HY Player: stonewall Game: Slash'EM Extended Server: $ATTR(14)em.slashem.me - https://em.slashem.me/$ATTR() Filename: 2017-05-07.06:52:56.ttyrec Time: (1494139976) Sun May 7 06:52:56 2017 HYThis is SuperLotsoAddedStuffHack-Extended Magic Extended 1997-2016 NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, M. Stephenson. Slash'EM Extended version by Amy (user Bluescreenofdeath at Nethackwiki). See license for details. Bug reports to Bluescreenofdeath's user talk page. Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] IY" {nChoosing Character's Role Pick a role for your character   a - an Acid Mage  b - an Activistor  c - an Altmer  d - an Amazon  e - an Anachronist  f - an Archeologist  g - an Artist  h - an Assassin  i - an Augurer  j - a Barbarian  k - a Bard  l - a Binder  m - a Bleeder  n - a Bloodseeker  o - a Bosmer  p - a Bully  q - a Camperstriker  r - a Caveman/Cavewoman  s - a Chaos Sorceror  t - a Chevalier  u - a Convict  v - a Cook (1 of 5)LYO w - a Courier  x - a Cruel Abuser  y - a Death Eater  z - a Diver  A - a Doll Mistress  B - a Doom Marine  C - a DQ Slime  D - a Druid  E - a Drunk  F - a Dunmer  G - an Electric Mage  H - an Elementalist  I - an Elph  J - an Erdrick  K - a Failed Existence  L - a Feat Master  M - a Fencer  N - a Fighter  O - a Firefighter  P - a Flame Mage  Q - a Foxhound Agent  R - a Gamer  S - a Gangster  T - a Geek (2 of 5)NYr1 U - a Gladiator  V - a Goff  W - a Goldminer  X - a Graduate  Y - a Gunner  Z - a Healer  a - an Ice Mage  b - an Intel Scribe  c - a Jedi  d - a Jester  e - a Justice Keeper  f - a Knight  g - a Korsair  h - a Ladiesman  i - a Librarian  j - a Locksmith  k - a Lunatic  l - a Mahou Shoujo  m - a Medium  n - a Midget  o - a Monk  p - a Murderer  q - a Musician  r - a Mystic (3 of 5)PY+J s - a Necromancer  t - a Ninja  u - a Nobleman/Noblewoman  v - an Occult Master  w - an Officer  x - an Ordinator  y - an Otaku  z - a Paladin  A - a Pickpocket  B - a Pirate  C - a Poison Mage  D - a Pokemon  E - a Politician  F - a Priest/Priestess  G - a Psion  H - a Ranger  I - a Ringseeker  J - a Rocker  K - a Rogue  L - a Sage  M - a Saiyan  N - a Samurai  O - a Scientist  P - a Shapeshifter (4 of 5)VY 9+Choosing Race Pick the race of your Ninja   a - addict  b - ak Thief is dead!  c - albae  d - alchemist  e - alien  f - american  g - amnesiac  h - ancient  i - ancipital  j - angbander  k - angel  l - aquarian  m - argonian  n - asgardian  o - bastard  p - batman  q - borg  r - breton  s - burninator  t - centaur  u - chiropteran  v - clockwork automaton (1 of 7)XY@ w - cockatrice  x - cortex  y - curser  z - dark seducer  A - deathmold  B - deep elf  C - developer  D - devil  E - dinosaur  F - dolgsman  G - doppelganger  H - dragon  I - drow  J - dryad  K - dufflepud  L - dunadan  M - dwarf  N - elemental  O - elf  P - ent  Q - expert  R - fawn  S - fenek  T - fiend (2 of 7)YY  U - gastly  V - gelatinous cube  W - giant  X - gnome  Y - golden saint  Z - gremlin  a - grid bug  b - haxor  c - hemi-doppelganger  d - hemophage  e - herbalist  f - heretic  g - hobbit  h - homicider  i - hidden elf  j - human  k - illithid  l - immunizer  m - imp  n - imperial  o - incantifier  p - inka  q - insectoid  r - ironman (3 of 7)[Y#)+Use hybrid races? [yn] (n) \Y>gyUse the ones you set in your config file? (example: OPTIONS=hybridangbander) [yn] (n) ]Y(JyChoosing Gender Pick the gender of your human Ninja  m - male f - female * - Random ! - Quit(end) ^Y 3+Choosing Alignment Pick the alignment of your female human Ninja  l - lawful n - neutral c - chaotic * - Random ! - Quit(end) aY+-----------|.........|..........||......@..+|........dd..d..||.----.------|[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha Dlvl:1 $0 HP 21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC7 Exp1 T1  It is written in the Book of Rat God:  After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled against the authority of Marduk the Creator. Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all the artifaYacts of the gods, the Amulet of Yendor, and he hid it in the dark cavities of Gehennom, the Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time.  Your god Rat God seeks to possess the Amulet, and with it to gain deserved ascendance over the other gods.  You, a newly trained Sword Trainee, have been heralded from birth as the instrument of Rat God. You are destined to recover the Amulet for your deity, or die in the attempt. Your hour of destiny has come. For the sake of us all: Go bravely with Rat God!--More--aY +---..|..|..+..|---aY uKonnichi wa stonewall, welcome to SlashEMExtended! You are a chaotic female human Ninja.--More--bYO You are playing SLASH'EM Extended on a public server. In the very rare case that your previous game crashed by sending you back to the dgamelaunch screen, please contact the server administrator for a restore.--More--cY -----------Panics and segfaults aren't the end of the world - in roughly 99% of all cases, these can be restored into a working savegame file. Have fun playing! You can find me and other players on the IRC channel #slashemextended or #em.slashem.me on Freenode. If you need gameplay help, spoilers or other information, be sure to join and I'll gladly give you hints on how to play! :-) --Amy--More--cYP ----------- |.........| ..........|[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC7 Exp1 T1 The moon is waxing tonight.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T1 fYq Weapons a - an uncursed +0 wakizashi (weapon in hand) {12} b - 9 uncursed +0 hira-shuriken (in quiver) {5} Scrolls f - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} g - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} h - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} i - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} j - an uncursed scroll of cure {1} Potions c - an uncursed potion of sickness {1} d - a blessed potion of invisibility {1} Tools e - an uncursed osaku {1}(end) jY|6 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T1 jY [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T2 @<kYQM[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T3 @.ddd...lY3OYou miss the coyote.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T3 The little dog bites the coyote.--More--lYf lThe coyote misses the little dog.The coyote bites you![Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T3 [-1 -> 20]--More--mYNKThe coyote bites you![Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T3 [-1 -> 19]The little dog misses the coyote.[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T4 mY:Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T4 mYn< [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T4 nY-mTYou kill the coyote!%.d[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T4 The coyote misses.[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T5 nY|Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T5 nYD[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T5 nYly [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T5 nY>t EYou kill the coyote![Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T6 ...nY9Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T6 oY [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T6 oYzM.@.You see here a coyote corpse {300}.[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T7 pYM4 5What do you want to eat? [* or ,] pYs  eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - a coyote corpse {300}(end) qYB S+This coyote corpse tastes terrible![Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T8 [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T9 [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T10 --More--rYJ You finish eating the coyote corpse.[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T11 rY [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T12 @.rYF[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T13 @.sY.[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T14 @.sYh>--|..@There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T15 sYo |[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T16 -.,,@.,.tY}[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T17 -.#@..#.|tYc_ [Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T18 -.|@,.|......----uYm[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T19 -,.,@,.|--uYg _[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T20 ,@,d.,vY6tY[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T21 ,..@,#vYw>[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T22 ,,@##vYcJThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T22 wYH[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T23 ,.@d.,,The little dog drops a potion {1}.[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T24 [Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T25 [Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  wY$I20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T26 [Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T27 ##d@,,!,wY-$There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T27 xY@$There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T27 xY~8K[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T28 ,.d,@xY! .@There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T29 d.yYH.,,@.,There is a doorway here.You see here a castor bean potion {1}.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T30 .dzY&k - a castor bean potion {1}.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T30 zY,,.@,There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T31 .dzY]) [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T32 ..@zY2 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T33 .@{Y :[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T34 .@!,#{Y b[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T35 .#,#@###,#[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T35 {Y [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T36 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T37 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T38 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T39 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In{Yڽ 7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T40 ,,,#,##,##@####There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T40 |Y{A[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T41 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T42 ,@,,,[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T42 |Ya |[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T43 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T44 d@,,,,You see here a wormwood potion {1}.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T45 }Yv$There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T45 ~Yg`#l - a wormwood potion {1}.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T45 ~Yc [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T46 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T47 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T48 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T49 ...,,[10;15~Y{ NH,,,,@[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T49 ~Y [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T50 There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T50 Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T51 Y\ [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T52 Y1n [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T53 Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T54 dY o [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T55 ,Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T56 dY  [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T57 ,Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T58 dY, \You displaced your little dog.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T59 ,@dYL[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T60 ,@,,YzF[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T61 ,@,,Y>M[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T62 ,,@d,Y7[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T63 @d,Y /[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T64 @,,,Y .[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T65 @.,,YC[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T66 @d..Y3[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T67 d.@.Y2+[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T68 ..d<@YrY [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T69 .d.@Y~That door is closed.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T69 Y That door is closed.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T69 Yf*3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] Y5EThe door resists![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T70 .<dYm 3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] YR HThe door opens.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T71 d.-Y^[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T72 .#.@,d#YP[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T73 #-@,.#YJ[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T74 ##,,@,#,There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T75 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T76 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  [25YJ;1H21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T77 #..,,,##,,,###@,##,[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T77 Y&[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T78 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T79 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T80 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T81 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 InY'7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T82 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T83 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T84 ..,,,,,,,,##,##,##,##,,#,##@##"#[Y+'K[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T84 Y`[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T85 ,,@#,#--More--Y7&You see here a guilded amulet {1}.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T86 Y $m - a guilded amulet {1}.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T86 YH[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T87 ,@,,Y C[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T88 ,,@,,Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T89 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T90 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T91 ,,,--------,|........,|............,|...............,@#[1Ykm|............###|........---------[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T91 Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T92 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T93 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T94 ------........|,@d,..|......------Y3|[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T95 -|@d,|-Y5[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T96 .@d.Y [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T97 Y '[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T98 d@.....[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T98 Y [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T99 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T100 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T101 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T102 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5Y  In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T103 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T104 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T105 #.d.@............[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T105 Y [KY [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T106 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T107 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T108 d...@....There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21) [24;1YӘ V9H Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T108 Y+ @[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T109 d.@.Y, D[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T110 @...dYO0[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T111 .@.dY .@Uh-oh, should have watched your step...``````````````--More--Y`Suddenly, clouds are obscuring your vision![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T112 .d.Y2 C[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T113 .d@.Y/[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T114 `d@Y ,[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T115 .@dYL#[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T116 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T117 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T118 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T119 .`...d[Yc#37m.@`.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T119 Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T120 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T121 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T122 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T123 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 CoY5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T124 ......@,...d.YM Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T125 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T126 d.,@.There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T126 Y4[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T126 Y) There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T126 YuYou displaced your little dog.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T127 ,@d,Y~J[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T128 ,@,,,YlV C[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T129 ,@,,YC D[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T130 ,,@,,YC[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T131 ,@,,Y^i# Y tYechniqueY+  Choose a technique  Name Level Status a - appraisal 1 Prepared b - phase door 1 Prepared c - invoke deity 1 Prepared(end) Yx H[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T131 YB[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T132 #,@,#YAd[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T133 ,,#,,,@#,##[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T133 YR[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T134 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T135 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T136 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T137 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 CoYc5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T138 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T139 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T140 ---..#,#..##@#..#,,%,,,,,#,##,#,,,[Stonewall the SYoword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T140 Yb[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T141 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T142 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T143 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T144 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 CoYc5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T145 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T145 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T146 ####----------#,,,@.........#,#|......|,.|,,#..#..---Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T146 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T147 ,.@....|.||..----Y< [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T148 .@Y!}[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T148 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T149 |...@...........|--Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T150 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T151 ...@.........-----You hear a door open.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T152 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw [25;YǦQ1H8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T153 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T154 d...@[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T154 Yr [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T155 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T156 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T157 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T158 .....d...@Yr [mThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T158 Y 4[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T158 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T159 d@..Y D[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T160 .d@..Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T161 @..d[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T161 Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T162 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T163 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T164 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T165 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 CoY5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T166 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T167 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T168 @.................[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T168 Yd [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T169 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T169 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T170 ,@.dY2;[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T170 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T171 ,@.d.YhV[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T172 ,@,d..,Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T173 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T174 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T175 ,,,..,,@,,,[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw [Y<A8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T175 Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T176 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T177 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T178 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T179 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 CoY5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T180 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T181 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T182 .,,,,,,,,,,,,@,[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw [24;2Y!52H8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T182 YM[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T183 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T184 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T185 ,,@,,,,There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw [25;YaK1H8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T185 Y* [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T186 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T187 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T188 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T189 ,,,,YN =[34m,,,,@[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T189 Y 9[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T190 ,dThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T190 Yc,[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T190 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T191 ,@,dYĻ 3[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T191 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T192 ,@,,,Y< C[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T193 ,@,,Y3[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T193 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T194 ,,@,,Y>[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T194 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T195 ,@,,,YЇf[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T196 ,,,d@,,YS &[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T196 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T197 ,@,,YY 3[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T197 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T198 ,@,,,Y>D[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T199 ,,,@,,Yf[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T199 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T200 ,,#,@,,,,YD B[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T200 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T201 ,,,@,,Y%Y[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T202 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T203 ,,,,,@,##,#[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T203 Yj[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T204 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T205 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T206 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T207 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 CoYk5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T208 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T209 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  21(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T210 ,,,,,,,##,###,,,###@##,,##You stepped on a trigger!Something hits your foot.[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 CoYk5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T210 [-2 -> 19][Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T211 Yl*][Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T211 [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T212 ,,^#@,#,YC[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T213 [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T214 [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T215 [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T216 [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 CYDo5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T217 #,,####,,,,#|----###,#|...o...-,@#|..#,,|[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T217 Y:%[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T218 [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T219 [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T220 ,.,,d,@,###There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha [24YN%;13H 19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T220 YŠv[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T221 [Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T222 ,,##,,,@###There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T222 Yf[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T223 ,#d@,,Y^l,,,,@,You hear some noises.[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T224 #,#@,,#[Stonewall the Sword Trai nee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  19(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T224 YBA[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T225 There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T225 Y'There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T225 Y{ [[Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T226 ,,@,,dY][Stonewall the Sword Train ee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  20(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T226 ,o,@.,,,,,The cave goblin throws an orcish dagger!)YE!-)Y#--More--YhTYou are hit by an orcish dagger.[Stonewall the Sword Tra inee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  18(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T226 [-2 -> 18],)Y"[Stonewall the Sword Tra inee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  18(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T227 @dYt z[Stonewall the Sword Tra inee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  18(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T227 [Stonewall the Sword Tra inee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  18(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T228 ,.o,@,,.#,Yy[Stonewall the Sword Tra inee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  18(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T228 [Stonewall the Sword Tra inee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  18(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T229 #,@,,.#.|Y$#@,,.#$..`.|[Stonewall the Sword Tra inee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  18(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T229 The cave goblin hits you![Stonewall the Sword  Trainee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  16(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T229 [-2 -> 16][Stonewall the Sword  Trainee] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  16(21)  Pw 8(8)  AC4 Exp1 T230 dY ^Critical hit!You kill the cave goblin!%[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T230 --More--YWelcome to experience level 2.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T230 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T231 ,Y%-@,,.|{............-------There is an open door here.You see here a cave goblin corpse {400}.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T232 YF 6What do you want to eat? [* or ,] Y  eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - a cave goblin corpse {400}(end) Y= +--.#|..|..|This cave goblin corpse tastes terrible![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T232 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T233 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T234 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHuY> mFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T235 ,--More--Yd )You finish eating the cave goblin corpse.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T236 Y;*[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T236 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T237 @-,|.|.|--Yb \[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T238 --|.....@Y .[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T238 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T239 --...@Y(.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T240 d@{Y%J[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T240 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T241 -|d-@.YKj@.You see here 7 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T242 ..dY%7 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha 7 28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T242 Y A[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T242 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T243 @..dY\[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T244 @.d{.Y5[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T244 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T245 @.d.Y 4[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T246 .d.@.Y4 "[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T246 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T247 .d@Y+[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T248 .d..@Y4)[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T248 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T249 ..@dY>[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T250 ..@.dY #[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T250 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T251 d.@.Y, There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T251 YZ8You cannot diagonally move through a door![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T251 Yq )There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T251 Y )There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T251 YJ[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T252 .@d..YȿThere is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T252 YA[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T252 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T253 .@,.dYj f[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T254 d-@,.{Y$ [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T255 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T256 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T257 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T258 ,.-[33Y$ Sm,,,,@,,There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T258 Yl M[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T258 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T259 ,,,@,,,Y K[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T260 ,,,,@Y [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T260 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T261 Yi[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T262 Y_(You find a secret passage!--More--YB [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T262 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T263 ,Y^][Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T264 ,,@#,+Y͠7[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T264 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T265 ,,,@###YR&In what direction? [hykulnjb><] Y&The door resists![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T266 YI 4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] Yol The door resists![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T266 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T267 Yz4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] YzThe door opens.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T268 ----.........|.......|-........|---------Yl[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T268 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T269 --.-...$...|.,@-YF2m [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T270 -+|.|,,-@Y  [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T270 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T271 @.Y4 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T272 @.YrP3[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T272 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T273 @.dYn.@You see here 4 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T274 d-.Yk 4 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha 11 HP 28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T274 Y)1[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T274 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T275 @.d.Y,c[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T276 ,,#@..dYM[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T277 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T278 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T279 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T280 -----$..[Y37m....##d####@,,,....There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T280 Y)There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T280 YT)There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T280 YRX)There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T280 Y2[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T280 [Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T281 ,d@,Y There is a wall in the way![Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T281 Yo[Stonewall the Sword Trainee ] St15 Dx21 Co5 In7 Wi5 Ch5 NinHumFemCha  28(28)  Pw 16(16)  AC4 Exp2 T282 ..#,#@,,dY2Really save? [yn] (n) Y!ySaving...Yv"Be seeing you...