featheta, neutral female human Wizard ----------- -------------------------------------------------- |.........| |.................................................# |....>...<| ------------...........-----------------------.| #..........| | -------...|.... ...... |.| #-----.----- |...|... ..... |.| #### ### |...|.. .. |.-# # # |...|.. ------+---------.|# # #%# --- --- ---- --- ---...-|------...%............|# # # |......................{.........%...............|# # --+-------- ----- ----- ---................-----------.....|# # |.........| |..-|-----|----@.@%(......%|+---.|### # |.........| | | |.. |.@|@........|...|.| # -----# |.........| |....|..|.*...?%(/|...|.| #)##....|# |.........| |....|..|..!./%."+|...|.| # # |...|# ----------- --------------- ------------..---------------.|### ##.....# |.................................................# |...| -------------------------------------------------- ----- Featheta the Thaumaturge St:8 Dx:15 Co:14 In:17 Wi:9 Ch:8 Neutral Dlvl:5 $:64 HP:0(40) Pw:5(71) AC:3 Exp:6 Wt:970/600 T:3487 Stressed Your inventory Weapons i - a cursed -1 orcish spear {30} n - a +2 orcish dagger {10} o - 2 +0 knives {10} w - 3 +0 orcish daggers (in quiver) {30} y - a +3 dagger (weapon in hand) {10} B - 2 +0 orcish daggers {20} C - a +3 orcish short sword (alternate weapon; not wielded) {30} Armor j - an uncursed +0 orcish helm {30} k - a cursed -1 orcish shield {50} l - a blessed +0 orcish chain mail {300} q - an uncursed +0 pair of iron shoes {50} r - an uncursed +0 orcish shield {50} z - an uncursed +1 pair of gauntlets of dexterity {10} I - an uncursed +0 elven cloak (being worn) {10} L - an uncursed +0 pair of kicking boots (being worn) {15} U - an uncursed +1 studded leather armor (being worn) {200} Comestibles s - 3 uncursed lichen corpses {60} J - 2 uncursed eggs {2} Scrolls R - an uncursed scroll of teleportation {5} Potions m - an uncursed potion of oil {20} Rings d - an uncursed ring of poison resistance {3} e - an uncursed ring of regeneration {3} Wands c - a wand of striking (0:6) {7} Tools p - a magic marker (0:51) {2} E - a magic marker (0:66) {2} H - an uncursed towel {2} Gems A - an uncursed worthless piece of black glass {1} K - 3 uncursed worthless pieces of red glass {3} T - an uncursed fluorite stone {1} V - an uncursed amber stone {1} W - an uncursed worthless piece of green glass {1} Y - an uncursed worthless piece of orange glass {1} Final attributes You were piously aligned You were fire resistant You were sleep resistant You were stealthy You aggravated monsters You were lucky (1) You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - force bolt 1 attack 18% b - resist sleep 1 protect 18% c - wizard lock 2 matter 18% d - endure heat 2 protect 18% e - extra healing 3 healing 98% Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] quarterstaff [Basic] Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Basic] protection spells [Basic] matter spells [Basic] Goodbye featheta the Wizard... You didn't beat your previous score of 6392 points.