”±aµàË Player: featheta Game: NetHack 3.6.0 Server: $ATTR(14)em.slashem.me - https://em.slashem.me/$ATTR() Filename: 2021-12-08.20:50:28.ttyrec Time: (1638996628) Wed Dec 8 20:50:28 2021 ”±aÀ¬íNetHack, Copyright 1985-2020  By Stichting Mathematisch Centrum and M. Stephenson.  Version 3.6.6-0 Unix post-release, built Mar 21 21:28:42 2020.  See license for details. ”±af½Restoring save file...”±a•ê--More--–±aHæ ----------.........||........||.....<..|+........|------|---####G#`#---------|-|.......*.||.........||[........|-----------–±aJî Featheta the Evoker St:11 Dx:12 Co:12 In:19 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral S:41 Dlvl:3 $:228 HP:19(19) Pw:13(15) AC:9 Xp:2/21 T:400Hello featheta, the gnomish Wizard, welcome back to NetHack!Featheta the Evoker St:11 Dx:12 Co:12 In:19 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral S:41 Dlvl:3 $:228 HP:19(19) Pw:13(15) AC:9 Xp:2/21 T:400—±a‹0Unknown command ' '.š±a »¯ Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  blind [false]  bones [true]  large_font [false]  legacy [true]  news [false]  nudist [false]  selectsaved [true]  status_updates [true]  use_darkgray [true]  vt_tiledata [false]  a - acoustics [true]  b - altmeta [false]  c - autodescribe [true]  d - autodig [true]  e - autoopen [true]  f - autopickup [false]  g - autoquiver [false]  h - checkpoint [true]  i - clicklook [false]  j - cmdassist [true] (1 of 5)Ÿ±a+¥±a2¡Ì a - color [false]  b - confirm [true]  c - dark_room [true]  d - eight_bit_tty [false]  e - extmenu [false]  f - fixinv [true]  g - force_invmenu [false]  h - goldX [false]  i - help [true]  j - herecmd_menu [false]  k - hilite_pet [false]  l - hilite_pile [false]  m - hitpointbar [false]  n - ignintr [false]  o - implicit_uncursed [true]  p - lit_corridor [true]  q - lootabc [false]  r - mail [true]  s - mention_walls [false]  t - menucolors [true]  u - menu_objsyms [false]  v - menu_overlay [true]  w - null [true] (2 of 5)§±aÀQ +®±ajV+¯±a®±+¹±a „¾ a - perm_invent [false]  b - pickup_thrown [true]  c - pushweapon [true]  d - rest_on_space [false]  e - safe_pet [true]  f - showexp [true]  g - showrace [true]  h - showscore [true]  i - silent [true]  j - sortpack [true]  k - sparkle [true]  l - standout [false]  m - time [true]  n - tombstone [true]  o - toptenwin [false]  p - travel [true]  q - use_inverse [false]  r - verbose [true]  s - whatis_menu [false]  t - whatis_moveskip [false]   Compounds (selecting will prompt for new value):  playmode [normal] (3 of 5)¿±ap^+ɱa€1+ѱaM+Ô±aýÉö name [featheta]  role [Wizard]  race [gnome]  gender [female]  align [neutral]  catname [(none)]  dogname [(none)]  horsename [(none)]  msghistory [20]  pettype [random]  windowtype [tty]  a - altkeyhandler [unknown]  b - boulder [`]  c - disclose [ni na nv ng nc no]  d - fruit [Boogy]  e - menustyle [full]  f - menu_headings [inverse]  g - msg_window [single]  h - number_pad [0=off]  i - packorder [$")[%?+!=/(*`0_]  j - paranoid_confirmation [pray]  k - pickup_burden [stressed]  l - pickup_types [$"?+!=/] (4 of 5)Ù±aPz+ܱaÔ? +ä±aíÜ a - pile_limit [5]  b - runmode [crawl]  c - scores [3 top/2 around]  d - sortloot [loot]  e - statushilites [0 (off: don't highlight status fields)]  f - statuslines [2]  g - symset [default]  h - roguesymset [default]  i - suppress_alert [(none)]  j - whatis_coord [none]  k - whatis_filter [none]   Other settings:  l - autopickup exceptions [(0 currently set)]  m - menu colors [(5 currently set)]  n - message types [(0 currently set)]  o - status hilite rules [(0 currently set)] (5 of 5)æ±aë +ê±aÚÿe----------.........||........||.....<..|+........|------|---####G#`#---------|-|.......*.||.........||[........|-----------Featheta the Evoker St:11 Dx:12 Co:12 In:19 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral S:41 Dlvl:3 $:228 HP:19(19) Pw:13(15) AC:9 Xp:2/21 T:400Set boulder to what? ë±a! 0ì±a½X -Set fruit to what? î±aS£bî±aQoî±a¯ oï±aJbï±a)Ïeï±ar rï±aœ¼ rð±a×yð±al™ 4Fruit is now "booberry".--More--ñ±am ž Select run/travel display mode:  t - teleport r - run w - walk c - crawl(end) ó±a´„o+----------.........||........||.....<..|Featheta the Evoker St:11 Dx:12 Co:12 In:19 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral S:41 Dlvl:3 $:228 HP:19(19) Pw:13(15) AC:9 Xp:2/21 T:400----------.........||........||.....<..|+........|------|---####@#0#---------|-|.......*.||.........||[........|-----------÷±a(; T:401##@ø±aØžWait! That's a small mimic! T:402m...ù±aøéQYou miss the small mimic. T:403ú±aú±aÀ‘ƒYou miss the small mimic.The small mimic hits! HP:12  T:404ú±a=4You hit the small mimic.ú±amThe small mimic hits! HP:1(19) Pw:13(15) AC:9 Xp:2/21 T:404  T:405ú±aLj QYou miss the small mimic. T:406û±a÷Õ\You miss the small mimic.The small mimic hits!û±a;Ö* HP:0--More--ü±amYou die...ü±a‘pFeatheta the Evoker St:11 Dx:12 Co:12 In:19 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral S:41 Dlvl:3 $:228 HP:0(19) Pw:13(15) AC:9 Xp:2/21 T:406ü±a{q--More--ü±aE³JDo you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) ý±aƒä›  Coins  $ - 228 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands)  Armor  b - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn)  Comestibles  w - an uncursed food ration  Scrolls  i - an uncursed scroll of identify  j - an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon  k - an uncursed scroll of teleportation  u - a blessed scroll of gold detection  v - an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon  Spellbooks  l - a blessed spellbook of force bolt  m - an uncursed spellbook of light  Potions  f - an uncursed potion of water  g - an uncursed potion of booze  h - an uncursed potion of gain ability  o - an uncursed potion of polymorph  Rings (1 of 2)±aér. d - an uncursed +1 ring of protection  e - an uncursed +1 ring of adornment  Wands  c - a wand of light (0:12)  Gems/Stones  n - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of violet glass  p - an uncursed worthless piece of green glass (2 of 2)±axFö----------.........||........||.....<..|+........|------|---#####@m#---------|-|.......*.||.........||[........|-----------Featheta the Evoker St:11 Dx:12 Co:12 In:19 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral S:41 Dlvl:3 $:228 HP:0(19) Pw:13(15) AC:9 Xp:2/21 T:406Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (n) ±aoJ(