1Y_ Player: stonewall Game: Slash'EM Extended Server: $ATTR(14)em.slashem.me - https://em.slashem.me/$ATTR() Filename: 2017-05-06.20:26:40.ttyrec Time: (1494102400) Sat May 6 20:26:40 2017 1Yn level 9. Killed by a monster (priestess of Moloch), while dragging an iron ball. - [110]  24 35250 stonewall-Ass-Dro-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of   Doom on level 39 [max 40]. Killed by a monster   (zookeeper). - [110] 25 32086 jiik-War-Ung-Fem-Cha quit in The Gnomish Mines on level 6 [max 11]. 127 [127] 26 30724 Elronnd-Wiz-Rod-Fem-Cha quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 9. 129 [129] 1YԙThis is SuperLotsoAddedStuffHack-Extended Magic Extended 1997-2016 NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, M. Stephenson. Slash'EM Extended version by Amy (user Bluescreenofdeath at Nethackwiki). See license for details. Bug reports to Bluescreenofdeath's user talk page. Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] 1Y {nChoosing Character's Role Pick a role for your character   a - an Acid Mage  b - an Activistor  c - an Altmer  d - an Amazon  e - an Anachronist  f - an Archeologist  g - an Artist  h - an Assassin  i - an Augurer  j - a Barbarian  k - a Bard  l - a Binder  m - a Bleeder  n - a Bloodseeker  o - a Bosmer  p - a Bully  q - a Camperstriker  r - a Caveman/Cavewoman  s - a Chaos Sorceror  t - a Chevalier  u - a Convict  v - a Cook (1 of 5)1YO w - a Courier  x - a Cruel Abuser  y - a Death Eater  z - a Diver  A - a Doll Mistress  B - a Doom Marine  C - a DQ Slime  D - a Druid  E - a Drunk  F - a Dunmer  G - an Electric Mage  H - an Elementalist  I - an Elph  J - an Erdrick  K - a Failed Existence  L - a Feat Master  M - a Fencer  N - a Fighter  O - a Firefighter  P - a Flame Mage  Q - a Foxhound Agent  R - a Gamer  S - a Gangster  T - a Geek (2 of 5)1Y9+Choosing Race Pick the race of your Druid   a - addict  b - ak Thief is dead!  c - albae  d - alchemist  e - alien  f - american  g - amnesiac  h - ancient  i - ancipital  j - angbander  k - angel  l - aquarian  m - argonian  n - asgardian  o - bastard  p - batman  q - borg  r - breton  s - burninator  t - centaur  u - chiropteran  v - clockwork automaton (1 of 7)1Y" w - cockatrice  x - cortex  y - curser  z - dark seducer  A - deathmold  B - deep elf  C - developer  D - devil  E - dinosaur  F - dolgsman  G - doppelganger  H - dragon  I - drow  J - dryad  K - dufflepud  L - dunadan  M - dwarf  N - elemental  O - elf  P - ent  Q - expert  R - fawn  S - fenek  T - fiend (2 of 7)1Y+)+Use hybrid races? [yn] (n) 1Y gyUse the ones you set in your config file? (example: OPTIONS=hybridangbander) [yn] (n) 1YyChoosing Gender Pick the gender of your ent Druid  m - male f - female * - Random ! - Quit(end) 1YH/+Choosing Alignment Pick the alignment of your male ent Druid  l - lawful n - neutral c - chaotic * - Random ! - Quit(end) 1Y~G+-.------..B.{||...@$||.....|....`..||...#------|{--[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:1 $0 HP 11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T1  It is written in the Book of Tal Rascha:  After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled against the authority of Marduk the Creator. Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all the artifacts of the1YG gods, the Amulet of Yendor, and he hid it in the dark cavities of Gehennom, the Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time.  Your god Tal Rascha seeks to possess the Amulet, and with it to gain deserved ascendance over the other gods.  You, a newly trained Fire Tower Caster, have been heralded from birth as the instrument of Tal Rascha. You are destined to recover the Amulet for your deity, or die in the attempt. Your hour of destiny has come. For the sake of us all: Go bravely with Tal Rascha!--More--1Y" +-.------..B.{||...@$||.....|....`..||...#------|{--1YG% rHello stonewall, welcome to SlashEMExtended! You are a lawful male warper ent Druid.--More--1YV  You are playing SLASH'EM Extended on a public server. In the very rare case that your previous game crashed by sending you back to the dgamelaunch screen, please contact the server administrator for a restore.--More--1Y' Panics and segfaults aren't the end of the world - in roughly 99% of all cases, these can be restored into a working savegame file. Have fun playing! You can find me and other players on the IRC channel #slashemextended or #em.slashem.me on Freenode. If you need gameplay help, spoilers or other information, be sure to join and I'll gladly give you hints on how to play! :-) --Amy--More--1YX[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T1 The moon is waxing tonight.1Y ][Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T3 .@B.-1YY GYou displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T3 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T4 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T5 .@B.1YwYou stop. Nevermore is in the way![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T6 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T7 $B..1Y <@You see here 3 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T7 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T9 B<r..1Y*3 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 3 11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T9 1YjV You stop. Nevermore is in the way![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T9 .{rB.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T10 Nevermore misses the sewer rat.--More--1Yo Nevermore claws the sewer rat.The sewer rat is killed!B.--More--1YT" -Nevermore eats a sewer rat corpse {20}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T11 1Y!(Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T11 1Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T12 ..r@.Nevermore bites the sewer rat.The sewer rat is killed![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T13 .1YK[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T13 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T15 B..@.<1YD_[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T15 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T16 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T17 .@{...B1YPick an object.1Y@1Y C{ a sink or a toilet or a fountain (sink)[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T17 1Y_Q[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T18 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T19 @..B.1YV[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T19 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T21 .B{@<.1Y_[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T21 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T22 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T23 ..@...B.1YF|.|@You see here a statue of a jackal {450}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T24 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T25 <B..1Yu} t[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T25 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T27 |B.|..@`1Yv # 1Yt1YLechnique1Y7  Choose a technique  Name Level Status a - ent's potion 1 Prepared b - appraisal 1 Prepared c - phase door 1 Prepared d - invoke deity 1 Prepared(end) 1YR+Restores some of your health and also fixes blindness, stunning, confusion, hallucination, numbness, fear, freezing, dimness and burns.--More--1Yh> Use this technique? [yn] (n) 1YSn[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T27 1YR# 1Yt1Y|echnique1YV Choose a technique  Name Level Status a - ent's potion 1 Prepared b - appraisal 1 Prepared c - phase door 1 Prepared d - invoke deity 1 Prepared(end) 1Y: 1+Invoke your deity for healing. If successful, some or all of your hit point damage will be restored, but there may be negative outcomes depending on certain circumstances.--More--1Yp J Use this technique? [yn] (n) 1Yë n[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T27 1YX Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - create familiar 7 occult 99% 600% b - charm monster 4 enchant 90% 300%(end) 1Y+You don't have enough energy to cast that spell. The required amount was 28. --More--1YH  [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T27 1Yv Select one item:  a - Long description of the game and commands. b - List of game commands. c - Concise history of Slash'EM. d - Info on a character in the game display. e - Info on what a given key does. f - List of game options. g - Longer explanation of game options. h - Full list of keyboard commands. i - List of extended commands. j - The NetHack license. (end) 1Y-.------....{|||.B.<.||||.....||.....@`..|[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T27 1YR Weapons a - an uncursed +1 club (weapon in hand) {12} b - an uncursed +1 bow (alternate weapon; not wielded) {12} c - 50 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {25} Comestibles f - 8 uncursed oranges {5} g - 5 uncursed apples {3} h - 12 uncursed carrots {7} i - 10 uncursed pears {6} j - 10 uncursed asian pears {6} k - 9 uncursed lemons {5} l - 9 uncursed bananas {6} m - 9 uncursed melons {5} n - 158 uncursed slime molds {86} Scrolls o - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} p - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} q - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} r - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} s - an uncursed scroll of cure {1} Spellbooks d - an uncursed spellbook of create familiar (6:2) {1} e - an uncursed spellbook of charm monster (0:4) {1}[1YRC(end) 1YV-.------....{|||.B.<.||||.....||.....@`..||...#------|{.--- [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:1 $3 HP 11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T27 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx201Yu Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T27 1Yo.What do you want to read? [deo-s or ?*] 1Y  Weapons a - an uncursed +1 club (weapon in hand) {12} b - an uncursed +1 bow (alternate weapon; not wielded) {12} c - 50 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {25} Comestibles f - 8 uncursed oranges {5} g - 5 uncursed apples {3} h - 12 uncursed carrots {7} i - 10 uncursed pears {6} j - 10 uncursed asian pears {6} k - 9 uncursed lemons {5} l - 9 uncursed bananas {6} m - 9 uncursed melons {5} n - 158 uncursed slime molds {86} Scrolls o - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} p - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} q - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} r - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} s - an uncursed scroll of cure {1} Spellbooks d - an uncursed spellbook of create familiar (6:2) {1} e - an uncursed spellbook of charm monster (0:4) {1}[24;191Y H(end) 1YD+-.------....{|||.B.<.||||.....||.....@`..||...#------|{.--- [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:1 $3 HP 11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T27 The words on the page seem to glow faintly.[11YD5;67H--More--1YAYou begin to memorize the runes.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T27 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T28 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T29 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T30 1YX[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T31 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T33 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T34 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T35 [Stonewall the Fire 1YyTower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T36 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T37 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T39 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T40 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx201Y Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T41 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T42 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T43 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T45 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W [21Y4;1H 11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T47 .....<|.....B.`.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T48 Nevermore drops 2 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T49 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw [1Y24;22H14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T51 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T53 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T55 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T57 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  A1YC3 Exp1 T59 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T61 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T63 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T65 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T67 [1YStonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T69 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T71 [Stonewall the Fire Tower C1YSaster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T73 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T75 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T77 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T79 .B.--More--1YNevermore picks up 2 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T81 B...Nevermore drops 2 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T83 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T85 ..B..`[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster [23;31Y+3H] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T86 --More--1Y@Nevermore picks up 2 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T87 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T89 .B....[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T90 Nevermore drops 2 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W [241Y@;13H 11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T91 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T93 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T95 B.{<.--More--1Yj Nevermore picks up 2 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T97 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T99 .......B.`[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T100 Nevermore drops 2 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 C1Y)j h10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T101 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T103 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T105 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T107 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W [24;11Y3j 3H 11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T109 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T111 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T113 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T115 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(111YKj )  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T117 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T119 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T121 ....<.B....`.--More--1YwNevermore picks up 2 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T123 B..Nevermore drops 2 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T125 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T127 B......--More--1Y> Nevermore picks up 2 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T129 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T131 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T133 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T131YV 5 ..{.<B....`..[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T136 Nevermore drops 2 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T137 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T139 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 1Yn "In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T141 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T143 SB$...`..[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T144 --More--1YBYou stop studying.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T145 <B1Y=[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T147 .Sr.{B@.1Y@.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T147 The hare bites you![Stonewall the Fire Tower  Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T147 [-2 -> 9]$BThe garter snake just misses!.B[Stonewall the Fire Tower  Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T148 --More--1Y The hare bites you![Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T148 [-1 -> 8]B.The garter snake bites you![Stonewall the Fire  Tower Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T148 [-1 -> 7][Stonewall the Fire  Tower Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T149 B<1Y.B{..r@[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T150 Nevermore misses the hare.Nevermore claws the hare.--More--1Y4The hare is killed!..SBNevermore eats a hare corpse {20}.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T151 1Y(Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T151 1YX [Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T151 1Y]/What do you want to wield? [- abc or ?*] 1Y Weapons a - an uncursed +1 club (weapon in hand) {12} b - an uncursed +1 bow (alternate weapon; not wielded) {12} c - 50 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {25} Comestibles f - 8 uncursed oranges {5} g - 5 uncursed apples {3} h - 12 uncursed carrots {7} i - 10 uncursed pears {6} j - 10 uncursed asian pears {6} k - 9 uncursed lemons {5} l - 9 uncursed bananas {6} m - 9 uncursed melons {5} n - 158 uncursed slime molds {86} Scrolls o - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} p - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} q - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} r - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} s - an uncursed scroll of cure {1} Spellbooks d - an uncursed spellbook of create familiar (6:1) {1} e - an uncursed spellbook of charm monster (0:4) {1}[24;191Y H(end) 1Y0-.------....{|||.S.B$||||@....||......`..||...#------|{.--- [Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:1 $3 HP 8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T151 Never mind.[Stonewall the Fire Tow [21Y03;24Her Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T151 1Y> You hit the garter snake.You kill the garter snake![Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T153 %<B1Y (Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T153 1Yy\[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T153 1YZ[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T153 1Y &In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 1Y )1Y <.The arrow misses Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T153 --More--1Yס qNevermore picks up an uncursed +0 arrow {1}.B.--More--1Y^WNevermore eats a garter snake corpse {50}.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T155 .B1Y. (Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T155 1Y4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 1Y)Nevermore screaks!The arrow hits Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T157 )B.`1Yw"(Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T157 1Y[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T157 1Y7G[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T157 1Y &In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 1Y~K Nevermore screaks!The arrow hits Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T159 B.).1Y (Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T159 2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T159 2Yr[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T159 2Y+ e.@You see here an uncursed +0 arrow {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T161 B.2Y>c - an uncursed +0 arrow (in quiver) {25}.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T161 2Y ).@You see here an uncursed +0 arrow {1}..[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T162 You hear some noises.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T163 2Y>c - an uncursed +0 arrow (in quiver) {26}.[Stonewall the Fire Tow er Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T163 2Y< #[Stonewall the Fire Tower  Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T165 @.2Y8 [Stonewall the Fire Tower  Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T167 @.2Y"[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cas ter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T169 .@2Yh<@You see here 2 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cas ter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T170 You hear water falling on coins.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cas ter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T171 2Yn ,2 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cas ter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 5 10(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T171 2Y#%[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cas ter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T173 @.2YE [Stonewall the Fire Tower Cas ter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T175 @{2Y.What do you want to read? [deo-s or ?*] 2Y Weapons a - an uncursed +1 club (weapon in hand) {12} b - an uncursed +1 bow (alternate weapon; not wielded) {12} c - 49 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {26} Comestibles f - 8 uncursed oranges {5} g - 5 uncursed apples {3} h - 12 uncursed carrots {7} i - 10 uncursed pears {6} j - 10 uncursed asian pears {6} k - 9 uncursed lemons {5} l - 9 uncursed bananas {6} m - 9 uncursed melons {5} n - 158 uncursed slime molds {86} Scrolls o - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} p - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} q - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} r - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} s - an uncursed scroll of cure {1} Spellbooks d - an uncursed spellbook of create familiar (6:1) {1} e - an uncursed spellbook of charm monster (0:4) {1}[24;192Y H(end) 2Y9+-.------...@{|||...<.|||)|.....||......`..||...#------|{.--- [Stonewall the Fire Tower Cas ter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:1 $5 HP 10(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T175 You continue your efforts to memorize the spell.[Sto2Y9newall the Fire Tower Cas ter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T177 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Cas ter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T179 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T181 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T183 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster 2Y9] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T185 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T187 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T189 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T191 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi32Y: Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T193 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T195 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T197 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T199 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W [242Y :;13H 11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T201 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T203 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T205 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T207 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(2Y:11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T209 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T211 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T213 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T215 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw [22Y:5;1H14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T217 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T219 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T221 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T223 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14) 2Y-: AC3 Exp1 T225 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T227 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 2YL@T229 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T231 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T233 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T235 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T237 [Sto2Y[@newall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T239 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T241 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T243 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T245 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster 2Ye@] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T247 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T249 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T251 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T253 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi32Yr@ Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T255 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T257 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T259 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T261 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W [242Y|@;13H 11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T263 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T265 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T267 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T269 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(2Y@11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T271 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T273 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T275 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T277 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw [22Y@5;1H14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T279 ...{...<........`..[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T281 --More--2Y You hear a slow drip.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T283 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T285 Your knowledge of that spell is keener.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T286 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw [24;222Y NH14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T287 : 2Y Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - create familiar 7 occult 99% 698% b - charm monster 4 enchant 90% 298%(end) 2Y G[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T287  2Y&In what direction? [hykulnjb><]  2Y) 2Y4.The arrow misses the newt.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T287 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T288 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T289 :) 2Y4In what direction? [hykulnjb><]  2Yv) 2YF . 2Y*9[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T289 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T290 .:You hear some noises.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T291  2Y&(Unknown command ' '. 2Y([Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T291 2YU2Y$[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T291 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T292 @.The newt misses.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T293 2YS/You kill the newt![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T293 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T294 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T295 %2Y>A.@ Things that are here: a newt corpse {10} a carcinogenic potion {1}--More--2YC F[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T295 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T296 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T297 .B2Y,What do you want to eat? [f-n or ?*,] 2YI } eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - a newt corpse {10}(end) 2Y[ +This newt corpse is delicious![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T297 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T298 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T299 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11) [24;2Y\ 19H Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T300 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T301 .)B.<...You finish eating the newt corpse.--More--2YXCYou feel a mild buzz.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 15(14)  AC3 Exp1 T301 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T302 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T303 .).B2Y 3t - a carcinogenic potion {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T303 2Y@.You see here 2 uncursed +0 arrows {2}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T303 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T304 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T305 .<B..2Y ?c - 2 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {26}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T305 2Y_E[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T305 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T306 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T307 @B...2Y>6You displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T307 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T308 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T309 ..@2YP [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T309 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T310 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T311 .@2YT [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T311 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T312 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T313 .@2Yt ([Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T313 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T314 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T315 B.@2Y7T[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T315 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T316 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T317 ....@B2Y%[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T317 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T318 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T319 -.--...B..@..|.-2Yoze[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T319 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T320 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T321 ..@.B`-2Y @..You see here an uncursed +0 arrow {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T321 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T322 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T323 .B..2Y< ---...@)Something is engraved here on the headstone.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T323 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T324 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T325 B)..2YZ=What do you want to read? [deo-s or ?*.] 2YLQSomething is engraved here on the headstone.--More--2Yj LYou read: "I didn't believe in reincarnation the last time, either.".[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T325 2Yu|@You see here an uncursed +0 arrow {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T325 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T326 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T327 B..|2YN?c - an uncursed +0 arrow (in quiver) {27}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T327 2Yk#[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T327 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T328 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T329 ..@2Ya [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T329 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T330 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T331 .@2Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T331 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T332 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T333 .@2Y" [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T333 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T334 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T335 @{2Y0= *[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T335 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T336 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T337 B@.2Y 9[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T337 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T338 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T339 @..B2Ya[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T339 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T340 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T341 @....B.2Y0g[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T341 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T342 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T343 @.|B..:2Y v[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T343 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T344 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T345 ,,,@..B.:.2Y@[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T346 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T347 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T348 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T349 [Stonewall the Fir2YIAe Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T350 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T351 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T352 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T353 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St12YzA1 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T353 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T354 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T355 ------...........-@-#,#-#,#.,,,|......2YA.........,,,|...........------.. 2Yx [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T356 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T357 -+--|....@+...$...|-------.--,[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T357  2Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T358 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T359  2Y, +You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T359 !2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T359 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T360 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T361 .@!2Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T362 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T363 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T364 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T365 [Stonewall the Fir!2Y e Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T366 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T367 @....You see here 9 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T367 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T368 !2Y9 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T369 "2Y%9 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 14 HP 11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T369 "2Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T370 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T371 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T371 :@.#2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T371 #2Y ?You kill the twen![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T371 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T372 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T373 .B..#2Y 9[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T373 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T374 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T375 B@....#$2Y-There is a set of iron bars in the way![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T375 %2Y01[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T375 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T376 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T377 ..B@..%2YW]+You start chewing a hole in the door.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T377 %2Y3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] &2Y,!This door is locked.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T377 &2Y,3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] &2Y !This door is locked.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T377 '2Y)4You continue chewing on the door.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T377 '2Y`3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] '2YR!This door is locked.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T377 '2Y(3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] '2Y(%!This door is locked.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T377 (2Y~GI[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T377 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T378 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T379 @..B..(2Y &In what direction? [hykulnjb><] (2YLN FThe door resists![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T379 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T380 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T381 B...)2Y3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] )2YThe door resists![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T381 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T382 ..BThe twen passes between the iron bars.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T383 B..:*2Y3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] *2YdThe door resists![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T383 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T384 .B:#Nevermore just misses the twen.--More--+2YaNevermore misses the twen.Nevermore misses the twen.--More--+2Y Nevermore claws the twen.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T385 ,2Y'Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T385 ,2Yc 3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] ,2Y XThe door resists![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T385 Nevermore misses the twen.--More--,2Y' fNevermore misses the twen.Nevermore just misses the twen.--More--,2Y PNevermore misses the twen.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T386 The twen misses.--More---2Y}PNevermore just misses the twen.Nevermore misses the twen.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T387 -2Yn'Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T387 -2YPdYou kill the twen![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T387 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T388 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T389 ...?.B-2YE 'Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T389 -2Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T389 .2Y\-[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T389 .2YN.@ Things that are here: a scroll labeled PONUS MOSTAS {1} a scroll labeled EMPLY MENTAL TO SWITCH STATUS {1}--More--.2Yg> m-+-----------[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T389 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T390 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T391 ...B/2Y> Pick up what?  Scrolls ('?') a - a scroll labeled PONUS MOSTAS {1} b - a scroll labeled EMPLY MENTAL TO SWITCH STATUS {1}(end) /2Yc+/2Y+/2Yd v-+-----------|............+.@..B......|-#-------.---u - a scroll labeled PONUS MOSTAS {1}.--More--02Y=v - a scroll labeled EMPLY MENTAL TO SWITCH STATUS {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T391 12YA[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T391 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T392 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T393 @B...22Y/&In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 22Y,BdThe door opens.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T393 |[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T394 You hear a flinging sound.Clonk!22Y"+[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T395 .B32Y7'Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T395 32YV L[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T395 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T396 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T397 #,#@..42Yi#[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T397 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T398 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T399 ###@|42Y۽+You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T399 42Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T399 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T400 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T401 .52Y/[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T401 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T402 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T403 |B52Ye[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T403 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T404 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T405 |.52YGJ[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T405 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T406 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T407 ,@..B.52Y P[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T407 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T408 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T409 ,|@B...62Y%[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T409 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T410 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T411 ..B.62YQ'%[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T411 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T412 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T413 ..B..62Yw [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T413 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T414 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T415 B...72YQc&In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 72Y !This door is locked.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T415 72Y ,[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T415 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T416 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T417 B..@82YF&In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 82Y/!This door is locked.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T417 82Y # 92Yڕ loot:2Yi :2Y&  :2YK  ;2YLtk;2Yoi;2Y c;2Y2k;2Yg 3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] <2Y?WHAMMM!!![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T417 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T418 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T419 =2Yj# =2Y7 k>2Yw(i>2YA!c>2Y[k>2Yj3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] >2YoAs you kick the door, it crashes open![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T419 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T420 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T421 ..........{......------------?2Y'Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T421 ?2Y([Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T421 @2Y# @2YkA2YiA2Y?cA2YkA2Yx3In what direction? [hykulnjb><] A2YF5 %You kick at empty space.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T421 B2Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T421 `,@.k[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T422 The kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold misses.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T423 B2YƓ [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T423 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T424 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T425 |#,@.,.-C2YM|##@,[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T426 The kobold thrusts his crude dagger.The kobold misses.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T427 C2Y[ UYou kill the kobold![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T427 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T428 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T429 B.%D2Yp%-----------|..........,|........@+,,, Things that are here: a kobold corpse {400} a crude dagger {4}--More--E2Yz---------[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T429 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T430 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T431 ,,B,E2Ya[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T431 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T432 -.@%#,,You hear some noises.You hear some noises in the distance.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T433 F2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T433 -.|,@,|,You hear some noises.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T434 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T435 F2Ye[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T435 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T436 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T437 -,@.,,-F2Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T437 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T438 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T439 @..F2Y* [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T439 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T440 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T441 .@G2Y @.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T441 G2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T442 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T443 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T444 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T445 [Stonewall the FireG2Y, Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T446 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T447 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T448 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T449 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11G2YB Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T449 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T450 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T451 ....@....G2Y w@{There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T451 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T452 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T453 BK2Yg #[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T453 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T454 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T455 @..K2Y8B+[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T455 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T456 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T457 @.BL2Yú+You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T457 L2Y%4You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T457 L2Yi4You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T457 M2Yρ}.You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T457 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T458 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T459 ,,[@..M2YO %[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T459 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T460 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T461 ###@.N2YJ[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T461 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T462 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T463 #,@,..N2YP [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T463 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T464 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T465 ,,@O2Y#,,@,You see here a ring mail {100}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T465 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T466 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T467 B.R2Y~6[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T467 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T468 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T469 ,@[,.R2Y{+You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T469 R2Y 4You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T469 S2Y4You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T469 S2Y{ n,You chew a passage through the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T469 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T470 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T471 ###@,S2Y6u8You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T471 T2Y ^,,@,You see here a ring mail {100}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T471 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T472 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T473 V2Y )w - a ring mail {100}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T473 X2YQaD[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T473 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T474 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T475 ,,@B,Y2Y2 Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - create familiar 7 occult 99% 696% b - charm monster 4 enchant 90% 296%(end) Z2Y? O########,###,#,,@B,-|---------------.---------#`|............|............|,,............||.............,%-#-------.---[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T475 [2Y5[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T475 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T476 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T477 ,@,,.[2Y,[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T478 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T479 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T480 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T481 [Stonewall the Fir[2Y,Ge Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T482 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T483 ####,#@,,,,,#,[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T483 [2YM [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T484 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T485 [2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T486 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T487 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T488 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T489 [Stonewall the Fire[2Y, Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T490 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T491 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T492 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T493 ,,,#[3[2Y63m,#,#@+#You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T493 \2YX4You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T493 \2Y 4You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T493 \2Yw..You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T493 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T494 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T495 ,,@......l.......!....!.....|\2Y*w"[m---------]2YC][Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T495 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T496 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T497 ,-B@.........|....|...|.+]2Ym=[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T497 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T498 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T499 ..B@.]2Yo [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T499 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T500 ...@BNevermore bites the leprechaun.Nevermore claws the leprechaun.--More--^2Yv ,The leprechaun just misses Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T501 ^2YIE [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T501 .@l..Nevermore misses the leprechaun.Nevermore misses the leprechaun.--More--_2Y nNevermore misses the leprechaun.Nevermore claws the leprechaun.--More--`2YwThe leprechaun misses Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T502 l.Nevermore bites the leprechaun.--More--`2YmNevermore claws the leprechaun.The leprechaun claws Nevermore.--More--a2YYNevermore misses the leprechaun.Nevermore misses the leprechaun.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(11)  Pw 14(14)  AC3 Exp1 T503 a2Y You kill the leprechaun!$[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC3 Exp2 T503 Welcome to experience level 2.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC3 Exp2 T503 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC3 Exp2 T504 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  a2Y Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T505 $.B.a2Y)Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T505 b2YG[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T505 b2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T505 b2Yd.@||.--You see here 29 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T505 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T506 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T507 .B.b2Y.29 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 43 17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T507 c2Yng[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T507 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T508 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T509 .@..B.!c2Y E[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T509 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T510 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T511 .@.B..c2Y N[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T511 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T512 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T513 .@.!.Bd2YZ[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T513 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T514 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T515 ..B.@..d2Yg.@You see here a smoky potion {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T515 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T516 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T517 ...Be2Y,x - a smoky potion {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T517 e2Y N[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T517 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T518 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T519 B..@..e2Yj t@.You see here a prickly ash potion {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T519 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T520 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T521 .B...f2Y2y - a prickly ash potion {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T521 g2Y)[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T521 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T522 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T523 B@..g2YW*[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T523 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T524 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T525 ...B@g2Y̷ 0[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T525 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T526 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T527 ..@B...g2YO KYou displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T527 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T528 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T529 .B..@g2Y A[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T529 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T530 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T531 ..@..Bh2YM,You start chewing a hole in the door.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T531 h2Yp6You continue chewing on the door.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T531 h2Y'.You chew through the door.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T531 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T532 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T533 ,..@,B.+h2Y|[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T533 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T534 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T535 B,..@#..#i2YF,,,@(#You see here a frosty spellbook {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T535 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T536 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T537 ...Bi2Y;A,+@,,,You see here a stethoscope {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T537 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T538 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T539 +i2Y&Q[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T539 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T540 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T541 ####(@#,#i2Y O[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T541 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T542 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T543 ,B@#,#j2Y8[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T543 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T544 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T545 @,,,j2Ygk,@,,You see here a stethoscope {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T545 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T546 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T547 k2Y+z - a stethoscope {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T547 l2Ym[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T547 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T548 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T549 ,,,@,#,l2Yw-2What do you want to use or apply? [z or ?*] l2Y .In what direction? [hykulnjb><] m2Ye(You hear nothing special.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T549 n2YVX[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T549 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T550 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T551 B,,@,,n2Y 2What do you want to use or apply? [z or ?*] o2Ye.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] o2Y!YStatus of Nevermore (neutral): Level 3 HP 17(17) Pw 24(24) AC 6, tame.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T551 r2Ys]R[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T551 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T552 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T553 ,,@,,,r2Y7 `[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T553 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T554 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T555 ,,@,,#,r2Y/[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T556 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T557 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T558 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T559 [Stonewall the Firr2Y/e Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T560 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T561 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T562 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T563 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St1r2Y/1 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T564 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T565 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T566 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T567 ,@,,,,,,,r2Y/'[m,#######[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T567 r2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T568 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T569 ,@,,#You hear a door crash open.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T571 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw r2Y-19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T573 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T574 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T575 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T577 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19) 2Y8;1H AC2 Exp2 T579 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T581 #,#,#,,@,,,,,,,######[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T581 s2YS[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T582 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T583 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T585 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T587 [Stonewall the Fires2Yl Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T588 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T589 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T590 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T591 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11s2Yw Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T592 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T593 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T595 #######,@,,,,,,,,#######You see here an avada kedavra wand {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw s2YJ[K19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T597 t2YM[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T599 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T601 ###,@,,/,###There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T603 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 t2YMIn8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T605 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T607 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T609 ####,@,,,,,####[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T609 t2YP)[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T611 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T613 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T615 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T617 [Stonewall the Firet2Yc) Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T619 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T621 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T623 #######,@,,,,,,,,#######[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(1t2Yp)19)  AC2 Exp2 T623 t2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T625 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T627 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T629 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T631 ####2YQ37m,@,,,,,####--More--u2Y(#You see here a white gem {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T633 u2Y B[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T635 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T637 ,*,,@B[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T637 u2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T639 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T641 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T643 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T645 [Stonewall the Fireu2Y Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T647 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T649 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T651 ,,,,,,,,@,[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T651 v2Yd-[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T653 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T653 Bv2YS PYou displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T655 ,,@,w2Y|5[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T657 ,,@,w2Yv [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T659 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T661 ,,,,@,There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.--More--x2YT.You see here an avada kedavra wand {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T663 y2Yg@What do you want to use or apply? [z or ?*] y2Y.In what direction? [hykulnjb><] y2Y[Status of stonewall (devoutly lawful): Level 2 HP 17(17) Pw 19(19) AC 2.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T663 {2Yp1[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T665 ,/@,{2Y&[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T667 ,@,{2Yf/[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T669 ,,@,|2Y= [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T669 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T670 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T671 ,@,,|2YOX[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T671 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T673 @,,|2YX,@,,There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.--More--}2Y2You see here an avada kedavra wand {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T673 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T674 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T675 B}2Y 3A - an avada kedavra wand {1}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T675 ~2Y 4TYou displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T675 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T677 ,@,,2YH,,@,There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T677 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T678 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T679 2Y ?What do you want to read? [deo-suv or ?*.] 2Y` NThere's some graffiti on the ground here.--More--2Y)You read: "They say that the xorn race allows you to walk through walls, but then you can only e?t metal and not wear big body armor.".--More--2Y 7 ######2Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T679 2Y+You start chewing a hole in the rock.2YV[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T679 2Y5You continue chewing on the rock.2YR[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T679 2YbX 5You continue chewing on the rock.2Y\ [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T679 2Y~v .---...$....You chew a hole in the wall.2Yq{ [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T679 -----|.....+|r...|.f.-@-,[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T680 The scrawny cat misses.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T681 2YY[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T681 .|@....#-.-----,,,The evasive sewer rat misses.The scrawny cat claws you![Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T681 [-1 -> 16][Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T682 [15;2YZ23H--More--2YS The evasive sewer rat misses.The scrawny cat just misses!B--More--2Y^bNevermore bites the scrawny cat.The scrawny cat is killed![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T683 %2Y _.@You see here a scrawny cat corpse {150}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T683 --More--2Y The evasive sewer rat misses.B.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T684 The evasive sewer rat misses.B.--More--2YQCNevermore bites the evasive sewer rat.--More--2Y` 8The evasive sewer rat is killed![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T685 %2Yؽ )Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T685 2YJ[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T685 2Y@%You see here an evasive sewer rat corpse {20}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T685 .B--More--2YG7QNevermore eats a scrawny cat corpse {150}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T686 You hear a slow drip.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T687 2Yp[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T687 @B.Nevermore eats an evasive sewer rat corpse {20}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T689 B.2YL@.You see here 9 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T689 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T690 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T691 ..B.2Y,J-9 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 52 17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T691 2YPQ[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T691 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T693 @.B...2Yw[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T693 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T694 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T695 --|..|............,,,@...B[2Y15;25H.2Y K[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T695 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T697 ###@...2YA[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T698 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T699 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T701 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T702 [Stonewall the Fir2Y:Be Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T703 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T705 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T706 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T707 .-------------............[52Y\B:;17H................................#####.,@,,,,,,,##+###...[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T707 2Y1[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T709 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T710 #,@,,#[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T711 You hear bubbling water.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17) [25;12Y1H Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T713 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T714 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T715 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T717 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 2Y119(19)  AC2 Exp2 T718 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T719 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T721 ....,,,,,#@,,,,,,#.###..|r..|...-----You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W [22Y24;14H 17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T721 2Y)Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T721 2YOE[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T721 ,,,,-@-|B..r........-----Nevermore misses the sewer rat.Nevermore misses the sewer rat.--More--2YRkNevermore bites the sewer rat.Nevermore claws the sewer rat.--More--2Y }The sewer rat is killed![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T722 .BNevermore eats a sewer rat corpse {20}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T723 2YEW )Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T723 2Y)[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T723 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T725 ,,-.--------@......>|B......|....|---2YA[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T725 2Y% ([Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T725 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T726 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T727 ..B.@2YE[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T727 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T729 .@.B.2Y{[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T729 2Y~ @[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T729 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T730 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T731 ..@...B2Y5 D[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T731 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T733 .B..@.2Y >[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T733 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T734 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T735 ..@.B.2Yr>[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T735 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T737 B...@..2Y A[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T737 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T738 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T739 @....B2Ydj[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T739 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T741 ,,@B....2YY[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T741 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T742 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T743 ,,,@...B2YE# u[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T743 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T745 (00(B.,##@,.2Y,[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T746 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T747 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T749 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T749 [Stonewall the Fir2Y|9e Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T750 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T751 ------|....||....||....$|.(00(B|-@-#,,,,#,,,#,,2Y Q[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T751 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T753 @-.-,,2Y<4Really attack the novice light wall? [yn] (n) 2YЇ n[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T753 2Y1[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T753 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T754 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T755 @.2YIIWait! That's a mimic![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T755 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T757 (00(Bm.2Yy02There is nothing here to pick up.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T757 2YeqYou hit the mimic!You hit the mimic![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T757 The mimic claws you![Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T757 --More--2Yvp[-1 -> 16][Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T758 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T759 2Y52In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 2Yl_The arrow hits the mimic.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T759 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T761 2Y%Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T761 2Yx[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T761 2Y` [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T761 2Y_;[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T761 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T762 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T763 (00(B..)@m2Y2 &In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 2Y 5The arrow misses the mimic.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T763 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T765 B2Y_%Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T765 2Yc[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T765 2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T765 2Y &In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 2Y The arrow hits the mimic.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T765 B.The mimic claws you![Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T765 [-1 -> 16]--More--2YT ANevermore bites the novice light wall.--More--2YXGNevermore just misses the novice light wall.--More--2YBThe novice light wall misses Nevermore.--More--2Y;The novice light wall misses Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T766 --More--2YuANevermore bites the novice light wall.--More--2Yk KThe novice light wall is killed![Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T767 B.2Y D[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T767 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T769 ...B@.2Y\}s[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T769 @.Nevermore misses the mimic.Nevermore claws the mimic.--More--2Y dThe mimic claws Nevermore.Nevermore is frozen by the mimic.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T770 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T771 m)2Y%Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T771 2Y>[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T771 2YsR[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T771 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T773 2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T773 2Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T773 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T774 @m..Nevermore misses the mimic.Nevermore claws the mimic.--More--2YPThe mimic claws Nevermore.Nevermore is frozen by the mimic.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T775 2YM[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T775 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T777 @.2Y Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T777 2YM[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T777 2YA[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T777 2Y,[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T777 @.Nevermore bites the mimic.The mimic is killed!%--More--2Y qYou feel more confident in your fighting skills.B.--More--2Yr !Nevermore eats a mimic corpse {300}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T778 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T779 2YR[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T779 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T781 .@.B.2Y5.@There's some graffiti on the floor here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T781 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T782 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T783 .))2Yr[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T783 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T785 .@2Y #.@,# There is a doorway here.  Things that are here: an uncursed +0 arrow {1} a gold piece {0}--More--2Yb##,#|-----------.......................|[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T785 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T786 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T787 ,2Y  Pick up what?  Coins ('$') a - a gold piece {0} Weapons (')') b - an uncursed +0 arrow {1}(end) 2YS+2Y +2YN ####,#-|-------------#`|.............|,,............|..,%-#-------.---.|,,,#,#1 gold piece.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 3 17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T787 c - an uncursed +0 arrow (in quiver) {25}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)2YN 6  AC2 Exp2 T787 2YSV.,@You see here 2 uncursed +0 arrows {2}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T787 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T789 2Y ;c - 2 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {27}.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T789 2Yy%[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T789 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T790 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T791 @B.2Y0You stop. Nevermore is in the way![Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T791 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T793 ,2Y E[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T794 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T795 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T795 #.@B#2YwnYou displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T795 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T797 #..,@,,2Y9E[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T797 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T798 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T799 .,,@##2YO+You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T799 2Y] 4You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T799 2Y#[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T799 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T801 ,@,2Y-[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T801 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T802 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T803 @,,,2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T803 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T805 @,,2YΫ N[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T805 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T806 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T807 B.,.@.2Y0[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T807 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T808 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T809 ....@,,2Y%[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T809 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T810 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T811 .@,,2YNO[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T811 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T812 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T813 ..B@,2Y8 |[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T813 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T814 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T815 ,,,,,#@,,,,,,#2Yb[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T815 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T816 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T817 ,,,,,,,,@2YS[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T817 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T818 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T819 ,,.@2YK [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T819 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T820 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T821 .@2Y[ 1[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T821 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T822 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T823 ..B@2Yu=[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T824 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T825 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T826 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T827 [Stonewall the Fir2Y=e Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T828 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T829 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T830 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T831 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St12Y=61 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T832 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T833 .......B...@......[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T833 2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T834 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T835 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T836 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T837 ...[2Ybm@....BYou start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T837 2Yd M[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T837 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T838 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T839 ..@B..2Y&[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T839 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T840 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T841 ..B.2YS1[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T841 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T842 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T843 B...2Y '[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T843 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T844 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T845 ...B.2Y Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - create familiar 7 occult 99% 692% b - charm monster 4 enchant 90% 292%(end) 2YHN######--------######,###,#.......#,,,,,,,,-|-----------......#,----.---------#`|................#,|............|,,............|...#,|.............,%-#-------.---[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T845 2Y,[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T845 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T846 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T847 .B..2Y Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - create familiar 7 occult 99% 692% b - charm monster 4 enchant 90% 292%(end) 2Y ######--------######,###,#.......#,,,,,,,,-|-----------......#,----.---------#`|................#,|............|,,............|...#,|.............,%-#-------.---[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T847 2Y------------------------|......................|.......................||......................||.............o........||.............oo........|......................|....................`||...%..................||......................||...$......@B..........||......................|------------------------[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W [2Y24;1HDlvl:2 $53 HP 17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T847 2Yn)[Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T848 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T849 B...2YNE [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T849 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Caster ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T850 ....o..oo.B<@.The hill orc Regenerator throws a crude dagger!)2Y & .)2Y --More--2Y9C _You are hit by a crude dagger.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T850 [-1 -> 16].)2Y +[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T851 .B@2Y4)Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T851 2Y4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 2Yf)2Yt;).2Y[Stonewall the Fire Tower Cast er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T851 .o.BThe hill orc picks up an uncursed +0 arrow {1}.--More--2Y+~>The hill orc throws a crude dagger!)2YZ@You are hit by a crude dagger.[Stonewall the Fire Tower  Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T851 --More--2Yy6[-2 -> 14].)2YǴ [Stonewall the Fire Tower  Caster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T852 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T853 .o.oB<@.2Yp )Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T853 2Y(e@)[Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T853 Nevermore bites the hill orc Regenerator.--More--2YGNevermore misses the hill orc Regenerator.--More--2YsThe hill orc Regenerator just misses Nevermore..oo..o--More--2Y_Nevermore bites the hill orc.The hill orc is killed!B.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T854 --More--2Y( ENevermore eats a hill orc corpse {1000}.--More--2YV~The hill orc wields a curved sword {16}![Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T855 ..oo2Y:H)Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T855 2Y [Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T855 2YD| [Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T855 2Yf[Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T855 @<The hill orc swings her curved sword.The hill orc misses.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T856 [Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T857 .o2Yƨ)Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T857 2Y z[Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T857 2Y: [Stonewall the Fire Tower Ca ster] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(17)  Pw 19(19)  AC2 Exp2 T857 2YA}^You hit the hill orc!You kill the hill orc![[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC2 Exp3 T857 --More--2YK4WWelcome to experience level 3.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC2 Exp3 T857 .o--More--2Y4\RThe hill orc Regenerator picks up a crude dagger {4}.--More--2Y5RThe hill orc Regenerator throws a crude dagger!)2Yb--More--2YVYou are hit by a crude dagger.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC2 Exp3 T857 [-10 -> 11])<2Y^@[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC2 Exp3 T858 --More--2YFNevermore bites the hill orc Regenerator.--More--2YC GNevermore misses the hill orc Regenerator.--More--2Y|fThe hill orc Regenerator hits Nevermore.o.--More--2Y@FNevermore bites the hill orc Regenerator.--More--2Y3The hill orc Regenerator is killed![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T859 <2Y-a.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T859 [Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T860 [Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  12(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T861 .[)B@2Y{|@<You see here a camo robe {16}.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  12(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T861 [Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  12(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T862 [Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  12(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T863 ..)B.2Yb$B - a camo robe {16}.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  12(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T863 2Y[.@You see here an uncursed +0 arrow {1}.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  12(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T863 [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T864 [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T865 B..2YKL 9c - an uncursed +0 arrow (in quiver) {26}.[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T865 2Y+D[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T865 [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T866 [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T867 @.B..)2Y^F[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T867 [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T868 [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T869 @....B2YL[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T869 [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T870 [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T871 @.B)<.2Y ? [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T871 [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T872 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T873 @..B..2Y& O[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T873 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T874 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T875 @....B.2Y̱D[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T875 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T876 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T877 @.B.).2YZQ@.You see here a tripe ration {1}.[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T877 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T878 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T879 .B..2Y &C - a tripe ration {1}.[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T879 2YK :[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T879 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T880 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T881 .@B....2Y^.@You see here 3 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T881 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T882 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T883 ..B.2Y'3 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 6 15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T883 2Y+ G[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T883 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T884 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T885 @..B..2Yx:A[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T885 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T886 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T887 ..@B...2Yʷ [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T887 2Y8LYou displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T887 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T888 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T889 B.@..2Yy =[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T889 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T890 [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T891 ..@..B2Y[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T892 [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T893 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T894 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T895 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] S2Y6t11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T896 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T897 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T898 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T899 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 2Yh 21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T900 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T901 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T902 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T903 ...........@..........B2Y[A[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T903 2YC9[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T904 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T905 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T905 B....2Y{ =You displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T905 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T906 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T907 ...@B2Y )[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T907 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T908 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T909 .@.B.2Y6[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T909 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T910 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T911 B.@...2YI2"[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T911 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T912 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T913 ...@B2Y&m%[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T913 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T914 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T915 .@`..B2Y9[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T915 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T916 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T917 .@...B.2Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T917 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T918 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T919 @B.2YR[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T919 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T920 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T921 #.@,B,`2YLB[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T921 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T922 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T923 #.@#.B#2YM[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T923 2Y KYou displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T923 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T924 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T925 .B@,#2Yd)@[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T925 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T926 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T927 ,B@,#2Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T928 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T929 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T930 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T931 ,,[2Y U33m,,#@#,#[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T931 2Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T932 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T933 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T934 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T935 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St2Y$ 11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T936 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T937 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T938 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T939 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 2Y= [K 21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T940 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T941 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T942 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T943 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 2Yk 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T944 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T945 ,,,+----,#....|#,#....|#,#.....|#,|.....|#,@s....|##|.[...|------[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 22Y 3(23)  AC1 Exp3 T945 The healthy cave spider misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T946 The healthy cave spider bites you![Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T946 --More--2Yi [-1 -> 20][Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T947 2Y#Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T947 2Y [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T947 2Y1H [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T947 2Y5HYou miss the healthy cave spider.You kill the healthy cave spider![Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T947 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T948 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T949 >2Yd [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T949 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T950 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T951 --|.|.|,,.@-2Y?q>@There is a fountain here. Use "q." to drink from it.--More--2Y #You see here a ring mail {100}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T951  [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T952 --More--2Yǽ 'You hear the chime of a cash register.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T953 2YS%D - a ring mail {100}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T953 2Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T953 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T954 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T955 @{2Y\[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T955 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T956 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T957 @.2Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T957 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T958 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T959 @.2Y Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - create familiar 7 occult 99% 691% b - charm monster 4 enchant 90% 291%(end) 2Y/ r------------------------|......................|.......................||......................||......................|##[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T959 2Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T959 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T960 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T961 @.2Y$ [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T961 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T962 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T963 @.2Y 0What do you want to read? [deo-suv or ?*] 2YC Weapons  a - an uncursed +1 club (weapon in hand) {12}  b - an uncursed +1 bow (alternate weapon; not wielded) {12}  c - 50 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {26}  Armor  w - a ring mail {100}  B - a camo robe {16}  D - a ring mail {100}  Comestibles  f - 8 uncursed oranges {5}  g - 5 uncursed apples {3}  h - 12 uncursed carrots {7}  i - 10 uncursed pears {6}  j - 10 uncursed asian pears {6}  k - 9 uncursed lemons {5}  l - 9 uncursed bananas {6}  m - 9 uncursed melons {5}  n - 158 uncursed slime molds {86}  C - a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  o - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  p - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  q - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3}  r - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} (1 of 2)2Y- s - an uncursed scroll of cure {1}  u - a scroll labeled PONUS MOSTAS {1}  v - a scroll labeled EMPLY MENTAL TO SWITCH STATUS {1}  Spellbooks  d - an uncursed spellbook of create familiar (6:1) {1}  e - an uncursed spellbook of charm monster (0:4) {1}  Potions  t - a carcinogenic potion {1}  x - a smoky potion {1}  y - a prickly ash potion {1}  Wands  A - an avada kedavra wand {1}  Tools  z - a stethoscope {1} (2 of 2)2Y+------------------------|......................|.......................||......................||......................|##|.......................,#|......................|,#|....................`.|,#|......................|,#|......................|,#|.........)<...........|,#|......................|,--+----------------------------2Y,|.@...|#,|.....|#,|.....|#,|.....|#,.>....|##|.{...|-------[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:2 $56 HP 21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T963 The words on the page seem to glow faintly.--More--2YvYou begin to memorize the runes.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T963 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T964 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T965 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T966 [Sto2Ywnewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T967 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T968 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T969 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T970 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 W2Ywi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T971 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T972 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T973 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T974 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  2Y&w[24;14H21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T975 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T976 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T977 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T978 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw [242Y0w;23H23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T979 F....B..>You stop studying.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T979 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T980 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T981 ..B2Y#Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T981 2Y4[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T981 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T982 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T983 ...@B..2Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T983 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T984 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T985 @B..2Y!_ 2You displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T985 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T986 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T987 B@.2Y@`You kill the spore lichen![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T987 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T988 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T989 -...B2YJ ,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T989 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T990 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T991 @B..2Y^'[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T991 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T992 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T993 ..@.B2Y0What do you want to read? [deo-suv or ?*] 2Y You continue your efforts to memorize the spell.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T993 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T994 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T995 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T996 [22Y 5;1H[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T997 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T998 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T999 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1000 [Stonewall the Rock Melter [23;2Y 27H] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1001 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1002 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1003 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1004 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W [242Y¶ ;1H 21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1005 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1006 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1007 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1008 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21) [2Y̶ K Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1009 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1010 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1011 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1012 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23) 2Yֶ [K AC1 Exp3 T1013 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1014 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1015 ...B..........--More--2Y bYour knowledge of that spell is keener.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1016 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1017 ...B2Yw Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - create familiar 7 occult 99% 690% b - charm monster 4 enchant 90% 390%(end) 2Yd s------------------------|......................|.......................||......................||......................|##[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1017 2YX0[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1017 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1018 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1019 B.@...2Ys-LYou displaced Nevermore.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1019 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1020 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1021 @.B..2Y4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 2YQThe door opens.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1021 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1022 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1023 |..B2Y! 4In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 2Y-I$This door is already open.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1023 2Y7 e[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1023 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1024 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1025 #,,@.B....2Y # 2Y enhance2Y  Pick a skill to advance: (4 slots available)   Fighting Skills  bare-handed combat Unskilled (max Expert)  two-handed weapons Unskilled (max Expert)  polymorphing Unskilled (max Expert)  devices Unskilled (max Expert)  spirituality Unskilled (max Expert)  a - petkeeping Unskilled (max Expert)  Weapon Skills  axe Unskilled (max Expert)  club Basic (max Expert)  quarterstaff Unskilled (max Expert)  polearms Unskilled (max Expert)  bow Basic (max Master)  firearms Unskilled (max Expert)  crossbow Unskilled (max Expert)  unicorn horn Unskilled (max Expert)  Spellcasting Skills  attack spells Unskilled (max Expert)  healing sp2Y ells Unskilled (max Expert)  divination spells Unskilled (max Expert)  enchantment spells Basic (max Wizard)  protection spells Unskilled (max Expert) (1 of 2)2Yrg+------------------------|......................|.......................||......................||......................|##|.......................,#|......................|,#|....................`.|,#|......................|,#|......................|,#|.........)<...........|,##,,|......................|,--@----2Yg[1m------------------------,|..B..|#,|.....|#,|.....|#,|.....|#,.>....|##|.{...|-------[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:2 $56 HP 21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1025 You are now more skilled in petkeeping.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23) [24;22Yg$9H AC1 Exp3 T1025 2YU# 2Y enhance2YN: Current skills: (3 slots available)   Fighting Skills  bare-handed combat Unskilled (max Expert)  two-handed weapons Unskilled (max Expert)  polymorphing Unskilled (max Expert)  devices Unskilled (max Expert)  spirituality Unskilled (max Expert)  petkeeping Basic (max Expert)  Weapon Skills  axe Unskilled (max Expert)  club Basic (max Expert)  quarterstaff Unskilled (max Expert)  polearms Unskilled (max Expert)  bow Basic (max Master)  firearms Unskilled (max Expert)  crossbow Unskilled (max Expert)  unicorn horn Unskilled (max Expert)  Spellcasting Skills  attack spells Unskilled (max Expert)  healing spells Unskilled (max Expert)  divination spells Unskilled (max E2Yf:xpert)  enchantment spells Basic (max Wizard)  protection spells Unskilled (max Expert) (1 of 2)2Yl occult spells Basic (max Expert)  elemental spells Basic (max Master)  matter spells Basic (max Master) (2 of 2)2Y_ [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:2 $56 HP 21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1025 ------------------------|......................|.......................||......................||......................|##|.......................,#|......................|,#|....................`.|,#|......................|,#|......................|,#[302Yy m|.........)<...........|,##,,|......................|,--@----------------------------,|..B..|#,|.....|#,|.....|#,|.....|#,.>....|##|.{...|-------2Y4 A[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1025 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1026 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1027 ###@|...2Yd;[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1027 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1028 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1029 #,@,B2Y s|,,,@,.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1029 2Y7 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1030 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1031 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1032 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1033 ,B[12YJ Rm,,@#You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1033 2YYou displaced Nevermore.#,,@#,B#There's some graffiti on the ground here.--More--2Y(Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1033 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1034 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1035 B,2YB[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1035 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1036 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1037 ###@,,,,2Y< p[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1037 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1038 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1039 |@|,@#,B#2Y,You cannot diagonally move through a door![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1039 2Y :You cannot diagonally move through a door![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1039 2Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1039 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1040 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1041 ,2Yv[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1041 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1042 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1043 2Y# 'You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1043 2Y5You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1043 2Yu1You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1043 2Y˗1You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1043 2Yf -------(((((|((($|((((|(((|(((..You chew a hole in the wall..@"How dare you damage my shop?"||(|]|((|((..-@-,,--More--2Y^oStewe attacks you by surprise![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1043 @Stewe wields a dagger {4}!--More--2Y@hStewe thrusts his dagger.Stewe hits you![Stonewall t he Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1043 [-11 -> 10]--More--2YV dStewe thrusts his dagger.Stewe hits you![Stone wall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  5(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1043 [-5 -> 5]--More--2Yx!You're pushed back!--More--2Y1[Stonewa ll the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:2 $56 HP 6(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1044 -------------------------------|......................||(((((|.......................||(((($||......................||]((((||......................|##|(((((||.......................,#|(2YN[m((((||......................|,#....||....................`.|,##-@|-|......................|,##@,#|......................|,#####,,##|.........)<...........|,##,,,,##|......................|,--|----------------------------,|.....|#,|.....|#,2Y[|.....|#,|.....|#,.>....|##|.{...|-------Stewe thrusts his dagger.Stewe misses.Stewe thrusts his dagger.--More--2YqStewe hits you![Stonewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  1(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1044 You hear the wailing of the Banshee...[-5 -> 1]--More--2Y Warning: HP low![Stonewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  1(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1045 3YZ >What do you want to read? [deo-suv or ?*] 3Yf Weapons  a - an uncursed +1 club (weapon in hand) {12}  b - an uncursed +1 bow (alternate weapon; not wielded) {12}  c - 50 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {26}  Armor  w - a ring mail {100}  B - a camo robe {16}  D - a ring mail {100}  Comestibles  f - 8 uncursed oranges {5}  g - 5 uncursed apples {3}  h - 12 uncursed carrots {7}  i - 10 uncursed pears {6}  j - 10 uncursed asian pears {6}  k - 9 uncursed lemons {5}  l - 9 uncursed bananas {6}  m - 9 uncursed melons {5}  n - 158 uncursed slime molds {86}  C - a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  o - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  p - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  q - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3}  r - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} (1 of 2)3Y)- s - an uncursed scroll of cure {1}  u - a scroll labeled PONUS MOSTAS {1}  v - a scroll labeled EMPLY MENTAL TO SWITCH STATUS {1}  Spellbooks  d - an uncursed spellbook of create familiar (6:1) {1}  e - an uncursed spellbook of charm monster (0:3) {1}  Potions  t - a carcinogenic potion {1}  x - a smoky potion {1}  y - a prickly ash potion {1}  Wands  A - an avada kedavra wand {1}  Tools  z - a stethoscope {1} (2 of 2)3Y@-------------------------------|......................||(((((|.......................||(((($||......................||]((((||......................|##|(((((||.......................,#|(((((||......................|,#....||....................`.|3Yk[1m,##-@|-|......................|,##@,#|......................|,#####,,##|.........)<...........|,##,,,,##|......................|,--|----------------------------,|.....|#,|.....|#,|.....|#,|.....|#,.>....|##|.{...3YN|-------[Stonewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:2 $56 HP 1(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1045 What do you want to read? [deo-suv or ?*] 3Y Weapons  a - an uncursed +1 club (weapon in hand) {12}  b - an uncursed +1 bow (alternate weapon; not wielded) {12}  c - 50 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {26}  Armor  w - a ring mail {100}  B - a camo robe {16}  D - a ring mail {100}  Comestibles  f - 8 uncursed oranges {5}  g - 5 uncursed apples {3}  h - 12 uncursed carrots {7}  i - 10 uncursed pears {6}  j - 10 uncursed asian pears {6}  k - 9 uncursed lemons {5}  l - 9 uncursed bananas {6}  m - 9 uncursed melons {5}  n - 158 uncursed slime molds {86}  C - a tripe ration {1}  Scrolls  o - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5}  p - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4}  q - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3}  r - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} (1 of 2) 3YC +-------------------------------|......................||(((((|.......................||(((($||......................||]((((||......................|##|(((((||.......................,#|(((((||......................|,#....||....................`. 3YD|,##-@|-|......................|,##@,#|......................|,#####,,##|.........)<...........|,##,,,,##|......................|,--|----------------------------,|.....|#,|.....|#,|.....|#,|.....|#,.>....|##|.{[3 3Y2Dr7m...|-------[Stonewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:2 $56 HP 1(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1045 As you read the scroll, it disappears.--More-- 3Y bYour body is transported to another location![Stonewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  1(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1045 [Stonewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  2(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1046 [Stonewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  2(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1047 .,,,,@ 3Y7 &Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  2(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1047  3Y 2[Stonewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  2(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1047 [Sto newall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  3(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1048 [Sto newall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  3(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1049 |B.@ 3Y\ X------------|...`..$....|..........||..@........|..........|-----------[Sto newall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:3 $56 HP 3(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1049  3Y_ [Ston ewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  4(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1050 [Ston ewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  4(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1051 3YG Count: 103YCount: 1003Y.[Ston ewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  4(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1051 [Ston ewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  4(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1052 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1053 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1054 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melt3Yler] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1055 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1056 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1057 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1058 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W [24;3Y~1H 14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1059 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1060 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1061 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1062 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21) 3Y Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1063 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1064 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1065 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1066 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23) [3YK AC1 Exp3 T1067 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1068 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1069 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1070 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1071 [3YStonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1072 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1073 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1074 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1075 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co3Yè5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1076 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1077 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1078 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1079 [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  [23YԨ5;1H17(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1080 [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co5 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1081 ..@.You stop waiting.[Stonewall the Rock M 3Yelter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1082 You feel tough![Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1082 --More--3Y;You must be leading a healthy life-style.[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1083 @.3Y"Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1083 3YÐ[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1083 3Yp [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1083 3Yi [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1083 [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1084 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1085 @..3YE[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1085 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1087 @..3Y| R[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1087 The human thief misses.You feel a tug on your knapsack[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1088 --More--3Y The human thief misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1089 3Y(g "Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1089 3Y6~You are beginning to feel hungry.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1089 Hun You kill the human thief![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1089 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1091 Hun ?3YTIUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1091 Hun 3Y` ([Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1091 Hun 3Y] <@ Things that are here: a scroll of mana {1} an illuminated potion {1}--More--3YSd[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1091 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1093 Hun 3Y  Pick up what?  Scrolls ('?') a - a scroll of mana {1} Potions ('!') b - an illuminated potion {1}(end) 3Y +3Yq+3YIp - an uncursed scroll of mana {5}.E - an illuminated potion {1}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1093 Hun 3Yv[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1093 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1095 Hun @..3Yޑ X[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1095 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1097 Hun @.3Y5Hu.@You see here 11 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1097 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1099 Hun 3YON11 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 67 21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1099 Hun 3Yך U[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1099 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1101 Hun .@3Yz[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1103 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1105 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1107 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw [3YzK23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1107 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1109 Hun ....@,,,3Y&[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1111 Hun .@###You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1111 Hun 3Ya[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1113 Hun ,@,,,##[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1113 Hun 3YM< [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1115 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1117 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1119 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 3Yu< 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1121 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1123 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1125 Hun ##,,,,,,,,@,,,##.#...............>..................................................3Y< |..............----------------You see here a gold piece {0}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1125 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1127 Hun 3YϠ[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1127 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1129 Hun ,$-@-/......|!...|....|.....|....||..||[19;3Y-40H||3Yx p[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1129 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1131 Hun ,,---------.---|........@.||......|....|..|3Y|Q[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1131 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1133 Hun @.3Y=w@.You see here a silver wand {1}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1133 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1135 Hun 3YMF - a silver wand {1}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1135 Hun 3Y4|^[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1135 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1137 Hun .@3Yގ X[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1137 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1139 Hun .@3Yb[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1139 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1141 Hun #@.3Yz@.You see here a flowing potion {1}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1141 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1143 Hun 3YCBPG - a flowing potion {1}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1143 Hun 3YjW[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1145 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1147 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1149 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw [23YW5;1H23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1151 Hun @....You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1151 Hun 3Y ^[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1151 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1153 Hun .@3YX[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1153 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1155 Hun .@3Y!X[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1155 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1157 Hun .@3Y&[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1157 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1159 Hun #,@.#3Ye4[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1161 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1163 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1165 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw [3Y4bK23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1167 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1169 Hun ###,@##,##,##,,,.###[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1169 Hun 3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1171 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1173 Hun #+@,#You start chewing a hole in the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1173 Hun 3Y XYou continue chewing on the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1173 Hun  3YR ---------|.j.{.....B.|.........|.......--------You chew through the door..-@,,(|,...---[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1173 Hun The chaffinch bites you![Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  [24; 3Y)R 14H20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1173 Hun [-1 -> 20][Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1174 Hun --More--!3Y}1 >The chaffinch misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1175 Hun !3YKUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1175 Hun "3Y+}You kill the chaffinch![Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1175 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1177 Hun ?"3YKUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1177 Hun "3Y )[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1177 Hun #3Y@.,|- Things that are here: a scroll labeled CHTO VY KHOTITE DOSTICH {1} a gold piece {0}--More--#3YV ------------|...`.......[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1177 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1179 Hun $3Y Pick up what?  Coins ('$') a - a gold piece {0} Scrolls ('?') b - a scroll labeled CHTO VY KHOTITE DOSTICH {1}(end) $3Y+$3Y+$3Y ------------|...`.......|..........||..<........|..........|--------.---1 gold piece.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 8 21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1179 Hun H - a scroll labeled CHTO VY KHOTITE DOSTICH {1}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1179 [2$3Y  (4;45HHun $3YQW[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1179 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1181 Hun @.%3YXQ[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1181 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1183 Hun @.%3Y6X[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1183 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1185 Hun .@%3Yb @.You fall into a pit![Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1185 Hun [-5 -> 16][Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1185 Hun [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1187 Hun {%3Y) hYou are still in a pit.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1187 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1189 Hun %3YHC[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1189 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1191 Hun &3YӶ =[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1191 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1193 Hun '3YVuYou crawl to the edge of the pit.[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1193 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1195 Hun j'3Yl Z[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1195 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1197 Hun ^@'3Y 9Do you really want to step into that pit? [yn] (n) )3Ym'n[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1197 Hun )3YD b[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1197 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1199 Hun @.*3YVQ[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1199 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1201 Hun @.*3YLbQ[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1201 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1203 Hun @.+3YU[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1203 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1205 Hun @{+3YT7You hit the spotted jelly.--More--+3YtYou are splashed by the spotted jelly's acid![Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1205 Hun [-8 -> 13]--More--,3Y, 7You hit the spotted jelly.--More---3Y]You are splashed by the spotted jelly's acid![Stonewa ll the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  6(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1205 Hun [-7 -> 6][Stonewa ll the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  6(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1205 Hun [Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1207 Hun .3Y )JUnknown command ' '.[Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1207 Hun /3YT[Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1207 Hun [Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1209 Hun .@03Y=R[Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1209 Hun [Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1211 Hun {@13Y;Pick an object.13Y913YQg{ a sink or a toilet or a fountain (toilet)[Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1211 Hun 23Y Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) 33Y[Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1211 Hun 33YN[Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1211 Hun [Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1213 Hun .@33YN[Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1213 Hun [Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1215 Hun .@33YN[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1215 Hun [Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1217 Hun .@33Y$ V[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1217 Hun [Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1219 Hun .@33Ys.@You see here a lightsaber {24}.[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1219 Hun [Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1221 Hun 43Y[You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1221 Hun 53Yu LI - a lightsaber {24}.[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1221 Hun 53Y\\[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1221 Hun [Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1223 Hun .@63YMYou start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1223 Hun 63Y] U[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1223 Hun [Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1225 Hun @.63Y Y[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1225 Hun [Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1227 Hun @.73YY[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1227 Hun [Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1229 Hun @.73Y]N[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1229 Hun [Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1231 Hun .@73Y][Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1231 Hun [Stonewall t he Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1233 Hun .@,73Y v[Stonewall t he Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1233 Hun [Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1235 Hun .@,,73Y [Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1235 Hun ,@[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1237 Hun You hear someone counting money.83Y[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1239 Hun {,,,@,,[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1239 Hun 83Y [Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1241 Hun [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1243 Hun [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1245 Hun [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 83YN23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1247 Hun [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1247 Hun [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1249 Hun ,,,,,@83YS U[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1249 Hun [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1251 Hun ,.@93Y0# 93Y enhance:3Yq* Current skills: (3 slots available)   Fighting Skills  bare-handed combat Unskilled (max Expert)  two-handed weapons Unskilled (max Expert)  polymorphing Unskilled (max Expert)  devices Unskilled (max Expert)  spirituality Unskilled (max Expert)  petkeeping Basic (max Expert)  Weapon Skills  axe Unskilled (max Expert)  club Basic (max Expert)  quarterstaff Unskilled (max Expert)  polearms Unskilled (max Expert)  bow Basic (max Master)  firearms Unskilled (max Expert)  crossbow Unskilled (max Expert)  unicorn horn Unskilled (max Expert)  Spellcasting Skills  attack spells Unskilled (max Expert)  healing spells Unskilled (max Expert)  divination spells Unskilled (max E:3Y*xpert)  enchantment spells Basic (max Wizard)  protection spells Unskilled (max Expert) (1 of 2)I3Y  occult spells Basic (max Expert)  elemental spells Basic (max Master)  matter spells Basic (max Master) (2 of 2)J3Y [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:3 $68 HP 14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1251 Hun ------------|...`.......|..........||..<........|..........|--------.---##,,,,,,,,,,$,,,######-#---------.----|..............|---------.-###|..............||.3YPm{.{.......,,#|..............||.....^....|#,#|........>.....||..........|#,##|..............|------------#,,,.@.............|####|..............||..............||..............|----------------K3Y# K3Y s enhanceL3Y! Current skills: (3 slots available)   Fighting Skills  bare-handed combat Unskilled (max Expert)  two-handed weapons Unskilled (max Expert)  polymorphing Unskilled (max Expert)  devices Unskilled (max Expert)  spirituality Unskilled (max Expert)  petkeeping Basic (max Expert)  Weapon Skills  axe Unskilled (max Expert)  club Basic (max Expert)  quarterstaff Unskilled (max Expert)  polearms Unskilled (max Expert)  bow Basic (max Master)  firearms Unskilled (max Expert)  crossbow Unskilled (max Expert)  unicorn horn Unskilled (max Expert)  Spellcasting Skills  attack spells Unskilled (max Expert)  healing spells Unskilled (max Expert)  divination spells Unskilled (max EL3Y<xpert)  enchantment spells Basic (max Wizard)  protection spells Unskilled (max Expert) (1 of 2)U3Y5[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:3 $68 HP 14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1251 Hun ------------|...`.......|..........||..<........|..........|--------.---##,,,,,,,,,,$,,,######-#---------.----|..............|---------.-###|..............||.3Y5Hm{.{.......,,#|..............||.....^....|#,#|........>.....||..........|#,##|..............|------------#,,,.@.............|####|..............||..............||..............|----------------V3Y P[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1251 Hun [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1253 Hun .@W3Yg%P[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1253 Hun [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1255 Hun .@W3YsP[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1255 Hun [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1257 Hun .@W3YA[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1257 Hun .@[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1258 Hun You hear bubbling water.[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1259 Hun W3YNV[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1259 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1261 Hun .@X3YP[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1261 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1263 Hun .@X3YsP[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1263 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1265 Hun .@X3Y6Q[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1265 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1267 Hun @.X3Yl Q[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1267 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1269 Hun @.X3YiQ[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1269 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1271 Hun @.Y3YLP[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1271 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1273 Hun .@Y3Y?qQ[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1273 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1275 Hun @.Y3YMcP[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1275 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1277 Hun .@Y3YQ[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1277 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1279 Hun @.Y3YP[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1279 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1281 Hun .@Y3Yt Q[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1281 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1283 Hun @.Y3Yh} P[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1283 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1285 Hun .@Z3Y\[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1285 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1287 Hun @.Z3Y\[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1287 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1289 Hun @.[3YWX[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1289 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1291 Hun .@[3Yc[[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1291 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1293 Hun @.[3Y[[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1293 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1295 Hun @.[3Y)7\[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1295 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1297 Hun @.\3YQ[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1297 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1299 Hun @.\3YS P[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1299 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1301 Hun .@]3YP[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1301 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1303 Hun .@]3YZ P[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1303 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1305 Hun .@^3Y3P[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1305 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1307 Hun .@^3Y\Q[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1307 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1309 Hun @._3Y,Q[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1309 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1311 Hun @.a3YNP[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1311 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1313 Hun .@b3YOP[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1313 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1315 Hun .@b3YdP[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1315 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1317 Hun .@b3Y6[ P[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1317 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1319 Hun .@c3Y P[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1319 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1321 Hun .@c3Y(X[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1321 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1323 Hun .@c3YX[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1323 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1325 Hun .@c3Yh P[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1325 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1327 Hun .@d3Y P[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1327 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1329 Hun .@d3YkNYou start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1329 Hun d3YnXYou continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1329 Hun e3YAXYou continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1329 Hun e3Y5 .You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1329 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1331 Hun #.@##e3Y; \You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1331 Hun f3YXYou continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1331 Hun f3Y/~XYou continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1331 Hun f3Y,You chew a passage through the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1331 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1333 Hun ,.@,,f3Ym [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1333 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1335 Hun #,@#,f3Yr NYou start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1335 Hun f3Y$XYou continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1335 Hun g3Y XYou continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1335 Hun g3Y0-,You chew a passage through the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1335 Hun #,,@#:The gray twen engulfs you!--More--h3Y/-\|@|\-/[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:3 $68 HP 21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1335 Hun You are pummeled with debris![Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1335 Hun [-2 -> 19][Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1337 Hun i3Y@( 3You kill the gray twen!--More--j3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:3 $68 HP 21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1337 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1339 Hun ------------|...`.......|..........||..<........|..........|--------.---##,,,,,,,,,,$,,,######-#j3Y# ---------.----|..............|---------.-###|..............||.{.{.......,,#|..............|#,##|.....^....|#,#|........>......,,@#|..........|#,##|..............|#,,,------------#,,,...............|####j3Y1 |..............||..............||..............|----------------k3Yw[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1339 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1341 Hun ,@,,k3Y: [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1341 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1343 Hun ,,@###l3Yx[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1345 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1347 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1349 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 3YGK23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1351 Hun ,,,##,,,,##,##@##,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1351 Hun l3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1353 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1355 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1357 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw l3Y23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1359 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1361 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1363 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1365 Hun ,,#####,,,,l3Y2,@#########You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1365 Hun m3Y#XYou continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1365 Hun m3Yl1XYou continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1365 Hun m3Y,You chew a passage through the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1365 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1367 Hun #,,@,#m3Yb [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1367 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1369 Hun #,,@,#n3Yp[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1369 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1371 Hun #,,@,#n3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1371 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1373 Hun #,,@,#n3Y̹,,,@,#There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1375 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1377 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1379 Hun 3YH#:#+@#,#,,,##[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1379 Hun n3Y--More--o3Y;The iguana misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1381 Hun o3Y You hit the iguana.You hit the iguana.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1381 Hun The iguana misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(21)  Pw 23(23)  AC1 Exp3 T1383 Hun o3Y You kill the iguana!%[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC1 Exp4 T1383 Hun Welcome to experience level 4.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC1 Exp4 T1383 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1385 Hun p3YNKUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1385 Hun p3YĹ\You start chewing a hole in the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1385 Hun q3Y?XYou continue chewing on the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1385 Hun q3Y||.|...|.$.e.|.......-------You chew through the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1385 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1387 Hun ------..............|e@,-q3Y;[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1387 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1389 Hun --.|.||@.,,q3YUYou hit the gas spore!You kill the gas spore!./-\\-/r3Y|;.....@--More--r3Y You are caught in the gas spore's explosion![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1389 Hun [-12 -> 17][Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1389 Hun [Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1391 Hun s3YW[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1391 Hun [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1393 Hun @.t3Yv[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1393 Hun [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1394 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1395 Hun @.t3YoU k[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1395 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1396 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1397 Hun @.t3Y @.You see here 4 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1397 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1398 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1399 Hun u3Y{X|[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1399 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1400 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1401 Hun $@u3Yd j[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1401 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1402 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1403 Hun .@v3Yf|[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1404 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1405 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1406 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 3Y|K28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1407 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1407 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1408 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1409 Hun ...@,,v3YR" ,#@.,You see here an iguana corpse {30}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1409 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1410 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1411 Hun w3Yh[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1411 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1412 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1413 Hun ,%@,w3YIf[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1413 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1414 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1415 Hun @.,,w3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1416 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1417 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1418 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 3Y״K28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1419 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1420 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1421 Hun @....[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1421 Hun w3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1422 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1423 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1424 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw w3YЋ28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1425 Hun @.You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1425 Hun w3YN@.You see here 4 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1425 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1426 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1427 Hun x3YNO4 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 72 29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1427 Hun x3Y"x[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1427 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1428 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1429 Hun .@x3Y/ [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1430 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1431 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1432 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 3Y/ K28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1433 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1434 Hun ...@[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1435 Hun 1 points of your strength got sapped![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1435 Hun x3Y/ [25;1HYou are beginning to feel weak.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1435 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1435 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1436 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  3Y/ A29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1437 Wea .@,,y3YY,@.,You see here an iguana corpse {30}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1437 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1438 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1439 Wea z3YQJ - an iguana corpse {30}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1439 Wea z3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1439 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1440 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1441 Wea ,#@,,z3Y/L[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1441 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1442 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1443 Wea ,#@,,{3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1443 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1444 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1445 Wea ,,@,,}3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1446 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1447 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1448 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw [}3Y-K28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1449 Wea ,##Z@#,,,~3Y#[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1449 Wea ~3Y8VYou destroy the kobold zombie![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1449 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1450 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1451 Wea %~3Y #,@,,You see here a kobold corpse {400}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1451 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1452 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1453 Wea 3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1453 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1454 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1455 Wea ,,%@,,3Yt+You start chewing a hole in the rock.3Y#[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1455 Wea 3Yǐ3Y#[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1456 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1457 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1458 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw [3Y:K28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1459 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1460 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1461 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1462 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 W3YIi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1463 Wea ####,#,,@,..#,,,,###--,###[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1463 Wea 3YMr[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1464 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1465 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1466 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 3Yqr28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1467 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1468 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1469 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1470 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3Yr3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1471 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1472 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1473 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1474 [24;3Yr45HWea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1475 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1476 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1477 Wea ###,###,,,,,,,,@,###,[33Yr(3m###[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1477 Wea 3YIL [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1478 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1479 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1480 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 3YiL 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1481 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1481 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1482 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1483 Wea ----#.{.|3YyL a.....||.....,,,@-3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1483 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1484 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1485 Wea ---|.|,.@3Y!w [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1485 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1486 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1487 Wea @|k....|.---3Y] [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1487 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1488 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1489 Wea @k..3Y`[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1489 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1490 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1491 Wea @k..3Y t[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1491 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1492 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1493 Wea {@3YYou hit the kobold shaman.You miss the kobold shaman.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1493 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1494 Wea --More--3YRThe air crackles around the kobold shaman.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1495 Wea 3Y]You hit the kobold shaman.You kill the kobold shaman![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1495 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1497 Wea %3Y[ @.You see here a kobold shaman corpse {450}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1497 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1499 Wea 3Yxa[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1499 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1501 Wea %@3YG e[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1501 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1503 Wea .,@3YS[[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1503 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1505 Wea @,.3Y@.You see here a kobold shaman corpse {450}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1505 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1507 Wea 3Y3a[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1507 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1509 Wea %@3YV e[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1509 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1511 Wea .,@3Ys[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1513 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1515 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1517 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw [3YK28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1519 Wea ,,@,,,,.,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1519 Wea 3Y([Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1521 Wea You hear bubbling water.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1523 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1525 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  293Y_(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1527 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1529 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1531 Wea #,@,,,,,,,c,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29) [24;23Y0H Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1532 Wea The chicken misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1533 Wea 3YaYou hit the chicken.You kill the chicken![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1533 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1535 Wea %3Yh,,,@ Things that are here: a chicken corpse {100} a scroll of healing {1}--More--3YYe[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1535 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1537 Wea 3Y Pick up what?  Comestibles ('%') a - a chicken corpse {100} Scrolls ('?') b - a scroll of healing {1}(end) 3YZ-------|.#.{.|[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1537 Wea 3YH .What do you want to eat? [f-nCJ or ?*,] 3Y eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - a chicken corpse {100}(end) 3Yj+This chicken corpse is delicious![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1537 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1539 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1541 Hun --More--3Y1 points of your strength got restored![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1541 Wea You only feel hungry now.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1541 Hun --More--3YjNYou finish eating the chicken corpse.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1543 Hun 3YH]o - an uncursed scroll of healing {6}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1543 Hun 3Y)[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1545 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1547 Hun ,,@,,,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1547 Hun 3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1549 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1551 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1553 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 3Y28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1555 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1557 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1559 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1561 Hun ,,,,,,,,,3YG@,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1561 Hun 3YP[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1563 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1565 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1565 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 3Y`28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1567 Hun ,,,@3YJ ^[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1567 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1569 Hun ,@.3Ye b[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1569 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1571 Hun ,@,3Y9[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1571 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1573 Hun ,,@,,,3Y3Zl[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1573 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1575 Hun ,@,,3YG k[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1575 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1577 Hun ,,@,3YN[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1577 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1579 Hun ,,,,@#,#3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1581 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1583 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1585 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw [3Y K28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1587 Hun ,,,,,#,##,##@##+#You start chewing a hole in the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1587 Hun 3YBXYou continue chewing on the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1587 Hun 3Y........-----You chew through the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1587 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1589 Hun ,,-@-|...|...|...$|----3Yl[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1589 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1591 Hun ,-i----@...|.|3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1591 Hun .(0/(Bi@[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1592 Hun The homunculus misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1593 Hun 3Yz.@[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1593 Hun The homunculus misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1594 Hun The homunculus misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1595 Hun 3YCritical hit!You kill the homunculus![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1595 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1597 Hun .3Y2<[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1597 Hun @.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1598 Hun 1 points of your strength got sapped![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1598 Hun You are beginning to feel weak.[Stonewall the Rock Melter3YJ< ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1598 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1599 Wea 3YInV[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1599 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1601 Wea .@3Yd You hit the confusion trove!You miss the confusion trove.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1601 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1603 Wea 3YL4 You destroy the confusion trove![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1603 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1605 Wea %3Yw#,#@.There is a doorway here.You see here a confusion trove corpse {0}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1605 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1607 Wea 3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1607 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1609 Wea #,,@%3YW[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1611 Wea ##`@,You start chewing on a boulder.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1611 Wea 3Y~[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1613 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1615 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1617 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw [23Y'5;1H28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1617 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1619 Wea @#,,,#,##,,##,#3YÞ p[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1619 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1621 Wea @.,,3Y\[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1621 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1623 Wea @.3YnQ[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1623 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1625 Wea @.3Y@ e[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1625 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1627 Wea .,@3Yh^[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1627 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1629 Wea ,@.3YWb[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1629 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1631 Wea ,@,3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1631 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1633 Wea ,,@,,,3Y< [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1633 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1635 Wea #,#@e,,,3Y8 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1637 Wea ###@,,,,You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1637 Wea 3YX [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1637 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1639 Wea ,@e,,3YiEYou hit the ego gas spore Petty Monster!--More--3YTl nYou kill the ego gas spore Petty Monster!,- |3Y 2@,,--More--3YY You are caught in the ego gas spore's explosion![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(29)  Pw 28(28)  AC0 Exp4 T1639 Wea [-12 -> 17][Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC0 Exp5 T1639 Wea --More--3YPbWelcome to experience level 5.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC0 Exp5 T1639 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1641 Wea 3YOLUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1641 Wea 3Y~ [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1641 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1643 Wea ,,,@,,3Y'[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1643 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1645 Wea ,,@,,,3YuM,@,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1645 Wea 3Y}g 6[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1647 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1649 Wea 3Yg [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1651 Wea ,@,,,,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1653 Wea You hear the footsteps of a guard on patrol.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1655 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter [3Yg 23;27H] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1657 Wea [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1659 Wea ,,,,,@,,,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1659 Wea 3YM 2[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1661 Wea --More--3YOYou start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1661 Wea 3YLUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St10 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1661 Wea 3Y;What do you want to eat? [f-nCJ or ?*] 3YNThis orange is delicious!1 points of your strength got restored![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1661 Wea --More--3Y2 yYou only feel hungry now.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1661 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1661 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1663 Hun 3Y3[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1663 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1665 Hun ,,@,,,3Y-What do you want to eat? [f-nCJ or ?*] 3YfThis orange is delicious![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1665 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1667 Hun 3Y\[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1667 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1669 Hun .,@,,,3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1669 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1671 Hun ,,@,,3Y-What do you want to eat? [f-nCJ or ?*] 3Y This orange is delicious![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1671 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1671 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1673 3Y_ T[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1673 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1675 #,#@,,3Y+[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1677 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1679 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1681 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1683 [Stonewall the Rock Melter [233Y+C;27H] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1683 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1685 -----------..........|##|.........$|#,@..........|#,-----------#,#,,,,,3Y}{U[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1685 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1687 -+,.@,3Y0 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1687 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1689 @.3YU:[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1691 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1693 ...@You see a door open.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1695 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1697 [3Yr::25;1H[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1699 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1701 -.....@.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1701 3Y'[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1703 .@You see here 5 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1703 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1705 3Y9'5 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 7 36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1705 3YC[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1705 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1707 @.3YT[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1709 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1711 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1713 o@....The fiendish goblin throws a crude dagger!)3Y .)3Y .)3Yz .)3YU --More--3YpQYou are hit by a crude dagger.[Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1713 [-1 -> 35].)3YQ [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1715 @3Y4 *[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1715 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1717 -o@)3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1717 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1719 .o@.3YYou kill the fiendish goblin![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1719 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1721 .3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1721 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1723 @.3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1723 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1725 @.3YN[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1725 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1727 .@3Y+[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1727 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1729 @.3Y ![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1729 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1731 #,@.3Y& [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1731 #,@-[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1732 You are beginning to feel hungry.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1732 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36) 3YU [K Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1733 Hun 3YL[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1733 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1735 Hun #,@,#3Y3[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1735 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1737 Hun #,@,,#3Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1739 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1741 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1743 Hun ####,@,,,,,,,,#[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx203Y Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1743 Hun 3Y\[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1745 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1747 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1747 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 3Y34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1749 Hun @,,,,,3Yew[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1749 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1751 Hun @.,,3YX[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1751 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1753 Hun .@3YX[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1753 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1755 Hun .@3Yb| X[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1755 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1757 Hun .@3Y5r[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1757 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1759 Hun .@,,,3YD \[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1759 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1761 Hun .@3Yj [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1763 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1765 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1767 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw [25;13Y ?H34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1769 Hun ,#,,,,,@###,#You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1769 Hun 3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1771 Hun ,,@,,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1771 Hun 3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1773 Hun ,@,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1774 Hun You hear the splashing of a naiad.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1775 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch13Yȵ 0 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1777 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1779 Hun ,@,,,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1780 Hun You hear a gurgling noise.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36) [25;3Y 1H Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1781 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1783 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1785 Hun ,@,,,,,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1785 3Y ([KHun 3Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1787 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1789 Hun [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1789 Hun l@,,,3YZ )[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1789 Hun 3Y#wYou hit the leprechaun!You hit the leprechaun![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1789 Hun --More--3Y!The leprechaun just misses!The leprechaun misses.d[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1790 Hun --More--3YF?The leprechaun misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1791 Hun 3YgYou hit the leprechaun.You hit the leprechaun!d.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1791 Hun --More--3YThe leprechaun misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1792 Hun The wild wolf bites you![Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1792 Hun [-3 -> 33]--More--3YE }The leprechaun claws you!The leprechaun stole a flowing potion {1}.[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1793 Hun 3YۺJUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1793 Hun 3Y)[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1793 Hun 3Y#[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1793 Hun 3Y&In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 3YU The arrow hits the leprechaun.[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1793 Hun The wild wolf bites you![Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1793 Hun [-5 -> 28]--More--3YC3 \The leprechaun misses.The leprechaun claws you!--More--3YzYou feel a tug on your purse[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1793 Hun [-1 -> 27][Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1794 Hun The wild wolf misses.--More--3Y/The leprechaun claws you!Your purse feels lighter.)[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 0 HP 26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1794 Hun [-1 -> 26][Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1795 Hun 3Y KJUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1795 Hun 3YJE @,,,You see here an uncursed +0 arrow {1}.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1795 Hun The wild wolf misses.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1796 Hun --More--3Ya>The wild wolf misses.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1797 Hun 3Y JUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1797 Hun 3Yd You just miss the wild wolf.You hit the wild wolf.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1797 Hun --More--3Y:+ The wild wolf misses.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1798 Hun The wild wolf misses.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1799 Hun 3Y3 You hit the wild wolf.You hit the wild wolf.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1799 Hun The wild wolf misses.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1800 Hun --More--3Y'xThe wild wolf bites you![Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  22(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1800 Hun [-5 -> 22][Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  22(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1801 Hun 3YvYou kill the wild wolf![Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  22(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1801 Hun [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  22(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1803 Hun %3Y JUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  22(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1803 Hun 3YC )@You see here a wild wolf corpse {500}.[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  22(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1803 Hun [Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  23(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1805 Hun 3Y LUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  23(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1805 Hun 3Ya ]You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  23(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1805 Hun 3Y/@%You see here an uncursed +0 arrow {1}.[Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  23(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1805 Hun [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  24(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1807 Hun 3Yk )@You see here a wild wolf corpse {500}.[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  24(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1807 Hun [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  24(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1809 Hun 3Y <What do you want to eat? [f-nCJ or ?*,] 3Y  eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - a wild wolf corpse {500}(end) 3Y+#######------------,,,,,,,-....).....|,,#####|..........|#,...........|This wild wolf corpse is delicious![Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  24(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1809 [Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  24(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1811 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  3YQs25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1813 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1815 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1815 --More--3YUC *You finish eating the wild wolf corpse.[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1817 3Yz[@,You see here an uncursed +0 arrow {1}.[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1817 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1819 --More--3Y9You hear the footsteps of a guard on patrol.3Y9c - an uncursed +0 arrow (in quiver) {26}.[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1819 3Y} e,,,@,You see here a gold piece {0}.[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1819 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1821 3Y`'1 gold piece.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 1 26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1821 3YE[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1821 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1823 #,,@,,3Y 6[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1825 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1827 ###,@,,,,[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1827 3Y [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1829 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1831 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1833 [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1835 [Stonewall the Rock M el3Y0 ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1837 [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1839 [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1841 #######,@,,,,,,,,#[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1841 [25;3YZ 1H3Y [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1843 3Yؽ [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1845 [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1847 [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1849 ####,,,,#@,###You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  3Y ~[A31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1849 3Y 6You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1849 3YFV 2You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1849 3Y˞2You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1849 3Yi8[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1849 [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1851 ,,@#3Y-([Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1851 [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1853 @,,,3Y2. 4[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1853 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1855 ,,@,,3YB $,,@,[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1855 3YO [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1857 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1859 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1861 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1863 [Stonewall the Rock Melter [23;3Y 27H] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1865 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1867 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1869 ,,,,,,,,@,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1869 3Y6*[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1871 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1873 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1875 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1877 [Stonewall the Rock Melter [23;3Y*27H] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1879 ,,,,,,,,,@,.There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1881 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1883 ,Z,,@--More--3Y. (You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1883 3Y: 6You destroy the dwarf zombie![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1883 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1885 ,3Y%Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1885 3Yh9[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1885 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1887 ,@,,,3Y 4[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1887 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1889 ,@,,,3Y :,,,,@There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1889 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1891 3Yah,,@,,o[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1891 The goblin misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1893 3Yu5You kill the goblin![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1895 .3Y6You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1895 3Y0 2You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1895 3Yi[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1897 ,,,,,@k3Yu_[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1899 ,,,.@k.3Y\6[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1901 ..@k3YB ".@[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1901 The small kappa misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1903 3Y 26][Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1917 You hear crashing rock.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1919 3YP /@^[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1919 You hear crashing rock.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1921 3Y [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1921 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1923 @.3Y %[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1923 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1925 @..3YC /[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1925 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1926 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1927 @.U.3Y5[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1927 .U@.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1928 The umber pony misses.The umber pony misses.--More--3YPThe umber pony's gaze confuses you![Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1928 Cnf The umber pony kicks you!--More--3Y3The umber pony's kick painfully slams into your nuts![Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  23(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1928 Cnf [-5 -> 23][Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1928 Cnf --More--3Y@w_[-2 -> 21]The umber pony just misses![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1929 Cnf 3Y JUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1929 Cnf 3Y݀)[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1929 Cnf 3Y0wYou hit the umber pony!You hit the umber pony.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1929 Cnf --More--3YThe umber pony misses.The umber pony bites you![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1929 Cnf [-1 -> 20][Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1930 Cnf --More--3YkThe umber pony misses.The umber pony just misses![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1931 Cnf 3Y$ JUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1931 Cnf 3Y] )[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1931 Cnf 3Yp,#[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1931 Cnf 3Y8pxYou hit the umber pony.You miss the umber pony.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1931 Cnf --More--3YJ The umber pony misses.The umber pony misses.The umber pony misses.--More--3YkThe umber pony bites you![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1931 Cnf [-1 -> 20][Stonewall the R ock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  22(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1932 Cnf The umber pony kicks you![Stonewall t he Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  17(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1932 Cnf --More--3Y[F[-5 -> 17]The umber pony bites you![Stonewall t he Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1932 Cnf [-1 -> 16][Stonewall t he Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1933 Cnf 3YJUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall t he Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1933 Cnf 3Y)[Stonewall t he Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1933 Cnf 3Y[Stonewall t he Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1933 Cnf .U@[Stonewall t he Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  16(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1934 Cnf The umber pony kicks you![Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  15(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1934 Cnf [-1 -> 15]The umber pony bites you![Stonewall [3Y2 23;11H the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1934 Cnf --More--3Y6 [-1 -> 14]The umber pony misses.The umber pony bites you![Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1934 Cnf --More--3Y(8[-1 -> 13]You feel less confused now.[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1935 3Y#Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1935 3Y[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1935 3Y* PYou hit the umber pony.You hit the umber pony.[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1935 --More--3Y:aThe umber pony misses.The umber pony bites you![Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  12(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1935 [-1 -> 12][Stonewal l the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  12(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1936 --More--3Y˫ bThe umber pony kicks you![Stonewa ll the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  11(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1936 [-1 -> 11]The umber pony bites you![Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1936 --More--3Y [-1 -> 10][Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 3Ym "Unknown command ' '.[Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 3Yv[Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 3Y.What do you want to drink? [txyE or ?*] 3YVS Weapons  a - an uncursed +1 club (weapon in hand) {12}  b - an uncursed +1 bow (alternate weapon; not wielded) {12}  c - 50 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {26}  Armor  w - a ring mail {100}  B - a camo robe {16}  D - a ring mail {100}  Comestibles  f - 5 uncursed oranges {3}  g - 5 uncursed apples {3}  h - 12 uncursed carrots {7}  i - 10 uncursed pears {6}  j - 10 uncursed asian pears {6}  k - 9 uncursed lemons {5}  l - 9 uncursed bananas {6}  m - 9 uncursed melons {5}  n - 158 uncursed slime molds {86}  C - a tripe ration {1}  J - an iguana corpse {30}  Scrolls  o - 6 uncursed scrolls of healing {6}  p - 5 uncursed scrolls of mana {5}  q - 2 uncursed scrolls of phase door {1} (1 of 2)3Y r - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2}  s - an uncursed scroll of cure {1}  u - a scroll labeled PONUS MOSTAS {1}  v - a scroll labeled EMPLY MENTAL TO SWITCH STATUS {1}  H - a scroll labeled CHTO VY KHOTITE DOSTICH {1}  Spellbooks  d - an uncursed spellbook of create familiar (6:1) {1}  e - an uncursed spellbook of charm monster (0:3) {1}  Potions  t - a carcinogenic potion {1}  x - a smoky potion {1}  y - a prickly ash potion {1}  E - an illuminated potion {1}  Wands  A - an avada kedavra wand {1}  F - a silver wand {1}  Tools  z - a stethoscope {1}  I - a lightsaber {24} (2 of 2)3Y: -------------|......<....|+...U@......||....^......|-.---.-----.-[Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:4 $1 HP 10(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 Never mind.[Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 3Y7 >What do you want to read? [deo-suvH or ?*] 3Yo  Weapons  a - an uncursed +1 club (weapon in hand) {12}  b - an uncursed +1 bow (alternate weapon; not wielded) {12}  c - 50 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {26}  Armor  w - a ring mail {100}  B - a camo robe {16}  D - a ring mail {100}  Comestibles  f - 5 uncursed oranges {3}  g - 5 uncursed apples {3}  h - 12 uncursed carrots {7}  i - 10 uncursed pears {6}  j - 10 uncursed asian pears {6}  k - 9 uncursed lemons {5}  l - 9 uncursed bananas {6}  m - 9 uncursed melons {5}  n - 158 uncursed slime molds {86}  C - a tripe ration {1}  J - an iguana corpse {30}  Scrolls  o - 6 uncursed scrolls of healing {6}  p - 5 uncursed scrolls of mana {5}  q - 2 uncursed scrolls of phase door {1} (1 of 2)3Y p +-------------|......<....|+...U@......||....^......|-.---.-----.-[Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:4 $1 HP 10(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 As you read the scroll, it disappears.You feel healthier![Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  24(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 --More--3Y=dThe umber pony kicks you![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  21(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 [-3 -> 21]The umber pony bites you![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 --More--3YDv[-1 -> 20]The umber pony's gaze confuses you![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 Cnf --More--3YThe umber pony kicks you![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 Cnf [-1 -> 19]The umber pony bites you![Stonewall th e Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1937 Cnf --More--3Y1 [-1 -> 18][Stonewall th e Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1938 Cnf The umber pony misses.The umber pony misses.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1939 Cnf 3Y=JUnknown command ' '.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1939 Cnf 3Yr)[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1939 Cnf 3Y2o#[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1939 Cnf 3YʥxYou miss the umber pony.You hit the umber pony.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1939 Cnf --More--3Yn5The umber pony kicks you!--More--3YVThe umber pony's kick painfully slams into your nuts![Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1939 Cnf [-5 -> 14][Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1939 Cnf --More--3Y.[-4 -> 10]The umber pony bites you![Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1939 Cnf [-1 -> 9][Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1940 Cnf --More--3YB The umber pony misses.The umber pony bites you![Stone wall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  8(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1940 Cnf [-1 -> 8]--More--3Y The umber pony just misses!The umber pony bites you![Ston ewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1940 Cnf [-1 -> 7]--More--3Y7Warning: HP low![Ston ewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1941 Cnf 3Y2HUnknown command ' '.[Ston ewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1941 Cnf 3Y'[Ston ewall the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  7(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1941 Cnf 3YS1What do you want to read? [deo-suvH or ?*] 3Y IAs you read the scroll, it disappears.--More--3Y2OBeing confused, you mispronounce the magic words...--More--3YLYou feel healthier![Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1941 Cnf The umber pony kicks you![Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1941 Cnf [-5 -> 31]--More--3Yw The umber pony bites you![Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1941 Cnf [-1 -> 30]You feel less confused now.[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1942 --More--3YE RThe umber pony kicks you![Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1942 [-2 -> 28]The umber pony misses.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1943 3Y6#Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1943 3Y_[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1943 3Yyy[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1943 .U@The umber pony kicks you![Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1943 [-2 -> 26]The umber pony misses.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1944 --More--3Y^RThe umber pony misses.The umber pony bites you![Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1944 [-1 -> 25][Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1945 3Y#Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1945 3YI[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1945 3Y [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1945 3Y]You hit the umber pony.Critical hit!You kill the umber pony![Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1945 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1947 %3Y#Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1947 3Y[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1947 3Y[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1947 3Yh 4@.You see here an umber pony corpse {1200}.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1947 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1949 3Y;What do you want to eat? [f-nCJ or ?*,] 3Yb  eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - an umber pony corpse {1200}(end) 3Yx+This umber pony corpse is delicious![Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1949 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  26(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1951 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1953 You hear crashing rock.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  [24;3Yx13H27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1955 --More--3Y[ You hear crashing rock.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1957 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  27(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1959 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1960 You think you just saw something move.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34) [3Y =K AC-1 Exp5 T1961 --More--3Y *You finish eating the umber pony corpse.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1963 3Y. #Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1963 3Y& [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1963 [Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1965 @.3Yܩ 7[Stonewall the Rock  Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  28(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1965 .@[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1967 You think you just saw something move.3Y >.@[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1967 You hear crashing rock.[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1969 U3Y[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1969 [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1971 @..3Y  Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - create familiar 7 occult 99% 681% b - charm monster 4 enchant 90% 381%(end) 3Y -------------|......<....|+....@......||....^......|[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1971 3YŰ[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1971 [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1973 @.U3Y,-[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1973 @.U.The lesser umber hulk's gaze confuses you![Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1973 Cnf [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1975 Cnf U3Yt [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1975 Cnf @..You hear crashing rock.U..You are getting more and more confused.[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1977 Cnf 3Y}[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1977 Cnf [Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1979 Cnf @..U.3YNYou start chewing a hole in the door.[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1979 Cnf 3YGWYou continue chewing on the door.[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1979 Cnf 3Y!------|.....|...........|..F.............|...........|.....------You chew through the door.[Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  30(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1979 Cnf [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1981 Cnf ----.....,,3Y!@..,U....---3Yuc ![Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1981 Cnf [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1983 Cnf ---%.>.#@.U.#U....--3Y T[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1983 Cnf --....|@,U..|U.....---[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1985 Cnf You sense something strange about this place.3Y[You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1985 Cnf 3Y [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1985 Cnf [Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1987 Cnf -@,.,.,.|-3Y^[Stonewall the Rock Me lter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  31(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1987 Cnf @.You feel less confused now.[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1989 3Yl [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1989 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1991 @.3Y [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1991 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1993 @.3YO@.[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 5 32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1993 You hear the sounds of civilization.--More--3Yl ------------ |.........>| |..........| |....a.....| |..........| |...@......| |........... |..........| --.---------[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:5 $1 HP 32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1993 3Y [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1994 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1995 .a3YYou kill the giant tick![Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1995 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1996 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1997 .3YK [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1997 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1998 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1999 @<4Y4[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T1999 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2000 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2001 .@4Y[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2001 [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2002 [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2003 <@4Y[Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2003 [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2004 [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2005 .@4Y['You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2005 4Y^ [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2005 [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2006 [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2007 @.4YB[Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2007 [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2008 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2009 .@#,,..4YF[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2009 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2010 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2011 .@##,..4Y97 'You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2011 4Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2012 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2013 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2014 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2015 [Stonewall the Rock Melter[4Ym ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2015 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2016 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2017 ,,#,#-@-|. |...| |../.+ ------4Y|r :[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2017 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2018 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2019 ,.---@..4Y}[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2019 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2020 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2021 .@4Y}A%.@You see here a flathead wand {1}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2021 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2022 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2023 4Y 'N - a flathead wand {1}.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2023 4Y0([Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2023 .@You hear a distant explosion.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2024 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2025 4YA4You start chewing a hole in the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2025 4Y-p0You continue chewing on the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2025 4Yb.You chew through the door.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2025 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2026 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2027 #.@,#4YH[ 4[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2027 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2028 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2029 ,.@,#4Y_+[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2029 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2030 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2031 #,@##4Y>(You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2031 4YbA [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2032 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2033 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2034 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2035 [Stonewall the Rock Melter[4YA sm ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2036 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2037 #,,#@##,#,,,,,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2037 4Y[2 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2038 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2039 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2040 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2041 ,@,[14;4Y2 11H,#,You hear a door open.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2042 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2043 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2044 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34) [244Y2 ;28H AC-1 Exp5 T2045 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2046 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2047 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2048 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2049 .4Y2 ,,#,,,,@#,#,#You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2049 4Y t[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2050 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2051 ,,#,@#,,,,[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2051 4Y [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2052 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2053 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2054 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2055 [Stonewall the Rock Melter [23;4Y 27H] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2056 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2057 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2057 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2058 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 4Y  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2059 -.|##|.|#,@.|,,|.|,,.-,,.--4Y+[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2060 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2061 ---|.|.|,.@,||.|.|(||.||.||.||f-|.---You start chewing a hole 4YL in the rock.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2061 4Y[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2062 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2063 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2064 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2065 ..4Y-----|.------------.......--------|@(.................{......................@?...|----------------------|f..[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2065 4Yd[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2066 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2067 .{...@f...The kitten misses.The kitten misses.[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2068 The kitten bites you![23;14YvH[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2068 --More-- 4YYt [-4 -> 32][Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2069  4YLujCritical hit!You hit the kitten!You kill the kitten![Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2069 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2070 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2071 % 4YR1%Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2071  4YO .@ Things that are here: a kitten corpse {150} a cyan wand {1} a glass orb {1}--More-- 4Yyo [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2071 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2072 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2073  4YН [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2073 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2074 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2075 %@ 4Yh @. Things that are here: a kitten corpse {150} a cyan wand {1} a glass orb {1}--More-- 4Y{[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2075 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2076 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2077  4YD.What do you want to eat? [f-nCJ or ?*,]  4Y  eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - a kitten corpse {150}(end) 4Y+This kitten corpse is delicious![Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2077 [Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  33(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2078 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2079 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw [ 4Y4^K34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2080 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2081 You finish eating the kitten corpse.[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2082 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2083  4Y %Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2083  4Y|  Pick up what?  Wands ('/') a - a cyan wand {1} Tools ('(') b - a glass orb {1}(end) 4Y+ 4YI + 4Yj O - a cyan wand {1}.P - a glass orb {1}.[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2083 4Y2[Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2083 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2084 [Stonewall the Rock Melt er] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  34(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2085 .@4Yf[Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2086 [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2087 [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2088 [Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2089 [Stonewall the Rock Melte [23;4Y{26Hr] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2090 ...@..--[Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2091 You hear the chime of a cash register.[Stonewall the Rock Melte r] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  35(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2092 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw [4YK34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2093 @.----------------------------------------@..........r..................@..............@|-----------------------------------------------More--4Y^O YYou start chewing a hole in the rock."Hey, stop damaging that wall!"[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2093 4Y T[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2093 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2094 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2095 ..@.r..@.4Y+[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2095 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2096 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2097 .@..r.4YqS[Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2098 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2099 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2100 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2101 [Stonewall the Rock Melter [234YSJ;27H] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2102 [Stonewall the Rock Melter ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  36(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2103 ..@..@......r.@.The novice ranger shoots 3 arrows!)4Y]5.)4Y 3You are hit by the 1st arrow.[Stonewall the Rock Mel ter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  32(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2103 --More--4Y*[-4 -> 32].)4Yl@)4Yب.)4YRYou are hit by the 2nd arrow![Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2103 [-7 -> 25].)4Yi@)4Y2B.)4Yg--More--4Y^@DYou are almost hit by the 3rd arrow..)4YYU@You hear a chugging sound.[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2104 [Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2105 .@.@.4YL[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2105 @)The novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger misses.--More--4YpThe novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger misses..@[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2106 --More--4YtX`The novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger hits you![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  19(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2106 --More--4YZ[-6 -> 19]The novice ranger swings his bow.--More--4Y ?The novice ranger misses.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2107 r.@4Y<%Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2107 4YfYou hit the novice ranger!You hit the novice ranger![Stonewall the  Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  20(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2107 --More--4YiThe novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger misses.--More--4YA cThe novice ranger shoots 2 arrows!You are hit by the 1st arrow.[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  14(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2107 --More--4Y ![-6 -> 14])4Y'e S@You are hit by the 2nd arrow![Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2107 [-4 -> 10])4YE @@.r.[Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  10(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2108 --More--4Y0nThe novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger just misses!--More--4Y^The novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger hits you![Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2108 --More--4Y1[-1 -> 9][Stonew all the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  9(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2109 r.@4YҊ?What do you want to read? [deo-suvH or ?*] 4YeAs you read the scroll, it disappears.You feel healthier![Stonewall the Rock M elter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  29(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2109 --More--4YnThe novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger just misses!--More--4Y `The novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger hits you![Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2109 --More--4Y [-4 -> 25]r..@[Stonewall the Roc k Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  25(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2110 The novice ranger swings his bow.--More--4Yo iThe novice ranger misses.The novice ranger swings his bow.--More--4Y#eThe novice ranger hits you![Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  24(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2110 [-1 -> 24][Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  24(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2111 .r.@4YC%Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  24(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2111 4Y%ffYou hit the novice ranger.You hit the novice ranger.[Stonewall the Ro ck Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  24(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2111 --More--4Y iThe novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger misses.--More--4Yb/ `The novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger hits you![Stonewall th e Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2111 --More--4Y[-6 -> 18].r@.[Stonewall th e Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  18(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2112 The novice ranger swings his bow.--More--4Y7IThe novice ranger hits you![Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2112 [-5 -> 13]--More--4Y+yThe novice ranger swings his bow.The novice ranger misses.[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2113 ..@4YcQ %Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2113 4Y [Stonewall  the Rock Melter] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  13(36)  Pw 34(34)  AC-1 Exp5 T2113 4YL&In what direction? [hykulnjb><] 4YYou kill the novice ranger!%[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-1 Exp6 T2113 Welcome to experience level 6.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-1 Exp6 T2113 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-1 Exp6 T2114 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 4Y40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2115 ).r@.4Y +Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2115 4Y? [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2115 4Y4 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2115 4YG [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2115 4Y n@) Things that are here: an uncursed +0 arrow {1} a novice ranger corpse {1450}--More--4Y?2 ][Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2115 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2116 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2117 .@.@4YF  Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - an uncursed +0 arrow {1} Comestibles ('%') b - a novice ranger corpse {1450}(end) 4YXA+4YtT c - an uncursed +0 arrow (in quiver) {26}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2117 4Y<What do you want to eat? [f-nCJ or ?*,]  4Yx9 eat what?  Comestibles ('%') a - a novice ranger corpse {1450}(end) 4Y +Blecch! Rotten food!You feel rather light headed.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2117 Cnf --More--!4YjYou feel evil and fiendish![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2117 Cnf [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2118 Cnf [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2119 Cnf [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  [!4Yj25;1H44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2120 Cnf [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2121 Cnf .....@.--More--!4Y bYou finish eating the novice ranger corpse..@--More--"4Y&Z/You feel less confused now.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2122 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2123 .#4Y'?[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2123 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2124 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2125 @.#4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2125 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2126 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2127 .@#4Y" H.@You see here an arrow {1}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2127 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2128 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2129 .@$4Y Ac - an uncursed +0 arrow (in quiver) {27}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2129 $4YeW.@You see here 2 arrows {2}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2129 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2130 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2131 ..@%4YAc - 2 uncursed +0 arrows (in quiver) {29}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2131 &4Y6[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2131 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2132 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2133 .@..@&4Y0[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2133 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2134 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2135 .@..@&4Y.@[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2135 &4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2136 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2137 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2138 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2139 [Stonewall &4Y the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2140 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2141 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2142 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2143 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician&4Y&  ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2144 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2145 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2146 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2147 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co&4Y: 6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2148 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2149 .......@.......@.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2149 &4Yx [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2150 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2151 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2152 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2153 [Stonewall &4Yy the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2154 ..@@.....[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2155 You hear someone cursing shoplifters.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2156 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw&4Y(y  40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2157 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2158 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2159 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2160 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40&4Y 43][Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2167 (4Y}You hit the mugger!You hit the mugger.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2167 The mugger misses.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2168 --More--(4Y7 The mugger misses.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2169 (4Y0* You hit the mugger.You hit the mugger![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2169 rThe mugger misses.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2170 .r--More--(4YE The mugger misses.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2171 )4Y|K+Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2171 )4YǭCritical hit!You kill the mugger![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2171 %The scavenger misses.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2172 --More--)4Y The scavenger misses.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2173 )4Y +Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2173 *4Y, [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2173 *4YgY[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2173 *4Y!You kill the scavenger![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2173 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2174 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2175 [+4YH@.You see here a pair of soft footwear {1}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2175 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2176 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2177 ,4Y7Q - a pair of soft footwear {1}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2177 ,4YL [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2177 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2178 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2179 .@,4Y\ 4.@You see here a mugger corpse {1450}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2179 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2180 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2181 14Y2[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2181 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2182 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2183 %@14Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2183 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2184 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2185 .@14YH [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2186 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2187 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2188 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2189 [Stonewall14YH  the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2190 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2191 |.....@[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2191 14Y, [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2192 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2193 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2194 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2195 [Stonewall 14Y!- the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2196 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2197 ..o....|..@-|...||...||...o....@The low snotling hits you![Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40) 14Y:- d AC-2 Exp6 T2197 [-2 -> 42][Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2198 [Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2199 .o@.24Y.You hit the low snotling.You kill the low snotling![Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2199 [Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2200 [Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2201 .o.@.$34Y||@.You see here 32 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2201 [Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2202 [Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2203 .o.@.44YX*32 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 33 HP 43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2203 44Ym[Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2203 [Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2204 [Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2205 ..o.@@.44Y+Really attack the watchman? [yn] (n) 64Y˼n[Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2205 64Y_q[Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2205 @.The low snotling wields a curved sword {16}!--More--74YitThe low snotling swings her curved sword.The low snotling misses.[Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2206 [Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2207 @..84YY;You hit the low snotling.You kill the low snotling![Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2207 @%.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2208 --More--84YIjQYou hear the chime of a cash register.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2209 @.84YIW +Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2209 94Yr.@. Things that are here: a low snotling corpse {400} a curved sword {16}--More--94YK A[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2209 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2210 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2211 .@94YCX  Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a curved sword {16} Comestibles ('%') b - a low snotling corpse {400}(end) :4Y>+:4Yr .|R - a curved sword {16}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2211 ;4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2211 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2212 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2213 ||.+.@@...@%;4YX[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2213 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2214 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2215 -.|-----....o...@..@./.....@..@-[;4Y)X1m------|<4Y Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - create familiar 7 occult 99% 678% b - charm monster 4 enchant 0% 378%(end) =4Yq---.-.--|.|.|[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2215 =4Y+Really attack the watchman? [yn] (n) >4Yn[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2215 ?4Y{[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2215 .@.@.@.You hear a nearby zap.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2216 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2217 ?4Y a L[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2217 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2218 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2219 @....@?4Y04[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2219 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2220 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2221 @..@@4Y#[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2221 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2222 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2223 ..@@4Y1[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2223 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2224 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2225 .@@4YD  Choose which spell to cast   Name Level Category Fail Memory a - create familiar 7 occult 99% 678% b - charm monster 4 enchant 0% 378%(end) A4Y---.-.--|.|.|[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2225 A4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2225 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2226 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2227 .@A4Y޺P[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2227 ..@[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2228 You hear someone cursing shoplifters.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2229 D4Y&[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2230 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2231 D4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2232 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2233 ...@[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2233 D4Y` [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2234 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2235 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2236 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2237 [Stonewall D4Y` the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2238 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2239 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2240 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2241 [Stonewall the Eruption MagicianD4Y`  ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2242 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2243 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2244 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2245 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 CoD4Y` 6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2246 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2247 ---.|-.||.||.||.||.|...|..||..||..|..........@[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W D4Y`  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2247 D4Y5 *[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2248 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2249 You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2249 E4Y#[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2249 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2250 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2251 @.E4Yڛ[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2251 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2252 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2253 @.E4Yj [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2253 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2254 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2255 @.E4YZ [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2255 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2256 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2257 ---.......|@.F4YQ,7[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2257 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2258 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2259 @.@.F4YS[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2259 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2260 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2261 -.@..-----........@.@..@.4Y|P32m@...@.F4Y!X[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2261 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2262 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2263 ..@...@....@@@?@...G4Y---........@.You see here a scroll labeled CUTME {1}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2263 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2264 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2265 @....@.@G4YI 6S - a scroll labeled CUTME {1}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2265 H4YQmYou start chewing a hole in the rock."Hey, stop damaging that wall!"[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2265 I4Y^y>Really attack the watch captain? [yn] (n) J4Yn[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2265 J4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2265 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2266 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2267 @.@...@@.@..@...@J4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2267 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2268 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2269 ..@......@.@@/K4Yi[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2269 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2270 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2271 @...@.@.@K4Y b[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2271 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2272 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2273 .@.../K4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2273 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2274 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2275 @.L4Y1.@[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2275 L4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2276 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2277 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2278 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2279 [Stonewall L4Ythe Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2280 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2281 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2282 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2283 [Stonewall the Eruption MagicianL4Y ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2284 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2285 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2286 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2287 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 CoL4Y6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2288 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2289 ..........................@[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2289 L4Yw[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2290 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2291 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2292 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2293 .4Y9H@You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2293 L4YF[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2293 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2294 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2295 ,@(.#M4YPc#.@##You see here a key {1}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2295 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2296 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2297 N4Yh%T - a key {1}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2297 N4YZ =[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2297 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2298 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2299 ,#@,O4Y?Q[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2300 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2301 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2302 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2303 ,,O4Y\Q}[14;66H@,,#,,,[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2303 O4Y^2[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2304 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2305 ,,@,,There's some graffiti on the ground here.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2306 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+O4Ym2W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2307 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2308 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2309 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2310 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  4Yx2H5;1H44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2311 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2312 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2313 `,@,,,,,,,,,,,--More--P4YMSomething is engraved here on the headstone.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2313 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2314 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2315 Q4Yv=[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2315 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2316 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2317 #|@##Q4YX Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2317 Q4Y r@,Something is engraved here on the headstone.Use "r." to read it.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2317 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2318 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2319 R4Y;T@What do you want to read? [deo-suvHS or ?*.] R4YuOSomething is engraved here on the headstone.--More--R4YweYou read: "As I lay forgotten and alone, without fear I draw my parting groan.".--More--T4Yja [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2319 T4YE'You start chewing on a boulder.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2319 T4YJ 9You continue chewing on the boulder.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2319 U4Y,You eat the boulder.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2319 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2320 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2321 ,,@|,,V4Ymq[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2321 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2322 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2323 -,,.@,,V4YO+[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2323 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2324 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2325 ,,@#V4Y0 "[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2325 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2326 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2327 ,@,V4Y)9-You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2327 W4Y26You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2327 W4Y6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2327 W4Y&e.You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2327 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2328 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2329 -.-,.@,,,W4Y e[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2329 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2330 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2331 -,*@.,,X4YJ-You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2331 X4Yt6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2331 X4Y 6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2331 X4YM ..@#You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2331 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2332 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2333 -..@..@.@...X4Y)M .X4Yl[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2333 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2334 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2335 .@.@...@.Y4Y K[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2335 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2336 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2337 @..@@.Z4YhW[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2337 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2338 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2339 .@@.@..Z4YR[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2339 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2340 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2341 .@.@@..Z4Y3 j[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2341 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2342 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2343 -.@.@..Z4Ya[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2343 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2344 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2345 ---------------------------------------....................?......................@------------------------------Z4Y b2..[4Y% [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2345 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2346 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2347 @.[4Y*7 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2347 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2348 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2349 @.[4Y7@ [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2349 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2350 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2351 @.[4Yx [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2351 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2352 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2353 @.\4Y!k[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2353 o@.The low snotling throws a crude dagger!)\4Yg.)\4Y.)\4Y.)\4Y1y--More--]4YHYou are almost hit by a crude dagger..)]4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2354 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2355 @]4Yd0[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2355 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2356 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2357 .o@)]4Y~m [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2357 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2358 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2359 .o@.]4YUYou hit the low snotling.You kill the low snotling![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2359 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2360 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2361 ?]4YI @..|| Things that are here: a scroll of standard id {1} a scroll labeled EMPLY MENTAL TO SWITCH STATUS {1}--More--^4YP--------------------------------------[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2361 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2362 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2363 ^4Y!7  Pick up what?  Scrolls ('?') a - a scroll of standard id {1} b - a scroll labeled EMPLY MENTAL TO SWITCH STATUS {1}(end) ^4Y-+_4Y[+_4Y"-------------------------------------------................?...............@..)......|-------------------.-------------.---------.|,,,..*.|.||.|..........,,#r - an uncursed scroll of standard id {3}.--More--`4Y:?U - a scroll labeled EMPLY MENTAL TO SWITCH STATUS {1}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2363 `4YU)[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2363 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2364 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2365 @.|`4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2365 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2366 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2367 @.`4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2368 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2369 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2370 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2371 [Stonewall`4Y ? the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2372 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2373 @......|...[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2373 `4Ys [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2374 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2375 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2376 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2377 [Stonewall `4Y the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2378 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2379 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2380 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2381 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician`4Y  ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2382 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2383 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2384 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2385 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co`4Y 6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2386 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2387 @.......-..|....|.....|.=...+[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2387 `4Yd[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2388 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2389 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2390 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2391 [Stonewall `4Ydthe Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2392 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2393 @...You see here a scroll labeled CUTME {1}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2393 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40) [`4Yd"24;29H AC-2 Exp6 T2394 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2395 a4YB5 4V - a scroll labeled CUTME {1}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2395 b4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2395 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2396 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2397 .@b4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2397 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2398 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2399 .@b4Yv -You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2399 b4Y6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2399 c4YW6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2399 c4Yv........|You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2399 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2400 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2401 .@..@......c4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2401 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2402 .@@...The mugger reads a scroll labeled CANT ESCAP BY GOAL IS INFEST FOR 45 LAPS {1}!######### --More--f4Y > Iron bars shoot up from the ground![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2403 h4YRdYou hit the mugger!You hit the mugger.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2403 The mugger misses.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2404 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2405 i4Y4You kill the mugger![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2405 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2406 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2407 %i4Y .@ Things that are here: a mugger corpse {1450} a leather armor {60} a tripe ration {1} 4 slime molds {2} a melon {1}--More--j4YH----------..)......|------------.|,,,..*...........,,#[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2407 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2408 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw j4Yw40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2409 You hear someone cursing shoplifters.j4Y4" Pick up what?  Armor ('[') a - a leather armor {60} Comestibles ('%') b - a mugger corpse {1450} c - a tripe ration {1} d - 4 slime molds {2} e - a melon {1}(end) k4Y! +l4Y +l4Y+l4YɈ---------------.......)......|-------.---------.|,,,..*.|.|..........,,#..|.|.......|.|,,#..|.|.#....|.||,#---.|......|.|,,#....------|--.|,,W - a tripe ration {1}.X - 4 slime molds {2}.--More--m4Y"m - an uncursed melon {6}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2409 m4Y#K[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2409 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2410 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2411 %@m4Y @. Things that are here: a mugger corpse {1450} a leather armor {60}--More--n4Y 4----------[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2411 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2412 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2413 n4YX 0[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2413 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2414 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2415 #@%o4Y/There is a set of iron bars in the way![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2415 o4Y:You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2415 o4Y{J <There is a set of iron bars in the way![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2415 p4Y<There is a set of iron bars in the way![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2415 p4Yv<There is a set of iron bars in the way![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2415 p4Y7 <There is a set of iron bars in the way![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2415 q4Y}6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2415 q4Y L6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2415 q4Y Z#.You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2415 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2416 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2417 @.q4Y :You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2417 q4Y26You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2417 r4Y6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2417 r4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2427 @.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2428 You hear someone cursing shoplifters.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2429 s4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2429 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2430 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2431 @.t4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2431 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2432 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2433 @.t4Ye:[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2433 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2434 @.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2435 You hear the splashing of a naiad.t4Y/:You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2435 t4Y 6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2435 t4Y 6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2435 u4Y5..|..|..|...|You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2435 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2436 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2437 .@-...@.|....u4Y54[10;25H|...-|u4Yy[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2437 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2438 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2439 -.|...@|.@..u4Y!4[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2439 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2440 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2441 .@.@.v4Y5[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2441 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2442 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2443 @..@.v4Y|/[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2443 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2444 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2445 @.@..w4Yg[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2445 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2446 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2447 ..@@||.|w4Y+Really attack the watchman? [yn] (n) x4Ygn[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2447 x4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2447 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2448 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2449 @...@.|.|.-x4Y]You start chewing a hole in the rock."Hey, stop damaging that wall!"[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2449 z4YG[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2449 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2450 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2451 .@..@rz4YA[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2451 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2452 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2453 .@..@|z4YJ 6[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2453 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2454 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2455 @....@z4Y:[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2455 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2456 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2457 @..@.z4Y' 3[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2457 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2458 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2459 @@..z4Y4yY[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2459 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2460 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2461 @....@{4Y'[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2461 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2462 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2463 @..{4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2463 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2464 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2465 @.{4Y+ [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2465 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2466 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2467 @.{4Yp [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2467 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2468 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2469 @.{4YA? [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2469 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2470 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2471 @.{4YGG >[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2471 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2472 @.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2473 You hear the chime of a cash register.|4YI[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2473 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2474 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2475 @.|4YJ} [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2475 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2476 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2477 @.|4Y, [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2477 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2478 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2479 @.|4Y  [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2479 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2480 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2481 @.|4Y0 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2481 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2482 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2483 @.|4Yo -You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2483 }4Yn6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2483 }4Y/6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2483 }4Yat.#.......#||......You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2483 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2484 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2485 .}4Yts@.F.......}4YF b[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2485 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2486 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2487 .@.....~4YN-[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2487 .@The mind patch misses.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2488 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2489 ~4Y&?@You hit the mind patch!--More--4YThe mind patch's corrupted mind backlashes your attack![Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2489 Cnf [-2 -> 42]--More--4YaYou kill the mind patch!.[Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2489 Cnf --More--4Y< The mind patch's corrupted mind backlashes your attack![Stonewall the Eruption Magi cian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  39(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2489 Cnf  Stn [-3 -> 39][Stonewall the Eruption Magi cian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  39(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2489 Cnf  Stn [Stonewall the Eruption Magic ian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  40(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2490 [24;44YY c6HCnf  Stn --More--4YsJYou feel less confused now.[Stonewall the Eruption Magic ian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  40(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2491 Stn 4Ye `[Stonewall the Eruption Magic ian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  40(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2491 Stn .@You feel a bit steadier now.[Stonewall the Eruption Magic ian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  40(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2492 [Stonewall the Eruption Magic ian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  41(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2493 4Y[[Stonewall the Eruption Magic ian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  41(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2493 [Stonewall the Eruption Magic ian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  41(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2494 [Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2495 .@4Y$> [Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2495 [Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2496 [Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2497 @.4YO?[Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2497 @.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2498 You hear the chime of a cash register.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2499 4YI [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2499 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2500 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2501 @.4Y '[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2501 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2502 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2503 @.r4Y'[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2503 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2504 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2505 @..4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2505 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2506 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2507 @.4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2507 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2508 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2509 @.4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2509 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2510 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2511 @.4YU [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2511 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2512 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2513 .@4YA [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2513 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2514 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2515 .@4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2515 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2516 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2517 @.4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2517 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2518 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2519 @.4Y* [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2519 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2520 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2521 @.4Y?L-You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2521 4YL6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2521 4Y6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2521 4Yq p.You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2521 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2522 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2523 ##@.#4Y :You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2523 4Y#6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2523 4Y@6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2523 4Yѻ|,You chew a passage through the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2523 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2524 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2525 ##@.#4Y:You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2525 4Y9 6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2525 4Y7 6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2525 4Y R,You chew a passage through the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2525 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2526 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2527 @,4Y`:You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2527 4Yx6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2527 4Y6You continue chewing on the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2527 4Y^X.You chew a hole in the wall.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2527 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2528 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2529 @,,4Y -[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2529 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2530 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2531 @.,F4Y_Y---.@....[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W Dlvl:6 $33 HP 44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2531 4YAb[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2532 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2533 4Y'Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2533 4Ye[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2533 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2534 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2535 -.@<...4YA[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2536 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2537 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2538 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2539 [Stonewall4Y BI the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2540 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2541 ----.@...........[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2541 4Yy+[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2542 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2543 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2544 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2545 [Stonewall 4Y+the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2546 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2547 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2548 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2549 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician4Y+ ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2550 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2551 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2552 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2553 ------|@.4Y+...........$...[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2554 You hear the splashing of a naiad.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2555 --More--4Y_-You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2555 4Y0[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2555 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2556 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2557 .@---4Y :[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2557 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2558 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2559 ..@.-4YAZ[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2559 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2560 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2561 ....@.-4YGSQ[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2561 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2562 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2563 ....@-4YG....@.-You see here 21 gold pieces {0}.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2563 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2564 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2565 4Yy.21 gold pieces.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W 54 44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2565 4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2566 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2567 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2568 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2569 .4Y3W.........@.---[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2569 4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2570 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2571 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2572 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2573 [Stonewall 4Ythe Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2574 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2575 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2576 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2577 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician4Ydž ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2578 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2579 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2580 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2581 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co4Yцa6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2582 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2583 .......|.......@|----.-You start chewing a hole in the rock.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2583 4YA.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2583 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2584 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2585 --@.4Y[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2585 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2586 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2587 .@4Yg[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2587 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2588 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2589 .@.4Yoq [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2590 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2591 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2592 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2593 [Stonewall4Yq < the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2593 ....K@...4Y;[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2593 4Y ^You hit the Kop Lieutenant!You hit the Kop Lieutenant.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2593 --More--4Y `The Kop Lieutenant hits you![Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2593 [-1 -> 43][Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2594 The Kop Lieutenant misses.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2595 4Y )Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2595 4YÑZYou hit the Kop Lieutenant!You kill the Kop Lieutenant![Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2595 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2596 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2597 .4Y# )Unknown command ' '.[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2597 4Y [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2597 4Y1[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2597 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2598 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2599 ..@..4Y+D[Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2599 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2600 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2601 ...@..4YR [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2602 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2603 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2604 [Stonewall the Eruption Magician ] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  44(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2605 ...4YR [30m...q@....The furry rothe claws you![Stonewall the Eruption Magicia n] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  43(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2605 [-1 -> 43]The furry rothe bites you![Stonewall the Eruption Magici an] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  42(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2605 --More--4Yb[-1 -> 42]The furry rothe bites you![Stonewall the Eruption Magic ian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  41(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2605 [-1 -> 41][Stonewall the Eruption Magic ian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  41(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2606 --More--4Y rThe furry rothe claws you![Stonewall the Eruption Magic ian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W  40(44)  Pw 40(40)  AC-2 Exp6 T2606 [-1 -> 40]The furry rothe bites you![Stonewall the Eruption Magi cian] St11 Dx20 Co6 In8 Wi3 Ch10 DrdEntMalLaw+W [24;1