lYoZ Player: stonewall Game: Slash'EM Extended Server: $ATTR(14) -$ATTR() Filename: 2017-05-11.20:11:24.ttyrec Time: (1494533484) Thu May 11 20:11:24 2017 lY?fThis is SuperLotsoAddedStuffHack-Extended Magic Extended 1997-2016 NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, M. Stephenson. Slash'EM Extended version by Amy (user Bluescreenofdeath at Nethackwiki). See license for details. Bug reports to Bluescreenofdeath's user talk page. Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] mYtnChoosing Character's Role Pick a role for your character   a - an Acid Mage  b - an Activistor  c - an Altmer  d - an Amazon  e - an Anachronist  f - an Archeologist  g - an Artist  h - an Assassin  i - an Augurer  j - a Barbarian  k - a Bard  l - a Binder  m - a Bleeder  n - a Bloodseeker  o - a Bosmer  p - a Bully  q - a Camperstriker  r - a Caveman/Cavewoman  s - a Chaos Sorceror  t - a Chevalier  u - a Convict  v - a Cook (1 of 5)oYj1X w - a Courier  x - a Cruel Abuser  y - a Death Eater  z - a Diver  A - a Doll Mistress  B - a Doom Marine  C - a DQ Slime  D - a Druid  E - a Drunk  F - a Dunmer  G - an Electric Mage  H - an Elementalist  I - an Elph  J - an Erdrick  K - a Failed Existence  L - a Feat Master  M - a Fencer  N - a Fighter  O - a Firefighter  P - a Flame Mage  Q - a Foxhound Agent  R - a Gamer  S - a Gangster  T - a Geek (2 of 5)sY: U - a Gladiator  V - a Goff  W - a Goldminer  X - a Graduate  Y - a Gunner  Z - a Healer  a - an Ice Mage  b - an Intel Scribe  c - a Jedi  d - a Jester  e - a Justice Keeper  f - a Knight  g - a Korsair  h - a Ladiesman  i - a Librarian  j - a Locksmith  k - a Lunatic  l - a Mahou Shoujo  m - a Medium  n - a Midget  o - a Monk  p - a Murderer  q - a Musician  r - a Mystic (3 of 5)uY S s - a Necromancer  t - a Ninja  u - a Nobleman/Noblewoman  v - an Occult Master  w - an Officer  x - an Ordinator  y - an Otaku  z - a Paladin  A - a Pickpocket  B - a Pirate  C - a Poison Mage  D - a Pokemon  E - a Politician  F - a Priest/Priestess  G - a Psion  H - a Ranger  I - a Ringseeker  J - a Rocker  K - a Rogue  L - a Sage  M - a Saiyan  N - a Samurai  O - a Scientist  P - a Shapeshifter (4 of 5)Y: U - a Gladiator  V - a Goff  W - a Goldminer  X - a Graduate  Y - a Gunner  Z - a Healer  a - an Ice Mage  b - an Intel Scribe  c - a Jedi  d - a Jester  e - a Justice Keeper  f - a Knight  g - a Korsair  h - a Ladiesman  i - a Librarian  j - a Locksmith  k - a Lunatic  l - a Mahou Shoujo  m - a Medium  n - a Midget  o - a Monk  p - a Murderer  q - a Musician  r - a Mystic (3 of 5)Y S s - a Necromancer  t - a Ninja  u - a Nobleman/Noblewoman  v - an Occult Master  w - an Officer  x - an Ordinator  y - an Otaku  z - a Paladin  A - a Pickpocket  B - a Pirate  C - a Poison Mage  D - a Pokemon  E - a Politician  F - a Priest/Priestess  G - a Psion  H - a Ranger  I - a Ringseeker  J - a Rocker  K - a Rogue  L - a Sage  M - a Saiyan  N - a Samurai  O - a Scientist  P - a Shapeshifter (4 of 5)YN+Choosing Race Pick the race of your Priest/Priestess   a - addict  b - ak Thief is dead!  c - albae  d - alchemist  e - alien  f - american  g - amnesiac  h - ancient  i - ancipital  j - angbander  k - angel  l - aquarian  m - argonian  n - asgardian  o - bastard  p - batman  q - borg  r - breton  s - burninator  t - centaur  u - chiropteran  v - clockwork automaton (1 of 7)Y  w - cockatrice  x - cortex  y - curser  z - dark seducer  A - deathmold  B - deep elf  C - developer  D - devil  E - dinosaur  F - dolgsman  G - doppelganger  H - dragon  I - drow  J - dryad  K - dufflepud  L - dunadan  M - dwarf  N - elemental  O - elf  P - ent  Q - expert  R - fawn  S - fenek  T - fiend (2 of 7)Yd U - gastly  V - gelatinous cube  W - giant  X - gnome  Y - golden saint  Z - gremlin  a - grid bug  b - haxor  c - hemi-doppelganger  d - hemophage  e - herbalist  f - heretic  g - hobbit  h - homicider  i - hidden elf  j - human  k - illithid  l - immunizer  m - imp  n - imperial  o - incantifier  p - inka  q - insectoid  r - ironman (3 of 7)Y8 s - jelly  t - khajiit  u - kobold  v - kop  w - leprechaun  x - levitator  y - lich  z - lizardman  A - lycanthrope  B - maia  C - mazewalker  D - mimic  E - minimalist  F - missingno  G - monkey  H - monster  I - moon elf  J - mould  K - mummy  L - naga  M - nastinator  N - navi  O - nord  P - null (4 of 7)Y,  Q - nymph  R - octopode  S - ogre  T - orc  U - peacemaker  V - phantom  W - poisoner  X - problematic  Y - race X  Z - randomizer  a - redditor  b - redguard  c - rodneyan  d - rohirrim  e - rougelike  f - satre  g - scurrier  h - sea elf  i - segfaulter  j - senser  k - sinner  l - skeleton  m - skillor  n - snail (5 of 7)YI  o - snakeman  p - sokosolver  q - soviet  r - specialist  s - spiderman  t - spirit  u - spriggan  v - sticker  w - sustainer  x - suxxor  y - sylph  z - thunderlord  A - trainer  B - transformer  C - trapper  D - troll  E - tumblrer  F - turtle  G - unalignment thing  H - undefined  I - ungenomold  J - unicorn  K - unmagic  L - vamgoyle (6 of 7)Y?O M - vampire  N - veela  O - venture capitalist  P - vortex  Q - warper  R - wind inhabitant  S - wisp  T - worm that walks  U - wraith  V - xorn  W - yeek  X - yokuda  Y - yuki-onna  * - Random  ! - Quit (7 of 7)Y o - snakeman  p - sokosolver  q - soviet  r - specialist  s - spiderman  t - spirit  u - spriggan  v - sticker  w - sustainer  x - suxxor  y - sylph  z - thunderlord  A - trainer  B - transformer  C - trapper  D - troll  E - tumblrer  F - turtle  G - unalignment thing  H - undefined  I - ungenomold  J - unicorn  K - unmagic  L - vamgoyle (6 of 7)Y:  Q - nymph  R - octopode  S - ogre  T - orc  U - peacemaker  V - phantom  W - poisoner  X - problematic  Y - race X  Z - randomizer  a - redditor  b - redguard  c - rodneyan  d - rohirrim  e - rougelike  f - satre  g - scurrier  h - sea elf  i - segfaulter  j - senser  k - sinner  l - skeleton  m - skillor  n - snail (5 of 7)Y  s - jelly  t - khajiit  u - kobold  v - kop  w - leprechaun  x - levitator  y - lich  z - lizardman  A - lycanthrope  B - maia  C - mazewalker  D - mimic  E - minimalist  F - missingno  G - monkey  H - monster  I - moon elf  J - mould  K - mummy  L - naga  M - nastinator  N - navi  O - nord  P - null (4 of 7)Y U - gastly  V - gelatinous cube  W - giant  X - gnome  Y - golden saint  Z - gremlin  a - grid bug  b - haxor  c - hemi-doppelganger  d - hemophage  e - herbalist  f - heretic  g - hobbit  h - homicider  i - hidden elf  j - human  k - illithid  l - immunizer  m - imp  n - imperial  o - incantifier  p - inka  q - insectoid  r - ironman (3 of 7)Ym w - cockatrice  x - cortex  y - curser  z - dark seducer  A - deathmold  B - deep elf  C - developer  D - devil  E - dinosaur  F - dolgsman  G - doppelganger  H - dragon  I - drow  J - dryad  K - dufflepud  L - dunadan  M - dwarf  N - elemental  O - elf  P - ent  Q - expert  R - fawn  S - fenek  T - fiend (2 of 7)Yv  U - gastly  V - gelatinous cube  W - giant  X - gnome  Y - golden saint  Z - gremlin  a - grid bug  b - haxor  c - hemi-doppelganger  d - hemophage  e - herbalist  f - heretic  g - hobbit  h - homicider  i - hidden elf  j - human  k - illithid  l - immunizer  m - imp  n - imperial  o - incantifier  p - inka  q - insectoid  r - ironman (3 of 7)Y$ w - cockatrice  x - cortex  y - curser  z - dark seducer  A - deathmold  B - deep elf  C - developer  D - devil  E - dinosaur  F - dolgsman  G - doppelganger  H - dragon  I - drow  J - dryad  K - dufflepud  L - dunadan  M - dwarf  N - elemental  O - elf  P - ent  Q - expert  R - fawn  S - fenek  T - fiend (2 of 7)Y U - gastly  V - gelatinous cube  W - giant  X - gnome  Y - golden saint  Z - gremlin  a - grid bug  b - haxor  c - hemi-doppelganger  d - hemophage  e - herbalist  f - heretic  g - hobbit  h - homicider  i - hidden elf  j - human  k - illithid  l - immunizer  m - imp  n - imperial  o - incantifier  p - inka  q - insectoid  r - ironman (3 of 7)Y' s - jelly  t - khajiit  u - kobold  v - kop  w - leprechaun  x - levitator  y - lich  z - lizardman  A - lycanthrope  B - maia  C - mazewalker  D - mimic  E - minimalist  F - missingno  G - monkey  H - monster  I - moon elf  J - mould  K - mummy  L - naga  M - nastinator  N - navi  O - nord  P - null (4 of 7)Y(+Use hybrid races? [yn] (n) YnChoosing Gender Pick the gender of your khajiit Priest/Priestess  m - male f - female * - Random ! - Quit(end) Yk 8+Choosing Alignment Pick the alignment of your khajiit Priest  l - lawful n - neutral c - chaotic * - Random ! - Quit(end) Y +||.|.---||d@...|-------[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0 Dlvl:1 $0 HP 20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T1  It is written in the Book of Deus:  After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled against the authority of Marduk the Creator. Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all the artifacts of the gods, the Amulet of Yendor, and he hid it in the dark cavities of Gehennom, the Y-  Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time.  Your god Deus seeks to possess the Amulet, and with it to gain deserved ascendance over the other gods.  You, a newly trained Aspirant, have been heralded from birth as the instrument of Deus. You are destined to recover the Amulet for your deity, or die in the attempt. Your hour of destiny has come. For the sake of us all: Go bravely with Deus!--More--Y {||.|.---||d@...|Yc Hello stonewall, welcome to SlashEMExtended! You are a chaotic khajiit Priest. --More--Y?  You are playing SLASH'EM Extended on a public server. In the very rare case that your previous game crashed by sending you back to the dgamelaunch screen, please contact the server administrator for a restore.--More--YnN Panics and segfaults aren't the end of the world - in roughly 99% of all cases, these can be restored into a working savegame file. Have fun playing! You can find me and other players on the IRC channel #slashemextended or on Freenode. If you need gameplay help, spoilers or other information, be sure to join and I'll gladly give you hints on how to play! :-) --Amy--More--Y [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T1 You are lucky! Full moon tonight.Yg Weapons a - ) a blessed +0 mace (weapon in foreclaw) {12} Armor b - [ a blessed +0 robe (being worn) {16} c - [ a blessed +2 small shield (being worn) {12} Comestibles e - % a blessed clove of garlic {1} f - % a blessed sprig of wolfsbane {1} Scrolls i - ? a blessed scroll of teleportation {1} j - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} k - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} n - ? an uncursed scroll of cure {1} Spellbooks g - + a blessed spellbook of healing (1:5) {1} h - + a blessed spellbook of lightY (6:4) {1} Potions d - ! 4 potions of holy water {4}(end) Ym||.|.---||d@...|------- [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0 Dlvl:1 $0 HP 20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T1 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64Ym/900 T1 Y~I[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T2 <@Y[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T3 |.|..d.@Yn[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T3 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T4 +--.|-.||.|<.d@Y [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T5 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T6 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T7 --..@.....[23;1YN H[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T7 Yx You hear some noises in the distance.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T8 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T9 --|..@|--.There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(Yx O22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T9 Y [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T10 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T11 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T12 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  Y _[A20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T13 @......$|There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T13 YGz[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T13 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T14 .@Y N[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T15 .@YPThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T15 Y ^There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T15 Y% ^There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T15 Y[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T15 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T16 d@.Y)b[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T17 @d..Y³You displaced Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T17 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T18 .@.dYe[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T19 .@.Y [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T19 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T20 d..@YO &In what direction? [hykulnjb><] YE YF YThe door opens.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T21 |Y`[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T21 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T22 ,,#@..Yh[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T23 ###@|YZ[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T24 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T25 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T26 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  Y[20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T27 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T28 ---....####.,@,,,###,##,,,,##,,,[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T28 YC[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T29 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T30 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T31 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  YC[32m20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T32 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T33 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T33 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T34 Y D-------|.....|...-@-##,,,,,,####Y %[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T34 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T35 --...|@.....|.--------,,Yu>.@[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T35 Yr[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T36 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T37 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T38 Y[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T39 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T40 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T41 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  Y[32m20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T42 .......@[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T42 Y v[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T43 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T44 d..@.There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T44 Yث [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T44 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T45 d.@.Y |[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T45 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T46 ..@dYh[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T46 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T47 ..d@,,#Yw[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T47 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T48 ..@,YD[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T49 ..,@,,[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T49 Y)[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T50 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T51 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T52 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  Y *[32m20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T53 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T54 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T55 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T55 Y"*[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T56 @,,,,,,,,Y 2What do you want to write with? [- a or ?*] YANo count allowed with this command.--More--Y9What do you want to write with? [- a or ?*]  Y1Your clove of garlic would get too dirty.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T56 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T57 !Y# !Y( enhance"Y Current skills: (0 slots available)   Fighting Skills  bare-handed combat Unskilled (max Expert)  general combat Unskilled (max Expert)  shield Basic (max Master)  body armor Basic (max Expert)  polymorphing Unskilled (max Expert)  devices Unskilled (max Expert)  searching Unskilled (max Expert)  spirituality Basic (max Grand Master)  petkeeping Unskilled (max Expert)  Weapon Skills  long sword Unskilled (max Expert)  club Unskilled (max Expert)  paddle Unskilled (max Expert)  mace Basic (max Expert)  morning star Unskilled (max Expert)  flail Unskilled (max Expert)  hammer Unskilled (max Expert)  quarterstaff Unskilled (max Expert)  polearms "Y Unskilled (max Expert)  spear Unskilled (max Expert)  javelin Unskilled (max Expert) (1 of 2)+Yp trident Unskilled (max Expert)  lance Unskilled (max Expert)  bow Unskilled (max Expert)  sling Unskilled (max Expert)  crossbow Unskilled (max Expert)  dart Unskilled (max Expert)  shuriken Unskilled (max Expert)  boomerang Unskilled (max Expert)  unicorn horn Basic (max Master)  Spellcasting Skills  attack spells Unskilled (max Expert)  healing spells Basic (max Master)  divination spells Basic (max Expert)  enchantment spells Unskilled (max Expert)  protection spells Unskilled (max Expert)  body spells Unskilled (max Expert)  matter spells Unskilled (max Expert) (2 of 2),Y~ ,Y~[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0 Dlvl:1 $0 HP 20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T57 ------------|..........||..........|-@------.---#,,,,,,,,########,##,,,,#####,,,#----|--|.....||.---.||.$|.||.||.|[1,Y7;45H|.---.||.<...|-------,Y t[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T57 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T58 .@,-YR n[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T58 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T59 ,,@,-Ygr[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T59 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T60 ,,@,-Yr[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T60 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T61 ,,@,.Yo[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T61 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T62 ,,@,,.YtL[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T63 ,,@,.Y[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T63 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T64 ,@,,,.Y^[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T65 ,,,,@#.Y_ [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T66 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T67 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T68 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  .Y` 20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T69 .,##,,,,,##,,#,@,,####,,###You see here an uncursed tin {1}.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T69 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt64/900 T70 [12;4.Y&` 1Hd0Y[o - an uncursed tin {1}.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt65/900 T70 0YA}#,,@,,#[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt65/900 T70 0Y [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt65/900 T71 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt65/900 T72 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt65/900 T73 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  0Y/ [32m20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt65/900 T74 ####,@,,,,,###You see here an uncursed unlabeled scroll {1}.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt65/900 T74 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt65/900 T75 d2Y)hp - an uncursed unlabeled scroll {1}.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T75 2Y#,@d,,#You hear a door open.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T76 2Yi[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T77 ###,,,#@,,#[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T77 2Y/f[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T78 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T79 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T80 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  2Yff[32m20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T81 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T82 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T83 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T84 2Yf,###,##,,,,####,,####@,,,##,###[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T84 2YC [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T85 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T86 ,@###There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T86 3Ya^There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T86 3Yx [[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T86 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T87 3Y9-U[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T87 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T88 4YCU[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T88 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T89 4Y.You find a secret door!--More--4Yq [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T89 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T90 d+5Y[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T90 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T91 @,d5Yp[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T91 You hear a door open.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T92 ,,6YWUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T92 6YL~[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T92 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T93 ,@6Y&In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 7YqThe door opens.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T93 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T94 ----|....k.-|...$.|{..----7Y) [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T94 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T95 -,@,.|...---8Yx[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T95 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T96 |,@d,-8Y~You miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T96 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S0  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt66/900 T97 -9Y 7GCritical hit!You kill the kobold!9Yx:h[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt66/900 T97 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt66/900 T98 %9YV@.. Things that are here: an uncursed kobold corpse {400} an uncursed crude chain mail {120}--More--:Yց------[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt66/900 T98 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt66/900 T99 :Yh Pick up what?  Armor ('[') a - [ an uncursed crude chain mail {120} Comestibles ('%') b - % an uncursed kobold corpse {400}(end) :Y +;YBf-;YA +;YQ ------------|..........||..........|-.------.---#,,,,,,,,#q - an uncursed crude chain mail {120}.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T99 <Y8  Weapons a - ) a blessed +0 mace (weapon in foreclaw) {12} Armor b - [ a blessed +0 robe (being worn) {16} c - [ a blessed +2 small shield (being worn) {12} q - [ an uncursed crude chain mail {120} Comestibles e - % a blessed clove of garlic {1} f - % a blessed sprig of wolfsbane {1} o - % an uncursed tin {1} Scrolls i - ? a blessed scroll of teleportation {1} j - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} k - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} n - ? an uncursed scroll of cure {1} p - ? an uncursed unlabeled scroll {1}[1<Y ,9;29H Spellbooks g - + a blessed spellbook of healing (1:5) {1} h - + a blessed spellbook of light (6:4) {1} Potions d - ! 4 potions of holy water {4}(end) >Yž------------|..........||..........|-.------.---#,,,,,,,,########,####,,,,,,############,,####,,,###,,,,,,,,,,----|--####,,########,,|.....|#,,,,#####|.---.|,,###|.$|.|,#|[37>Y5m.||.|#|.---.||.<...|------- [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24 Dlvl:1 $0 HP 20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T99 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T99 >YU /What do you want to take off? [bc or ?*] ?Y [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T99 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC4 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T100 You finish taking off your suit.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC5 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T100 ?YG 9What do you want to wear? [bq or ?*] @YsYou are putting on a crude chain mail.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC5 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T100 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T101 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T101 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 @YWi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T102 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T102 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T103 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw @Y[24;22H22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T103 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T104 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T104 .-d$...[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22) @YP[A AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt186/900 T105 --More--@Y7 0You finish your dressing maneuver.AYo:What do you want to drop? [a-q or ?*] AY `You drop a blessed +0 robe {16}.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T105 BY  Weapons a - ) a blessed +0 mace (weapon in foreclaw) {12} Armor c - [ a blessed +2 small shield (being worn) {12} q - [ an uncursed +0 crude chain mail (being worn) {120} Comestibles e - % a blessed clove of garlic {1} f - % a blessed sprig of wolfsbane {1} o - % an uncursed tin {1} Scrolls i - ? a blessed scroll of teleportation {1} j - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} k - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} n - ? an uncursed scroll of cure {1} p - ? an uncursed unlabeled scroll {1} Spellbooks g - + BY [36ma blessed spellbook of healing (1:5) {1} h - + a blessed spellbook of light (6:4) {1} Potions d - ! 4 potions of holy water {4}(end) DY------------|..........||..........|-.------.---#,,,,,,,,########,####,,,,,,############,,####,,,###,,,,,,,,,,----|--####,,########,,|.....|##,,,,#####|.---.|####,,###|.$|Y7m.|-|--,,,,#|.||.|.@.-,###|.---.|$..|##|.<...|....----------- [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24 Dlvl:1 $0 HP 20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T105 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S24  20(20) DY[K Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T105 DY.e"..[@5 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29 5 20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T105 You hear a door open.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T106 .d.EY4& gThere is nothing here to pick up.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T106 FYy[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T106 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T107 [@.dFYt[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T107 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T108 .@.d.FY* [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T108 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T109 @..dGYY[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T109 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T110 d..@.GYe @{[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T110 Meatdog picks up a blessed +0 robe {16}.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T111 %GY [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T111 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T112 @.GY*[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T112 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T113 ,,,@.HY{[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T114 ,##@.There is a wall in the way!HY2[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T114 HY6g HYh [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T115 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T116 ##0@,,,,,.You try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 XHYh &p1/6 Wt170/900 T116 IYoYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T116 JYoYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T116 JYoYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T116 KYւ[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T116 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T117 ,,@##KY[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T117 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T118 #,,@,#KY [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T119 ##,,@,,,,#[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T119 KY/ [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T120 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T121 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T122 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  KYa [K20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T123 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T124 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T125 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 KYq "Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T126 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T126 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T127 ...##-@-##,,,,#,,,,,,######LY~e[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T127 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T128 ..$@.,,LYM [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T129 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T130 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T131 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  LY }20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T132 |..... |@..... ----There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T132 MY5[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T132 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T133 |(0/(B.@.MYm w..@..[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T133 MY U The disintegration trove Abomination hits you![Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  18(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T133 [-2 -> 18][Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  18(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T134 OYYou miss the disintegration trove Abomination.[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  18(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T134 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S29  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/6 Wt170/900 T135 PY) You destroy the disintegration trove Abomination![Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T135 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T136 %QY---@......You see here an uncursed disintegration trove corpse {0}.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T136 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T137 RY_ 9What do you want to eat? [efo or ?*,] RYW  eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % an uncursed disintegration trove corpse {0}(end) RY_O+------------|..........||..........|This disintegration trove corpse tastes terrible![Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T137 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T138 SYDYUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T138 SY 3 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T138 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T139 -.@..SYR e- ..@. ..You hear some noises in the distance.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T140 . ..@. ..[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T140 SYwx[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T141 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T142 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T143 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  Yx1H19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T144 ---....@|....|There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S61  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T144 TYZ...@...10 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71 15 HP 19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T144 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T145 TY;fThere is nothing here to pick up.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T145 UY[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T145 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T146 d.@.......UYSThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T146 UYe 8[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T146 VYvYou stop. Meatdog is in the way![Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T146 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T147 .VY o_[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T147 ----............|#,d@....You hear some noises.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T148 VY[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T149 ---.......###r,@d....The sewer rat just misses!Meatdog misses the sewer rat.--More--WYfMeatdog bites the sewer rat.The sewer rat is killed![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T150 |WYoYou cannot diagonally move through a door![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T150 WY YUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T150 WY oYou cannot diagonally move through a door![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T150 XYUYou stop. Meatdog is in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T150 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T151 ,XY`There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T151 XYm `There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T151 YY7[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T151 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T152 -----............#,,@,YYR[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T152 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T153 ------ |...... |...../ |...%.........-@-,YYm[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T153 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T154 ---------------...............|.$...............|....s..............| |...............{......| |...@.......................| -----|-----------------YY#------,,,ZY-p[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T154 .@s..You hear some noises in the distance.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T155 ZY@.You see here an uncursed jackal corpse {300}.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T155 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T156 s.k[YH[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T156 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T157 %@.s[Y [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T157 .@.ksdThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T158 [Y3 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T158 .@.sMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T159 [Y@ [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T159 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T160 .@kd..s..[Y1 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T160 .@s.The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T161 \Y [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  20(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T161 k.@s...The healthy cave spider hurls an uncursed incandescent potion {1}!!\Yj--More--]YThe jar crashes on your head and breaks into shards.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T161 [-1 -> 19]--More--]YL 9You feel rather tired.!.]Yg. S@Meatdog misses the kobold.--More--^YSNThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T162 --More--^Y You can move again._YQ [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  19(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T162 @.The healthy cave spider bites you![Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  17(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T162 [-2 -> 17]--More--`Y:)RMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S71  17(20)  Pw 22(22)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp1/14 Wt170/900 T163 `YF You kill the healthy cave spider!.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T163 Welcome to experience level 2.k.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T163 --More--`Y /The kobold throws a dart!)`Ys.)aY9You are hit by a dart.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T163 [-3 -> 30].)aY`@d.--More--aYFSMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T164 bY.@s[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T164 The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T165 bYMK You miss the healthy cave spider..k[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T165 The kobold throws a dart!)bY 26].)cY7'@--More--cY }cYour crude chain mail blocks the healthy cave spider's attack.--More--dY^tXThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--dYSMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T166 dY You miss the healthy cave spider.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T166 --More--dY h_Your small shield blocks the healthy cave spider's attack.--More--eYlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T167 eY ZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T167 eY% 9[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T167 fYYou miss the healthy cave spider..k[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T167 The kobold throws a dart!)fY--More--fY"|You are hit by a dart.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T167 [-1 -> 25].)fY%@The healthy cave spider bites you![Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T167 --More--fY,][-1 -> 24]d.The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T168 fYjZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T168 fY 9[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T168 gYirYou miss the healthy cave spider.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T168 --More--gY8cYour crude chain mail blocks the healthy cave spider's attack.--More--gYlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T169 gY ZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T169 hYWYou miss the healthy cave spider..k[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T169 The healthy cave spider misses..d--More--hYgSMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T170 hYZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T170 hYJ 9[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T170 hY qYou hit the healthy cave spider![Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T170 --More--hYaYour small shield deflects the healthy cave spider's attack.--More--iYSMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T171 iY,'Unknown command ' '.iY-3[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T171 iYiY3[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T171 iY} ,You just miss the healthy cave spider.iY:~ iY~ n[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T171 The kobold throws a dart!--More--jY3You are almost hit by a dart.)jY}@The healthy cave spider bites you![Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T171 --More--jYx[-1 -> 23]Meatdog misses the kobold.Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T172 jYZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T172 jY9[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S103  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/22 Wt170/950 T172 jY׎ }You kill the healthy cave spider!.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T172 --More--jY lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T173 kYNZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T173 kY9[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T173 kY&The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T173 --More--kY lThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold misses.--More--kY XThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--lY?SMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T174 lYZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T174 lY.8 9[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T174 lY The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T174 --More--mYalThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T175 mY]ZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T175 mY89[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T175 mY 3[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T175 mYI qYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the A spirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  23(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T175 --More--nYq.XThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--nYGlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T176 nYhZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T176 nY9[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T176 nY 3[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T176 nY9You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T176 Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T177 oYZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T177 oY9[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T177 oY3[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T177 oYq3[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T177 oY7T You miss the kobold.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T177 The kobold thrusts his crude dagger.--More--oYQr bThe kobold misses.Meatdog misses the kobold.--More--oYSMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T178 pY=ZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T178 pYD9[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T178 pYQM3[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T178 uY`The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T178 --More--vYrlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T179 vY@@ZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T179 vYc The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T179 --More--vY IThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.--More--vYVYour crude chain mail blocks the kobold's attack.--More--wYXThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--wY SMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T180 xY U You miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T180 Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T181 zYThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T181 --More--zYO lThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold misses.--More--zYL XThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--zY<lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T182 {YZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T182 {Y@q9[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T182 {Y^mYou miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T182 Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T183 {YasZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T183 {Y 9[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T183 {Y> 3[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T183 |Y{The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T183 --More--|Yk~Meatdog misses the kobold.Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T184 |Y=|ZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T184 |YB9[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T184 |Y/  Weapons a - ) a blessed +0 mace (weapon in foreclaw) {12} Armor c - [ a blessed +2 small shield (being worn) {12} q - [ an uncursed +0 crude chain mail (being worn) {120} Comestibles e - % a blessed clove of garlic {1} f - % a blessed sprig of wolfsbane {1} o - % an uncursed tin {1} Scrolls i - ? a blessed scroll of teleportation {1} j - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} k - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} n - ? an uncursed scroll of cure {1} p - ? an uncursed unlabeled scroll {1} Spellbooks g - + a |Y0 blessed spellbook of healing (1:5) {1} h - + a blessed spellbook of light (6:4) {1} Potions d - ! 4 potions of holy water {4}(end) }YZ ---------------------------..............||..........|..............||..........|..............|-.------.---.......{......|#,,,,,,,,#..............|#######,##---------------##,,,,,,############,,####,,,###,,,,,,,,,,----|--####,,########,,|.....|##[}Y[ m,,,,#####|.---.|####,,###|.$|.|-|--,,,,#|.||.|.%.-,###|.---.|...|##|.<...|....----------- [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135 Dlvl:1 $15 HP 28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC}Y[ ^0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T184 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T184 ~Y The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T184 --More--~Y SMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T185 ~Yr ZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T185 ~Y*The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T185 --More--YThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold hits you![Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T185 [-4 -> 24]--More--Y-lXThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--YSMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T186 YThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T186 --More--Y: SMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T187 Y The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T187 --More--Y:y lThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold misses.--More--YOXThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--Y^lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T188 Y#{ The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T188 --More--YglThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T189 YThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T189 --More--YIThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.--More--YRYour small shield blocks the kobold's attack.--More--Y XThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--Y jlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T190 Y_Y`)@[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T190 The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T191 Yn+ .@You see here an uncursed avocadowood wand {1}.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T191 .dk--More--YlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt170/950 T192 Y] kr - an uncursed avocadowood wand {1}.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T192 Y.@[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T192 The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T193 YW@.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T193 The kobold picks up an uncursed dart {1}.--More--YIThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.--More--YC XYour crude chain mail deflects the kobold's attack.--More--YXThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--Y;SMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T194 Yku  Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - healing 1 healing 0% 99% b - light 1 divine 0% 99%(end) Y >--------------------------.............||..........|.............||..........|.............|-.------.---Y= 3[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T194 Y.@[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T194 The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T195 Y 9What do you want to throw? [$a or ?*] Yu Weapons  a - ) a blessed +0 mace (weapon in foreclaw) {12}  Armor  c - [ a blessed +2 small shield (being worn) {12}  q - [ an uncursed +0 crude chain mail (being worn) {120}  Comestibles  e - % a blessed clove of garlic {1}  f - % a blessed sprig of wolfsbane {1}  o - % an uncursed tin {1}  Scrolls  i - ? a blessed scroll of teleportation {1}  j - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  k - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3}  m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2}  n - ? an uncursed scroll of cure {1}  p - ? an uncursed unlabeled scroll {1}  Spellbooks  g - + a blessed spellbook of healing (1:5) {1} [Y20;1H h - + a blessed spellbook of light (6:4) {1}  Potions  d - ! 4 potions of holy water {4}  Wands  r - / an uncursed avocadowood wand {1} (end) Y*| --------------------------------------------- |...............................||..........| |$...............||..........| |...%...........................|-.------.--- |...........@............{......|#,,,,,,,,# |...............................|#######,## ------|-.------.-----------------##,,,,,,####,,,,#########,,####,,,# -----.---[12Y| ;31H##,,,,,,,,,,----|-- |.......|####,,########,,|.....| |.......|##,####,,,,#####|.---.| |.......#####0,,,,####,,###|.$|.| -----.-##,,,,,,-.-.-|--,,,,#|.||.|#,,,,,,####|....%.-,###|.[30Y| m---.|######|......|##|.<...||{......---------------[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135 Dlvl:1 $15 HP 27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T195 Never mind.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T195 Y[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T195 .dk.@The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T196 Y.@[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T196 The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T197 Y[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T197 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T198 ..d.k@Y> n[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T199 .d.@Y+ .k.@[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T199 The kobold throws a dart!)Yk You are hit by a dart.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T199 [-1 -> 27].)Y y[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T200 .$d@YY{[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T201 d..@YJ[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T201 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T202 .d..k.@Yhy[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T203 $d.@Y[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T203 .k.@The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--Y]The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T204 --More--Y^ "You hear a slow drip.Y@.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T204 Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T205 Y.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T205 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T206 .d.k@..YThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T207 $dY7The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T207 --More--YCXThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--YlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T208 YThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T208 --More--YlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T209 YJThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.Y?K[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T209 --More--YylThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold misses.--More--Y XThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--Y% lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T210 Y߸ You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T210 Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T211 YOZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T211 Y You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T211 Meatdog misses the kobold.--More--YSMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T212 YlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T212 --More--YF`lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T213 Y The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T213 --More--YȧIThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.--More--Y XYour crude chain mail deflects the kobold's attack.--More--Y( ~Meatdog misses the kobold.Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T214 Y. rYou miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T214 --More--Y.lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T215 YBThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T215 --More--Y(OXThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--YlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T216 YThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T216 --More--Y SMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T217 YxK The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T217 --More--Ym The kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold hits you![Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T217 [-4 -> 24]--More--Y*XThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--YVlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T218 Y_ .@[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T218 The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T219 Y\e [Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T219 [Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T220 d..k@YFo[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T221 .d@.YS[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T221 [Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T222 ..d.@.kYtv[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T223 d.@.Y [Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T223 @..kMeatdog picks up 4 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T224 ..dY @.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T224 Meatdog drops 4 gold pieces.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T225 $dYsw[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T225 [Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T226 .d.k@..Y{[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T227 .@.dY [Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T227 [Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T228 k.@...dY4 {[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T229 d@..Y.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T229 k.@.Meatdog misses the kobold.--More--Y6 lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T230 Y .@[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T230 Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T231 YZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T231 Y[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T231 .k.@The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--Y#` lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T232 YMP .@[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T232 The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T233 Y ZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T233 Y [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T233 ..@kThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--YSMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T234 YL.@[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T234 Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T235 YOV[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T235 .@k.Meatdog misses the kobold.Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T236 YZUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T236 Y.@[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T236 Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T237 Y7p@.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T237 The kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold misses.--More--Y-?Meatdog misses the kobold.--More--Yx lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T238 Y> The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T238 --More--Y?# lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T239 YThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T239 --More--YlThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold misses.--More--Y$?Meatdog misses the kobold.--More--YlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T240 YThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T240 --More--YlThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T241 Y.You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T241 The kobold thrusts his crude dagger.--More--YabThe kobold misses.Meatdog misses the kobold.--More--Y lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T242 Y| The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T242 --More--YC SMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T243 Y You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T243 The kobold thrusts his crude dagger.--More--YHFThe kobold hits you![Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T243 [-5 -> 24]--More--YqMXThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--Yb SMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T244 Y@.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T244 The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T245 Y%2[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T245 @.kd..The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T246 Y @.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T246 Meatdog picks up 4 gold pieces {0}.Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T247 YY[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  24(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T247 @.kd..Meatdog drops 4 gold pieces.--More--Y lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T248 Y<:What do you want to read? [g-np or ?*] Yb  Weapons  a - ) a blessed +0 mace (weapon in foreclaw) {12}  Armor  c - [ a blessed +2 small shield (being worn) {12}  q - [ an uncursed +0 crude chain mail (being worn) {120}  Comestibles  e - % a blessed clove of garlic {1}  f - % a blessed sprig of wolfsbane {1}  o - % an uncursed tin {1}  Scrolls  i - ? a blessed scroll of teleportation {1}  j - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  k - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3}  m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2}  n - ? an uncursed scroll of cure {1}  p - ? an uncursed unlabeled scroll {1}  Spellbooks  g - + a blessed spellbook of healing (1:5) {1} [Yb 20;1H h - + a blessed spellbook of light (6:4) {1}  Potions  d - ! 4 potions of holy water {4}  Wands  r - / an uncursed avocadowood wand {1} (end) Y--------------------------------------------- |...............................||..........| |...............................||..........| |...%......@..kd................|-.------.--- |........................{......|#,,,,,,,,# |...............................|#######,## ------|-.------.-----------------##,,,,,,####,,,,#########,,####,,,# -----.---##[Y630m,,,,,,,,,,----|-- |.......|####,,########,,|.....| |.......|##,####,,,,#####|.---.| |.......#####0,,,,####,,###|.$|.| -----.-##,,,,,,-.-.-|--,,,,#|.||.|#,,,,,,####|....%.-,###|.---.Ys|######|......|##|.<...||{......---------------[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135 Dlvl:1 $15 HP 25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T248 What do you want to read? [g-np or ?*] YKNever mind.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T248 Y\ .@[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T248 The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T249 Y [Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T249 [Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T250 .$d.k.@Yu[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T251 d..@Y )What do you want to zap? [r or ?*] Y -In what direction? [hykulnjb><] Y[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T251 .dThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T252 Y0The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the As pirant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  25(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T252 --More--Y+`SMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T253 YThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T253 --More--Y_lThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold misses.--More--Y~Meatdog misses the kobold.Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T254 Y The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T254 --More--Y lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T255 Yi You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T255 The kobold thrusts his crude dagger.--More--Y TYour small shield deflects the kobold's attack.--More--Y? ~Meatdog misses the kobold.Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T256 YThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T256 --More--YiSMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T257 Yc~You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T257 --More--Y/GXThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--YQKSMeatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T258 Yu~You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T258 --More--Y lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T259 Y] The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T259 --More--Y6+IThe kobold thrusts his crude dagger.--More--Y^ VYour crude chain mail blocks the kobold's attack.--More--Y)XThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.--More--Y lThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T260 Y" .@[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T260 The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T261 Yn%[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T261,,#The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T262 Ym..@###[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T262 You hear some noises.[Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T263 Yy [Stonewall the Asp irant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  26(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T263 .dk,@,#Meatdog misses the kobold.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T264 YO[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T265 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T266 ..,@,,,,###[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T266 YYfYou hear some noises in the distance.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T267 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T268 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T269 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi1Yu8 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T270 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T271 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T272 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw [Y32m29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T273 @,,,,,,,,,#[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T273 Y j[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T274 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T275 ,@...Yn[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T275 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T276 ,,.@...Yg[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T277 .@...Y`[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T277 ....@You hear some noises in the distance.[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T278 Yi aThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T278 Y7 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T279 ....@,,Yz[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T279 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T280 ....@Y=,@,[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T280 Y'[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T281 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T282 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T283 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  Y=[25;1H29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T284 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T285 Y[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T286 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T287 ,,,,,@,,,,,,,##[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T287 YØ[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T288 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T289 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T290 ,@,,,,[There is a wall in the way![2YӘ13;1H[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T290 Yd,,,,,@There is a doorway here.You see here a blessed +0 robe {16}.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T291 YxY[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T291 ,@r[The pack rabbit bites you![Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T291 [-3 -> 27][Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T292 YY> [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S135  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/30 Wt171/950 T293 ,,#@,r,YEYou kill the pack rabbit![Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt171/950 T293 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt171/950 T294 %Ya_,,,,@,You see here an uncursed tin {1}.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt171/950 T295 Y/[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt171/950 T295 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  27(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt171/950 T296 ,#,%@,Y ,,@,,You see here an uncursed tin {1}.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt171/950 T297 YS`s - an uncursed tin {1}.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T297 YV[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T298 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T299 ,##,,,,@,You hear some noises in the distance.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T300 [25;1YVH[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T301 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T301 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T302 #,,,#@YfcThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T302 Yt ,,|@You see here an uncursed kobold corpse {400}.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T303 Y[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T303 %@You hear some noises.[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T304 YYUb[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T305 ,.@,Y*[Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T305 [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T306 ,-@Yu [Stonewall the Aspi rant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  28(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T307 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T308 ,,,,,@%.,#[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T308 Y [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T309 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T310 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T311 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  Y [25;1H29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T312 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T313 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T314 [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AY C0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T315 ,,@,,,,,,,,,#,,#[Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T315 Y [Stonewall the Aspir ant] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  29(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T316 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T317 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  30(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T318 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  Y [25;1H31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T319 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T320 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T321 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AYʅ C0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T322 (00(B,,,,,,,,,@#[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T322 Y8ZT[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T323 There is a wall in the way!Y7\4[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T323 YM Y!O [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T323 ,,,@You hear some noises.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T324 Y [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T325 ,,#,,@,#You hear some noises in the distance.[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T326 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1Y< Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T327 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T328 [Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T329 ,,#,#,#@#,[Stonewall the Aspira nt] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  31(33)  Pw [24;23YGOH29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T329 Ytv[Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T330 [Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T331 [Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T332 [Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  Yv[25;1H32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T333 [Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T334 [Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T335 ,,,#,#,,,@,#####--More--Y,There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T336 ,,@,# [Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T336 Y#[Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T337 [Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T338 [Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T339 [Stonewall the Aspiran t] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  YA"[25;1H32(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T340 ,,,,,,,@#####--More--Yܜ There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T341 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T342 Y [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T343 ,###,d@#,,##--More--Y~ UThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T343 YYou displaced Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T343 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T344 ,,@d,Yp[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T345 @d,,Yb[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T345 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T346 ,,@,d,,Y [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T347 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T348 ###,@#d,,There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T348Y  Yޟh[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T349 @d,Y[ .You find a secret door!--More--Y%n[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T349 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T350 ,+,Y/ C[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T351 ,@Y)_[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T351 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T352 YD4[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T353 Y_[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T353 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T354 Y& 4[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T355 Y̿ [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T355 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T356 d,Y`[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T357 ,dYKFo[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T357 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T358 ,Yf-----o..|.-|You find a secret passage!--More--YZ I[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T359 ,Yr[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T359 [Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T360 #,,@o.,.Y5SYou just miss the goblin.[Stonewall the Aspirant ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S151  33(33)  Pw 29(29)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp2/34 Wt172/950 T361 YJYou kill the goblin!%[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt172/1000 T361 Welcome to experience level 3.YWLp[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt172/1000 T361 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt172/1000 T362 rY o-,,@|......|--- There is an open door here.  Things that are here: an uncursed goblin corpse {400} an uncursed fortune cookie {1}--More--Y ---..|..|[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt172/1000 T363 .rY` Pick up what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % an uncursed goblin corpse {400} b - % an uncursed fortune cookie {1}(end) YZ+Y')----------.........|.........|------.---t - an uncursed fortune cookie {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T363 Y [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T363 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T364 ,%@-||$--YƤS[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T365 .@YZv[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T365 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T366 .@Y½r.@,#[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T366 The evasive sewer rat bites you![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T366 [-1 -> 42][Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T3Y۽67 Y #-@##[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T367 The evasive sewer rat bites you![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T367 [-1 -> 41][Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3Y &/40 Wt173/1000 T368 Y6You miss the evasive sewer rat.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T368 The evasive sewer rat bites you![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T368 --More--YK D[-1 -> 40][Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T369 Y@ You just miss the evasive sewer rat.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T369 --More--YtYour small shield deflects the evasive sewer rat's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S175  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/40 Wt173/1000 T370 YGYou kill the evasive sewer rat![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T370 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T371 %Yު ,#@,You see here an uncursed evasive sewer rat corpse {20}.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T371 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T372 Ynv \Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T372 Y[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T372 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T373 ,%@YUThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T373 YRe[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T373 @,[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T374 You hear the splashing of a naiad.Y& d@-,[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T374 Meatdog eats an uncursed goblin corpse {400}.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T375 Ye }[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T375 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T376 @.YZ L[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T377 @.Y_dYou cannot diagonally move through a door![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T377 Y rYou cannot diagonally move through a door![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T377 Y[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T377 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T378 -.d.@Y#g[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T379 .d@YX[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T379 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T380 ..@,dYi [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T380 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T381 -@.Y 2,@,dYou see here an uncursed evasive sewer rat corpse {20}.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T381 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T382 .dY\[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T382 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T383 #,#@%,.Y#r#@,Your crude chain mail deflects the evasive sewer rat's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T384 Y+You miss the evasive sewer rat.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T384 --More--YbrYour small shield blocks the evasive sewer rat's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S179  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/41 Wt173/1000 T385 Y You kill the evasive sewer rat![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt173/1000 T385 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt173/1000 T386 ?Ys#,#@,,You see here a blessed scroll of standard id {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt173/1000 T387 Y pu - a blessed scroll of standard id {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T387 Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T387 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T388 #,#@,,Y>[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T389 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T390 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T391 ----...###|>.###Y>w[m,@......#,--------,,Y`[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T391 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T392 -|,.@,Yd\[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T393 ..@YcX[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T393 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T394 ---..#{.@Y Z [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T395 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T396 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T397 --.|.....@There is a tree in the way!Y9Z 4[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T397 Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T397 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T398 @|..+--Y x[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T399 ..d@Y0[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T399 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T400 ..d@.YTt h[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T401 .d.@Y [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T401 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T402 @..dY%j[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T403 d.@Y  Weapons  a - ) a blessed +0 mace (weapon in foreclaw) {12}  Armor  c - [ a blessed +2 small shield (being worn) {12}  q - [ an uncursed +0 crude chain mail (being worn) {120}  Comestibles  e - % a blessed clove of garlic {1}  f - % a blessed sprig of wolfsbane {1}  o - % an uncursed tin {1}  s - % an uncursed tin {1}  t - % an uncursed fortune cookie {1}  Scrolls  i - ? a blessed scroll of teleportation {1}  j - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  k - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3}  m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2}  n - ? an uncursed scroll of cure {1}  p - ? an uncursed unlabeled scroll {1} [20Y: %;1H u - ? a blessed scroll of standard id {1}  Spellbooks  g - + a blessed spellbook of healing (1:5) {1}  h - + a blessed spellbook of light (6:4) {1}  Potions (1 of 2)YG +--------------------------------------------- |...............................||..........| |...............................||..........| |...%..........$................|-.------.--- |........................{......|#,,,,,,,,#---------- |...............................|#######,##|...#..#.| ------|-.------.-----------------##,,,,,,#####|>.#{.#[37Yd md.|#,,,,,,,,,,,,##########,,####,,,##,.......#@+ -----.---,##########,,,,,,,,,,##----|--#,---------- |.......|,,#####,,########,,,|.....|#,# |.......|##,########,,,,#####,|.---.|#,# |.......#####0,,,,,,,#####,,##Y ###,|.$|.|#,# -----.-##,,,,,,-[-.-|--,,,,###,|.||.|###-----,##,,,,,,####|....%.-,#####,|.---.|,,,-...|%#########|......|###,|.<...+,##|...-,#|{......#,-------,,,|...Y %|##--------#,,,,,,,,,##|$..|###########-----[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183 Dlvl:1 $15 HP 43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T403 scrolls of phase door - This is a scroll. Color: red. Material: paper. Appearance: NETHACK 363 WILL BE A MIX OF UNNETHACK AND NETHACK 4. Reading it has a magic effect and uses up the scroll; some scroll effects are different if they are read while you are confused.--More--Yh  ---------------------------------------------[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T403 Y^ &In what direction? [hykulnjb><] YJ VThis door is locked.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T403 Y8}4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] YVThis door is locked.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T403 Y 4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] Yf VThis door is locked.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T403 Y|4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] YzDcmdassist: Invalid direction key! Valid direction keys are:  y k u  \ | /  h- . -l  / | \  b j n  < up  > down  . direct at yourself (Suppress this message with !cmdassist in config file.)--More--Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183 Dlvl:1 $15 HP 43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T403 --------------------------------------------- |...............................||..........| |...............................||..........| |...%..........$................|-.------.--- |........................{......|#,,,,,,,,#---------- |...............................|##YM#####,##|...#..#.| ------|-.------.-----------------##,,,,,,#####|>.#{.#d.|#,,,,,,,,,,,,##########,,####,,,##,.......#@+ -----.---,##########,,,,,,,,,,##----|--#,---------- |.......|,,#####,,########,,,|.....|#,# |.......|[Yo33m##,########,,,,#####,|.---.|#,# |.......#####0,,,,,,,#####,,#####,|.$|.|#,# -----.-##,,,,,,-[-.-|--,,,,###,|.||.|###-----,##,,,,,,####|....%.-,#####,|.---.|,,,-...|%#########|......Y|###,|.<...+,##|...-,#|{......#,-------,,,|...|##--------#,,,,,,,,,##|$..|###########-----YH &In what direction? [hykulnjb><] YëWHAMMM!!![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T403 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T404 d..YD 4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] YIwWHAMMM!!![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T405 .dY m4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] Y vWHAMMM!!![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T405 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T406 YO24In what direction? [hykulnjb><] Y3KWHAMMM!!![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T407 Y 4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] YzAs you kick the door, it crashes open![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T407 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T408 .Y [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T409 .#d@,,Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T409 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T410 #..@#d#YUThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T410 Y4 You displaced Meatdog.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T411 d,@#0#Yh/With great effort you move the boulder.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T411 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T412 .,,@#0#YY5[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T413 ,,@#0#Yw [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T413 ,,@,0#You hear a flinging sound.)Y You are hit by a stout spear![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  39(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T413 [-4 -> 39]),Yg B[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T414 @Ye qYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T414 YdqYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T414 YnqYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T414 Y[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T415 ,#),@o##Y7.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T415 ##@,#The goblin wields an uncursed crude dagger {4}!--More--Y1 The goblin thrusts his crude dagger.The goblin just misses![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T416 YJ rYou miss the goblin.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T417 dYr?\Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T417 YMYou hit the goblin.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T417 Meatdog misses the goblin.--More--YJThe goblin thrusts his crude dagger.--More--Y UYour small shield deflects the goblin's attack.--More--YMeatdog bites the goblin.The goblin is killed![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T418 [Y/,@#,#You see here an uncursed iron skull cap {12}.Y3[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T418 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T419 d,Yv\Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T419 Y1[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T419 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T420 ,,[@##.....----Y ,d@,You see here an uncursed iron skull cap {12}.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T420 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt174/1000 T421 d,Yū lv - an uncursed iron skull cap {12}.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T421 YR8What do you want to wear? [v or ?*] Y- You are putting on an iron skull cap.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T421 ,,[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC0 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T422 --More--Y#9]You finish your dressing maneuver.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T422 Y,D]Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T422 Y[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T422 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T423 ,,,@Y3 VThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T423 Y dThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T423 Y#B[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T423 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T424 ,------,|..(..|@....|#|..|--Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T424 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T425 -,.@-YF x[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T425 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T426 .@Y~@.You see here an uncursed wooden box {501}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T426 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T427 Y8# YSlootYH ootY otYjtYSThere is an uncursed wooden box {501} here, loot it? [ynq] (q) YLcyHmmm, it seems to be locked.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T427 Y ! [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T427 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T428 @(Y:&In what direction? [hykulnjb><] Yi#THUD![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T428 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S183  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt186/1000 T429 dYY4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] Y@?You see here an uncursed tripe ration {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T503 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T504 d."YV%@You see here an uncursed food ration {1}.d?[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T504 --More--"Y dMeatdog eats an uncursed tripe ration {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T505 #Y %@You see here an uncursed potion of water {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T505 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T506 #YWait! That's a petit mimic!mm[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T506 Meatdog bites the petit mimic.--More--$YEYThe petit mimic misses Meatdog.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T507 $Y$ You miss the petit mimic.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T507 Meatdog misses the petit mimic.--More--$Y8$ AThe petit mimic just misses!--More--%Yh[Your crude chain mail blocks the petit mimic's attack.--More--%YmYMeatdog misses the petit mimic.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T508 %Y}[Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T508 %Y You hit the petit mimic.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T508 Meatdog bites the petit mimic.--More--%YeThe petit mimic is killed![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T509 %&YL[Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T509 &Yh:[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T509 &Y@4[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T509 &YcX You just miss the petit mimic..d[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T509 --More--&Y lMeatdog eats an uncursed petit mimic corpse {200}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T510 &YWg [Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T510 'YDK:[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T510 'YH~You hit the petit mimic.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T510 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T511 'Y$3[Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T511 'Y`:[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T511 'YF You hit the petit mimic!.d[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T511 Meatdog eats an uncursed tripe ration {1}.--More--'Yf lYour small shield blocks the petit mimic's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T512 (YD[Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S235  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/42 Wt199/1000 T512 (YYou kill the petit mimic![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T512 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T513 .(YH'Unknown command ' '.(Y4[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T513 (Y, (Y 4[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T513 (Ÿ [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T513 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T514 !@.)d)Yw.@You see here a cursed food ration {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T514 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T515 d()Yd]Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T515 )Y7 %@You see here an uncursed smeared spellbook {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T515 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T516 )$d*YYour wallet contains 17 gold pieces.You have no credit in here.--More--+YUYou owe Adjama 2 zorkmids.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T516 +Yݕ@+You see here a cursed food ration {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T516 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T517 d)+Y@%[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T517 Meatdog picks up an uncursed smeared spellbook {1}.d.--More--+YMeatdog drops an uncursed smeared spellbook {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T518 d++YX @.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T518 Meatdog picks up an uncursed amulet {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T519 .d+Y ]Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T519 +YS! [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T519 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T520 d@..+YV @.You see here an uncursed shivering wand {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T520 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T521 !d+Y\]Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T521 ,Y@/You see here an uncursed scroll of teleportation {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T521 d.--More--,YMeatdog drops an uncursed amulet {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T522 "d,Y^@?[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T522 Meatdog picks up a blessed illegal potion {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T523 d.,Ynw]Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T523 ,Ye@.You see here a cursed scroll labeled BUSTER HYMEN {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T523 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T524 .d?,Y]Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T524 ,Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T524 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T525 @?.d,Y$ VThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T525 -Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T525 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S303  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T526 .@d-YSW [You owe Adjama 2 zorkmids you picked up in the store.--More--.YKoYou pay that debt.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301 5 43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T526 --More--.Y@ "Thank you for shopping in Adjama's general store!"[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T526 --More--/YUVMeatdog drops a blessed illegal potion {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T527 !d.@0Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T527 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T528 ...@d0YM ,@.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T528 Meatdog picks up an uncursed potion {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T529 .d0Y: 8[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T529 ,@-@!d%Meatdog drops an uncursed potion {1}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T530 d.@!0YZ[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T530 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T531 !,@,d1YΦ[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T531 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T532 ,,@,,-.!1Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T532 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T533 ,,@,,1Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T533 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T534 @@.d,,1Yr [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T534 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T535 @d@.,2Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T535 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T536 @@,,.,2Yl[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T536 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T537 @.@.,2Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T537 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T538 .@@.2Y [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T539 .@@..[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T539 2Y [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T540 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T541 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T542 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301 2Y  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T543 .@@..........d.The navi misses.Your crude chain mail blocks the navi's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S301  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/59 Wt199/1000 T544 d.3YRYou kill the navi![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T545 %d.3Y@.You see here an uncursed navi corpse {1450}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T546 d..4Y%|[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T547 @%.d4Y.@You see here an uncursed navi corpse {1450}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T548 d..5Yƒ=What do you want to eat? [efostw or ?*,] 5Ye eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - % an uncursed navi corpse {1450}(end) 5YW+ +-----------..........|Ecch - that must have been poisonous![Stonewall the Aco lyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  36(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T548 [-7 -> 36]--More--6YThis navi corpse is delicious!You cannibal! You will regret this![Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  37(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T549 [Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  37(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T550 [Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  37(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T551 [Stonewall 6Ythe Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  37(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T552 [Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  37(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T553 [Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  37(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T554 [Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  376Y(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T555 d.......--More--7YVH You finish eating the navi corpse.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  37(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T556 d.8Yn[Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  37(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T557 @d..8Y|[Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  38(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T558 d@...8Y[Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  38(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T559 [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  39(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T560 @.....dThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  39(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 W8Y( t199/1000 T560 8YX[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  39(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T561 .@d.9YJr[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  39(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T562 [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  39(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T563 ,,@..d.,..9Y [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  39(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T564 ,#@.d.,.There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  39(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T564 :Y[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  39(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T565 [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  39(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T566 [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T567 -.#,####@,,,[7;3:Y0H###,...,,.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T567 :Y[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T568 [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T569 [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T570 ---###|...d@#[32:Ytm|..,+,,There is a wall in the way!:Y4[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T570 :Yό:Y4[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T570 :Y_ 4[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T570 ;YPYou displaced Meatdog.;YQ[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T571 -@,.|d...|..+..-.-;Y[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T572 @.,d,|.|.+.-;YIJ[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T573 [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T574 @....d.There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/;Y1000 T574 ;Yu[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  40(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T575 .@d.<YZw[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T576 ...d@<Y.}[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  41(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T577 d..@<Y,[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T578 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T578 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T579 ...d..@[<Y,-m#,#<YOl [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T580 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T581 ...,#@##0,With great effort you move the boulder.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  42(43)  Pw 5<Yil 4(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T581 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T582 ,,@#0$.=Yߊ =Y( [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T582 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S345  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T583 ,,@#,..||>Y,,,@###1 gold piece.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346 6 42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T583 [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T584 >Y\jThere is nothing here to pick up.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  42(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T584 ?Y~[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T585 ,#,@,F.|?YbY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T585 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T586 ,#,,@#F#.........-|---?Y# 5[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T586 @YYou hit the spore lichen.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T586 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T587 @Ym You miss the spore lichen.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T587 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T588 @Y}^cYou miss the spore lichen.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S346  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/70 Wt199/1000 T589 @Y.You kill the spore lichen!@Y n[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T589 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T590 .@YK 6[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T590 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T591 ,-@-..|...|..|.--@Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T591 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T592 ,,---.-|.@AY,T[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T593 .@AYu y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T593 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T594 @.BY |[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T595 @..[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T595 BY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T596 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T597 ,,@.#BY [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T598 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T599 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T600 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362 Y K 43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T601 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T602 #$####@,,,####,#,.#[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T602 BYt[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S362  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T603 #,#@,1 gold piece.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363 7 43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T603 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T604 CY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T605 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T606 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T607 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363 Y;14H 43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T608 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T609 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T609 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54) CY[A AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T610 --------|..o....|.......|........|........|#####|........@,,,,#|........|##,---------,,,CY> [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T611 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T612 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T613 --o.....b|YX 9;18H|@....,-The orc reads an uncursed scroll labeled REGNAD {1}!--More--DY You are being punished for your misbehavior![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T614 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T615 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T616 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co1DY 0 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T617 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T617 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T618 ...o.b@_0.DYu [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T618 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T619 .o@._0DY{ OUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T619 DY?H [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T619 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T620 @b..o._d.0.EY4[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T620 EY'[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T621 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw 54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T621 @o_d.0..Meatdog bites the acid blob.Meatdog misses the acid blob.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S363  43(43)  Pw EY-'m[K54(54)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp3/74 Wt199/1000 T622 EY You kill the acid blob!.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S399  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/83 Wt199/1050 T622 Welcome to experience level 4.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S399  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/83 Wt199/1050 T623 od..FY[Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S399  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/83 Wt199/1050 T623 FYJR:[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S399  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/83 Wt199/1050 T623 FYR4[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S399  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/83 Wt199/1050 T623 FY4 You kill the orc![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T623 d..Meatdog eats an uncursed orc corpse {850}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T624 GY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T625 .@._0GYy [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T625 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T626 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T627 _@0.HY@[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T627 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T628 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T629 ..0_@.dHY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T629 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T630 0_d..@HY`l[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T631 d0.._.@HY[[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T631 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T632 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T633 ....0d_@HY| [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T633 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T634 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T635 ...0d_@HYh WThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T635 HY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T635 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T636 0._d@.IY"[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T637 0_..@.IY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T637 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T638 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T639 .0@_IY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T639 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T640 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T641 .@_0IY^ [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T641 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T642 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T643 @_0.IYh[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T643 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T644 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T645 @_d0.JYgz[[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T645 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T646 JY{[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T647 @_d.0...JYsq[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T647 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T648 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T649 @d._.0.JYq.JYuW[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T649 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T650 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T651 @_d.0...JY< VThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T651 JY*[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T651 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T652 ..d._@0KY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T653 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T653 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T654 .d0_..@KY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T655 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T655 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T656 ..0._d@KY.0._d@[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T657 You hear a gurgling noise.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T657 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 TKYH658 ..dKYks [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T659 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T659 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T660 .0d._@.KYe [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T661 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T661 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T662 ..0_@,d.LY[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T663 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T663 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T664 .0_@,.LY(.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T665 LYl[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T665 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T666 d.0_@,LY+ [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T667 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T667 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T668 .d,_@,,LYq[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T669 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T669 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T670 .,_@LY9V  Message History  There is a wall in the way! You displaced Meatdog. There is a wall in the way! With great effort you move the boulder. 1 gold piece. There is nothing here to pick up. You hit the spore lichen. You miss the spore lichen. You miss the spore lichen. You kill the spore lichen! 1 gold piece. The orc reads an uncursed scroll labeled REGNAD {1}! You are being punished for your misbehavior! Unknown command ' '. Meatdog bites the acid blob. Meatdog misses the acid blob. You kill the acid blob! Welcome to experience level 4. Unknown command ' '. You kill the orc! Meatdog eats an uncursed orc corpse {850}. There is a wall in the way! There is a wall in the way! You hear a gurgling noise.--More--RY-----##|....,#|...|,###-------------------+...|,,,,|...............|..|...|###,................|.|+...+,,|...............|---------------.|-.-.-|...............|###|.[...%!.+%%/!|.|######YЙm,#|................,,#|.?.?"...%.)/$|..,,_@##,#,|...<...........|#,###|.!..)[.$)$)).|.|###,##,,###-----------------#,,,,-.!!%/=%)(*??)|--#,####0,,,#####RYߙ#---------------#,,,,----.--####,|.....|#,......|##|.....||.....|---|--- [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471 Dlvl:2 $17 HP 54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T670 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  5RY4(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T670 TY;# TYfprayTY rayTYe ayUYyUY<Are you sure you want to pray? [yn] (n) UY$ yYou begin praying to Deus.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T671 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T671 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T672 d[Stonewall the AUY$ rcolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T673 You finish your prayer.$K--More--VYv/You feel that Deus is displeased.WY}KYou miss the kestrel.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T673 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T674 d.WYpoYou hit the kestrel.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T675 .WY<-eThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T675 WY You hit the kestrel![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T675 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S471  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/101 Wt199/1050 T676 WYrYou kill the kestrel!I%[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T676 Your crude chain mail blocks its attack.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T677 dXYC.,@,You see here an uncursed kestrel corpse {1450}.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T677 --More--XYP,|A Detective Lieutenant was hidden under an uncursed iron chain {120}!K--More--YYJThe Detective Lieutenant hits you![Stonewall the Ac olyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  43(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T677 [-11 -> 43][Stonewall the Ac olyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  43(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T678 ZY You hit the Detective Lieutenant.[Stonewall the Ac olyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  43(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T678 You hear a door open.--More--ZY/_VThe Detective Lieutenant swings his rubber hose.--More--ZYThe Detective Lieutenant hits you![Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T678 [-8 -> 35][Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T679 ZY(Unknown command ' '.ZY6[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T679 ZYk$5You hit the Detective Lieutenant.ZY%c[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T679 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T680 ZY5 ^Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T680 ZY You hit the Detective Lieutenant.[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T680 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T681 ZYw ^Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T681 ZY=<[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T681 [Y# You hit the Detective Lieutenant![Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T681 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T682 [Y^Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T682 [YpYou miss the Detective Lieutenant.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T682 --More--[Y,VThe Detective Lieutenant swings his rubber hose.--More--[Yd {Your iron skull cap deflects the Detective Lieutenant's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T683 [Y You miss the Detective Lieutenant.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  54(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T683 --More--[Y VThe Detective Lieutenant swings his rubber hose.--More--[YlThe Detective Lieutenant hits you![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  49(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T683 [-5 -> 49][Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  49(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T684 \Yv(Unknown command ' '.\Yr6[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  49(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T684 \YV6You miss the Detective Lieutenant.\Y߲N[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  49(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T684 --More--\Y VThe Detective Lieutenant swings his rubber hose.--More--\Y The Detective Lieutenant hits you![Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T684 [-9 -> 40][Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T685 \Y3You hit the Detective Lieutenant.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T685 --More--\YXVThe Detective Lieutenant swings his rubber hose.--More--]Y\The Detective Lieutenant misses.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T686 ]YˎYou miss the Detective Lieutenant.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T686 [Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T687 ]Y^Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T687 ]YQYou hit the Detective Lieutenant.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T687 --More--]YVThe Detective Lieutenant swings his rubber hose.--More--^Y)The Detective Lieutenant hits you![Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  32(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T687 [-8 -> 32][Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T688 ^Y֧ Weapons  a - ) a blessed +0 mace (weapon in foreclaw) {12}  x - ) an uncursed stout spear {12}  Armor  c - [ a blessed +2 small shield (being worn) {12}  q - [ an uncursed +0 crude chain mail (being worn) {120}  v - [ an uncursed +0 iron skull cap (being worn) {12}  Comestibles  e - % a blessed clove of garlic {1}  f - % a blessed sprig of wolfsbane {1}  o - % an uncursed tin {1}  s - % an uncursed tin {1}  t - % an uncursed fortune cookie {1}  w - % an uncursed holy wafer {1}  Scrolls  i - ? a blessed scroll of teleportation {1}  j - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  k - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  l - ? 3 uncursed scrolls of pha^Y2se door {3}  m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2}  n - ? an uncursed scroll of cure {1}  p - ? an uncursed unlabeled scroll {1}  u - ? a blessed scroll of standard id {1}  Spellbooks (1 of 2)_Y[Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S503 Dlvl:2 $17 HP 33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/109 Wt199/1050 T688 -----##|....,#|...|,###---------------------------+...|,,,,|...............||.........|...|###,................||........|+...+,,|...............|---------------|....._Y...|-.-.-|...............|###|.[...%!.+%%/!||........|######,#|................,,#|.?.?"...%.)/$||.........,,K,##,#,|...<...........|#,###|.!..)[.$)$)).||........|###@#_Y2#,,###-----------------#,,,,-.!!%/=%)(*??)|----------#,####0,,,######---------------#,,,,----.--####,|.....|#,......|##|.....||.....|---|---_YYou kill the Detective Lieutenant![Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S687  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T688 [Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S687  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T689 __YF ^Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S687  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T689 _YP d0@%,1 gold piece.[Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688 8 33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T689 [Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T690 .._YC eThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T690 _Y ^Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T690 `Y%<[Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T690 aYg,_@,You see here an uncursed kestrel corpse {1450}.[Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T691 aYg[Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T691 [Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T692 [Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T693 ,,_@,,aYR [Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T693 [Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T694 [Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T695 %_@bYWThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T695 bYLh[Stonewall th e Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  33(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T695 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T696 _,@,bY?[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T696 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T697 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T697 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688 YtH 34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T698 ,,_@,,bY [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T698 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T699 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T699 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688 Y; H 34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T700 ,_@,cY,[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T700 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T701 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T701 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688 Y\,H 34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T702 ,,_@cY[[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T702 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T703 cY[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  34(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T703 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T704 ,,_@cY! [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T704 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T705 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T705 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688 Y=" H 35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T706 0_@cY2 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T706 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T707 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T707 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688 Y3 H 35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T708 .0_@dY[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T708 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T709 d0@.eY@_You see here a cursed heavy iron ball {1200}.[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T709 [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt199/1050 T710 ..dfY rYou have a little trouble lifting a cursed heavy iron ball {1200}. Continue? [ynq] (q) hYQyYou have a little trouble lifting y - a cursed heavy iron ball {1200}.[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T710 Burdened iYF=What do you want to wield? [- axy or ?*] iY@QThe heavy iron ball welds itself to your foreclaw!--More--kYe_-----##|....,#|...|,###---------------------------+...|,,,,|...............||.........|...|###,................||........|+...+,,|...............|---------------|........|-.-.-|...............|###|.[...%!.+%%/!||.......kY`.|######,#|................,,#|.?.?"...%.)/$||.........,,,,##,#,|...<...........|#,###|.!..)[.$)$)).||........|###%##,,###-----------------#,,,,-.!!%/=%)(*??)|----------#,####YCa37m0,,,######---------------#,,,,----.--####,|.....|#,.@_...|##|.....||d....|---|---[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688 Dlvl:2 $18 HP 35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T710 Burdened Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMkYaalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T710 Burdened [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T711 Burdened [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T712 Burdened d..Yam.kY[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T712 Burdened [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T713 Burdened d@._lY[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T713 Burdened [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T714 Burdened .d@._lY[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T714 Burdened [Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T715 Burdened ._@.dlYg 4[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T715 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  51(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T716 Burdened ,,@d..lY/[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  51(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T716 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  51(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T717 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  51(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T718 lY0r[1mBurdened @_..mYT>$[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  51(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T718 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  51(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T719 Burdened ,,@,_.mYC([Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  51(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T719 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T720 Burdened ,@_,.mY[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T720 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T721 Burdened ,@_,mY There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T721 Burdened mY/C +[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T721 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T722 Burdened ,@_,mY#[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T722 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T723 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T724 mY$w[1mBurdened @_,,nY[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T724 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T725 Burdened @_,nY\ [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T725 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T726 Burdened @_,nYH<[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T727 Burdened @_K..nY %[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  52(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T727 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  53(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T728 Burdened @_.dnY [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  53(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T728 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  53(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T729 Burdened @_.Kd.The Keystone Kop's scale mail blocks Meatdog.--More--oYDMeatdog bites the Keystone Kop.--More--pYاXThe Keystone Kop swings his rubber hose at Meatdog.--More--pY!gThe Keystone Kop misses Meatdog.P(01(B--More--pYSeveral monsters come out of a portal.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  53(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T730 Burdened pY..@[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  53(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T730 Burdened The Keystone Kop drinks an uncursed hibiscus potion {1}!--More--pYY xThe Keystone Kop looks much better.Meatdog bites the Keystone Kop.--More--pYFU XThe Keystone Kop swings his rubber hose at Meatdog.--More--pY The Keystone Kop hits Meatdog.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  53(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T731 Burdened pY/gYou begin bashing monsters with your heavy iron ball.--More--qY The Keystone Kop's scale mail deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  53(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T731 Burdened --More--qY9fThe stronger turret drinks a blessed illegal potion {1}!_--More--qYFQSuddenly you cannot see the stronger turret.--More--qYDMeatdog bites the Keystone Kop.--More--qY. XThe Keystone Kop swings his rubber hose at Meatdog.--More--qY The Keystone Kop misses Meatdog.Meatdog misses the Keystone Kop.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  53(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T732 Burdened qYXYou miss the Keystone Kop.I[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  53(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T732 Burdened It scratches you![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  51(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T732 Burdened [-2 -> 51]--More--rYemIt just misses!The Keystone Kop swings his rubber hose.--More--rY<The Keystone Kop hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  47(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T732 Burdened [-4 -> 47]--More--rYX, DMeatdog bites the Keystone Kop.--More--rY XThe Keystone Kop swings his rubber hose at Meatdog.--More--rY~The Keystone Kop hits Meatdog.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  47(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T733 Burdened sYUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  47(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T733 Burdened sY/t[Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  47(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T733 Burdened sYucThe Keystone Kop's scale mail deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  47(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T733 Burdened --More--sY' Your crude chain mail deflects its attack.It touches you![Stonewall the Aco lyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  46(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T733 Burdened --More--sY= [-1 -> 46][Stonewall the Aco lyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  44(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T733 Burdened [-2 -> 44]Meatdog misses the Keystone Kop.--More--sYThe Keystone Kop's scale mail blocks Meatdog.[Stonewall the Aco lyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  44(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T734 Burdened tYUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Aco lyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  44(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T734 Burdened tYAt[Stonewall the Aco lyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  44(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T734 Burdened tYYou miss the Keystone Kop.[Stonewall the Aco lyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  44(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T734 Burdened Your small shield blocks its attack.--More--tYZC \It touches you![Stonewall the Ac olyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  43(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T734 Burdened [-1 -> 43][Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  39(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T734 Burdened [-4 -> 39].K--More--tYgY Meatdog misses the Keystone Kop.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  39(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T735 Burdened --More--tYxMYour crude chain mail blocks its attack.--More--uYUOYour crude chain mail deflects its attack.--More--uYMeatdog misses the Keystone Kop.Meatdog misses the Keystone Kop.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T736 Burdened uY,/You miss it.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T736 Burdened It misses.It misses.K.Meatdog bites the Keystone Kop.--More--uY The Keystone Kop is killed![Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T737 Burdened [uY^You miss it.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T737 Burdened It just misses!--More--uY Your crude chain mail blocks its attack.d.Meatdog misses it.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T738 Burdened uY_# iYou miss it.[Stonewall the A colyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  40(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T738 Burdened It scratches you![Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T738 Burdened [-4 -> 36]It just misses!--More--uY Q Meatdog bites it.It misses Meatdog.It misses Meatdog.[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T739 Burdened vYd You miss it.[Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  36(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T739 Burdened Your crude chain mail deflects its attack.--More--vYI[It touches you![Stonewall the  Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  35(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T739 Burdened [-1 -> 35][Stonewall t he Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  29(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T739 Burdened [-6 -> 29]Meatdog misses it.--More--vYAMeatdog bites it.[Stonewall t he Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  29(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T740 Burdened vYEdYou hit it.[Stonewall t he Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  29(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T740 Burdened Your crude chain mail blocks its attack.It touches you![Stonewall  the Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  28(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T740 Burdened --More--vY[-1 -> 28][Stonewal l the Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  22(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T740 Burdened [-6 -> 22]Meatdog bites it.It misses Meatdog.--More--vYJIt just misses Meatdog.[Stonewal l the Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  22(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T741 Burdened Your crude chain mail deflects its attack.--More--vY% It misses.Meatdog bites it.It misses Meatdog.It misses Meatdog.--More--vYc Meatdog bites it.[Stonewal l the Acolyte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S688  22(54)  Pw 73(73)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp4/155 Wt1399/1050 T742 Burdened vYlN gYou kill it!_[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T742 Burdened Welcome to experience level 5.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T743 Burdened P.dvY Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T743 Burdened wY2[[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T743 Burdened @.Meatdog moves only reluctantly.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T744 Burdened d[.wYPUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T744 Burdened wY`You stop. Meatdog is in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T745 Burdened .dwY{Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T745 Burdened wYcY,[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T745 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T746 Burdened @_.d.wYn[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T746 Burdened wYn[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T746 Burdened xY^[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T747 Burdened @.d..Meatdog just misses the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T748 Burdened xY-You miss the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T748 Burdened Meatdog misses the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T749 Burdened xY You miss the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T749 Burdened Meatdog bites the gray ooze.--More--yY]tThe gray ooze misses Meatdog.Meatdog misses the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T750 Burdened yY-You miss the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T750 Burdened Meatdog misses the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T751 Burdened yY Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T751 Burdened yY You miss the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T751 Burdened Meatdog misses the gray ooze.--More--yY Meatdog bites the gray ooze.The gray ooze bites Meatdog.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T752 Burdened yY FYou miss the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T753 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T754 Burdened _..dyYĐ Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T754 Burdened yY [You miss the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T754 Burdened The gray ooze bites you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T754 Burdened [-7 -> 62]--More--zY2Meatdog moves only reluctantly.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T755 Burdened d.zY1You hit the gray ooze![Stonewall the Acol yte] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T755 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T756 Burdened .d[zYUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T756 Burdened zY1You miss the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T757 Burdened .dzYCUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T757 Burdened zYmP-You miss the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T757 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T758 Burdened d..zYkUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T758 Burdened zY(?You miss the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T759 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T760 Burdened ._d.zY *You miss the gray ooze.zY [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T761 Burdened .dzY Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T761 Burdened zY-= zYm> You miss the gray ooze.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T761 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T762 Burdened d..zYN Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S836  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/192 Wt1399/1100 T762 Burdened zYwYou kill the gray ooze![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T763 Burdened .d.zY!Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T763 Burdened {Y$t[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T763 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T764 Burdened d@_.{YIBo[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T764 Burdened {Y|There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T764 Burdened {YUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T764 Burdened {YThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T764 Burdened {YUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T764 Burdened {Y-There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T764 Burdened {Y Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T764 Burdened {YJ There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T764 Burdened {YS@[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T765 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T766 Burdened .@,.d,.|Y0[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T767 Burdened d.@,,|Yd+[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T767 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T768 Burdened .,_d@,|Y? There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T768 Burdened |Y [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T769 Burdened ,,d@,,}Y%1-[Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T769 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T770 Burdened ,_d@,,}Y [Stonewall the Acoly te] St6 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1100 T772 Burdened ,,_@,,G.}Y-You miss the sub-gnome.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1150 T773 Burdened You feel strong![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co10 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1150 T773 Burdened --More--~YYou must have been exercising.You feel tough![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1000  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/233 Wt1399/1200 T773 Burdened --More--~Y6You must be leading a healthy life-style.~Y̭You kill the sub-gnome![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T774 Burdened ?~Y Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T774 Burdened ~Y},,_,@You see here an uncursed scroll of healing {1}.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T775 Burdened ~Y+Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T775 Burdened ~Y7 [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T776 Burdened ._@~Yq o[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T776 Burdened ~YC [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T778 Burdened .d_@YW#[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T779 Burdened ?d_@Y >With great effort you climb the stairs.--More--Y7--------------------------------------------- |...............................||..........| |...............................||..........| |...%..........$................|-.------.--- |........................{......|#,,,,,,,,#---------- |...............................|#######,##|...#..#.| ------|-.------.-----------------##,,,,,,#####|@.#{.#..Y7|###,,,,,,,,,,,,##########,,####,,,##,.......#..,# -----.---,##########,,,,,,,,,,##----|--#,----------,# |.......|,,#####,,########,,,|.....|#,##,# |.......|##,########,,,,#####,|.---.|#,##,# |.......###Y7##0,,,,,,,#####,,#####,|.$|.|#,####,# -----.-##,,,,,,-[-.-|--,,,,###,|.||.|###-----,##,)0##,,,,,,####|....%.-,#####,|.---.|,,,-...|%##,-------########|......|###,|.<...Y7[1m+,##|...-,##,|..(..||{......#,-------,,,|...|####......|--------#,,,,,,,,,##|$..|#|.....|###########------------[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024 Dlvl:1 $18 HP 66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T779 Burdened Y;[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T779 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T780 Burdened Y.Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T780 Burdened Yp There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T780 Burdened Y^[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T780 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T781 Burdened _@Yg[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T781 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T782 Burdened @.Y [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T782 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T783 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T784 Y%e[ABurdened _@Y[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T784 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T785 Burdened _,@.,YO[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T785 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T786 Burdened >@_Y) [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T787 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T788 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T789 Y) [ABurdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T790 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T791 Burdened ,.,,,_@,[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024 [24Y) ;1H 68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T791 Burdened Y [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T792 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T793 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T794 [Y ABurdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T794 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T795 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  Y* AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T796 Burdened ,,_@,YY [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T796 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T797 Burdened ,@_,Y1[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T797 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T798 Burdened @_-Y [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T798 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T799 Burdened @_.Y}x You cannot diagonally move through a door![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T799 Burdened Y=There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T799 Burdened Y [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T799 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T800 Burdened @._Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T800 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T801 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T802 Yl[ABurdened ,@_.Y+, [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T802 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T803 Burdened ,@_.Y1 [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T803 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T804 Burdened ,@_-,Ys[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T804 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T805 Burdened @_,Y8[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T805 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T806 Burdened ,_@,,YW[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T806 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T807 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T808 Yr[ABurdened ,,_@,,Y[_,_@There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T808 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T809 Burdened Y_ There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T809 Burdened Y#[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T810 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T811 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T812 [25;Y/#1HBurdened ,,,@_,,, [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T812 Burdened Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T813 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T814 Burdened ,@_,There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69) Y Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T815 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T816 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T817 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024 [24;1Y4H 69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T818 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T819 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T820 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 DYx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T821 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T822 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T823 Burdened [[1YmStonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T824 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T825 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T826 [24Y?;70HBurdened @_,,,,,,,,,,[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T826 Burdened Y [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T827 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T828 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T829 [Y))ABurdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T830 Burdened ,,,@,_,,,--More--YThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T830 Burdened YD[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T831 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T832 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T833 [25;Yc1HBurdened ,,,@_,,,,[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T833 Burdened Yz[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T834 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T835 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T836 [Y|ABurdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T837 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T838 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  Y|AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T839 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T839 Burdened F@_,,,,YcUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T839 Burdened Yj v[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T839 Burdened Y`1 You miss the brown mold.You are suddenly very cold![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T839 Burdened [-3 -> 66][Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T839 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw Y}1 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T840 Burdened YhUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T840 Burdened YnYou miss the brown mold.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T840 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T841 Burdened YUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T841 Burdened Y^[You miss the brown mold.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T841 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T842 Burdened YUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T842 Burdened YYou miss the brown mold.You are suddenly very cold![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T842 Burdened [-2 -> 65][Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T842 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69) Y Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T843 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T844 Burdened Yh Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T844 Burdened Yo You miss the brown mold.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T844 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T845 Burdened Y Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1024  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/239 Wt1399/1200 T845 Burdened Y You kill the brown mold![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T845 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T846 Burdened ,Y`[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T846 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T847 Burdened @_,,Y=9There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T847 Burdened Y&There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T847 Burdened Y [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T847 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T848 Burdened ,_@,Y There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T848 Burdened Y5[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T849 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T850 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T851 [25;Y51HBurdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T852 Burdened ,,,,@_,,,,[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T853 Burdened You hear water falling on coins.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 WY5i18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T854 Burdened ,,_,,@,.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T854 Burdened Y[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T855 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T856 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T857 [YABurdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T858 Burdened ,@_,,,--More--Y You cannot diagonally move through a door![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T858 Burdened Y8You cannot diagonally move through a door![Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T858 Burdened Y-s [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T858 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T859 Burdened ,_@Yx[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T859 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T860 Burdened ,@_Yd, [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T860 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T861 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T862 Y, y[ABurdened ,@_,YP[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T862 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T863 Burdened @_-Y [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T863 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T864 Burdened ,,@._Yt'[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T864 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T865 Burdened @_.Y'8[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T865 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T866 Burdened ,@,_Y%[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T866 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T867 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T868 Y%y[ABurdened ,@_,|Y"d [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T868 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T869 Burdened ,@_,Y*b [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T869 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T870 Burdened ,,@_,YĿ[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T870 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T871 Burdened ,@_,,Y`/[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T871 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T872 Burdened ,,@,_,YC[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T872 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T873 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T874 Yc[ABurdened @_,,,Y~[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T874 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T875 Burdened ,@,_Y^[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T875 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T876 Burdened ,@_,#,Y [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T876 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T877 Burdened ,@_,#Y* [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T877 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T878 Burdened ,@_,#Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T878 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T879 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T880 Y[ABurdened ,,@_,#Y[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T880 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T881 Burdened @_,Y-[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T881 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T882 Burdened .,,,@,_YU [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T882 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T883 Burdened @_,,Y? [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T883 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T884 Burdened @_@,Y7U [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T884 Burdened @k@,,,[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T885 Burdened Your small shield blocks the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  [3YUU 2m69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T886 Burdened k.Y[;[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T887 Burdened @@.YBe.@[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T887 Burdened The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T887 Burdened [-1 -> 68]k.--More--Y ;The kobold throws a crude dagger!)Y).Y).Y).Yc--More--You are almost hit by a crude dagger.).Y`Q"[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T888 Burdened @[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T889 Burdened @@.YUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T889 Burdened Y$[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T889 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T890 Burdened .@@.kYn;[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T891 Burdened .@@Your crude chain mail deflects the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T892 Burdened Yf Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T892 Burdened Y" [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T893 Burdened .@@Yo[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T893 Burdened YU&You miss the kobold by a league.YV[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T893 Burdened The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T893 Burdened --More--Y\'[-2 -> 67]The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T893 Burdened [-1 -> 66][Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T894 Burdened Y{You miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T894 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T895 Burdened YXYou miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T895 Burdened The human adventurer misses.--More--YpYour small shield blocks the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T896 Burdened YKQYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T896 Burdened The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T896 Burdened --More--Y@) V[-1 -> 67][Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T897 Burdened The human adventurer just misses!The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T897 Burdened --More--YWF [-3 -> 64][Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T898 Burdened YN The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T898 Burdened --More--Y The human adventurer misses.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T899 Burdened YBQYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T899 Burdened The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T899 Burdened --More--Y[-1 -> 64][Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T900 Burdened Y9 You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T900 Burdened --More--YZ*Your iron skull cap deflects the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T901 Burdened Y%QYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T901 Burdened The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T901 Burdened --More--Y][-1 -> 63]Your crude chain mail deflects the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T902 Burdened Y0 You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T902 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T903 Burdened The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw Y0 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T903 Burdened --More--YA [-1 -> 63][Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T904 Burdened Y6 You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T904 Burdened --More--Y Your crude chain mail deflects the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T905 Burdened Y23 You miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T905 Burdened The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T905 Burdened [-1 -> 62][Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw [YC3 K86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T906 Burdened Y Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T906 Burdened Y87You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T906 Burdened The human adventurer misses.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T907 Burdened YFMUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T907 Burdened Y`2You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T907 Burdened --More--YJYour small shield blocks the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T908 Burdened YNOYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T908 Burdened The human adventurer misses.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T909 Burdened --More--Y Your small shield deflects the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T910 Burdened YYou miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T910 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T911 Burdened YUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T911 Burdened Yw You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T911 Burdened --More--Y1 Your crude chain mail blocks the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T912 Burdened Y% 3You miss the kobold by a league.Y( [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T912 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T913 Burdened Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 Y( lMC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T913 Burdened Y~ u[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T913 Burdened Y You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T913 Burdened --More--Y>\Your small shield blocks the human adventurer's attack.--More--Yz The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T913 Burdened [-1 -> 62][Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T914 Burdened YYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T914 Burdened --More--YvYour small shield blocks the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T915 Burdened --More--Y.The kobold just misses![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T916 Burdened Y,You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T916 Burdened --More--Y0Your crude chain mail blocks the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T917 Burdened Y:You miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T917 Burdened --More--Y7 `Your crude chain mail blocks the human adventurer's attack.--More--Y5 The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T917 Burdened [-2 -> 61][Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T918 Burdened Y̒ You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T918 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T919 Burdened Y+1Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T919 Burdened Y7You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T919 Burdened The human adventurer misses.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T920 Burdened Y Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T920 Burdened YFThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Acolyte ] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  69(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T920 Burdened --More--Y3.The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T920 Burdened [-1 -> 68][Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T921 Burdened --More--YCYour small shield blocks the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T922 Burdened YQYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  68(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T922 Burdened The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T922 Burdened --More--YT[-1 -> 67][Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T923 Burdened Y QYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T923 Burdened The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T923 Burdened --More--Y[-1 -> 66]The kobold misses.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T924 Burdened Y8u You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T924 Burdened [Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T925 Burdened YaThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  67(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T925 Burdened --More--YThe human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T925 Burdened [-1 -> 66]--More--Yh Your small shield deflects the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T926 Burdened Y TYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T926 Burdened The human adventurer just misses![Stonewall the Acolyt e] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  66(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T927 Burdened --More--Y8, The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T927 Burdened [-1 -> 65][Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T928 Burdened Y>You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T928 Burdened --More--Y`Your small shield blocks the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T929 Burdened Y5`You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T929 Burdened --More--Y,k^Your small shield deflects the human adventurer's attack.--More--Y The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T929 Burdened [-1 -> 64][Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T930 Burdened YYou miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T930 Burdened --More--YaYour small shield deflects the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T931 Burdened Y3You miss the kobold by a league.Y[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  65(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T931 Burdened The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T931 Burdened [-1 -> 64][Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86) Y[m AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T932 Burdened Y] YUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T932 Burdened Y` "You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T932 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T933 Burdened --More--Y ^Your small shield deflects the human adventurer's attack.--More--Y; Your small shield blocks the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T934 Burdened Y} The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T934 Burdened --More--YWYour small shield deflects the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T935 Burdened YYou miss the kobold.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  64(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T935 Burdened --More--Yu`Your crude chain mail blocks the human adventurer's attack.--More--Y The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T935 Burdened [-2 -> 62][Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T936 Burdened Y" You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T936 Burdened [Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T937 Burdened YcUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T937 Burdened Y?You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T937 Burdened --More--YYour small shield deflects the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T938 Burdened YpT;The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T938 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T939 Burdened --More--Y The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T939 Burdened [-1 -> 62][Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T940 Burdened Y* The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T940 Burdened --More--YS The human adventurer misses.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T941 Burdened YYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T941 Burdened The human adventurer just misses!--More--Y} The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T941 Burdened [-1 -> 61][Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T942 Burdened YW! You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T942 Burdened [Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T943 Burdened YUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T943 Burdened Y(The kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T943 Burdened --More--Y0The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T943 Burdened [-1 -> 61]--More--YYour small shield blocks the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T944 Burdened Y "You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T944 Burdened [Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T945 Burdened --More--YYour iron skull cap deflects the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T946 Burdened YVYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T946 Burdened --More--Yk= Your small shield deflects the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T947 Burdened YA> You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T947 Burdened --More--YV3 Your small shield deflects the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T948 Burdened YVH You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T948 Burdened [Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T949 Burdened Y0Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T949 Burdened Y-FQYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acoly te] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  63(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T949 Burdened The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T949 Burdened --More--YU[-1 -> 62]The kobold misses.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T950 Burdened Yܵ3You miss the kobold by a league.Y[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T950 Burdened The human adventurer hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T950 Burdened --More--Y[-1 -> 61][Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T951 Burdened The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  60(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T951 Burdened [-1 -> 60][Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86Y(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T952 Burdened YYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T952 Burdened --More--YYour crude chain mail blocks the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T953 Burdened YYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T953 Burdened --More--Y` `Your crude chain mail blocks the human adventurer's attack.--More--Yr Your crude chain mail blocks the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T954 Burdened YwP 7You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T954 Burdened The human adventurer misses.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T955 Burdened Y Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T955 Burdened YXThe kobold's enchanted minded cloak blocks your attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T955 Burdened --More--Y\Your small shield blocks the human adventurer's attack.--More--YThe kobold misses.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T956 Burdened Y8You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T956 Burdened --More--Y+Your crude chain mail deflects the human adventurer's attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T957 Burdened --More--Y!tbYour crude chain mail deflects the human adventurer's attack.--More--Y The kobold misses.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T958 Burdened Yx You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T958 Burdened [Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T959 Burdened Y Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T959 Burdened Y The kobold's enchanted minded cloak deflects your attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T959 Burdened --More--YvbYour crude chain mail deflects the human adventurer's attack.--More--YYour crude chain mail blocks the kobold's attack.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T960 Burdened Y*&7You miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T960 Burdened The human adventurer misses.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T961 Burdened YRYou miss the kobold by a league.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  62(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T961 Burdened --More--Y \Your small shield blocks the human adventurer's attack.--More--Y The kobold hits you![Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T961 Burdened [-1 -> 61][Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T962 Burdened YhUnknown command '^Q'.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T962 Burdened Y;What do you want to ready? [- ax or ?*] Y&8 Never mind.[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T962 Burdened Y=# Y quitY)Really quit [yes/no]? YHyYBeYfsYM[Stonewall the Acol  61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T962 Burdened --------------------------------------------- |...............................||..........| |...............................||..........| |..............$................|-.------.--- |...........@@...........{......|#,,,,,,,,#---------- |............k..................YM|#######,##|...#..#.| ------|-.------.-----------------##,,,,,,#####|>.#{.#..|###,,,,,,,,,,,,##########,,####,,,##,.......#..,# -----.---,##########,,,,,,,,,,##----|--#,----------,# |.......|,,,,,,,#####,,########,,,|.....|#,##,YM# |.......|######,########,,,,#####,|.---.|#,##,# |.......#####0,,,,,,,#####,,#####,|.$|.|#,####,# -----.-##,,,,,,-[-.-|--,,,,###,|.||.|###-----,##,)0##,,,,,,####|......-,#####YN,|.---.|,,,-...|,##,-------########|......|###,|.<...+,##|...-,##,|..(..||{......#,-------,,,|...|####......|--------#,,,,,,,,,##|$..|#|.....|###########------------[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S106YND0 Dlvl:1 $18 HP 61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T962 Burdened Do you want your possessions identified? DYWYPI? [ynq] (n) Y n Weapons  a - ) a blessed +0 mace {12}  x - ) an uncursed +0 dwarvish spear {12}  Armor  c - [ a blessed +2 small shield (being worn) {12}  q - [ an uncursed +0 orcish chain mail (being worn) {120}  v - [ an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) {12}  Comestibles  e - % a blessed clove of garlic {1}  f - % a blessed sprig of wolfsbane {1}  o - % an uncursed tin of sewer rat meat {1}  s - % an uncursed tin of spinach {1}  t - % an uncursed fortune cookie {1}  w - % an uncursed holy wafer {1}  Scrolls  i - ? a blessed scroll of teleportation {1}  j - ? 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  k - ? 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  l - ? 3 uncursed scroY Alls of phase door {3}  m - ? 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2}  n - ? an uncursed scroll of cure {1}  p - ? an uncursed scroll of blank paper {1}  u - ? a blessed scroll of standard id {1}  Spellbooks (1 of 2)Y--------------------------------------------- |...............................||..........| |...............................||..........| |..............$................|-.------.--- |...........@@...........{......|#,,,,,,,,#---------- |............k..................|#######,##|...#..#.| ------|-.------.-----------------##,,,,,,#####|>.#{.Y#..|###,,,,,,,,,,,,##########,,####,,,##,.......#..,# -----.---,##########,,,,,,,,,,##----|--#,----------,# |.......|,,,,,,,#####,,########,,,|.....|#,##,# |.......|######,########,,,,#####,|.---.|#,##,# |.......Y#####0,,,,,,,#####,,#####,|.$|.|#,####,# -----.-##,,,,,,-[-.-|--,,,,###,|.||.|###-----,##,)0##,,,,,,####|......-,#####,|.---.|,,,-...|,##,-------########|......|###,|.<...[Y30m+,##|...-,##,|..(..||{......#,-------,,,|...|####......|--------#,,,,,,,,,##|$..|#|.....|###########------------[Stonewall the Acol yte] St7 Dx9 Co11 In5 Wi18 Ch9 PriKhaMalCha S1060 Dlvl:1 $18 HP 61(69)  Pw 86(86)  AC-1 MC1 Mov12 Xp5/248 Wt1399/1200 T962 Burdened Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (n) Yq