>Y(  Player: stonewall Game: Slash'EM Extended Server: $ATTR(14)em.slashem.me - https://em.slashem.me/$ATTR() Filename: 2017-05-10.16:24:35.ttyrec Time: (1494433475) Wed May 10 16:24:35 2017 >YR1 [?1l>This is SuperLotsoAddedStuffHack-Extended Magic Extended 1997-2016 NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, M. Stephenson. Slash'EM Extended version by Amy (user Bluescreenofdeath at Nethackwiki). See license for details. Bug reports to Bluescreenofdeath's user talk page. Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] >YE nChoosing Character's Role Pick a role for your character   a - an Acid Mage  b - an Activistor  c - an Altmer  d - an Amazon  e - an Anachronist  f - an Archeologist  g - an Artist  h - an Assassin  i - an Augurer  j - a Barbarian  k - a Bard  l - a Binder  m - a Bleeder  n - a Bloodseeker  o - a Bosmer  p - a Bully  q - a Camperstriker  r - a Caveman/Cavewoman  s - a Chaos Sorceror  t - a Chevalier  u - a Convict  v - a Cook (1 of 5)>Y X w - a Courier  x - a Cruel Abuser  y - a Death Eater  z - a Diver  A - a Doll Mistress  B - a Doom Marine  C - a DQ Slime  D - a Druid  E - a Drunk  F - a Dunmer  G - an Electric Mage  H - an Elementalist  I - an Elph  J - an Erdrick  K - a Failed Existence  L - a Feat Master  M - a Fencer  N - a Fighter  O - a Firefighter  P - a Flame Mage  Q - a Foxhound Agent  R - a Gamer  S - a Gangster  T - a Geek (2 of 5)>Yu : U - a Gladiator  V - a Goff  W - a Goldminer  X - a Graduate  Y - a Gunner  Z - a Healer  a - an Ice Mage  b - an Intel Scribe  c - a Jedi  d - a Jester  e - a Justice Keeper  f - a Knight  g - a Korsair  h - a Ladiesman  i - a Librarian  j - a Locksmith  k - a Lunatic  l - a Mahou Shoujo  m - a Medium  n - a Midget  o - a Monk  p - a Murderer  q - a Musician  r - a Mystic (3 of 5)>Y S s - a Necromancer  t - a Ninja  u - a Nobleman/Noblewoman  v - an Occult Master  w - an Officer  x - an Ordinator  y - an Otaku  z - a Paladin  A - a Pickpocket  B - a Pirate  C - a Poison Mage  D - a Pokemon  E - a Politician  F - a Priest/Priestess  G - a Psion  H - a Ranger  I - a Ringseeker  J - a Rocker  K - a Rogue  L - a Sage  M - a Saiyan  N - a Samurai  O - a Scientist  P - a Shapeshifter (4 of 5)>Y C+Choosing Race Pick the race of your Rogue   a - addict  b - ak Thief is dead!  c - albae  d - alchemist  e - alien  f - american  g - amnesiac  h - ancient  i - ancipital  j - angbander  k - angel  l - aquarian  m - argonian  n - asgardian  o - bastard  p - batman  q - borg  r - breton  s - burninator  t - centaur  u - chiropteran  v - clockwork automaton (1 of 7)>Y  w - cockatrice  x - cortex  y - curser  z - dark seducer  A - deathmold  B - deep elf  C - developer  D - devil  E - dinosaur  F - dolgsman  G - doppelganger  H - dragon  I - drow  J - dryad  K - dufflepud  L - dunadan  M - dwarf  N - elemental  O - elf  P - ent  Q - expert  R - fawn  S - fenek  T - fiend (2 of 7)>Y!)+Use hybrid races? [yn] (n) >YYgyUse the ones you set in your config file? (example: OPTIONS=hybridangbander) [yn] (n) >Y_yChoosing Gender Pick the gender of your elven Rogue  m - male f - female * - Random ! - Quit(end) >Y<+Choosing Alignment Pick the alignment of your female elven Rogue  l - lawful n - neutral c - chaotic * - Random ! - Quit(end) >YR+Ŀ@|f+[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0 Dlvl:1 $1674 HP 16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T1  It is written in the Book of Kos:  After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled against the authority of Marduk the Creator. Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all the artifacts of the gods, the Amulet of Yendor, and he hid it in the dark cavities of Gehennom>YR&, the Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time.  Your god Kos seeks to possess the Amulet, and with it to gain deserved ascendance over the other gods.  You, a newly trained Footpad, have been heralded from birth as the instrument of Kos. You are destined to recover the Amulet for your deity, or die in the attempt. Your hour of destiny has come. For the sake of us all: Go bravely with Kos!--More-->YBDĿ@|f>YFDHello stonewall, welcome to SlashEMExtended! You are a chaotic female problematic elven Rogue.--More-->YF You are playing SLASH'EM Extended on a public server. In the very rare case that your previous game crashed by sending you back to the dgamelaunch screen, please contact the server administrator for a restore.--More-->Y  Panics and segfaults aren't the end of the world - in roughly 99% of all cases, these can be restored into a working savegame file. Have fun playing! You can find me and other players on the IRC channel #slashemextended or #em.slashem.me on Freenode. If you need gameplay help, spoilers or other information, be sure to join and I'll gladly give you hints on how to play! :-) --Amy--More-->Y[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T1 You are lucky! Full moon tonight.>Y8[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T2 >YZ~T[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 f>YA Select one item:  a - Long description of the game and commands. b - List of game commands. c - Concise history of Slash'EM. d - Info on a character in the game display. e - Info on what a given key does. f - List of game options. g - Longer explanation of game options. h - Full list of keyboard commands. i - List of extended commands. j - The NetHack license. (end) >YMw[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 >Y6P Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  legacy [true]  news [true]  blindfox [false]  dudley [false]  gehenna [false]  hippie [false]  iwbtg [false]  lostsoul [false]  uberlostsoul [false]  hybridangbander [false]  hybridaquarian [false]  hybridcurser [false]  hybridhaxor [false]  hybridhomicider [false]  hybridsuxxor [false]  hybridwarper [false]  hybridrandomizer [false]  hybridnullrace [false]  hybridmazewalker [false]  hybridsoviet [false]  hybridxrace [false] (1 of 6)>Yw _ hybridheretic [false]  hybridsokosolver [false]  hybridspecialist [false]  hybridamerican [false]  hybridminimalist [false]  hybridnastinator [false]  hybridrougelike [false]  hybridsegfaulter [false]  hybridironman [false]  hybridamnesiac [false]  hybridproblematic [true]  hybridwindinhabitant [false]  a - autodig [false]  b - autopickup [true]  c - autoquiver [false]  d - bash_reminder [true]  e - checkpoint [true]  f - cmdassist [true]  g - color [true]  h - confirm [true]  i - DECgraphics [false]  j - eight_bit_tty [false]  k - extmenu [false]  l - help [true] (2 of 6)>Y = a - hilite_pet [true]  b - hitpointbar [true]  c - IBMgraphics [true]  d - ignintr [false]  e - invweight [true]  f - lit_corridor [true]  g - lootabc [false]  h - mail [true]  i - statuscolors [true]  j - menucolors [true]  k - menu_on_esc [true]  l - menu_glyphs [true]  m - missing_safety [true]  n - mon_polycontrol [false]  o - null [true]  p - perm_invent [false]  q - pickup_thrown [true]  r - pickup_cursed [false]  s - pokedex [true]  t - prayconfirm [true]  u - pushweapon [false]  v - quiver_fired [false]  w - qwertz_layout [false]  x - rest_on_space [false] (3 of 6)>Y+>Y;[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0 Dlvl:1 $1674 HP 16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 --------|@....|||.f....|......||......+-------->Y2p/You can't jump very far.--More-->Y8[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 >Y  Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) >Y| [Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 >Y /You can't jump very far.--More-->Y[;>[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 >YLUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 >Y2=You can't jump very far.--More-->Yv8[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 >Y'G Loot in what direction? >Y, Never mind.[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3  Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) ?Y[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3  Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) [Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3  Main Menu?Y?[2;63H  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) [Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 ?Y;x MUnknown command '^J'.[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 ?YyV Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  legacy [true]  news [true]  blindfox [false]  dudley [false]  gehenna [false]  hippie [false]  iwbtg [false]  lostsoul [false]  uberlostsoul [false]  hybridangbander [false]  hybridaquarian [false]  hybridcurser [false]  hybridhaxor [false]  hybridhomicider [false]  hybridsuxxor [false]  hybridwarper [false]  hybridrandomizer [false]  hybridnullrace [false]  hybridmazewalker [false]  hybridsoviet [false]  hybridxrace [false] (1 of 6)?Yt _ hybridheretic [false]  hybridsokosolver [false]  hybridspecialist [false]  hybridamerican [false]  hybridminimalist [false]  hybridnastinator [false]  hybridrougelike [false]  hybridsegfaulter [false]  hybridironman [false]  hybridamnesiac [false]  hybridproblematic [true]  hybridwindinhabitant [false]  a - autodig [false]  b - autopickup [true]  c - autoquiver [false]  d - bash_reminder [true]  e - checkpoint [true]  f - cmdassist [true]  g - color [true]  h - confirm [true]  i - DECgraphics [false]  j - eight_bit_tty [false]  k - extmenu [false]  l - help [true] (2 of 6) ?Yj> a - hilite_pet [true]  b - hitpointbar [true]  c - IBMgraphics [false]  d - ignintr [false]  e - invweight [true]  f - lit_corridor [true]  g - lootabc [false]  h - mail [true]  i - statuscolors [true]  j - menucolors [true]  k - menu_on_esc [true]  l - menu_glyphs [true]  m - missing_safety [true]  n - mon_polycontrol [false]  o - null [true]  p - perm_invent [false]  q - pickup_thrown [true]  r - pickup_cursed [false]  s - pokedex [true]  t - prayconfirm [true]  u - pushweapon [false]  v - quiver_fired [false]  w - qwertz_layout [false]  x - rest_on_space [false] (3 of 6)?Y܍: a - safe_pet [true]  b - showexp [true]  c - showrace [false]  d - showrealtime [false]  e - showscore [true]  f - showsym [true]  g - showdmg [true]  h - showweight [true]  i - showmc [true]  j - showmovement [true]  k - showlongstats [true]  l - silent [true]  m - sortpack [true]  n - sound [true]  o - sparkle [true]  p - standout [true]  q - tech_description [true]  r - time [true]  s - timed_autosave [true]  t - quick_autosave [true]  u - tombstone [true]  v - toptenwin [false]  w - travel [true]  x - use_inverse [false] (4 of 6)?Y  a - verbose [true]   Compounds (selecting will prompt for new value):  name [stonewall]  role [Rogue]  race [elf]  gender [female]  align [chaotic]  altkeyhandler [unknown]  catname [Katzenhund]  dogname [Meatdog]  dumpfile [/dgldir/userdata/%n/slex/dumplog/%d.txt]  ghoulname [(none)]  horsename [VWScirocco]  msghistory [20]  pettype [random]  ratname [(none)]  videocolors [1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15]  windowtype [tty]  wolfname [StarWolf]  b - boulder [0]  c - disclose [ni na nv ng nc]  d - fruit [grape]  e - menustyle [full] (5 of 6)?YD a - menu_headings [inverse]  b - msg_window [full]  c - number_pad [2=on, DOS compatible]  d - packorder [$")[%?+!=/(*`0_]  e - pickup_burden [unencumbered]  f - pickup_types [$]  g - pilesize [5]  h - runmode [run]  i - scores [10 top/2 around/own]  j - suppress_alert [(none)]  k - tileset [(none)]  l - autopickup exceptions (0 currently set) (6 of 6)?Yz/1[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0 Dlvl:1 $1674 HP 16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 --------|@....|||.f....|......||......+--------?Yy Loot in what direction? "?YUNever mind.[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3  Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) [Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3  Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Ac"?YUbtion p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) "?Y /[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 #?Y@ Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) $?Y [Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 %?Y6Loot in what direction? &?Yn# cmdassist: Invalid direction key! Valid direction keys (with number_pad on) are:  7 8 9  \ | /  4- . -6  / | \  1 2 3  < up  > down  . direct at yourself (Suppress this message with !cmdassist in config file.)--More----------|@....|||.f....|......||......+--------[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0 Dlvl:1 $1674 HP 16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 Never mind.[Stonewall &?Y# jthe Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 :?YV Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  legacy [true]  news [true]  blindfox [false]  dudley [false]  gehenna [false]  hippie [false]  iwbtg [false]  lostsoul [false]  uberlostsoul [false]  hybridangbander [false]  hybridaquarian [false]  hybridcurser [false]  hybridhaxor [false]  hybridhomicider [false]  hybridsuxxor [false]  hybridwarper [false]  hybridrandomizer [false]  hybridnullrace [false]  hybridmazewalker [false]  hybridsoviet [false]  hybridxrace [false] (1 of 6) a - hilite_pet [true]  b - hitpointbar [true]  c - IBMgraphics [false]  d - ignintr [false]  e - invweight [true]  f - lit_corridor [true]  g - lootabc [false]  h - mail [true]  i - statuscolors [true]  j - menucolors [true]  k - menu_on_esc [true]  l - menu_glyphs [true]  m - missing_safety [true]  n - mon_polycontrol [false]  o - null [true]  p - perm_invent [false]  q - pickup_thrown [true]  r - pickup_cursed [false]  s - pokedex [true]  t - prayconfirm [true]  u - pushweapon [false]  v - quiver_fired [false]  w - qwertz_layout [false]  x - rest_on_space [false] (3 of 6)H?YW1[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0 Dlvl:1 $1674 HP 16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 --------|@....|||.f....|......||......+--------H?Y] +What do you want to drink? [e or ?*] (@YKNever mind.[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 +@Y+Loot in what direction? cmdassist: Invalid direction key! Valid direction keys (with number_pad on) are:  7 8 9  \ | /  4- . -6  / | \  1 2 3  < up  > down  . direct at yourself (Suppress this message with !cmdassist in config file.)--More--,@Yt--------|@....|||.f....|......||......+--------[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0 Dlvl:1 $1674 HP 16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 Never mind.[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 ,@Y, ,Loot in what direction? -@Yncmdassist: Invalid direction key! Valid direction keys (with number_pad on) are:  7 8 9  \ | /  4- . -6  / | \  1 2 3  < up  > down  . direct at yourself (Suppress this message with !cmdassist in config file.)--More---@YZ t--------|@....|||.f....|......||......+--------[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0 Dlvl:1 $1674 HP 16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 Never mind.[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 .@Y # /@Yn/@Yu0@Ywzmp0@Y/a0@Yd0@Y gnumpad: unknown extended command.[Stonewall the Footpad ] St9 Dx13 Co14 In10 Wi5 Ch8 RogElfFemCha+B S0  16(16)  Pw 11(11)  AC7 MC0 Mov12 Xp1/0 Wt152/1250 T3 3@Y+*Really save? [yn] (n) 4@Yp+!ySaving...4@Y;-"Be seeing you...