way!ßccY¬´ßccYjßccYÈŠ\....@(..ßccYp N..@..ßccYv¢ _...@..àccYìnŸ}}..}##.....}##..@.}#}I}I}...}}}#.}}.}}#..}}}.*.}#}*..}.*..%.....áccYæ¡S....<@.áccYP 4.@..áccYh8V...@.âccY€L...@..âccY‚V..@#.âccYÕÅ 6..@ãccY,þû....@... Things that are here: a rock {1} a two-handed sword {60} 10 rocks {5}--More--ãccY ï à}}..}##.....}##..<.}#}ãccYÃk Œ..*..@....äccYY2ˆ.....@..}#åccY¯}....@..#åccYNÕ€.}.@G...æccYnFUYou hit the gnome watcher!You kick the gnome watcher.æccY™UˆYou hit the gnome watcher.You miss the gnome watcher.r--More--çccY`ì<Your helmet blocks the gnome watcher's attack.èccY2{You hit the gnome watcher.You miss the gnome watcher.--More--èccYï QYour plate mail blocks the rabbit's attack.--More--èccY¬: BYour plate mail deflects the gnome watcher's attack.éccY`¦|You miss the gnome watcher.You kick the gnome watcher.--More--éccYÅPYou kill the gnome watcher!%--More--éccYa| <Your leather gloves block the rabbit's attack.éccYæ (Unknown command ' '.éccYUð êccY:üNYou miss the rabbit.You miss the rabbit.êccYtþ --More--ëccYm˜VYour angelic cloak deflects the rabbit's attack.--More--ëccYׄ9Your plate mail blocks the rabbit's attack.ëccYòu =You kill the rabbit!%ìccYÄU.w@...You see here a rabbit corpse {20}.íccY;Ý;What do you want to eat? [ghnv or ?*,] íccYà– eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % a rabbit corpse {20}(end) íccYDÜ ¡+}}..}##.....}##..<.}#}I}I}...}Blecch! Rotten food!You feel weirded out!--More--îccYâ9è}}..}##.....}##..<.}#}I}I}...}}}#.}}.}}#..}}#}.*.}#}*..}.}.*.B@.%........}##Your angelic cloak blocks the kagami mochi's attack.DïccYº³ xYou miss the mind force patch.You kick the tanuki.--More--ðccY·A6You kill the Silver Surfer!.òccY<Ë Message History  There is a wall in the way! You hit the gnome watcher! You kick the gnome watcher. You hit the gnome watcher. You miss the gnome watcher. Your helmet blocks the gnome watcher's attack. You hit the gnome watcher. You miss the gnome watcher. Your plate mail blocks the rabbit's attack. Your plate mail deflects the gnome watcher's attack. You miss the gnome watcher. You kick the gnome watcher. You kill the gnome watcher! Your leather gloves block the rabbit's attack. Unknown command ' '. You miss the rabbit. You miss the rabbit. Your angelic cloak deflects the rabbit's attack. Your plate mail blocks the rabbit's attack. You kill the rabbit! You see here a rabbit corpse {20}. What do you want to eat? [ghnv or ?*,]  Blecch! Rotten food! You feel weirded out! Your angòccY°Ë²elic cloak blocks the kagami mochi's attack. You miss the mind force patch. You kick the tanuki. You kill the Silver Surfer!--More--ôccYÀÉ }}..}##.....}##..<.}#}I}I}...}}}#.}}.}}#..}}#}.*.}#}*..}.}.*..@.%........}##[18ôccYRÊ T;22HõccY~Count: 20õccYGªCount: 200õccY™n õccY& 6Everything looks SO boring now.--More--öccY ù6}}..}##.....}##..<.}#}I}I}...}}}#.}}.}}#..}}#}.*.}#}*..}.}.*..@.%........}##You stop searching.÷ccYØ‹÷ccY^§i...@..÷ccY Ó«}..@...You see here a gnome watcher corpse {700}.øccYÐø..%..@....øccYL0 Œ...........@}......}ùccYÄð·................@}.}}}úccY`..}@.#úccYè£ £.....@.............úccYIé !..}..@}...##...}}....}....}......ûccY2x}..}@....üccYeæs#}}@......ýccYìW ...}...}#........}..........@.....ýccYès©...........}@..}.þccY*ÄU...@..þccY«}...@.....þccYÑ» „.....@.......þccY{â ’.......@.....M.....þccYL DYour angelic cloak deflects the goblin mummy's attack.ÿccY® bYou miss the goblin mummy.You miss the goblin mummy.ÿccYœO zYou miss the goblin mummy.You kick the goblin mummy.--More--dcYÚWDYour angelic cloak deflects the goblin mummy's attack.dcYË0 aYou hit the goblin mummy.You kick the goblin mummy.dcYLÝ5You hit the goblin mummy.dcYXà,You miss the goblin mummy.dcYIá--More--dcY¨† DYour angelic cloak deflects the goblin mummy's attack.dcYÐ'bYou miss the goblin mummy.You miss the goblin mummy.dcYa?zYou miss the goblin mummy.You miss the goblin mummy.--More--dcY> AYour plate mail deflects the goblin mummy's attack.dcYwÑEYou destroy the goblin mummy!.dcY´A .......@....dcY ï¯}..#@..............dcY%à ®..}...@.#..There is a wall in the way!dcYOé dcYa‰dcY”º}}.;@...}}..dcYšœ6You kill the hata-hata!%dcY¤ â}.@..} Things that are here: a hata-hata corpse {10} a gold piece {0}--More--dcY¡¾Š}}..}##.....}G dcYðˆ-What do you want to eat? [ghnv or ?*,]  dcY’'• eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % a hata-hata corpse {10}(end)  dcY£»Ä+}}..}##.....}##..<.}#}I}I}...}#}}This hata-hata corpse tastes terrible!You hear a flinging sound. dcYÆq) dcYZP--More-- dcYú2 ŠYou are hit by a crossbow bolt!You stop eating the hata-hata corpse.)} dcYp @ dcY†¿0Unknown command ' '. dcYöf...@....dcYj& v......@....dcYWŽy..}@...}}..dcYDãv...@.#.hdcYÄ° EYou hit the dwarf.You miss the dwarf.dcY||You kill the dwarf!I%Your plate mail deflects its attack.dcYM  .....@....You see here a dwarf corpse {900}.dcY0Ì`You have a little trouble lifting a dwarf corpse {900}. Continue? [ynq] (q) dcY–ƒqdcYI! ƒ....%..@....dcYÙTž}...}@..........dcYT#¿.>.......}#@}}#}dcYy; a.F.@..dcY(9à.Z;}...@........}##.You hear a flinging sound.dcYëmXThe crossbow bolt hits the elf zombie!--More--dcYð 3The elf zombie is destroyed!)dcYû¼ dcYÐ0Unknown command ' '. dcY‡“Á...@..Your angelic cloak blocks the hata-mata's attack.--More-- dcY…pAYour angelic cloak deflects the hata-mata's attack. dcYß 0Unknown command ' '. dcY£ã ¬..@..Your angelic cloak blocks the hata-mata's attack.--More--!dcY ª<Your plate mail blocks the hata-mata's attack."dcY!!.I..@.Your plate mail deflects its attack.;"dcY-pl.@...."dcY¼ .--..----h-|..@.-|.....-|......---).....-.........-...M..|--......-.......-----.---#dcY<XYou miss the dwarven caster.You kick the dwarven caster.$dcYy xYou miss the dwarven caster.You miss the dwarven caster.M.%dcY‚R^You miss the dwarven caster.You kick the dwarven caster.%dcY”a%dcY8è ~You miss the dwarven caster.You miss the dwarven caster.--More--&dcYQLpThe air crackles around the dwarven caster.GM.'dcY You kill the dwarven caster!%Welcome to experience level 7.--More--(dcY[ò]You feel quick!.GM.)dcYºè--.--..|.....(...-.Z..-...|.@<-- Things that are here: a dwarven caster corpse {900} 21 darts {11}--More--*dcY=p--.--..|*dcYŽ oYou hit the gnomish wizard!You miss the gnomish wizard.--More--+dcY(;YYou sense a faint wave of psychic energy..M+dcY©i0Unknown command ' '.+dcY$  fYou miss the gnomish wizard.You kick the gnomish wizard.+dcY\ fYou miss the gnomish wizard.You miss the gnomish wizard.,dcYi0Unknown command ' '.,dcYª You miss the gnomish wizard.You miss the gnomish wizard.M.--More--,dcY6Û WThe gnomish wizard reads a scroll of healing {1}!--More---dcYÿC.The gnomish wizard looks better.-dcY88You miss the gnomish wizard.-dcY%!.You miss the gnomish wizard.-dcY¯§You hit the gnomish wizard!You kick the gnomish wizard..ZM.-dcYØû 0Unknown command ' '.-dcY¬fYou miss the gnomish wizard.You miss the gnomish wizard..dcYÁZ^You miss the gnomish wizard.You kick the gnomish wizard..dcY2d.dcYˆE§You just miss the gnomish wizard.You miss the gnomish wizard.M.--More--/dcY¥JThe air crackles around the gnomish wizard.G/dcYOî0Unknown command ' './dcYOfYou miss the gnomish wizard.You miss the gnomish wizard./dcY % ~You miss the gnomish wizard.You miss the gnomish wizard.--More--0dcY|ñ@The gnomish wizard points all around, then curses.0dcY´^0Unknown command ' '.0dcYëM You miss the gnomish wizard.You miss the gnomish wizard.M.--More--1dcYLùZThe air crackles around the gnomish wizard.G.1dcY{Ã0Unknown command ' '.1dcYÍfYou miss the gnomish wizard.You miss the gnomish wizard.1dcYÑ ~You miss the gnomish wizard.You kick the gnomish wizard.--More--2dcYH™;You kill the gnomish wizard!.2dcYá[0Unknown command ' '.3dcY³¦..%@.Your angelic cloak deflects the goblin mummy's attack.3dcYÂBaYou hit the goblin mummy!You kick the goblin mummy.3dcYHà gYou just miss the goblin mummy.You kick the goblin mummy.4dcYXsEYou destroy the goblin mummy![4dcYSæ š.-@.|You see here a mummy wrapping {2}.5dcYÝ.0Unknown command ' '.5dcY(ˆh[-@.|5dcYa  .-|@|-You see here a boomerang {1}.6dcYàiœ)@-.......----6dcY03{|..@.-6dcY?ò '@.6dcY/§ R@.You see here a boomerang {1}.7dcY‰ª0B - a boomerang {1}.7dcY©r @...There is a wall in the way!8dcYõQ-.@8dcYþá )There is a wall in the way!8dcYÙ ±@< Things that are here: a dwarven caster corpse {900} 21 darts {11}--More--9dcYp --.--..|9dcYÓ l--.....-.|..|@.Z.-%-..|-|:dcY‡÷ì---.--...|.........@.-.:dcYZ¡°----........G.@-;dcYÓÓ@You miss the zombie.You kick the zombie.;dcYè(.G;dcYšHNYou miss the zombie.You kick the zombie.;dcY"œ;dcYŽa BYou destroy the zombie!%ª 1You kill the gnome!%dcY-‡+---------.---..---.....|....|...................(This gnome corpse tastes terrible!--More-->dcYãÿNYou sense a faint wave of psychic energy.--More--?dcY«s0You finish eating the gnome corpse.?dcYd€ À-|--|..@-..?dcYZ$d-|@--.@dcYå|-@.||-@dcYôÌ?.@You see here a whistle {1}.AdcY±/@.(AdcYv{@.AdcYFK@..--AdcY1Š–You sense a faint wave of psychic energy.-@....There is a wall in the way!BdcYe½S.@There is a wall in the way!BdcY(Š.@.BdcYÜ\ ..@BdcYÕF .@BdcYB C.....@You see here a whistle {1}.CdcYL¥,C - a whistle {1}.CdcYUœ EWhat do you want to use or apply? [bprtxAC or ?*] CdcY!± :You produce a strange whistling sound.DdcYt¦ ;..@DdcY>„ Ž.@You hear crashing rock..@There is a wall in the way!EdcY¦&@.EdcY: .@ Things that are here: a dwarven caster corpse {900} 21 darts {11}--More--EdcYO­è-----------.---..----.....|....|FdcYgò3%@FdcYXH<@You hear crashing rock.FdcYˆ -.@GdcYõL.@GdcYM¥L.@.|GdcYRO--.@0GdcY©3 „@.-.--There is a wall in the way!HdcYß{--.@.-.HdcY™& h@.|.|--HdcY‘/You try to move the boulder, but in vain.HdcYGIdcYè}IdcY–t--.-.@-IdcYU!Ø-.|.|.--|..@...There is a wall in the way!JdcY F Ÿ--.|||@-.JdcYo% )There is a wall in the way!JdcYÌû ¤@.There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.--More--KdcY˜d ÍYou sense a faint wave of psychic energy.----.......-...-----...-.G.....-..G.@----...There is a wall in the way!LdcYoï Œ..-..h|@.MdcY‚´.You kill the sub-gnome!%MdcYáLî--|.....@.You see here a sub-gnome corpse {650}.GhNdcYüÚ--...-|..@---%NdcYµ¨@.NdcYK'°..-...-.....,--,-....,,..,,.,......hsG@.Your angelic cloak blocks the gnome lord's attack..G.OdcYœ—ƒYou hit the gnome lord!You miss the gnome lord.GsOdcY¹ ^You miss the gnome lord.You miss the gnome lord.PdcY¸µYou hit the gnome lord!You kick the gnome lord.,G...PdcYM½gYou kill the gnome lord!.G%PdcY;° GDo you really want to step into that web? [yn] (n) RdcYxB nRdcYI G.G.@RdcY”×b-.|@.RdcYþé UYou hit the gnome stalker.You kick the gnome stalker.SdcYÉ«|You miss the gnome stalker.You kick the gnome stalker.--More--SdcY»y JYou kill the gnome stalker!h.SdcYA q..h@-.TdcY2å--|.|..-.......|@.TdcYÄ÷`You miss the hobbit.You kick the hobbit.--More--UdcY*ê;Your plate mail deflects the hobbit's attack.UdcY@µ(You kill the hobbit!UdcYѺ%UdcYh*---......@. Things that are here: a hobbit corpse {500} a good fortune amulet {1} a scroll of healing {1}--More--UdcY–~ {-----------.---..---------.....|....||...----|...........|GVdcY~û3 Pick up what?  Amulets ('"') a - " a good fortune amulet {1} Comestibles ('%') b - % a hobbit corpse {500} Scrolls ('?') c - ? a scroll of healing {1}(end) WdcYÄ +WdcY  -------------.---..--|.-------.....|....||..|...----|...........|...----.....G-.........-..........|........-|......--.|......|-|...-----.....|,,.-@.||....%.--D - a WdcYS #good fortune amulet {1}.XdcY«¿ ;What do you want to eat? [ghnv or ?*,] XdcYÇ“ eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % a hobbit corpse {500}(end) YdcYN< :+-----------.---..---------.....|....||...----|...........|..----.....G-.........-This hobbit corpse tastes terrible!.--More--ZdcYu±2You finish eating the hobbit corpse.ZdcYÆ÷0Unknown command ' '.ZdcYa:ZdcY ®-.|-....@-?[dcYñ5£.|-@G..|.--|[dcY‰ d.@.|The panotty hits you!\dcYß}You miss the panotty.You kick the panotty.Z--More--\dcYª© 9Your plate mail blocks the panotty's attack.^dcYÍ°)Pick an object.^dcY3M^dcYÒG a gnome (panotty) (base level 2) (male)  Accessing Pokedex entry for panotty...   Base statistics of this monster type:  Base level = 2, difficulty = 4, AC = 8, magic resistance = 0, alignment 0. Normal speed (12). Normal generation, with frequency 1. Resists sleep. No conveyed resistances. Genocidable, carnivorous, herbivorous. This monster is always male. Has infravision. Can be seen with infravision. Origin: Animeband. Is a valid polymorph form.  Attacks:  1d4, uses weapon - ordinary physical  1d4, gaze - confuses ^dcYü$  --More--_dcYàŸ ------- ------.---..-- |.-------.....|....| |..|...-----|...........| ...----.......|-.........- ..-............||........-| -...-.Z......@G..|--.|......| -.....,--,-|[37_dcYC  Jm...---.|----.....| ....,,..,,.--?.|||....%.-- ,.......|..-------%--...| ....---...||..<.----.| -.%.....--|..[..--|.|_dcYO ½ Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) `dcYP:ä-----------.---..----.....|....|--|...........|.|-.........-.||........-|.|--.|......|.|----.....|||....%.--`dcY¡Æ HYou miss the panotty.You kick the panotty.adcY3 .Unknown command ' '.adcY¨‰ adcY»µnYou miss the panotty.You kick the panotty.The panotty hits you!adcY§).Unknown command ' '.adcY; adcYlÈuA helpful reminder: did you try applying your weapon or firing projectiles from it yet?--More--bdcYçC -------bdcYòQYou kill the panotty!Z.[bdcY ä.Unknown command ' '.bdcYrI ›.@.-.-You see here a gnomish suit {20}.cdcY& ¨@[,,..j-,--ddcYR v.Z@.....|ddcYƒ¨.Z@.....G-.........,|/....#-...>............--...---.--ddcYpãeYou hit the elf zombie!You miss the elf zombie.--More--edcYRThe elf zombie just misses!G.edcYÁ±.Unknown command ' '.edcYi‰hYou destroy the elf zombie!)G.edcY\ß ¥-@.-,.You see here 114 shuriken {57}.fdcY°SYou hit the deep gnome thief!You miss the deep gnome thief.G--More--gdcY¥ähThe deep gnome thief charms you. You gladly hand over your shield.--More--gdcY-]OIt stole an uncursed +0 large shield {40}.--More--gdcYB£ WThe deep gnome thief puts on an uncursed +0 large shield {40}..hdcY å.Unknown command ' '.hdcYÔD idcY$#E - 114 shuriken {57}.kdcYº>Message History Pick an object. G a gnome (panotty) (base level 2) (male) Accessing Pokedex entry for panotty... Base statistics of this monster type: Base level = 2, difficulty = 4, AC = 8, magic resistance = 0, alignment 0. Normal speed (12). Normal generation, with frequency 1. Resists sleep. No conveyed resistances. Genocidable, carnivorous, herbivorous. This monster is always male. Has infravision. Can be seen with infravision. Origin: Animeband. Is a valid polymorph form. Attacks: 1d4, uses weapon - ordinary physical 1d4, gaze - confuses You miss the panotty. You kick the panotty. Unknown command ' '. You miss the panotty. You kick the panotty. The panotty hits you! Unknown command ' '. A helpful reminder: did you try applying your weapon or firing projectiles from it yet? You kill the panotty! Unknown command ' '. You see here a gnomish sukdcYõ>Ÿit {20}. You hit the elf zombie! You miss the elf zombie. The elf zombie just misses! Unknown command ' '. --More--ndcYÜ»-------------.---..--|.-------.....|....||..|...-----|...........|-...----.......|-.........-..-..@.........||........-|-...-.........[..|--.|......|-.....,--,-,,..j.|...---..ndcY1¼[m|----.....|....,,..,,.....---?.|-.||....%.---,,.........|..--------%--...|--.......---...||..<.----.||.....,,.%.....--|..[..--|.||/....#----..%..||......dcYj¼‚m--.|-...>G-----.|--........|.....|.|---........|......|.-----...-......|--....|..--0...--.......----.--.....-----.......|------..|------.--|..|-------ndcY ]ý---.....@.s,###.G.-ndcY{Œ L--.||.@,.h/.G|....G.-odcYÃËm-.@#G-odcY—b c.-@|-pdcYL-ª.@-G,.GG.qdcYeqz---|....-.....--..........,.@...G...---rdcYM.1What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] rdcYÂê Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance (weapon in hand) {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) a moon axe {32}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) 114 shuriken {57}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  w - [ a +0 angelic cloak (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  j - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  k - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {2}  l - dcYòêP1m? 3 uncursed scrolls of standard id {3} (1 of 2)sdcYŠ^ ---------------.------.---..--|....|....|-------.....|....|-.....--|....||...-----|...........|......-...----.......|-.........-....-............||........-|-.....--.........[..|--.|.....sdcYä^ .|-.....,--,,-,,..j.|...---..|----.....|-....,,..,,.....---?.|-.||....%.--|--,,.........,-|..--------%--...|--...@...G,--...||..<.----.||.....dcY_ 37m,,.h.....--|..[..--|.||/....|,---..%..||......--.|-...G.-##-----.|--........|......|.|---........|........|.-----...-......|--......|..--0...--.......----.G...--.....-----.......|sdcYB_ [20;47H----.-----..|------.----|..|-------Never mind.tdcY±?What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] tdcY0.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] tdcY )tdcY¥ô .)tdcYxÍ ¯.The shuriken hits the gnome.The gnome picks up a shuriken {1}.G>--More--udcY3The gnome throws a shuriken!)udcYëQYou are almost hit by a shuriken.).udcYÄ W@G.G.vdcYî‹0Unknown command ' '.vdcYøvdcYÙÁ 1What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] wdcYÉ.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] wdcY¾)wdcYד:.The shuriken misses the gnome.wdcY…0Unknown command ' '.wdcYÓøxdcYÒ²1What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] xdcYyÈ.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] xdcY¢H )xdcY 0 .xdcYJ XYou kill the gnome!)G.xdcYÓº 0Unknown command ' '.xdcYõžydcYw1# ydcYÀt adjustydcYy djustzdcY4µBWhat do you want to adjust? [b-df-zA-E or ?*] zdcYÎV-Adjust letter to what [aeE-Z]? zdcYɇ6Swapping: t - 111 shuriken {56}.{dcYî¤?What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] {dcY4_.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] {dcY\ü){dcY_Û.){dcY±¾½.The gnome avoids the projectile!The shuriken misses the gnome.MG.--More--{dcYk@ JThe gnome picks up a shuriken {1}.G.{dcYXT 0Unknown command ' '.|dcY]R?What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] |dcY•.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] |dcYظ)|dcYG–8.The shuriken misses the gnome.|dcYb 0Unknown command ' '.|dcYú7 |dcYhý1What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] }dcYV©.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] }dcYn™)}dcYºq8.The shuriken misses the gnome.}dcYM…0Unknown command ' '.}dcYA‰~dcY"Ÿ1What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ~dcYŽ£.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ~dcYè‡)~dcYñqÏ.The shuriken misses the gnome.G,G.The gnome picks up 3 shuriken {3}.G.~dcY%”0Unknown command ' '.~dcYuÏ~dcYtYou hit the gnome.You miss the gnome.G.G.dcYEW0Unknown command ' '.dcY~ÔdcYC#ÎYou kill the gnome!M%G.The deep gnome thief picks up 2 shuriken {2}.--More--dcYa >The deep gnome thief throws a shuriken!)dcYªà JYou are hit by a shuriken.).dcYŒ· @dcYè 0Unknown command ' '.€dcYÝ?What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] €dcY¹ð.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] €dcYuä )€dcYlº E.The shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.dcY_ ·.,@)The deep gnome thief picks up a shuriken {1}.G%‚dcY1#?What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ‚dcYë\.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ‚dcYgœeThe deep gnome thief's shield deflects your projectile!--More--‚dcY„gdThe shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.M--More--‚dcYïè YThe deep gnome thief picks up a shuriken {1}..GƒdcY‡4/@.ƒdcYã 1What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ƒdcYvÿ.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] „dcY€)„dcY‡ÿ#.)„dcYØP%The shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.„dcYƒï?What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] …dcYщ.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] …dcYd)…dcYÈ]#.)…dcY´@}%The shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.,--More--…dcY\. {The deep gnome thief picks up 2 shuriken {2}.G.--More--†dcY,>The deep gnome thief throws a shuriken!)†dcY®çJYou are hit by a shuriken!).†dcYþ¯@†dcYXŽ ?What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] †dcYÅ .In what direction? [hykulnjb><] †dcYù< )†dcYæE.The shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.‡dcY£ž0Unknown command ' '.‡dcY7½‡dcY%s @.The deep gnome thief picks up 5 shuriken {5}.G%ˆdcYj>What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ˆdcYìi-In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ˆdcY?~)ˆdcYx_\.The shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.--More--ˆdcYRš`The deep gnome thief picks up a shuriken {1}.G.ˆdcY .Unknown command ' '.ˆdcYËš ‰dcYÔ·R@..G‰dcYAüœ@..G%The deep gnome thief picks up 2 shuriken {2}.ŠdcYò ‹dcY%Ý-.G‹dcY5Þ@--.G.The deep gnome thief picks up a gnomish suit {20}.ŒdcYkƇ.@The deep gnome thief picks up a tripe ration {1}.G%ŒdcYZB@..dcYçC:@-.dcYc .@dcYœ— J.@GsŽdcYg9l.@G..sdcY ör@.G..sdcYF^ 1What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] dcY¨f -In what direction? [hykulnjb><] dcYÉL )dcYÏ'=.The shuriken misses the blue jelly.dcY“¹.Unknown command ' '.dcYïÜ dcYìç(There is a wall in the way!‘dcY¡`–.@.G.The deep gnome thief throws a shuriken!)‘dcYÄ5).‘dcY´ HYou dodge a shuriken.).‘dcYå(@s‘dcYð c)@)..’dcYÿ<.@’dcY‘± .@”dcY9r@.”dcY f;@.j•dcY‚@.•dcY5 ;@.You see here a shuriken {1}.•dcYþ –dcY~­–dcYT´@)–dcYˆð1What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] –dcY#0-In what direction? [hykulnjb><] –dcYâä )–dcYƒÍ =.The shuriken misses the blue jelly.—dcY.M>What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] —dcY­:-In what direction? [hykulnjb><] —dcYV< )—dcYü$ c.The shuriken misses the blue jelly.Gs˜dcY½>What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ˜dcYö-In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ˜dcYi½)˜dcY©ž =.The shuriken misses the blue jelly.™dcYR».@You see here a shuriken {1}.G.The deep gnome thief throws a shuriken!)™dcYMè--More--™dcY—B @You are hit by a shuriken!).™dcY )@.s™dcY¾ˆ .Unknown command ' '.šdcYFw@)G.s.šdcY,ÅL@..sšdcYnÔ 1What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] šdcY®ä -In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ›dcYC)›dcY:Ý .›dcY™´9The shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.›dcY¡ >What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ›dcYÀï-In what direction? [hykulnjb><] œdcYñÕ)œdcYU¶ .œdcYò_The deep gnome thief's shield deflects your projectile!--More--œdcY• NThe shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.--More--dcY¤yThe deep gnome thief picks up 2 shuriken {2}.G.s.dcY¿.Unknown command ' '.dcY§ì>What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ždcYÿÌ-In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ždcY‹°)ždcY}‡ .ždcY^)ždcYÕ5.)ždcY .)ždcYÖã.)ždcYöº.)ždcYŽ%)ždcY0h .)ždcYÌC J.).sždcYy„ ™.@.G.The deep gnome thief picks up 2 shuriken {2}.ŸdcY;+.@ŸdcY Ï 6You don't have anything to zap.--More-- dcY@'  dcY``1What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ¡dcYèB-In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ¡dcYæo)¡dcYAO).¡dcY&).¡dcYjÿ_.The shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.--More--¡dcY=g VThe deep gnome thief picks up a shuriken {1}..G¡dcYý3.Unknown command ' '.¢dcYü >What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ¢dcY -In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ¢dcY4 )¢dcYræ ).¢dcYî· \.The shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.--More--£dcY»SThe deep gnome thief picks up a shuriken {1}..G£dcY .Unknown command ' '.¤dcYu8>What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ¤dcYÚN-In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ¤dcY¥e)¤dcY‡G@.The shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.¤dcYúk .Unknown command ' '.¥dcY>What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] ¥dcYa& -In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ¥dcYØ )¥dcY}ï Z.The deep gnome thief avoids the projectile!--More--¦dcY±µ6The shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.§dcYë©>What do you want to throw? [$bntABE or ?*] §dcYš³-In what direction? [hykulnjb><] §dcY = )§dcYb .§dcYò NThe shuriken misses the deep gnome thief.--More--¨dcYXPThe deep gnome thief picks up 3 shuriken {3}..G¨dcY$ƒ.Unknown command ' '.¨dcYðuYou miss the deep gnome thief.You kick the deep gnome thief.--More--©dcYs§ZYour plate mail blocks the deep gnome thief's attack.--More--ªdcY¿EYour angelic cloak blocks the deep gnome thief's attack.ªdcYÖn kYou hit the deep gnome thief.You just miss the deep gnome thief.«dcY¡ŒYou miss the deep gnome thief.You kick the deep gnome thief.--More--¬dcY‘ü]Your angelic cloak blocks the deep gnome thief's attack.--More--¬dcYë; ,You feel a tug on your knapsack­dcYyx ~You hit the deep gnome thief!You kick the deep gnome thief.--More--®dcY4ÚCThe deep gnome thief hits you!--More--®dcYž+ GYour angelic cloak deflects the deep gnome thief's attack.¯dcYj ~You hit the deep gnome thief.You miss the deep gnome thief.--More--°dcYícZYour plate mail blocks the deep gnome thief's attack.--More--°dcYDYour plate mail deflects the deep gnome thief's attack.°dcYi .Unknown command ' '.±dcYßgYou miss the deep gnome thief.You miss the deep gnome thief.±dcYF·.Unknown command ' '.±dcY&S ±dcYJñ ZYou miss the deep gnome thief.You miss the deep gnome thief.±dcY ó .Unknown command ' '.²dcYì½ ²dcY‚R<You kill the deep gnome thief![²dcYj'Unknown command ' '.²dcY!²dcYÛf²dcY£p²dcYGp õ@. Things that are here: a gnomish helm {1} an uncursed +0 large shield {40} 19 shuriken {14} a gnomish suit {20} a tripe ration {1}--More--³dcYD¢------------.------.---..--|....|-------.....|....||....||...-----|...........|--...----.......|-.........----.......@....||........-|³dcY¼¬³dcYÖ7‹ Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - ) 19 shuriken {14} Armor ('[') b - [ a gnomish helm {1} c - [ an uncursed +0 large shield {40} d - [ a gnomish suit {20} Comestibles ('%') e - % a tripe ration {1}(end) ´dcYÊû+´dcY¯------------.------.---..--|....|-------.....|....||....||...-----|...........|--...----.......|-.........----.......@....||........-|.--.........[..|--.|......|..,--,,-[´dcY‚~m,,..j.|...---..|----.....|..,,..,,.....---?.|-.||....%.----,,.........,-|..--------%--...|--....%...,--...||..<.----.|e - an uncursed +0 large shield {40}.µdcY57What do you want to wear? [e or ?*] µdcYZa7You are now wearing a large shield.µdcY›» .Unknown command ' '.µdcY£* W Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - ) 19 shuriken {14} Armor ('[') b - [ a gnomish helm {1} c - [ a gnomish suit {20} Comestibles ('%') d - % a tripe ration {1}(end) ¶dcY º +¶dcYÙz ------------.---..--|-------.....|....|||...-----|...........|----.......|-.........-......@....||........-|........[..|--.|......|j.|...---..|----.....|.---?.|-.||....%.--¶dcY&{ Ð.,-|..--------%--...|t - 19 shuriken {59}.·dcY2  Pick up what?  Armor ('[') a - [ a gnomish helm {1} b - [ a gnomish suit {20} Comestibles ('%') c - % a tripe ration {1}(end) ¸dcY]9+¸dcYÙ¥s------------.---..--|-------.....|....|||...-----|...........|----.......|-.........-......@....||........-|........[..|--.|......|j.|...---..|----.....|F - a tripe ration {1}.¸dcYÍ ”@.....[s......¸dcYÜö ˆ@.s...There is a wall in the way!¹dcYõ ]You miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.ºdcY/ëuYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.--More--ºdcYË“ ?Your plate mail deflects the cave spider's attack.ºdcYi£ uYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.--More--»dcY‡9=Your plate mail blocks the cave spider's attack.»dcY6’ uYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.--More--¼dcY.?Your plate mail deflects the cave spider's attack.¼dcYü½]You miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.¼dcY3uYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.--More--¼dcYx¦ @Your angelic cloak blocks the cave spider's attack.¼dcY2NuYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.--More--½dcYW\=Your plate mail blocks the cave spider's attack.½dcYQ| …You miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.h--More--¾dcY \;Your helmet deflects the cave spider's attack.¾dcY¯.Unknown command ' '.¾dcYð¢?What do you want to wield? [- bntABE or ?*] ¾dcY¾W  Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance (weapon in hand) {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ a cursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  w - [ a +0 angelic cloak (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  j - ¾dcYÎW K? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} (1 of 2)¿dcYŠ5 ---------------.------.---..--|....|....|-------.....|....|-.....--|....||...-----|...........|......--...----.......|-.........-....---@......[....||........-|-.....--s........[..|[3¿dcY´5 1m--.|......|-.....,--,,-,,..j.|..h---..|----.....|-....,,..,,.....---?.|-.||....%.--|--,,.........,-|..--------%--...|--....%...,--...||..<.----.|[13;¿dcYÃ5 45H|.....,,.%.....--|..[..--|.||/.)%.|,---.....||......--.|-...>.-##-----.|--........|......|.|---........|........|.-----...-......|--......|..--0...--.......----.....--.....-----.¿dcYÐ5 5......|----.-----..|------.----|..|-------Never mind.¿dcYH uYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.--More--ÀdcY{BYour angelic cloak deflects the cave spider's attack.ÀdcY'`.Unknown command ' '.ÀdcY·•You miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.h.--More--ÀdcY›âBYour angelic cloak deflects the cave spider's attack.ÀdcY ]You miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.ÀdcYÚ™ .Unknown command ' '.ÀdcYAô ÁdcY†8hYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.--More--ÁdcYÒ.?Your plate mail deflects the cave spider's attack.ÁdcY¸1.Unknown command ' '.ÁdcY®j # ÂdcYÀ enhanceÂdcYÙî nhanceÂdcYr Current skills: (12 slots available)   Fighting Skills  bare-handed combat Unskilled (max Expert)  high heels Unskilled (max Expert)  general combat Unskilled (max Expert)  shield Basic (max Expert)  body armor Basic (max Expert)  two-handed weapons Unskilled (max Expert)  polymorphing Unskilled (max Expert)  devices Unskilled (max Expert)  searching Unskilled (max Expert)  spirituality Unskilled (max Expert)  petkeeping Unskilled (max Expert)  two-weapon combat Unskilled (max Expert)  riding Basic (max Master)  Weapon Skills  dagger Unskilled (max Expert)  knife Unskilled (max Expert)  axe Unskilled (max Expert)  pick-axe Unskilled (max Expert)  short sword ÂdcY0rk Unskilled (max Expert)  broadsword Unskilled (max Expert) (1 of 2)ÂdcY†Ë ---------------.------.---..--|....|....|-------.....|....|-.....--|....||...-----|...........|......--...----.......|-.........-....---@......[....||........-|-.....--s......h.[..|ÂdcY£Ë [m--.|......|-.....,--,,-,,..j.|...---..|----.....|-....,,..,,.....---?.|-.||....%.--|--,,.........,-|..--------%--...|--....%...,--...||..<.----.|ÂdcYµË |.....,,.%.....--|..[..--|.||/.)%.|,---.....||......--.|-...>.-##-----.|--........|......|.|---........|........|.-----...-......|--......|..--0...--.......----.....--.....-----ÂdcYÆË %[m.......|----.-----..|------.----|..|-------ÃdcYòˆYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.h.--More--ÃdcYI= KThe dwarf picks up a gnomish helm {1}.--More--ÃdcYH‚ JThe dwarf puts on a gnomish helm {1}.--More--ÄdcY2,?Your plate mail deflects the cave spider's attack.ÄdcYÕJuYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.--More--ÄdcYèsBYour angelic cloak deflects the cave spider's attack.ÄdcYÛ'Unknown command ' '.ÄdcY›ÝÄdcY¿÷ÄdcYEúÄdcY € IYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.ÄdcYS‚ --More--ÄdcY¢ LThe dwarf picks up a gnomish suit {20}.--More--ÄdcY¾ÛpThe dwarf puts on a gnomish suit {20}..The cave spider just misses!ÅdcY̨uYou miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.--More--ÅdcY[BYour leather gloves deflect the cave spider's attack.ÅdcY(.Unknown command ' '.ÅdcYÒi \You hit the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.ÅdcYie .Unknown command ' '.ÅdcY© ÆdcYP¹1What do you want to take off? [defw or ?*] ÆdcY,À  Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance (weapon in hand) {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ a cursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  w - [ a +0 angelic cloak (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  j - ÆdcYDÀ K? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} (1 of 2)ÉdcYwÓ+---------------.------.---..--|....|....|-------.....|....|-.....--|....||...-----|...........|......--...----.......|-.........-....---@...........||........-|-.....--s........[..|--.ÉdcY°Ó|......|-.....,--,,-,,..j.|...---..|----.....|-....,,..,,.....---?.|-.||....%.--|--,,.........,-|..--------%--...|--....%...,--...||..<.----.||...ÉdcYäÓ..,,.%.....--|..[..--|.||/.)%.|,---.....||......--.|-...>.-##-----.|--........|......|.|---........|........|.-----...-......|--......|..--0...--.......----.....--.....-----.......|[ÉdcYÔ+20;47H----.-----..|------.----|..|-------You can't. It is cursed.ÊdcYYv…You miss the cave spider.You miss the cave spider.h--More--ÊdcYe=Your plate mail blocks the cave spider's attack.ÊdcY0ü .Unknown command ' '.ÊdcY’N@You kill the cave spider!.ËdcYîP.Unknown command ' '.ËdcYW~ ËdcY²" .@.h.GThe gnome lord picks up a shuriken {1}.ËdcYà a.@..GÌdcYä¶0What do you want to read? [i-moqyz or ?*] ÌdcY™š Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance (weapon in hand) {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ a cursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  w - [ a cursed +0 angelic cloak (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healiÌdcYÚš^ng {5}  j - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} (1 of 2)ÍdcY~Ä  k - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {2}  l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of standard id {3}  m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of cure {2}  y - ? the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named Holcolleth {1}  z - ? a scroll labeled 01DOTE {1}  Potions  s - ! a cornflower potion {1}  u - ! a greasy potion {1}  Rings  o - = a pinewood ring {1}  q - = an agate ring {1}  Tools  p - ( a key {1}  r - ( a bag of tricks {5}  x - ( an expensive camera {1}  C - ( a whistle {1} (2 of 2)ÏdcYíC+---------------.------.---..--|....|....|-------.....|....|-.....--|....||...-----|...........|......--...----.......|-.........-....---..@......h..||........-|-.....--.........[..|ÏdcYBD--.|......|-.....,--,,-,,..j.|...---..|----.....|-....,,..,,.....---..|-.||....%.--|--,,.........,-|..--------%--...|--....%...,--...||..<.----.|[ÏdcY|D31m|.....,,.%.....--|..[..--|.||/..%.|,---.....||......--.|-.G.>.-##-----.|--........|......|.|---........|........|.-----...-......|--......|..--0...--.......----.....--.....-----[3ÏdcY²Dk7m.......|----.-----..|------.----|..|-------As you read the scroll, it disappears.--More--ÐdcYSu:This is a standard identify scroll.--More--ÐdcYÔÍ á What would you like to identify first?   Amulets ('"')  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons (')')  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  Armor ('[')  w - [ a cursed +0 angelic cloak (being worn) {4}  Comestibles ('%')  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls ('?')  y - ? the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named Holcolleth {1}  z - ? a scroll labeled 01DOTE {1}  Potions ('!')  s - ! a cornflower potion {1}  u - ! a greasy potion {1}  Rings ('=')  o - = a pinewood ring {1} (1 of 2)ÒdcY…N+ÒdcYˆ---------------.------.---..--|....|....|-------.....|....|-.....--|....||...-----|...........|......--...----.......|-.........-....---..@......h..||........-|-.....--.........[..|[3ÒdcYð1m--.|......|-.....,--,,-,,..j.|...---..|----.....|-....,,..,,.....---..|-.||....%.--|--,,.........,-|..--------%--...|--....%...,--...||..<.----.||ÒdcY:.....,,.%.....--|..[..--|.||/..%.|,---.....||......--.|-.G.>.-##-----.|--........|......|.|---........|........|.-----...-......|--......|..--0...--.......----.....--.....-----.....ÒdcY›^..|----.-----..|------.----|..|-------w - a cursed +0 cloak of luck negation (being worn) {4}.ÔdcYnÕ¨.@.h,jThe dwarf picks up a gnomish suit {20}.ÔdcY×™ e.@,G.ÕdcY(²&@.ÕdcY<…a@.h.).ÕdcYj8 0What do you want to read? [i-moqyz or ?*] ÖdcYVƒ Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance (weapon in hand) {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ a cursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  w - [ a cursed +0 cloak of luck negation (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrollsÖdcY‡ƒg of healing {5}  j - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} (1 of 2)ÖdcY  k - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {2}  l - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {1}  m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of cure {2}  y - ? the scroll labeled BIEN TACHYMETRE GRESILLEMENT named Holcolleth {1}  z - ? a scroll labeled 01DOTE {1}  Potions  s - ! a cornflower potion {1}  u - ! a greasy potion {1}  Rings  o - = a pinewood ring {1}  q - = an agate ring {1}  Tools  p - ( a key {1}  r - ( a bag of tricks {5}  x - ( an expensive camera {1}  C - ( a whistle {1} (2 of 2)ØdcYZ‡+---------------.------.---..--|....|....|-------.....|....|-.....--|....||@..-----|...........|......--...----.......|-.........-....---............||........-|-.....--........h...|--.ØdcYxˆ[31m|......|-.....,--,,-,,..).|...---..|----.....|-....,,..,,.....--,..|-.||....%.--|--,,.........,-|..--------%--...|--....%...,--...||..<.----.||.....ØdcYLj,,.%.....--|..[..--|.||/..%.|,---..j..||......--.|-...>.-##-----.|--........|......|.|---........|........|.-----...-......|--......|..--0...--.......----.....--.....-----.......[31ØdcYá‰Xm|----.-----..|------.----|..|-------As you read the scroll, it disappears.---...|---..---|......--...-.--............-|.@..........---.|.*......|-----.|--|.ÙdcYzh=What do you want to read? [i-moqz or ?*] ÙdcY9  Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance (weapon in hand) {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ a cursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  w - [ a cursed +0 cloak of luck negation (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrollsÙdcY© g of healing {5}  j - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} (1 of 2)ÚdcYLY§ k - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {2}  l - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {1}  m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of cure {2}  z - ? a scroll labeled 01DOTE {1}  Potions  s - ! a cornflower potion {1}  u - ! a greasy potion {1}  Rings  o - = a pinewood ring {1}  q - = an agate ring {1}  Tools  p - ( a key {1}  r - ( a bag of tricks {5}  x - ( an expensive camera {1}  C - ( a whistle {1} (2 of 2)ÚdcYÀz +---------------.------.---..--|....|....|-------.....|....|----.....--|....||...-----|...........|..|......--...----.......|-.........----..---....---............||........-||......--ÚdcY'{ [C...--.....--............|--.|......|--............--.....,--,,-,,..).|...---..|----.....||.@..........--....,,..,,.....--,..|-.||....%.----.|.*......||--,,.........,-|..---ÚdcYo{ [m-----%--...|-----.|----....%...,--...||..<.----.|||.....,,.%.....--|..[..--|.||/..%.|,---.....||......--.|-...>.-##-----.|--........|......|.|[ÚdcYã{ -m---........|........|.-----...-......|--......|..--0...--.......----.....--.....-----.......|----.-----..|------.----|..|-------As you read the scroll, it disappears.You hear a slight rumbling...--More--ÛdcYÍ”,Call a scroll labeled 01DOTE: ÜdcYͳ?ÜdcY=} ÝdcYø# ÞdcYƒprayÞdcY@írayÞdcY¶ß<Are you sure you want to pray? [yn] (n) ÞdcYmòæyYou begin praying to Brigit.You finish your prayer.KKK$KKK--More--ßdcYXThe voice of Brigit booms: "Thou hast angered me."--More--àdcY‡i)A black glow surrounds you.ádcYªjKWait! There's a Keystone Detective hiding under a gold piece {0}!ádcYÖ¶ádcY–T(Unknown command ' '.ádcY†`ádcYsádcY£€âdcY'XYou miss the Keystone Detective.You miss the Keystone Detective.âdcY].âdcYm‘0Unknown command ' '.âdcYícâdcY¯ `You miss the Keystone Detective.You miss the Keystone Detective.âdcYYà 0Unknown command ' '.âdcY´ãdcY³D•You miss the Keystone Detective.You miss the Keystone Detective.K.--More--ãdcY fThe RNG Lieutenant drinks a baloon flower potion {1}!.--More--ãdcYÍlQSuddenly you cannot see the RNG Lieutenant.--More--ãdcYc‚.The Keystone Detective hits you!ädcYJ®0Unknown command ' '.ädcY…ädcYýÊ DWait! There's something there you can't see!--More--ädcYù( eIYour cloak of luck negation blocks its attack.--More--ädcY–W MYour cloak of luck negation deflects the Kop Sergeant's attack.ådcY¾D0Unknown command ' '.ådcY0FYou miss it.You miss it.ådcY ·0Unknown command ' '.ådcYà ædcYÊ # ædcYoÒ tædcY¬þechniqueçdcYF¶² Choose a technique  Name Level Status a - turn undead 7 Prepared b - healing hands 7 Prepared c - shield bash 7 Prepared d - invoke deity 7 Prepared e - appraisal 7 Prepared f - panic digging 7 Prepared g - phase door 7 Prepared(end) êdcYý++------------.------.---..--|....|-------.....|....||....||...-----|...........|--...----.......|-.........----............||........-|--............|--.|......|--,,-,,..).|...--êdcY¿,Œ-..|----.....|,..,,.....--,..|-.||....%.--,.........,-|..--------%--...|--....%...,--...||..<.----.|If you need to get out of trouble, you can use this tech for a short-range teleport. It will teleport you over an euclidean distance of at least 3 but no more than 100.--More--êdcYi % --------- ------.------.---..--Use this technique? [yn] (n) ëdcYu *yYour body is transported to another location!...$...--------...-e..@-----ëdcYÖ+ ëdcYõ, "Unknown command ' '.ëdcY-úìdcYÁy ž..@.|......----ìdcY ™||@.e..--ídcYÃWRYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.ídcY—bîdcY^ïç@....----There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.--More--îdcYc fYour cloak of luck negation blocks the one-eyed bugger's attack.--More--ïdcYÃí>The one-eyed bugger breathes fragments!--More--ïdcYÜõ |ïdcY³× kThe blast of missiles hits you!The blast of missiles bounces!@ïdcY^¬|ðdcY A--More--ðdcYT^:The blast of missiles hits you!|ðdcY3 0ðdcYï #ðdcYšß @ðdcYÓ¶ #ðdcYj 0ðdcYqd #ðdcY…@*ðdcY  e--More--The blast of missiles hits the one-eyed bugger.--More--@ñdcYQÜ"Unknown command ' '.ñdcYDehYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.ñdcYx[ 0Unknown command ' '.ñdcY ” ñdcYW)ZYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.òdcYå0Unknown command ' '.òdcYÞ/òdcYc rYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.--More--òdcY  >Your helmet blocks the one-eyed bugger's attack.òdcY½ 0Unknown command ' '.ódcY„ZhYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.ódcYõódcY2¡"Unknown command ' '.ódcY«ÁódcYÿF rYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.--More--ódcYÜr GThe one-eyed bugger concentrates.--More--ôdcYLMLA wave of psychic energy pours over you!e.ôdcYŒi‘---.@.||-ôdcY ‰ _You just miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.ôdcY¶C0Unknown command ' '.õdcYzvõdcY#îrYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You kick the one-eyed bugger.--More--õdcYîÜNYour cloak of luck negation blocks the one-eyed bugger's attack.õdcYÑö0Unknown command ' '.õdcY×õ gYou hit the one-eyed bugger!You miss the one-eyed bugger.õdcY¤0Unknown command ' '.ödcY7÷ödcYb rYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.--More--ödcYBYour plate mail blocks the one-eyed bugger's attack.ödcYÈë0Unknown command ' '.ödcYbÓ hYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You kick the one-eyed bugger.÷dcY¾B0Unknown command ' '.÷dcYk&÷dcYv¦ZYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.÷dcYÐÑ0Unknown command ' '.÷dcYçº ÷dcYÌ[ BYou hit the one-eyed bugger.--More--ødcYiŠSYou get hurt by the one-eyed bugger's spikes!--More--ødcY5IYou miss the one-eyed bugger..eødcY=¬@..-There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.ødcYº 0Unknown command ' '.ødcYÙW ¦@.e.....--.---ødcYËq @.ùdcYâ-¸ -.-- |.... |@.-ùdcY‹ö…--(.-e..@ùdcY‘Þ :.@.údcY×3y-|@.There is a wall in the way!údcY(Io||..@.údcY;R•|.|@--.You see here a candle {1}.ûdcY4°ûdcY{´R----.-.-.-|.||.||.|.||@(ûdcYuúw@.There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.ûdcYï-- |.@.| -.-.....ûdcY8æ;@.--More--üdcYñ]'There is a wall in the way!üdcYBs .......@There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it..@üdcYþJ 6.@--More--ýdcY"6(There is a wall in the way!ýdcYìpK.@You see here a candle {1}.ýdcYÌï.Unknown command ' '.ýdcY—‰ (@ýdcYsÔ (There is a wall in the way!þdcYH +.@þdcYJÿ.@þdcY1.@þdcYïÏ ...@þdcYj° .@þdcY.î (There is a wall in the way!ÿdcYQH.e@.ÿdcYö’»..@There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it..@--More--ecY»])There is a wall in the way!ecYä0Unknown command ' '.ecYØ‹@e@.ecYO .@ecY–Ú =e..@ecY i>@.---ecYßÏZYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.ecY·Ä 0Unknown command ' '.ecYèO €You miss the one-eyed bugger.You kick the one-eyed bugger.--More--ecYºG VYour helmet blocks the one-eyed bugger's attack.--More--ecYžQ>The one-eyed bugger breathes fragments!--More--ecY,«-ecY©ƒAThe blast of missiles whizzes by you!-ecYEcFThe blast of missiles bounces!.@ecYÀ8-ecY´  -ecY+ët--More--The blast of missiles hits you!--More--.@ecYÏ7ZYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.ecYa²0Unknown command ' '.ecYÄô ecY¢kwYou just miss the one-eyed bugger.You kick the one-eyed bugger.--More--ecY¬\Your plate mail deflects the one-eyed bugger's attack.--More--ecYl%You hear crashing rock.ecY 0Unknown command ' '.ecYÖ| hYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.ecYD0Unknown command ' '.ecYG-ecYëwYou just miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.--More--ecY>_NYour cloak of luck negation blocks the one-eyed bugger's attack.ecYJ 0Unknown command ' '.ecYÔ†€You miss the one-eyed bugger.You kick the one-eyed bugger.--More--ecYR;You get hurt by the one-eyed bugger's spikes!ecY¾ï0Unknown command ' '.ecYimhYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.ecY† 0Unknown command ' '.ecYí ecY7örYou miss the one-eyed bugger.You miss the one-eyed bugger.--More--ecY[1@Your helmet deflects the one-eyed bugger's attack.ecYJ<0Unknown command ' '.ecYª‹ &@.ecYøþ .@ecYšF)There is a wall in the way!ecYßpecY˜r)There is a wall in the way!ecYÆš7There is a wall in the way!ecYm @e.@.ecY*Ö )There is a wall in the way!ecYï?7There is a wall in the way!ecY#37There is a wall in the way!ecYÌ* >..@ecY«§ /.-@ ecYã¬.@ ecY X.@ ecY’!There is a wall in the way! ecY‰ ecYb‘ ecY|›+@. ecYâž"@... ecYþhYou hear crashing rock.@.There is a wall in the way! ecYÌR......@There is a wall in the way! ecY½á 0@. ecYÞE'@. ecY!ë )There is a wall in the way! ecYÈ6³@.There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.@..--More-- ecY‰Ø (There is a wall in the way! ecY )°..@There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it..@--More-- ecYJ+ )There is a wall in the way!ecYéÎO...@ecY×°RYou hear crashing rock.There is a wall in the way!ecY/Ü»@....There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.ecYÄé --More--ecY[·!There is a wall in the way!ecYþecY`xecYQÑ.@ecYvtA..@There is a wall in the way!ecY_ž0Unknown command ' '.ecYSRWait! There's something there you can't see!--More--ecYÿ\ IecYKæ"Unknown command ' '.ecYi#FYou miss it.You miss it.ecYÝ/ FYou miss it.You miss it.ecYÊT FYou miss it.You kick it.ecY Z !It just misses!ecY÷0FYou miss it.You miss it.ecYê|You miss it.You kick it.Your plate mail deflects its attack.ecY¾0Unknown command ' '.ecY ]You hit it.You miss it.--More--ecYÔ^VYour cloak of luck negation deflects its attack.--More--ecYAÒ%You hear crashing rock.ecY!'JYou hit it.You just miss it.ecY_Ï 0Unknown command ' '.ecYY` zYou miss it.You miss it.Your plate mail blocks its attack.ecY 0Unknown command ' '.ecY+U uYou miss it.You kick it.You kill it!*ecYŒ'0Unknown command ' '.ecY€V@.You see here 7 rocks {4}.ecYÓ0Unknown command ' '.ecYy_7There is a wall in the way!ecY=s0Unknown command ' '.ecYæ„7There is a wall in the way!ecYŸCe..-.*@ecY¤b r--|.|@.ecYÔä?K@.ecYº­W@.|.---ecYI~.@ecY=µ gYou miss the kestrel.You just miss the kestrel.--More--ecYå>Your large shield deflects the kestrel's attack.ecY+<You kill the kestrel!%ecYä#(Unknown command ' '.ecYü%ecYÀâK...@ Things that are here: a kestrel corpse {1450} a statue of a large flea {7}--More--ecYg” b--------.------.---..--..|-------.....|....|aThe statue comes to life!ecY¢— ecY=¹ •-|K.MK.a@ecYüÁ "Unknown command ' '.ecYÆwecYH)There is a wall in the way!ecYf(0Unknown command ' '.ecYSÓ--.......@.Your helmet blocks the large flea's attack..ecYŠ´ *--...eM@a%Your cloak of luck negation deflects the Keystone Kop's attack..K--More--ecY“N EThe Keystone Detective throws a cream pie!%ecYü) --More--ecYGq NYou are almost hit by a cream pie..%ecYK @ecY™(Unknown command ' '.ecYN›ecYq–ecY=™Â.e.MIa@..-.-ecY¢@...----..-ecY¤Q---...-G..K..Ka@||-ecYÑBž.G.e.M.@a.ecYäO E--.-.|K@.K.-..a|The Keystone Detective throws a cream pie!--More--ecYßTGThe cream pie hits the dcss mummy.--More--ecYÌ/EThe dcss mummy is blinded by the cream pie.%ecY…MecY558-.@ecYBf!Unknown command ' '.ecY)Ž+-..e..@Ma.You hear crashing rock.The gnome lord wields a silver saber {12}!.GecYãÂ.Unknown command ' '.ecY̼Ÿ..aG@K..KecYèB(There is a wall in the way!ecY”ö ®a@$..-e.MecYºPð|.|.----@.....|.-..|,.ecYžP¹a.@.G.e.K.jecY±õ...a.@G.E.....--.ecYHì ë---.....@-ejYour plate mail deflects the whirlwind's attack.ecYe'¢a@.-.-,.ecYŸ--|a@G...EK.,.e-ecYWê â..a@.,Your plate mail deflects the whirlwind's attack..G--More--ecY @Your leather gloves deflect the whirlwind's attack.ecY&¤ .Unknown command ' '.ecY¨ $.@ecYåÙna...E@eecYJi—You hit the displacement sphere.You miss the displacement sphere..a--More--ecYá\\The displacement sphere explodes!You're pushed back!--More-- ecYi---------------..-----------.------.---..--|......--|..||....|-------.....|....|-----......----..||....||...-----|...........| ---|..|--...........------...----.......|-.........- -- ecYÉi.-----..---|...............|---............||........-| |...||......--.....---.......|--............|--.|......| --.----.$..........----..E..,,--,,-,,..).|...---..|----.....| |.||..I.........----.@..[1 ecYáim,,..,,.....--,..|-.||....%.-- |.|--.|.........||..--,,.........,,|..--------%--...| |.|----.--..|..-------,-....%...,--...||..<.----.| |.||[ ecYùim..%.|--.|---|.....,,.%.....--|..[..--|.| |.||.----|.-|/..%.|,---..j..||......--.| |.-------.||.-...>.-##-----.|--........| |.(.|----.*..|-- ecYj......|.|---........| ---.------....----........|.-----...-......| |...|....------......|..--0...--.......- |.....--..|---.....--.....-----.......| ---.......|----.-----..|------.----.---.----| ecY+jq..|------------- ecYÃæ"Unknown command ' '. ecY†  ecY )There is a wall in the way!!ecYs‚c.@Your plate mail deflects the whirlwind's attack.!ecY ®a.E@Your cloak of luck negation blocks the whirlwind's attack.!ecY˜0Unknown command ' '.!ecY½ !ecY ç ba..E@,,"ecYG5ij,@##."ecY¤£ m.a.E,@j#ecY÷:V.,,,,@#ecYË~“.@..-...|--#ecYb9Ea,E.@$ecYÚuI..E.@$ecYcÿ .@...,-.-#--$ecYöÉ }.E.@..$ecY'† Š@.|You see here a nicked wand {1}..--More--%ecY´7You sense a faint wave of psychic energy.%ecYÉ) 0Unknown command ' '.%ecYXã 2G - a nicked wand {1}.&ecYáM7What do you want to zap? [G or ?*] &ecYæ.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 'ecY0(ecYÌ/ú.@..,.,,.#-,,.-You hear crashing rock.(ecYÔ‘ ----.---....@,,,,,..|........|-------(ecY^# …-,.--.-@)ecYû;9)@.)ecYÛQ,..@-)ecYÍÁŽ,,.@#Your body is too large to fit through.*ecYìæ3,@,*ecYU@.*ecY  1E@.*ecYi £j..E@..-+ecY‹}}}}}}}}}M}}}}}..}}.....}}}}}}..}}}}}}.}}....}...}}....}}}}}}}....}}}}}}.}}}}}.}...}}.}}}}}}}}..}}}.G.B.}...........}}}}............@.G..}}}.....}}}}}}..}.}}}}}..}}..}}}}...G.M..}}}.......+ecY¤}}}...$..}}}......}.}}.......}}}}...}}...}}}}}.......}.}}}.*..}...}}..............}}}}}}...........G.}}}}}...}}.......}.......,.........G."..(.....}.......}}...}.........}}}}.....*...............}}*}}}}...h.....}}}}>.........}}.}....[+ecY´}m}}}}}.}}G..c...Z.}}}}}.....}}.}}}}}....}..}}}.}.....}}}}}}..}}.}}..}}}..}}}}}.}}}}}}}}..}}}}}}}}}..}},ecY.„---------------..-----------.------.---..--|......--|..||....|-------.....|....|-----......----..||....||...-----|...........| ---|..|--...........------...----.......|-.........- --[3,ecYO„7m.-----..---|...............|---............||........-| |...||......--.....---.......|--............|--.|......| --.----.$..........----.....,,--,,-,,..j.|...---..|----.....| |.||..I.........----....,,,[,ecY,…37m..,,.....--,..|-.||....%.-- |.|--.|.........||..--,,,.........,,|..--------%--...| |.|----.--..|..------##-,-....%...,--...||..<.----.| |.||..[3,ecYB…3m%.|--.|---|.E...,,.%.....--|..[..--|.| |.||.----|.--|...%.|,--,.....||......--.| |.-------.||.---,.--...@.---,-----.|--........| |.(.|----.*..|[16,ecYW…;24H-----..............,#|.|---........| ---.------....-----,,,,,...,,...........-#|.-----...-......| |...|....----|.........-,,...,-........||..--0...--.......- |.....--..||----------.-#---......|--...,ecYm…ò..-----.......| ---.......|------.-------..|------.----.---.-----|..|-------------,ecYˆ‰*.E,ecYB8"Unknown command ' '.-ecYA-p.aE.@>-ecY²$e..E@.j-ecY³h ,@.ecY8ô)There is a wall in the way!.ecYâ Q.E@.,.ecYÆq p),E@....ecYF4Your body is too large to fit through./ecY%;BYour body is too large to fit through./ecYn tYou miss the whirlwind.You kick the whirlwind.--More--0ecYÏv>Your plate mail deflects the whirlwind's attack.0ecYù 0Unknown command ' '.0ecY¼t 0ecY" ?,@j1ecY 8,E@1ecYK¶a,#,,E@Your plate mail blocks the whirlwind's attack.2ecY½L,@.E2ecYm8@..3ecY?å>.E@.3ecYíPO..E@You hear crashing rock.3ecYíÌ-.@3ecYÓ' 7...@3ecYߢ 5..@4ecYœÂ{.@There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.4ecY¥ž-.@4ecY} .@4ecY”e .@5ecY×½.@5ecYÊ.@5ecYƒ'@.5ecYaq '@.5ecYE½ )There is a wall in the way!5ecY A6).@6ecYô3'@.6ecY‚%@.6ecY4 %@.6ecY0 %@.6ecYB{/@.7ecYƒœ}}..}##.....}##..<.}#}I}I}...}#}}}}#.}}...}}.}}}}...}#..}}}#...###}.*.}.....}}}..#}*..}.}}}.....}}}}}}#......*....%......}.)cY>â3m%....................}}}I}#.........}##......}}......}......}I...}}..}.}#.%..#}}}.).I}@................}##}#.}}#}7ecYœ¡}8ecYwÀ ZWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)9ecYCT 9ecYÌÔ|..@.>F...9ecYø¬;:ecYl#€...@.;F.>..:ecY:˜ ‡....@.......;ecYî‡....@.......;ecYk¬‡....@.......;ecYhÊ}....@...;ecYç9 n...@...;ecY3Ž‡.h...@...ecY……`.@...>ecY¦5P.@..>ecYDÿR..@...>ecYÔë Z..@..?ecYŸá>@...?ecY”d[....@..?ecY«F----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........@...|-......||..}....|,,#--------.------(%.......||...}...|,,##,#--..|-......|#|}.....(|,,##,##|...||[?ecYÉF30m.....%|###,.}...}.|,,##,##,...||......,##,,....}..,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,,#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,#####,...|#-,,,,,,###,...|[?ecYØF’m,#,,,,,,##|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,#|...........*#<,,|................##,,,(.............$.#,,................AecY»YXWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)AecY[AecY¹î}......>...@..AecY’îM...(%.................,,,,,,,,,,.#@.,.AecY{Û$,,.,..,......,,,,,,,,,,,@,,BecYñ###--------,#----------#####0|.......,#|.........,#,#######,|.....%|%###|........|##0,,,,,#-------#,|.......,,,,..^.......,######,,......##,|......|,#,,|........|,##,,|.....##,|......|,,,,|........|,###BecY=ñ,....#.%##,|......|,,,,|........|,##,-----.-##,,------.-,,,,----------,##,,##,,,,,,,,,,----------####,#########,####,######,,,##,|........+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##,####,|........|#####,########,###,,######,,##,,,.........|#####,#BecYKñ-------#,,,,,##,,###,#,|........|,,,,,,,+.....|,#---.------.---,,,,|.........,,###,,|......,,.........|..@.,,,#|........|,,,,,,,+.....|#,|<.....{||...|##,#----------#####,|.....|#,|.......||....ecYXñJ32m,,,,0#,.....^|,,.........-----#######|......,#----------------##CecYG‡/,>@,CecYší U,@,.,DecYrž),@,,DecYyÆU,,,@,,DecYªíO,,,@,DecYLZ,,@,,DecY-ƒ i,,@,,,DecYaÖ W,,.@,EecY@K.@EecY¾>E......@There is a wall in the way!EecY¨þ-.@EecY3o .@EecY{ )There is a wall in the way!EecYØàT,.@,,FecY–øz,,.,@,,There is a wall in the way!FecYè%c,,,,,,@,FecYn‰,,,,,,,,@,Ouch! You bump into a door.GecYÎ[,,,@,GecY—€k,,,.@..GecY×Ðf,.,.@..GecYñ( O..@..GecYQB ‡....@B......HecY³T‡....@.......HecY1..F.@..B...HecYi§.,..@,.Your plate mail blocks the chaffinch's attack.IecY¿M\You miss the chaffinch.You miss the chaffinch.IecYí=tYou miss the chaffinch.You miss the chaffinch.--More--IecYqïJYour cloak of luck negation deflects the chaffinch's attack.JecY±tYou miss the chaffinch.You miss the chaffinch.--More--JecYÌCHYour cloak of luck negation blocks the chaffinch's attack.JecY³X?You kill the chaffinch!%JecYΠ0Unknown command ' '.JecYdšÑ.,-..,.@..You see here a chaffinch corpse {25}.JecYžÆ0Unknown command ' '.JecY¨²m...%.@..KecYûG¢...@....You see here a chaffinch corpse {25}.KecY·vKecYfz–.,F.@,.%..KecYâì[...@,,KecY E-,@FKecY”P 5,,,@KecYð~ ?,.@,KecYŸ‚ .@LecYÿ–YYou just miss the spore lichen.You miss the spore lichen.LecY¢©bYou miss the spore lichen.You miss the spore lichen.LecYE`0Unknown command ' '.LecYÕÜbYou miss the spore lichen.You miss the spore lichen.LecY—0Unknown command ' '.LecYç(MYou kill the spore lichen!%LecYOa ª.@ Things that are here: a spore lichen corpse {20} a poisoned trident {10}--More--MecY?{ 0MecYÀg +%@NecYÓP.@NecYSc@.NecYÚ\@.NecY³† '@.OecY îœ.@ Things that are here: a spore lichen corpse {20} a poisoned trident {10}--More--OecY Í0OecY= ê Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - ) a poisoned trident {10} Comestibles ('%') b - % a spore lichen corpse {20}(end) PecYeÑ+PecYý3##-------,......#,|.....#,....#.%H - a poisoned trident {10}.PecYi1%@QecY9†.@QecY±y.@QecY;.@QecYå/ # QecY ždipRecYÚ‘<What do you want to dip? [b-xA-H or ?*] RecY*Ö  Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance (weapon in hand) {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  H - ) a poisoned trident {10}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ a cursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  w - [ a cursed +0 cloak of luck negation (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  ScrolRecY?Ö \ls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} (1 of 2)TecYS¦+###--------,#----------#####0|.......,#|.........,#,#######,|.....%|%###|........|##0,,,,,#-------#,|.......,,,,..^.......,######,,......##,|......|,#,,|........|,##,,|.....##,|......|,,,,|........|,#ecYs¦H##,....#.%##,|......|,,,,|........|,##,-----.-##,,------.-,,,,----------,##,,##,,,,,,,,,,----------####,#########,####,######,,,##,|........+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##,####,|........|#####,########,###,,######,,##,,,.........|#####,TecYƒ¦#-------#,,,,,##,,###,#,|........|,,,,,,,+.....|,#---.------.---,,,,|.........,,###,,|......,,...%.....|..>.,,,#|........|,,,,,,,+....%|#,|<.....@||...|##,#----------#####,|.....|#,|.......|ecYŸ¦—H|....,,,,0#,.....^|,,.........-----#######|......,#----------------##Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) UecYn{iyYour cloak of luck negation gets wet.You hear bubbling water.VecY%=# WecY£ƒdipWecYÉ·<What do you want to dip? [b-xA-H or ?*] WecYß 1Dip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) XecYÔü†yYour cloak of luck negation gets wet.The water glows for a moment.--More--XecYø $The fountain dries up!YecYös ?What do you want to take off? [defw or ?*] ZecYŒ$QYou were wearing an uncursed +0 cloak of luck negation {4}.ZecYJ >What do you want to drop? [$b-xA-H or ?*] ZecYf¨ IYou drop an uncursed +0 cloak of luck negation {4}.×ecYi@Specify unknown object by cursor? [ynq] (q) ØecY·h qØecYØ}4@[ÙecY4O,.@,,ÙecY•ºt,.@##There is a wall in the way!ÙecYƒ½ÚecYâØÚecY|á‘,,,,,#@,###ÚecY½ ‚###@,,,,.,ÚecYø X#,###,,,,,@#,###r#d....|..$|....|------There is a wall in the way!ÛecYN@ ÜecYÊWNYou miss the sewer rat.You miss the sewer rat.ÜecYë XYou kill the sewer rat!..ÝecYA}ò,-@-..d.|..|..|.-ÝecYÖw¡,,---.-|.@The normal pete just misses!ÝecY¿» `You miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.ÞecY]xYou miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--ÞecY‰i @Your plate mail deflects the normal pete's attack.ßecYŠxYou miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--ßecY×I @Your plate mail deflects the normal pete's attack.ßecYz6 }You just miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--àecYþ¤:Your helmet blocks the normal pete's attack.àecYŠwYou hit the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--àecYñ'The normal pete hits you!àecY. xYou miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--àecY"Â@Your large shield blocks the normal pete's attack.áecYp XYou miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.áecY´áecYô‹(Unknown command ' '.áecY,áecYuXWYou hit the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.áecYó\âecY¸¹xYou miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--âecY¾' >Your plate mail blocks the normal pete's attack.âecYŒÝ xYou miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--ãecYµú'The normal pete hits you!ãecY*xYou miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--ãecY°‡&You hear bubbling water.ãecY{ðwYou hit the normal pete!You kick the normal pete.--More--ãecYäÝ 'The normal pete hits you!ãecYp xYou miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--ãecYîø %The normal pete misses.ãecYò xYou miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--äecY=ÿ 'The normal pete hits you!äecY½­ xYou miss the normal pete.You miss the normal pete.--More--äecYìg <Your helmet deflects the normal pete's attack.äecY8õ ƒA helpful reminder: did you try applying your weapon or firing projectiles from it yet?--More--äecYê‡_ ###You kill the normal pete!.åecYðÇ%.@åecY¶<"Unknown command ' '.åecY¾z--,.@,#åecY‰§ K,.,@åecY¬ˆ L.@You see here 2 gold pieces {0}.æecY‰ædUnknown command 'M-P'.Unknown command 'M-1'.çecYu»In what direction? [hykulnjb><] cmdassist: Invalid direction key! Valid direction keys are:  y k u  \ | /  h- . -l  / | \  b j n  < up  > down  . direct at yourself (Suppress this message with !cmdassist in config file.)--More--çecYØ ###--------,#----------#####0|.......,#|.........,#,#######,|.....%|%###|........|##0,,,,,#-------#,|.......,,,,..^.......,######,,......##,|......|,#,,|........|,##,,|.....##,|......|,,,,|........|,###çecY<,....#.%##,|......|,,,,|........|,##,-----.-##,,------.-,,,,----------,##,,##,,,,,,,,,,----------####,#########,####,######,,,##,|........+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#-#,####,|........|#####,########,###,,####-##,,##,,,.........[çecYj33m|#####,#-------#,,,,,#####,####,,###,#,|........|,,,,,,,+.....|,#---.-----,,,,,,#-.---,,,,|.........,,###,,|......,,...%.....,----.--,|..>.,,,#|........|,,,,,,,+....%|#,|<.....[|,|......,|...[çecY½á36m|##,#----------#####,|.....|#,|.......|,|.....|#|....,,,,0#,.....^|,,.........,|....@|-----#######|......,#---------#|.....|-------##-------çecYö ½ Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) çecYñ” mèecY# èecY¢ enhanceèecYÞ nhanceèecY¿U  Current skills: (12 slots available)   Fighting Skills  bare-handed combat Unskilled (max Expert)  high heels Unskilled (max Expert)  general combat Unskilled (max Expert)  shield Basic (max Expert)  body armor Basic (max Expert)  two-handed weapons Unskilled (max Expert)  polymorphing Unskilled (max Expert)  devices Unskilled (max Expert)  searching Unskilled (max Expert)  spirituality Unskilled (max Expert)  petkeeping Unskilled (max Expert)  two-weapon combat Unskilled (max Expert)  riding Basic (max Master)  Weapon Skills  dagger Unskilled (max Expert)  knife Unskilled (max Expert)  axe Unskilled (max Expert)  pick-axe Unskilled (max Expert)  short sword èecY×U k Unskilled (max Expert)  broadsword Unskilled (max Expert) (1 of 2)éecYë“ long sword Basic (max Expert)  two-handed sword Unskilled (max Expert)  scimitar Unskilled (max Expert)  saber Unskilled (max Expert)  club Unskilled (max Expert)  paddle Unskilled (max Expert)  mace Unskilled (max Expert)  morning star Unskilled (max Expert)  flail Unskilled (max Expert)  hammer Unskilled (max Expert)  polearms Unskilled (max Expert)  spear Unskilled (max Expert)  javelin Unskilled (max Expert)  trident Unskilled (max Expert)  lance Basic (max Legendary)  bow Unskilled (max Expert)  crossbow Unskilled (max Expert)  Spellcasting Skills  healing spells Unskilled (max Expert)  protection spells Unskilled (max Expert)  béecYý“Gody spells Unskilled (max Expert) (2 of 2)êecYŠ Current skills: (12 slots available)   Fighting Skills  bare-handed combat Unskilled (max Expert)  high heels Unskilled (max Expert)  general combat Unskilled (max Expert)  shield Basic (max Expert)  body armor Basic (max Expert)  two-handed weapons Unskilled (max Expert)  polymorphing Unskilled (max Expert)  devices Unskilled (max Expert)  searching Unskilled (max Expert)  spirituality Unskilled (max Expert)  petkeeping Unskilled (max Expert)  two-weapon combat Unskilled (max Expert)  riding Basic (max Master)  Weapon Skills  dagger Unskilled (max Expert)  knife Unskilled (max Expert)  axe Unskilled (max Expert)  pick-axe Unskilled (max Expert)  short sword Unskilled (maxêecY™[ Expert)  broadsword Unskilled (max Expert) (1 of 2)êecYf+ ###--------,#----------#####0|.......,#|.........,#,#######,|.....%|%###|........|##0,,,,,#-------#,|.......,,,,..^.......,######,,......##,|......|,#,,|........|,##,,|.....##,|......|,,,,|........|,###êecYŒ+ ,....#.%##,|......|,,,,|........|,##,-----.-##,,------.-,,,,----------,##,,##,,,,,,,,,,----------####,#########,####,######,,,##,|........+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#-#,####,|........|#####,########,###,,####-##,,##,,,[3êecYš+ 3m.........|#####,#-------#,,,,,#####,####,,###,#,|........|,,,,,,,+.....|,#---.-----,,,,,,#-.---,,,,|.........,,###,,|......,,...%.....,----.--,|..>.,,,#|........|,,,,,,,+....%|#,|<.....[|,|......,[êecY¨+ õ36m|...|##,#----------#####,|.....|#,|.......|,|.....|#|....,,,,0#,.....^|,,.........,|....@|-----#######|......,#---------#|.....|-------##-------ëecYä)@$ëecY^Ó)There is a wall in the way!ëecY 0@.ëecYy .@ìecY¢eL.@You see here 2 gold pieces {0}.ìecYô*2 gold pieces.ìecYYP m@..There is a wall in the way!ìecYn/<,.@,íecYbS#.@##íecYï  ---###,...#,,@#,,,,#,,There is a wall in the way!íecY¹íecYÏ<îecYŠ5##-----,@....|,,|.......|,,(......|......|-------îecYö‰—,-.@,||.--îecY6Z.@îecYý;C....@There is a wall in the way!îecYÕ7There is a wall in the way!îecYÞ x...@There is a wall in the way!ïecYE–&@.ïecY¤q@.ïecYÿHB@.There is a wall in the way!ïecY¼_@.You see here a looking glass {1}.ïecY¼º 7There is a wall in the way!ðecY(b 4I - a looking glass {1}.ñecY Em@..There is a wall in the way!ñecY©_=,@.,ñecY%¦»,-,,,,@,,,.There is a wall in the way!òecYÍ6A,@,,òecY )There is a wall in the way!òecY4ƒ hWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)òecYùƒ óecY­²ã,,,@.r,dYour plate mail deflects the sewer rat's attack.aóecYn¡tYou miss the sewer rat.You kick the sewer rat.--More--ôecY[mYou kill the sewer rat!ôecYEp4.a.ôecYa× 0Unknown command ' '.ôecY»vYou miss the normal ant.You miss the normal ant.--More--õecY’ZYour leather gloves deflect the normal ant's attack.--More--õecY©B$The normal ant misses.öecYåd^You miss the normal ant.You miss the normal ant.öecY˜ 0Unknown command ' '.öecY2ÐöecYG‰hYou miss the normal ant.You miss the normal ant.--More--öecY¨®?Your plate mail deflects the normal ant's attack.öecYÉ‘vYou miss the normal ant.You miss the normal ant.--More--öecYœÁ QThe normal ant misses.d--More--÷ecYg?Your plate mail deflects the normal ant's attack.÷ecYja0Unknown command ' '.÷ecYŽ! vYou miss the normal ant.You miss the normal ant.--More--÷ecYÅ eYour plate mail deflects the normal ant's attack.d.÷ecYx 0Unknown command ' '.øecY"^You miss the normal ant.You miss the normal ant.øecY»É0Unknown command ' '.øecYakøecYÈ…hYou miss the normal ant.You kick the normal ant.--More--øecYFs zYour plate mail deflects the normal ant's attack..d--More--øecY–ï 'The normal ant bites you!øecYù vYou miss the normal ant.You kick the normal ant.--More--ùecY0òIYou kill the normal ant!d.ùecY¨.ùecYy/"Unknown command ' '.ùecY¢kbYou miss the thick jackal.You miss the thick jackal.ùecY¥° 0Unknown command ' '.ùecYêÚ ùecYF; qYou just miss the thick jackal.You miss the thick jackal.--More--ùecYK8AYour plate mail deflects the thick jackal's attack.úecYh/BYou kill the thick jackal!%úecY$Q0Unknown command ' '.úecY+e¾,,,,@There is a doorway here.You see here a normal ant corpse {10}.úecY®t0Unknown command ' '.úecY•ƒO,%,@úecY³›¡,@,.There is a doorway here.You see here a normal ant corpse {10}.ûecYÞ¸%%@ûecYã­o@,There is a doorway here.You see here a normal ant corpse {10}.üecYÑa0Unknown command ' '.üecYSç <What do you want to eat? [ghnvF or ?*,] üecYR5 – eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % a normal ant corpse {10}(end) üecY»@½+------.....#This normal ant corpse tastes terrible!--More--ýecY F6You finish eating the normal ant corpse.ýecY–¯ 0Unknown command ' '.þecY»ÄhWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)þecY]2 þecY'Î Ì,,,,,,,@.,,..,þecYV +,@,þecY9,.,[,@You hear a door open.,,@...%.,..ÿecY}¡@,ÿecY|µ4.@..,.....,,,You hear a door open.-@...(00(B..fcYÃ+ ,@..,.Your large shield blocks the two of clubs' attack.fcYŸ±|,,@,-.,.fcYÆî©P,,,,,,,,@,,,,,fcY¿ Y,@...,,fcY¿üx@.....(00(B..There is a wall in the way!fcY—8 z.P@..(00(BfcYˆAn,,@,...fcYèX ,@.fcY#€),@,,fcY.í‚,,,.@,,,,fcYzëf,,,@,,,fcYÆç],,,@,fcY7S I,@.,fcYÞ+----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........>...|-......||..}....|,,#--------.------(%.......||...}...|,,##,#--..|-......|#|}.....(|,,##,##|...||.....%|###fcY(,,.}...}.|,,##,##,...||......,##,,....}..,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,,#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,######,...|#-,,,,,,###,...|,#,,,fcYa,|,,,##|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,#|...........*#@,,|................##,,,(.............$.#,,................fcYp ZWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)fcY«Ž fcYÐ fcY¾:t,,,<,@,#,fcYÈ.),@,,fcYeb,.,,@F.fcY›] ,.,,.,@.fcY3»-Really attack the red growth? [yn] (n) fcYé“ n fcY]`,.,.@. fcYW”h(...................@. fcYDñp.....................@. fcYãV....@. fcYÊV....@. fcY-Ë You hear a flinging sound. fcYeÌ fcY,ÍIt is missed. fcY5~ ) fcYöU  fcYìV --More-- fcY¹'ZYou are almost hit by a poisoned orcish arrow..) fcYC@ fcYÄ; C...@. fcYI—_F..@.... fcY¥Ô hYou hit the red patch.You are suddenly very hot!--More-- fcY©†QYou miss the red patch.You are suddenly very hot! fcY¾š¡.....-.@|..| fcY;0 3What do you want to wield? [- bntABEH or ?*] fcYØ… Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance (weapon in hand) {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  H - ) a poisoned trident {10}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ a cursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  j - ? 4 fcY"†;uncursed scrolls of mana {4} (1 of 2)fcYVð +----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........>...|-......||..}....|,,#--------.------(%.......||...}...|,,##,#--..|-......|#|}.....(|,,##,##|...||.....%|[3fcYìð 3m###,.}...}.|,,##,##,...||......,##,,....}..,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,,#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,######,...|#-,,,,,,###,...|,#fcYPñ ,,,,,,##|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,#|...........*...#<,,|...................-##,,,(.............$......@|##,,......................|H - a pofcY”ñ 9isoned trident (weapon in hand) {10}.--More--fcY¿¯ ----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........>...|-......||..}....|,,#--------.------(%.......||...}...|,,##,#--..|-......|#|}.....(|,,##,##|...||.....%[33fcY[µ m|###,.}...}.|,,##,##,...||......,##,,....}..,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,,#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,######,...|#-,,,,,,###,...|,fcYÂÆ ý#,,,,,,##|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,#|...........*...#<,,|...................-##,,,(.............$......@|##,,......................|fcYL=3What do you want to wield? [- bntABEH or ?*] fcYu  Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  H - ) a poisoned trident (weapon in hand) {10}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ a cursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  j - ? 4 fcY¨ ;uncursed scrolls of mana {4} (1 of 2)fcY¥™----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........>...|-......||..}....|,,#--------.------(%.......||...}...|,,##,#--..|-......|#|}.....(|,,##,##|...||.....%|###fcYù™,.}...}.|,,##,##,...||......,##,,....}..,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,,#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,######,...|#-,,,,,,###,...|,#,,,fcY—Ÿí,,,##|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,#|...........*...#<,,|...................-##,,,(.............$......@|##,,......................|fcYa¥Never mind.fcY +Pick an object.fcYÅï fcYáð @ a human or elf or you (centaur knight called stonewall)  Accessing Pokedex entry for knight...   Base statistics of this monster type:  Base level = 10, difficulty = 12, AC = 10, magic resistance = 1, alignment 3. Normal speed (12). Normal generation, with frequency 1. Uncommon (by factor 2). No resistances. No conveyed resistances. Not genocidable, carnivorous, herbivorous. Is the same race as you. Can be seen with infravision. Is a playable role and thus likely to be well-armed. Origin: Vanilla NetHack or SLASH'EM. Is not a valid polymorph form.  Attacks:  1d6, uses weapon - ordinary physical  1dfcYñ 6, uses weafcY´ñ Zpon - ordinary physical  --More--fcYœ¤----------------------------------### |...............||......||.....}.|#,# |...........>...|-......||..}....|,,# --------.------(%.......||...}...|,,# #,#--..|-......|#|}.....(|,,# #,##|...[fcY¥33m||.....%|###,.}...}.|,,# #,##,...||......,##,,....}..,,,# #,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,## ####,###,,,,...|##,,###### #,###,,,...|##,,####,,# #####,...|#-,,,,,,[fcYw¥m## #,...|,#,,,,,,# #|...|,##,,,,##fcYo© 3What do you want to wield? [- bntABEH or ?*] fcYî9 Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  H - ) a poisoned trident (weapon in hand) {10}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ a cursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  j - ? 4 fcYC:;uncursed scrolls of mana {4} (1 of 2)fcY8„+----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........>...|-......||..}....|,,#--------.------(%.......||...}...|,,##,#--..|-......|#|}.....(|,,##,##|...||.....%|[33fcYË„m###,.}...}.|,,##,##,...||......,##,,....}..,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,,#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,######,...|#-,,,,,,###,...|,#fcY…[33m,,,,,,##|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,,###^,,,,-%----------------##,,###,................#,,##|.......%........,,,#|...........*...#<,,|...................-##,,,(.............$......@|##,,......................|Your poisfcY=†/oned trident is welded to your hand!fcYû­..|.@-.........fcY[Õ You hear a flinging sound.fcY×fcYÐ×It is hit!fcYL¶fcY ³ fcYà ....-.@,.-fcY°Ì¦.#..@#.#There is a wall in the way!fcYj÷Ý(01(B..F@..,...Your plate mail deflects the small turret's attack.--More--fcYnü BYour leather gloves block the small turret's attack.fcYNÞÉ..)@......You hear a flinging sound.It is hit.fcYêIt is destroyed!fcYN×fcYS' †---F@(01(B....fcYæ$lYou miss the small turret.You miss the small turret.--More--fcY! YYour plate mail deflects the small turret's attack.--More-- fcYüýDYour leather gloves deflect the small turret's attack.!fcY¯¬FYou kill the small turret!)!fcYÐO0Unknown command ' '.!fcYÜW!fcY´2 NYou miss the slow mold.You miss the slow mold."fcYFŒ\You miss the slow mold.You kick the slow mold."fcY]”JYou hit the slow mold.--More--#fcY1ñVThe poison doesn't seem to affect the slow mold.--More--#fcYF %You miss the slow mold.$fcYè/|You miss the slow mold.You miss the slow mold.You slow down.$fcYæÒ0Unknown command ' '.$fcYçä\You miss the slow mold.You miss the slow mold.$fcY; 0Unknown command ' '.$fcYSQ \You miss the slow mold.You miss the slow mold.$fcYÞ 3You miss the slow mold.$fcY# )You miss the slow mold.$fcYj 0Unknown command ' '.$fcYçƒJYou hit the slow mold.--More--%fcYÐUVThe poison doesn't seem to affect the slow mold.--More--%fcYGº %You miss the slow mold.%fcYò 0Unknown command ' '.%fcY27\You miss the slow mold.You miss the slow mold.&fcY0/0Unknown command ' '.&fcY[T„You miss the slow mold.You kick the slow mold.IIt grabs you!&fcYõ]0Unknown command ' '.&fcY>+JYou hit the slow mold.--More--&fcYU}VThe poison doesn't seem to affect the slow mold.--More--&fcYàµ%You miss the slow mold.&fcY³È \You miss the slow mold.You miss the slow mold.'fcY 0Unknown command ' '.'fcY1^q..@...You hear a flinging sound.'fcY’?It is missed.'fcYöí)'fcYåÅ--More--(fcY¡pRYou are almost hit by a poisoned orcish arrow..)(fcY}T@(fcYþó0Unknown command ' '.(fcY²/ \..)@..(fcYL M..@..(fcYÐ O....@..)fcYrÜ9...@)fcY7ó{..@.You hear a flinging sound.It is hit!)fcYš÷It is destroyed!)fcYªÎ*fcYkñf....K@...+fcYõòXYou miss the Kop Lieutenant.You kick the Kop Lieutenant.+fcYªT ~You miss the Kop Lieutenant.You miss the Kop Lieutenant.--More--,fcY#ÙCYour large shield blocks the Kop Lieutenant's attack.,fcYÀ0Unknown command ' '.,fcYÅR fYou miss the Kop Lieutenant.You miss the Kop Lieutenant.,fcYñ 0Unknown command ' '.,fcYà(~You miss the Kop Lieutenant.You miss the Kop Lieutenant.--More---fcY’xCYour plate mail deflects the Kop Lieutenant's attack.-fcY`i~You miss the Kop Lieutenant.You kick the Kop Lieutenant.--More---fcYžË*The Kop Lieutenant hits you!-fcYD«~You miss the Kop Lieutenant.You miss the Kop Lieutenant.--More---fcYü=Your helmet blocks the Kop Lieutenant's attack.-fcY3ófYou miss the Kop Lieutenant.You miss the Kop Lieutenant.-fcY°+0Unknown command ' '.-fcY¬#€You miss the Kop Lieutenant.You miss the Kop Lieutenant.K.-fcYhY 0Unknown command ' '.-fcYˆg ‹...@..The Kop Lieutenant hits you!-fcY¡ 0Unknown command ' '.-fcY– ...@..You hear a flinging sound.It is hit!-fcY¼o .fcYIÀR..@...fcYÛ¨ 9Do you really want to step into that web? [yn] (n) /fcY"E n0fcY3a...@..0fcYÉõX...@..0fcYKK„..@..You hear a flinging sound.It is missed.0fcY›ç)0fcY½ --More--1fcY“\SYou are hit by a poisoned orcish arrow!.)1fcY—? p@...@..1fcY·X...@..2fcYŽ7h...........@........2fcYã'º,,@;,(....,,.....The tortoise bites you!2fcYJ¼ Š,,,@,,,,3fcY^N\,,@<,3fcYé Ü,,@,#,,#,,,,Do you really want to step into that burning trap? [yn] (n) 4fcY¯g n4fcYA^.@,,,5fcY â..@.,,,,,5fcYR²c,..@.,,,5fcYA b,..@...5fcY„Ò ï,,,@.,..,..,....There is a wall in the way!6fcY\¡.,@,,..,..6fcYjÛ...@,,,,.6fcY|$ †....@..,,,6fcYž4 ˆ)...@.c.....6fcY®Aµ....@.......You see here a silver mace {12}.7fcYpÇ....@..)....7fcY$H c......@..8fcYçgb....@c...9fcYˆ:ZYou miss the mini chickatrice.You miss the mini chickatrice.9fcYª½ You miss the mini chickatrice.You kick the mini chickatrice.--More--:fcYÔfYou kill the mini chickatrice!.You are slowing down.--More--;fcYðd =fcY ‹.What do you want to read? [i-moq or ?*] =fcY‰ Amulets  D - " a good fortune amulet {1}  Weapons  b - ) an uncursed +0 lance {75}  n - ) a dogshit boot {10}  t - ) 108 shuriken {59}  A - ) a mallet {20}  B - ) a boomerang {1}  E - ) a moon axe {32}  H - ) a cursed poisoned trident (weapon in hand) {10}  Armor  c - [ an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn) {200}  d - [ an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) {20}  e - [ a cursed +0 large shield (being worn) {40}  f - [ an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4}  Comestibles  g - % 35 uncursed apples {20}  h - % 34 uncursed carrots {21}  v - % a food ration {1}  F - % a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  i - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  j=fcYk‰N - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} (1 of 2)>fcY|¿ò k - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {2}  l - ? 2 heavily cursed scrolls of standard id {1}  m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of cure {2}  Potions  s - ! a cornflower potion {1}  u - ! a greasy potion {1}  Rings  o - = a pinewood ring {1}  q - = an agate ring {1}  Wands  G - / a nicked wand {1}  Tools  p - ( a key {1}  r - ( a bag of tricks {5}  x - ( an expensive camera {1}  C - ( a whistle {1}  I - ( a looking glass {1} (2 of 2)?fcY^ +----------------------------------###|...............||......||.....}.|#,#|...........>...|-......||..}....|,,#--------.------(%...)...||...}...|,,##,#--..|-.@....|#|}.....(|,,##,##|...?fcY¼Â ||......|###,.}...}.|,,##,##,...||......,##,,....}..,,,##,##-..----,,,-,-,,---------,,######,###,,,,...|##,,#######,###,,,...|##,,####,,######,...|#-,,,,,,###,...?fcY÷ |,#,,,,,,##|...|,##,,,,#####|...,###,I###^,,,,-%-------------------##,,###,...................|##,,##|.......%........).)--##,,,#|...........*....,##<,,|...................--###,,,(.............$?fcY/à ã.......|##,,......................|As you read the scroll, it disappears.You feel revitalized.--More--@fcY½ÔYou feel limber!@fcY³àAfcYoHZ.@...AfcYŸ¯ n.@.....BfcYzÄ..@....There is an open door here.You see here a tin {1}.BfcYÄ .Unknown command ' '.BfcYZá„.@%..You see here an uncursed saddle {1}.BfcYË b....@(..CfcY0áN..@..CfcYuy_...@..CfcYyÉ }}..}##.....}##..@.}#}I}I}...}#}}}}#.}}...}}.}}}}...}#..}}}#...###}...}.....}}}..#}...}.}}}.....}}}}}}#...........%......}.)%.....CfcY»É š...............}}}I}#.........}##......}}......}......}I....}}..}.}#....#}}}.).I}>................}##}#.}}#}