á6Y M Player: anthk Game: Slash'EM Extended Server: $ATTR(14)em.slashem.me - https://em.slashem.me/$ATTR() Filename: 2017-06-06.12:36:19.ttyrec Time: (1496752579) Tue Jun 6 12:36:19 2017 á6YjX)0This is SuperLotsoAddedStuffHack-Extended Magic Extended 1997-2016 NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, M. Stephenson. Slash'EM Extended version by Amy (user Bluescreenofdeath at Nethackwiki). See license for details. Bug reports to Bluescreenofdeath's user talk page. Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] ġ6Y8hnChoosing Character's Role Pick a role for your character   a - an Acid Mage  b - an Activistor  c - an Altmer  d - an Amazon  e - an Anachronist  f - an Archeologist  g - an Artist  h - an Assassin  i - an Augurer  j - a Barbarian  k - a Bard  l - a Binder  m - a Bleeder  n - a Bloodseeker  o - a Bosmer  p - a Bully  q - a Camperstriker  r - a Caveman/Cavewoman  s - a Chaos Sorceror  t - a Chevalier  u - a Convict (1 of 6)̡6Y? 8 v - a Cook  w - a Courier  x - a Cruel Abuser  y - a Death Eater  z - a Diver  A - a Doll Mistress  B - a Doom Marine  C - a DQ Slime  D - a Druid  E - a Drunk  F - a Dunmer  G - an Electric Mage  H - an Elementalist  I - an Elph  J - an Erdrick  K - a Failed Existence  L - a Feat Master  M - a Fencer  N - a Fighter  O - a Firefighter  P - a Flame Mage  Q - a Foxhound Agent  R - a Gamer (2 of 6)ס6Y= S - a Gangster  T - a Geek  U - a Gladiator  V - a Goff  W - a Goldminer  X - a Graduate  Y - a Gunner  Z - a Healer  a - an Ice Mage  b - an Intel Scribe  c - a Jedi  d - a Jester  e - a Justice Keeper  f - a Knight  g - a Korsair  h - a Kurwa  i - a Ladiesman  j - a Librarian  k - a Locksmith  l - a Lunatic  m - a Mahou Shoujo  n - a Medium  o - a Midget (3 of 6)6Y 4 p - a Monk  q - a Murderer  r - a Musician  s - a Mystic  t - a Necromancer  u - a Ninja  v - a Nobleman/Noblewoman  w - an Occult Master  x - an Officer  y - an Ordinator  z - an Otaku  A - a Paladin  B - a Pickpocket  C - a Pirate  D - a Poison Mage  E - a Pokemon  F - a Politician  G - a Priest/Priestess  H - a Prostitute  I - a Psion  J - a Ranger  K - a Ringseeker  L - a Rocker (4 of 6)6YP M - a Rogue  N - a Sage  O - a Saiyan  P - a Samurai  Q - a Scientist  R - a Shapeshifter  S - a Slave Master  T - a Spacewars Fighter  U - a Supermarket Cashier  V - a Thalmor  W - a Topmodel  X - a Tourist  Y - a Transsylvanian  Z - a Transvestite  a - a Twelph  b - an Unbeliever  c - an Undead Slayer  d - an Undertaker  e - an User of Stand  f - a Valkyrie  g - a Wandkeeper  h - a Warrior  i - a Wild Talent (5 of 6)6Yo+Choosing Race Pick the race of your Saiyan   a - addict  b - ak Thief is dead!  c - albae  d - alchemist  e - alien  f - american  g - amnesiac  h - ancient  i - ancipital  j - angbander  k - angel  l - aquarian  m - argonian  n - asgardian  o - bastard  p - batman  q - borg  r - breton  s - burninator  t - centaur  u - chiropteran (1 of 8)6Y*  v - clockwork automaton  w - cockatrice  x - cortex  y - curser  z - dark seducer  A - deathmold  B - deep elf  C - destabilizer  D - developer  E - devil  F - dinosaur  G - dolgsman  H - doppelganger  I - dragon  J - drow  K - dryad  L - dufflepud  M - dunadan  N - dwarf  O - elemental  P - elf  Q - ent  R - expert (2 of 8)6Y S - fawn  T - fenek  U - fiend  V - gastly  W - gelatinous cube  X - giant  Y - gnome  Z - golden saint  a - green slime  b - gremlin  c - grid bug  d - haxor  e - hemi-doppelganger  f - hemophage  g - herbalist  h - heretic  i - hobbit  j - homicider  k - hidden elf  l - human  m - illithid  n - immunizer  o - imp (3 of 8)ʣ6Ym)+Use hybrid races? [yn] (n) ͣ6YgyUse the ones you set in your config file? (example: OPTIONS=hybridangbander) [yn] (n) У6Y+yChoosing Gender Pick the gender of your human Saiyan  m - male f - female * - Random ! - Quit(end) ѣ6Y2+Choosing Alignment Pick the alignment of your male human Saiyan  l - lawful n - neutral c - chaotic * - Random ! - Quit(end) ң6YQb+ң6YX(0lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk(B(0~~~~~~(B:(0~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B@(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B@(0x(B(0a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj(B[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha Dlvl:1 $0 HP 19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T1 It is written in the Book of Vegeta:  After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled against the authority of Marduk the Creator. Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all the artifacts of the gods, the Amulet of Yendor, and he hid it in the dark cavities of Gң6Yi<ehennom, the Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time.  Your god Vegeta seeks to possess the Amulet, and with it to gain deserved ascendance over the other gods.  You, a newly trained Little Wannabe Fighter, have been heralded from birth as the instrument of Vegeta. You are destined to recover the Amulet for your deity, or die in the attempt. Your hour of destiny has come. For the sake of us all: Go bravely with Vegeta!--More--ӣ6Yu(0lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk(B(0~~~~~~(B:(0~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B@(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B@(0x(Bӣ6YuxHello anthk, welcome to SlashEMExtended! You are a chaotic male human Saiyan. --More--6Yǯ You are playing SLASH'EM Extended on a public server. In the very rare case that your previous game crashed by sending you back to the dgamelaunch screen, please contact the server administrator for a restore.--More--6Y Panics and segfaults aren't the end of the world - in roughly 99% of all cases, these can be restored into a working savegame file. Have fun playing! You can find me and other players on the IRC channel #slashemextended or #em.slashem.me on Freenode. If you need gameplay help, spoilers or other information, be sure to join and I'll gladly give you hints on how to play! :-) --Amy--More--6Yښ&[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T1The moon is waxing tonight.--More--6YJunethack is running! Please refer to junethack.net for more information. Give it your best shot, and try to score as many trophies as you can! Good luck! --More--6Y4' 6Y # 6Yt6Y!_echnique6Y^  Choose a technique  Name Level Status a - pummel 1 Prepared b - air dash 1 Prepared c - chained blitz 1 Prepared d - appraisal 1 Prepared e - panic digging 1 Prepared f - phase door 1 Prepared g - invoke deity 1 Prepared(end) 6Y869[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T16Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T2@<6Y* [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T2 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3@@(0~(B6Y?[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T4(0~(B:(0~~(B@@6Y̎ [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T4 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T5@(0~~(B@6YNT 2Specify unknown object by cursor? [ynq] (q) 6YlUyPlease move the cursor to an unknown object.--More--6Yp)(For instructions type a ?)6Y|6Y;6Ye6Y8=6Y 6YY@ a human or elf (tame dragonball kid called Android Nr. 17) (base level 7) (male)  Accessing Pokedex entry for dragonball kid...   Base statistics of this monster type:  Base level = 7, difficulty = 9, AC = 10, magic resistance = 0, alignment 0. Normal speed (12). Normal generation, with frequency 1. No resistances. No conveyed resistances. Not genocidable, carnivorous, herbivorous. Is the same race as you. Can be seen with infravision. Is a valid polymorph form.  Attacks:  2d4, uses weapon - ordinary physical  2d4, kick - disarms you 6YIY  --More--6YPick an object.6Y$4Unknown direction: 'g' (aborted).--More--6YI[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T56Y= [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T5 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T6(0~(B:@(0~(B@(0~(B6YT [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T6 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T7@(0~(B@(0~(B6Y?@(0~(B@(0~(B[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T7The normal frog bites you![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T7[-1 -> 18][Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T8@(0~(B6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T8 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T9@(0~(B(0~(B@6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T9 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T10(0~(B(0~(B@:@6Yy> 0(0~(B@ [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T10Android Nr. 17 hits the normal frog.The normal frog is killed![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T11@(0~(B(0~(B6Y There is nothing here to pick up.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T116Y*[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T11 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T12(0~(B@@(0~(B6Yu [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T12 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T13(0~(B@(0~(B@6Yfs [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T13 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T14(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B@6Y2Specify unknown object by cursor? [ynq] (q) 6YV UyPlease move the cursor to an unknown object.--More--6Y )(For instructions type a ?)6YJ 6Y,.y(0~(B a doorway or the floor of a room or the dark part of a room or ice (ice)--More--!6YQ8 Pick an object."6YG"6Y^ [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T14"6Yч  [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T14 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T15@(0~(B@(0~(B"6Yd[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T15 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T16@@(0~(B#6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T16 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T17@(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B#6Ynm[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T17 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T18@(0~(B@(0~(B#6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T18 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T19@(0~(B@(0~(B#6YK [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T19 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T20@(0~(B(0~~(B@#6Y h Armor a - an uncursed +1 robe (being worn) {16} Scrolls b - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} c - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} d - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} e - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} f - an uncursed scroll of cure {1}(end) %6Yĝ$[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T20%6Y ~You are anthk, a chaotic male human Saiyan. HP: 19 (max 19) Pw 10 (max 10) AC 8 Current status effects: .--More--)6Y+  Base Attributes  Starting name : anthk  race : human  role : Saiyan  gender : male  alignment : chaotic   Current race : human  role : Saiyan  gender : male  alignment : chaotic   Deities Chaotic : Vegeta (s,c) Neutral : King Kai  Lawful : Moori (end) -6YY a(0lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk(B(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B<(0x(B(0x~~~~~(B@(0~~~~~~~~x(B(0a~~~~~~~~~(B@(0~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj(B [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T20.6YY[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T20 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T21@(0~(B@(0~(B.6Y_ [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T21 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T22@(0~(B@(0~(B.6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T22 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T23@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@.6Yh[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T23 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T24@(0~(B@(0~(B.6YNZ [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T24(0~(B@@(0~(BYou stumble.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T25 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T25 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T26@(0~(B(0~(B.6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T26 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T27@(0~(B@(0~(B/6Y9[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T27 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T28#,@(0~(B@(0~(B#/6Ye[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T28 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T29#`@(0a(B@(0~~(B#/6Y;With great effort you move the boulder.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T29 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T30,`@,(0~(B#/6Y/ There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3006YvYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3006Y~You try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3006YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3016YؗYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3016Y5There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3016YFThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3026YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3026YTThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3026Y  There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3026YM?[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T30 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T31,,@(0~(B36Yy;[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T31 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T32,,@@36Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T32 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T33,@(0a(B(0~(B36Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T33 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T34,@,36Y7W You try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3436Yj You try to move the boulder, but in vain.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3446Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T34 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T35###,@#,,46Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T35 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T36(0lqqqqqq(B(0~~~~~(B>(0~(B`(0~~(B$(0~~~~(B(0~~~~(B#,@,#,46Ye [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T36 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T37(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B,,@,,,46Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T37 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T38(0q(B(0~(B#@,,#46YKSThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T3856YN[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T38 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T39(0x(B#,,(0~~~~~~~(B@(0x~~~~~~~~(B,@(0x~~~(B{(0~~(B,(0mqqqqqq(B56Yc j[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T39 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T40(0q(B(0~(B(0x(B,@,(0~x(B@,(0~~~(B(0qqq(B56Y A[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T40 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T41(0k(B(0x(B,@(0~(B,,(0x(B(0j(B66YY[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T41 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T42@(0~(B66Y?2[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T42 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T43@(0~(B@66Yb)[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T43 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T44@(0~(B@(0~~(B66Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T44 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T45@(0~(B(0~(B@66Yw [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T45 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T46@(0~(B@(0~(B66Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T46 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T47(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B@76Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T47 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T48(0~(B@(0~(B@76Y%4*What do you want to drink? [* or .] 86Y^There's nothing here to drink.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T4896Yp8What do you want to drink? [* or .] 96Y} There's nothing here to drink.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T48:6Y8What do you want to drink? [* or .] :6YYou find a ring in the sink![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T48 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T49(0~(B@;6Ywg - a PVC ring {1}.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T49<6YUThere is nothing here to pick up.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T49=6Y cmdassist: Invalid direction key! Valid direction keys are:  y k u  \ | /  h- . -l  / | \  b j n  < up  > down  . direct at yourself (Suppress this message with !cmdassist in config file.)--More-->6Y>[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha Dlvl:1 $0 HP 19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T49(0lqqqqqqqqqk(B(0~~~~~(B>(0~~~~x(B(0lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk(B(0x(B`(0~~(B$(0~~~~~x(B,,(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~~~(B,####(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B<(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~(B@(0~x(B,,,,##(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~(B@(0~~~~~x(B,##`,,(0a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqq>6Y?qqqqj(B###(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj(B6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T49 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T50(0~(B@(0~(B@{6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T50 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T51@@(0~(B(0~(B6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T51 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T52@@(0~(B(0~(B6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T52 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T53@(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B6Ye (0~(B@You see here 10 gold pieces {0}.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T53 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T54@(0~(B6Y10 gold pieces.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha 10 HP 19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T546Yt[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T54 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T55>@@6YC[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T55 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T56@(0~~(B@(0~(B6Y!k @(0~(BYou see here a statue of a pack rabbit {30}.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T56 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T57@(0~(B6Y, There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T576YA[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T57 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T58`@(0~(B@6Y7[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T58 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T59(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B@6Y(MThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T596Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T59 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T60@`@(0~(B6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T60 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T61@(0~(B,,@(0~(B,6Yz [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T61 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T62(0~(B,(0~(B#@(0~(B@#6YEThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T626Y6There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T626Y; [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T62 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T63,,,(0~(B@#,6YiGThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T636YOThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T636Y][Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T63 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T64,,@,(0~(B,@6YQ[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T64 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T65,,@,,@{(0~(B6Yd [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T65 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T66,,@,,(0~(B6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T66 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T67,,#@,,#,6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T67 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T68,,,,@#,6Y+[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T68 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T69,,,@,r6Yb You just miss the sand rat.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T69The sand rat bites you![Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T69[-3 -> 16][Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T706Y You kill the sand rat![Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T70 [Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T71?6Y9 There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T716Y ,,@,##You see here a scroll of healing {1}.[Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T71 [Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T726Ydh - a scroll of healing {1}.[Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T726Y There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T726Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T72 [Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T73#,@,,6Yhh [Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T73 [Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T74#,,@,,#6YQ[Anthk the Little Wannabe F ighter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  16(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T74 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fig hter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  17(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T75,,@,,#,6YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fig hter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  17(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T756YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fig hter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  17(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T756Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fig hter] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  17(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T75 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T76,,@,,#,6YK [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T76 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T77##@,,#6YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T776YiThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T776Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T77 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T78###@,6YK There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T786Yp There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T786Y:EThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T786Y0GThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T786Y/ [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T78 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T79,,@,6Y1 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T79 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T80#,,@#,,,,,6YT[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T80 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T81,,,@,,6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T81 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T82,[,@,,6Ye5##,@,,,You see here an elven mithril-coat {60}.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fight er] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  18(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T82 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T836YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T836Yi - an elven mithril-coat {60}.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T836Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T83 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T84#,,@,,,,6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T84 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T85,,@,,#,6Y Armor a - an uncursed +1 robe (being worn) {16} i - an elven mithril-coat {60} Scrolls b - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} c - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} d - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} e - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} f - an uncursed scroll of cure {1} h - a scroll of healing {1} Rings g - a PVC ring {1}(end) 6YJ ,,(0lqqqqqqqqqk(B[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T856Y +What do you want to wield? [- or ?*] 6Y :g - a PVC ring (weapon in hand) {1}.--More--6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha Dlvl:1 $10 HP 19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T85 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T86,###,,@,,,(0lqqqqqqqqqk(B#,,,,,,,,(0~~~~~(B>(0~~~~x(B(0lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk(B#,,#,,,(0x(B`(0~~~~~~~~x(B,,(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B###,##,#,(0~~~~~~~~~~3m~(B,####(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B<(0x(B#,,###,#,(0x~~~~~~~~~x(B,,,,##(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B#,,,,,,#,(0x~~~(B{(0~~~~~x(B,##`,,(0a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B####,,##(0mqqqqqqqqqj(B###(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj(B6Yb$What do you want to wear? [*] 6Y Use the 'P' command to put that on.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T866YP :What do you want to put on? [g or ?*] ¦6Y R,###,,@,,,(0lqqqqqqqqqk(B#,,,,,,,,(0~~~~~(B>(0~~~~x(B(0lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk(B#,,#,,,(0x(B`(0~~~~~~~~x(B,,(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B###,##,#,(0~~~~~~~~~~~(B,####(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B<(0x(B#,,###,#,(0x~~~~~~~~~x(B,,,,##(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B#,,,,,,#,(0x~¦6Y:R:~~(B{(0~~~~~x(B,##`,,(0a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B####,,##(0mqqqqqqqqqj(B###(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj(B[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St14 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha Dlvl:1 $10 HP 19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T86Which ring-finger, Right or Left? [rl] æ6Y,or[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T86g - a +2 ring of gain strength (on right hand) {1}.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T86 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T87æ6Y$ Armor a - an uncursed +1 robe (being worn) {16} i - an elven mithril-coat {60} Scrolls b - 5 uncursed scrolls of healing {5} c - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {4} d - 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {3} e - 2 uncursed scrolls of standard id {2} f - an uncursed scroll of cure {1} h - a scroll of healing {1} Rings g - a +2 ring of gain strength (on right hand) {1}(end) Ȧ6YA,###,,@,,,(0lqqqqqqqqqk(B[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T87Ȧ6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T87 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T88,,@,,#,ɦ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T88 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T89,#@,,#,ɦ6YhThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T89ɦ6YUThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T89ɦ6Ymv [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T89 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T90###@,ɦ6Yʩ [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T90 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T91#,@,,#,ʦ6YT7[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T91 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T92(0m(B$(0j(B(0~~(B(0~(B,@,,,,ʦ6Y$N[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T92 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T93#,@,,#(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0qqq(Bʦ6Y8[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T93 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T94(0x(B(0~~(B(0~x(B(0~(B#,@,,#ʦ6Y~ There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T94ʦ6Y There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T94˦6Y![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T94 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T95,,@,˦6Y/;[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T95 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T96(0x(B(0~(B#(0~(B(0x(B(0q(B@(0q(B,,˦6Y)[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T96 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T97(0x(B(0x~(B@(0mqq(B(0~(B(0j(B,,,˦6Y8[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T97 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T98@(0~(B˦6Yv There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T98˦6YtThere is nothing here to pick up.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T98̦6Y There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T98ͦ6Y+;You don't have anything to eat.--More--ͦ6YZm [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T98Ϧ6Ys[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T98 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T99Ϧ6Y4There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T99Ц6YE[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T99 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T100(0~(B@Ц6YVY[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T100 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T101(0qqk(B(0~(B(0k(B(0x(B@@(0~(BЦ6YJ[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T101 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T102@(0~(B@Ц6YN [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T102 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T103@@(0~(BЦ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T103 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T104(0qq(B(0~~(B@(0~(B@(0~(BѦ6Y֑[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T104 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T105(0lq(B(0x~~(B@(0x(B(0lq(B@(0~(BѦ6Y*[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T105 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T106@@(0~(BѦ6YX[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T106 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T107@(0~~(BѦ6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T107 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T108@(0~(B(0~(B(0x~(BѦ6YN [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T108 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T109@(0~(B#Ҧ6Yz[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T109 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T110(0~(B@Ҧ6Yl[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T110 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T111(0~(B@Ҧ6YvThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T111Ҧ6YLThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T111Ӧ6YO4There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T111Ӧ6Y xThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T111Ӧ6YC [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T111 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T112@(0~(BԦ6Y$[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T112 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T113@(0~(BԦ6Y_There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T113Ԧ6Y0A[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T113 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T114(0~(B@Ԧ6Yvt[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T114 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T115(0~(B@Ԧ6Yuc [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T115 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T116(0~(B@@(0~(BԦ6YKW [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T116 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T117(0~(B@(0~(BԦ6Y There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T117զ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T117 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T118(0~(B@(0~(Bզ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T118 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T119(0~(B@զ6Y9[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T119 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T120#(0~(B@,#զ6Yc [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T120 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T121#(0~(B@,#զ6YG [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T121 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T122#,@,,֦6Yh[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T122 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T123#,,@##֦6YשThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T123֦6Y There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T123֦6Y7 There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T123֦6Y} ,@#,,[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T123You hear some noises.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T124צ6Y7{There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T124צ6Yd%[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T124 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T125,,,@##צ6Y:[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T125 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T126#,@,#צ6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T126 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T127,,,,@,,צ6YTs [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T127 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T128#,,@,,ئ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T128 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T129#,,@#@ئ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T129 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T130,,@,,#,ئ6YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T130ئ6Y{ There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T130٦6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T130 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T131,#,,@,,,#٦6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T131 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T132,#,,@,#٦6YkPThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T132٦6YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T132٦6Y" There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T132٦6Yc [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T132 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T133#,,@,,#٦6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T133 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T134#,,@,#ڦ6YsY[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T134 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T135#,,@,#ڦ6Ye[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T135 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T136#,,@,#ڦ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T136 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T137#,,@,#ڦ6Y!* [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T137 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T138#,,@,#ڦ6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T138 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T139#,,@,#ۦ6YS[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T139 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T140#,,@,#ۦ6Y1m[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T140 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T141,,,@,#ۦ6YcZ[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T141 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T142,,,@##ۦ6YH There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T142ۦ6YhThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T142ۦ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T142 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T143###@,ܦ6Y@There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T143ܦ6Y>There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T143ܦ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T143 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T144#,@,,#ܦ6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T144 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T145#,,@,,#ܦ6YW [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T145 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T146#,,@a#ܦ6YSUThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T146ݦ6Y+[You begin bashing monsters with your bare hands.--More--ݦ6Y You kill the firefly![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T146 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T147,ߦ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T147 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T148#,,@,#ߦ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T148 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T149#,,@,#ߦ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T149 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T150#,,@,#ߦ6Y=" [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T150 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T151#,,@,#ߦ6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T151 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T152,,,@,#6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T152 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T153#,,@##6YG"There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T1536Y:[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T153 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T154#,#@,6Y( [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T154 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T155#,,@,,,6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T155 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T156###@,,6YxcThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T1566Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T156 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T157,,@,,6Y@`[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T157 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T158#,,@,,#6Y/ [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T158 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T159,,#@,,6Y&h[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T159 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T160(0lqqqqq(B###(0x~~~~~~(B@(0x~~(B,(0x(B,,,6YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T1606Y`[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T160 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T161#,@,(0~(B6YИ [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T161 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T162#@,,(0~(B,(0~~(B(0~(B(0m(B6Y *[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T162 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T163(0k(B@,,(0~x(B(0~~~(B(0~~~~(B(0qqqq(B6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T163 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T164@(0~(B,F(0~x(B(0qj(B6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T164 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T165@(0~(B6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T165 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T166(0~(B@6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T166(0~(B@You hear some noises in the distance.[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T1676Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T167 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T168(0~(B@6Y# 6YAt6Y-echnique6Y|` Choose a technique  Name Level Status a - pummel 1 Prepared b - air dash 1 Prepared c - chained blitz 1 Prepared d - appraisal 1 Prepared e - panic digging 1 Prepared f - phase door 1 Prepared g - invoke deity 1 Prepared(end) 6Yv +(0lqqqqqk(B####(0x~~~~~~(B,,,#(0x~~~~~x(B##,#(0x~~~~(B@F,,,,(0~~~~~~x(B,#,####(0mqqqqqj(B,#######,,,,,,,,,,#,,,,,,,##########This technique can be used to rapidly strike an adjacent monster using your fists.--More--6Y[ = Use this technique? [yn] (n) 6Y0 1yIn what direction? [hykulnjb><] 6YYou let loose a barrage of blows!You kill the spore lichen![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T168 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T169(0x(B6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T169 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T170@(0~(B6Y:[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T170 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T171@(0~(B6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T171 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T172(0~(B@,6YK [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T172 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T173(0~(B@,6Y)D[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T173 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T174,@,,6YC[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T174 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T175,,@6Y1:[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T175 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T176,@,,,6Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T176 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T177,,,@,6YK [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T177 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T178#,,@,#6Y[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T178 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T179,#,,@#,#6Y_ There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T1796YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T1796Y0 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T179 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T180,,@,,6YzC[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T180 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T181,@,,6YW[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T181 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T182,,@,,6Yy[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T182 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T183(0qqk(B,,,(0~~x(B,(0~~~~~~~~x(B@(0~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B##(0qqqqqqqqqqqj(B6Y[There is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T1836YThere is a wall in the way![Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T1836Y [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T183 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T184(0qqq(B(0~~~(B(0~(B,@,#6Y0 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T184 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T185(0qqq(B(0~~~(B,(0~(B,,@#6Yk@[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T185 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T186(0qqq(B(0~~~(B(0x~(B,,@(0m(B6Yv[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T186 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T187(0l(B(0x(B,(0~(B@6Y|[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T187 [Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T188(0~(B@(6Y`  Main Menu  g - Game i - Inventory a - Action p - Player d - Discoveries ? - Help(end) )6Y #(0lqqqqqqqqqqqk(B,(0x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B,(0~~(B@(0~~~~~~~~~x(B[Anthk the Little Wannabe Fighter ] St16 Dx9 Co13 In9 Wi9 Ch9 SaiHumMalCha  19(19)  Pw 10(10)  AC8 Exp1 T188*6Y'Really save? [yn] (n) +6Y!ySaving...+6Y"Be seeing you...