UY]  Player: Luxidream Game: Sporkhack Server: $ATTR(14) -$ATTR() Filename: 2017-06-30.03:50:27.ttyrec Time: (1498794627) Fri Jun 30 03:50:27 2017 UY]  Gnomish Mines   on level 7. 39 [52] 62 4415 stonewall-Mon-Dwa-Mal-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on level 7. Killed by an owlbear. - [53] 63 3994 stonewall-Mon-Dwa-Mal-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on level 12. Killed by a vampire lord. - [48] UY{^ hAccess to /dgldir/userdata/Luxidream/sporkhack/Luxidream.sporkrc denied (2). Hit return to continue: UY  SporkHack, copyright 2007 Derek S. Ray; a variant of NetHack 3.4.3,  copyright 1985-2003 by Stichting Mathematisch Centrum and M. Stephenson.  See license for details. Hello Luxidream, welcome to SporkHack!Create your character:ClassRaceGenderAlignmenta - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k - Knight m + Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG + GnomeO - OrcM + MaleF - FemaleL - LawfulN + NeutralC - Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!UYYa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k ! Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG + GnomeO - OrcM + MaleF - FemaleL - LawfulN ! NeutralC - Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!UYYa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k ! Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM + MaleF - FemaleL - LawfulN ! NeutralC - Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!UYVB wa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM + MaleF - FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!UY?wa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM + MaleF - FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!UY ra - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k - Knight m - Monk p + Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM + MaleF - FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!UYwa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM + MaleF - FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!UYd ------..@..||.u%.|...=.||....|....|-----Luxidream the Sniveler St:18/32 Dx:8 Co:10 In:8 Wi:14 Ch:16 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1 It is written in the Book of Manannan Mac Lir:  After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled against the authority of Marduk the Creator. Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all the artifacts of the gods, the Amulet of Yendor, and he hid it in the dark cavities of Gehennom, the Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time.  Your god Manannan Mac Lir seeks to possess the Amulet, and with it to gain deserved ascendance over the other gods.  You, a newly trained Sniveler, have been heralded from birth as the instrument of Manannan Mac Lir. YouUYr are destined to recover the Amulet for your deity, or die in the attempt. Your hour of destiny has come. For the sake of us all: Go bravely with Manannan Mac Lir!--More--UY ------..@..||.u%.|...=.||....|....|-----UY. UYU mSalutations Luxidream, welcome to SporkHack! You are a chaotic male orcish Dark Knight.--More--UYZ UY E Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a blessed +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - a blessed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) Comestibles g - 14 uncursed apples h - 10 uncursed carrots i - 2 uncursed food rations Potions j - 2 uncursed potions of sickness(end) UY------..@..||.u%.|...=.||....|....|-----UY" Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  legacy [true]  news [true]  a - autodig [false]  b - autopickup [true]  c - autoquiver [false]  d - checkpoint [true]  e - cmdassist [true]  f - color [false]  g - confirm [true]  h - dark_room [true]  i - DECgraphics [false]  j - eight_bit_tty [false]  k - extmenu [false]  l - fixinv [true]  m - help [true]  n - hilite_pet [false]  o - IBMgraphics [false]  p - ignintr [false]  q - lit_corridor [false]  r - lootabc [false]  s - menucolors [false]  t - statuscolors [true]  u - null [true]  v - perm_invent [false]  w - prayconfirm [true]  x - pushweapon [false] (1 of 3)UY+UYO \)0Luxidream the Sniveler St:18/32 Dx:8 Co:10 In:8 Wi:14 Ch:16 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1(0lqqqqk(B(0~~(B@(0~~x(B(0x~(Bu%(0~x(B(0~~~(B=(0~x(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~x(B(0qqqqj(BUY  Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  legacy [true]  news [true]  a - autodig [false]  b - autopickup [true]  c - autoquiver [false]  d - checkpoint [true]  e - cmdassist [true]  f - color [false]  g - confirm [true]  h - dark_room [true]  i - DECgraphics [true]  j - eight_bit_tty [false]  k - extmenu [false]  l - fixinv [true]  m - help [true]  n - hilite_pet [false]  o - IBMgraphics [false]  p - ignintr [false]  q - lit_corridor [false]  r - lootabc [false]  s - menucolors [false]  t - statuscolors [true]  u - null [true]  v - perm_invent [false]  w - prayconfirm [true]  x - pushweapon [false] (1 of 3)UYOLuxidream the Sniveler St:18/32 Dx:8 Co:10 In:8 Wi:14 Ch:16 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1(0lqqqqk(B(0~~(B@(0~~x(B(0x~(Bu%(0~x(B(0~~~(B=(0~x(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~x(B(0qqqqj(BUYm Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  legacy [true]  news [true]  a - autodig [false]  b - autopickup [true]  c - autoquiver [false]  d - checkpoint [true]  e - cmdassist [true]  f - color [false]  g - confirm [true]  h - dark_room [true]  i - DECgraphics [true]  j - eight_bit_tty [false]  k - extmenu [false]  l - fixinv [true]  m - help [true]  n - hilite_pet [false]  o - IBMgraphics [false]  p - ignintr [false]  q - lit_corridor [false]  r - lootabc [false]  s - menucolors [false]  t - statuscolors [true]  u - null [true]  v - perm_invent [false]  w - prayconfirm [true]  x - pushweapon [false] (1 of 3)UY  a - rest_on_space [false]  b - safe_pet [true]  c - show_dgn_name [true]  d - showexp [false]  e - show_obj_sym [true]  f - showrace [false]  g - showscore [false]  h - silent [true]  i - sortpack [true]  j - sound [true]  k - sparkle [true]  l - standout [false]  m - time [false]  n - timed_delay [true]  o - tombstone [true]  p - travel [true]  q - use_inverse [false]  r - verbose [true]   Compounds (selecting will prompt for new value):  name [Luxidream]  role [Knight]  race [orc]  gender [male]  align [chaotic]  altkeyhandler [unknown]  catname [(none)]  dogname [(none)]  dumpfile [/dgldir/userdUY6ata/%n/sporkhack/dumplog/%t.txt] (2 of 3)UY. horsename [(none)]  msghistory [20]  pettype [random]  windowtype [tty]  a - boom_flightpath [-1]  b - boulder [`]  c - disclose [ni na nv ng nc]  d - fruit [slime mold]  e - menustyle [full]  f - menu_headings [inverse]  g - msg_window [single]  h - number_pad [0=off]  i - packorder [$")[%?+!=/(*`0_]  j - pickup_burden [stressed]  k - pickup_types [all]  l - runmode [run]  m - scores [3 top/2 around]  n - sortloot [none]  o - suppress_alert [(none)]  p - autopickup exceptions (0 currently set) (3 of 3)UYZ+UY) Select number_pad mode:  a - 0 (off) b - 1 (on) c - 2 (on, DOS compatible)(end) UYh+Luxidream the Sniveler St:18/32 Dx:8 Co:10 In:8 Wi:14 Ch:16 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1(0lqqqqk(B(0~~(B@(0~~x(B(0x~(Bu%(0~x(B(0~~~(B=(0~x(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~x(B(0qqqqj(BUYE Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a blessed +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - a blessed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) Comestibles g - 14 uncursed apples h - 10 uncursed carrots i - 2 uncursed food rations Potions j - 2 uncursed potions of sickness(end) UYTJ(0lqqqqk(B(0~~(B@(0~~x(B(0x~(Bu%(0~x(B(0~~~(B=(0~x(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~x(B(0qqqqj(BUYoS<@(0a(B(0m(Bk - a fortune cookie.UY down  . direct at yourself (Suppress this message with !cmdassist in config file.)--More--UYn(0lqqqqk(B(0~~(B<(0~~x(B(0x~~(Bu(0~x(B(0~~~(B@(0~x(B(0x~~~~x(B(0a~~~~x(B(0mqqqqj(BLuxidream the Sniveler St:18/32 Dx:8 Co:10 In:8 Wi:14 Ch:16 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1In what direction? UYBUY/ kYou stop. Your saddled nightmare is in the way!(0~(B(0~(BuUY;  Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a blessed +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - a blessed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) Comestibles g - 14 uncursed apples h - 10 uncursed carrots i - 2 uncursed food rations k - a fortune cookie Potions j - 2 uncursed potions of sickness Rings l - an agate ring(end) UYkm(0lqqqqk(B(0~~(B<(0~~x(B(0x~~~(Bu(0x(B(0~~~(B@(0~x(B(0x~~~~x(B(0a~~~~x(B(0mqqqqj(BUYP,What do you want to throw? [ab or ?*] UY#T15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1In what direction? UY;\MThe saddled nightmare catches the apple.--More--UYMThe saddled nightmare eats an uncursed apple.(0~(BuUY1Unknown command '^J'.UY6,:What do you want to throw? [ab or ?*] UYTT15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1In what direction? UY7MThe saddled nightmare catches the apple.--More--UY ;The saddled nightmare eats an uncursed apple.UY]1Unknown command '^J'.UY#:What do you want to throw? [ab or ?*] UYJT15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1In what direction? UY%MThe saddled nightmare catches the apple.--More--UY\ OThe saddled nightmare eats an uncursed apple.(0~(BuUY:1Unknown command '^J'.UY | :What do you want to throw? [ab or ?*] UYc T15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1In what direction? UY! MThe saddled nightmare catches the apple.--More--UY2OThe saddled nightmare eats an uncursed apple.u(0~(BUY\ 1Unknown command '^J'.UYWv # UY9*rUYrideUYY'In what direction? UY( @You mount the saddled nightmare.u(0~(BUYA(0~(BuUYNu(0~(BUY. #u(0~(BUY#+###u(0~(B#UYр #u#UY #u#UY #u#UY#u#UYN #uUYu #uUYh ##u#UY@ #uUY_/#u###UYO #u#UY4u#UY@p#u#UYb#u#UY#u#UY#u#UY #u#UY] #u#UYA#u#UYQ#u#UYj#u#UYMu#UY #uUYR#uUY#uUYQ#uUY#uUYoR#uUYx#uUYS#uUY#uUYR#uUY#uUY*#u#UY( #u#UY #u#UYӺ#u+#UY&x #uUY EYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYi> SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY4SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYSYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYkSYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYtSYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY= SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYE.'In what direction? UYC uThe door opens.(0lqqqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~(B$*(0~~~~a(B(0mqqqqqqqqqq(BUY/2(0k(Bu#(0j(BUY u(0a(BUY&J u(0~(BUYQu(0~(BA bear trap closes on the saddled nightmare's rear hoof!UYDYour nightmare is caught in a bear trap.UYcUY23 u^UY 3u(0~(BYou see here a gray stone.UYs4 ;u*You see here 4 gold pieces.UY; u$UY- u(0~(BUYF u(0~(BUY0 u(0~(BUY1 (0~(BuUYײ (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUYo 2(0~(BuYou see here 4 gold pieces.UYnC j415(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1$ - 4 gold pieces.UYeuu(0~(BUYO u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYS u(0~(BUY Count: 20UY +UYEYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY_ SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYwBSYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY 'In what direction? UYO,The door opens.(0a(BUYL"##u(0~(BUYC - d#u(0a(BUY%T#u#The jackal misses the saddled nightmare.xUY uYou kill the jackal!15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1 %UYRx#u#You see here a jackal corpse.UY EYou are carrying too much to get through.UY'?EYou are carrying too much to get through.UY x UYQ  UY͇ x#UY UYo5 !##u%UY0 !##u#UY]!##u#UY.!##u#UY{8P(0~(B###u## xUYɴ5#u#x UY##ux UYr$You miss the grid bug.UY jYou kill the grid bug!15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1#UY[ %#u#UYBu#UY/ u#UY[ E(0x(B(0x~(B(0~(B#u#UYz(0x(B(0~(B(0x(B(0x(Bu(0~~x(B#x(0x~(B(0x(BUY (0lqk(B(0x(B$(0x(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0~x(B(0x(Bu(0~(Bx (0x(B(0~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqj(BUYBw(0qqqqqq(B(0~~~~~(B>(0~~~(B#(0~(Bu#The grid bug bites!UY| u#xUY 'u(0~(B(0~(BUY%u(0~(BxUY0u(0~(Bx(0~(BUY~u(0~(B Things that are here: a tripe ration an iridium wand--More--UY\Ex(0~(BUY P  Pick up what?  Comestibles ('%') a - a tripe ration Wands ('/') b - an iridium wand(end) UYD +UY+UYUam - a tripe ration.n - an iridium wand.UYH _u(0~(BYou see here 23 gold pieces.x(0~(BUY2715(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1$ - 23 gold pieces.x(0~(BUYbBWhat do you want to write with? [- abln or ?*] UY=You write in the dust with your fingers.--More--UY#;What do you want to write in the dust here? UY| xUY #x(0~(BUY5What do you want to write with? [- abln or ?*] UYHs15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1You write in the dust with an iridium wand.--More--UYH><What do you want to write in the dust here? xUY xUY UYg fThe bugs on the floor are blown away!The grid bug misses.UY ! + Coins $ - 27 gold pieces Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a blessed +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - a blessed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) Comestibles g - 10 uncursed apples h - 10 uncursed carrots i - 2 uncursed food rations k - a fortune cookie m - a tripe ration Potions j - 2 uncursed potions of sickness Rings l - an agate ring Wands n - an iridium wand(end) UY, (0lqk(B(0x(Bu(0x(B(0x(Bx(0x(B(0x~x(B(0qqqqqq(B(0x~x(B(0~~~~~(B>(0x~x(B(0~~~(B#(0x~~(B#(0lqqqqk(B#(0~~x(B###(0~~(B<(0~~x(B#(0x~x(B###(0x~~~~x(B(0x~x(B#########(0~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B###(0x~~~~x(B(0mqj(B################(0a~~~~x(B##(0mqqqqj(B####%####(0lqqqqqqqqqqk(B##(0a~~~~~(B*(0~(B^(0~~a(B#(0mqqqqqqqqqqj(B Luxidream the Sniveler St:18/32 Dx:8 Co:10 In:8 Wi:14 Ch:16 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:27 HP:15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1UY?# UY:nameUY^M8Name an individual object? [ynq] (q) UYŐ:nWhat do you want to call? [c-fjln or ?*] UYɾ %Call an iridium wand: UYAwUY iUY'nUYf@dUYN @15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1UY|xlYou miss the grid bug.The grid bug bites the saddled nightmare.--More--UY>The saddled nightmare gets zapped!--More--UYIThe saddled nightmare hits the grid bug.--More--UYi iThe saddled nightmare bites the grid bug.The grid bug is killed!(0~(BUYw /Unknown command '^J'.UY(0~(BuUY ?(0~(BuUYZ (0~(BuUYp (0~(BuUY((0~(BuUYpWF(0qqq(B(0~~~(B(0~(B(0~(BuUY^r u(0~(BUY6O u(0~(BUYF1(0l(B(0x(B(0x(B(0x~~~~~~(Bu(0~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~(B(0mqqqqqqqqq(BUYE(0k(Bu(0~(B(0x(B(0j(BUYc u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYZp u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY% u(0~(BUY[ #(0~(B#uUY#u(0~(BUYl K(0x~~(B(0x~~~~~~(B#u(0mqqqqq(B#UYl(0~(B#u#UYIE(0l(B(0~(B(0x~~(B(0~(Bu#UY ](0qqqq(B(0~~~~(B(0~~~(B(0~x(Bu#(0j(BUY; =(0qk(B(0~x(B(0x(Bu(0~(BUYwu(0~(BUYu(0~(BUYu(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY #u(0~(B#UY .u(0~(B#(0~(BUYJ #uUY) #u##UYd#u(0~(B#(0~(B%(0~(B(0x(B*(0~(B(0m(B+(0q(BUYp(0lqqqk(B#(0x(B?(0~(Bu(0x(B(0x(B(0~(B(0q(BUYM6(0~(Bu(0~(B(0j(BUY 5u(0~(BYou see here a tripe ration.UYGzKu%You see here a scroll labeled THARR.UY3A?uYou see here a tripe ration.UYyy/m - a tripe ration.UY7 Qu(0~(BYou see here a scroll labeled THARR. UYEThe scroll turns to dust as you pick it up.--More-- UYg},Call a scroll labeled THARR:  UYs UY_c UYAa UYb r UY!_ e UYp m UYRo UYڛn UY=$  UY (0~(Bu UYY7(0~(BuYou see here 2 green gems. UYY QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door. UY QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYQYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYh +o - 2 green gems.UY&In what direction? UY.The door opens.(0a(BUY)(0~(Bu##UYz(0a(BuUY7#u#+UY u#UYDYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY &In what direction? UYc%The door resists!UYOQYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYm QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY֥ &In what direction? UY"%The door resists!UY4 &In what direction? UY} PThe door opens.(0a(B(0~(B(0l(BUY-#(0q(Bu(0q(B(0x(B%$[(0x~(B(0qk(B(0x~(B(0x(B[(0x(BUYK(0l(B(0a(B(0qqk(Bu%(0x(B(0x(BUYz6ru(0~(B(0x(B(0m(B(0~(B(0mq(BYou see here a tripe ration.UY!-m - a tripe ration.UY (0~(BuUY 2(0~(BuYou see here 21 gold pieces.UY j4815(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1$ - 21 gold pieces.UY>" v(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~x(B(0x(BYou see here a scale mail.UY= [u(0x(B(0j~(B(0~x(B(0qj(BYou see here a wererat corpse.UY 8u%You see here a scale mail.UY(u[UY1 u(0~(BUYU(0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY8`(0~(Bu(0~~(B(0qq(BYou see here a leather armor.UY3?u[UY_u(0~(BUYPu(0~(BUYt u(0~(BUY\Iu(0a(BUY#uUY1#uUY u#UYku(0a(BUY_u(0~(BUYJMu(0~(BYou lead the poor nightmare into a pit!UYz ;Your nightmare is still in a pit.UY #UY-You ride to the edge of the pit.#UY ^u%UYhZ (0~(Bu%UY u#&UYu#&UYB&#u&UY u#'UY%$#u'UYdF (0~(Bu'UYby(0~(Bu'UY4H (0~(Bu'UY (0~(Bu'UYݲ (0~(Bu(UYJ (0~(Bu(UY (0~(Bu(UY_W#u(UY#u(UY0W #u)UY q #u)UY{ (0~(Bu)UYV (0~(Bu)UY (0~(Bu)UY5 (0~(Bu)UY. (0~(Bu)UYU (0~(Bu*UY] (0~(Bu*UY (0~(Bu*UYyu(0~(B+UY<}u(0~(B+UY(^ /(0lqqk(B(0x(B%(0~x(B(0x(Bu$+(0mq~j(B(0~x(B(0a(B(0x(BLuxidream the Sniveler St:18/32 Dx:8 Co:10 In:8 Wi:14 Ch:16 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:2 $:48 HP:15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1,UY| _u(0~(BYou see here 6 gold pieces.0UY i5415(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1$ - 6 gold pieces.1UY(0~(Bu1UY(0t(B(0~(Bu(0~~(B(0x~~(B{(0~~(B(0mq(B+(0q(B(0~~~(B%(0~~~(B(0qqqj(B1UYh(0x~(B(0~(B(0x~(Bu(0~~(B(0~x(B(0~(B1UY C(0x(B(0x~(B(0~~(B(0~(Bu2UYu(0~(B2UY͡u(0~(B(0~(B2UYT b(0lqq(B(0x~~(B(0~~(B(0~~(Bu(0~(B(0x(B2UY2= P(0qw(B(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0v(B3UYXA (0~(Bu3UY (0~(Bu3UYy (0~(Bu3UY =#(0~(Bu##(0~(B3UY= (0a(Bu4UYq#(0lqqqqk(Bu#(0x(B(0~(B(0q(B(0~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~~(B(0~~x(B(0qqj(B5UY$(0~(Bu(0m(B5UY|u(0qqq(B(0~(B(0~~~~(Bu(0~~(BYou see here a pancake.6UY*q - a pancake.6UY (0~(Bu7UY)81(0~(Bu(0~~~(B(0~x(B7UY;#(0~(Bu##(0~(B7UY<(#(0~(Bu#8UY(0qqk(B(0~~x(B#>(0~~~~~x(Bu#(0~~~~~x(B###(0~~(B8UYV_(0qqq(B(0~~~(B(0~(B#u(0~(B(0q(B8UYS"e(0x~(B#u(0x~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~~(B(0qqqq(B8UY?x 0(0~(Bu(0x~(B(0mq(B8UYq "(0l(B(0~(Bu9UYc5 (0~(Bu9UY%~ (0~(Bu9UY (0~(Bu9UY (0~(Bu9UYE (0~(Bu:UYL (0~(Bu:UY (0~(Bu#:UY (0~(Bu#:UY #u#:UY^[ #u#;UYb5#u#;UY#u#;UYjY#u#;UY F#u#;UY: #uUYh1Unknown command '^J'.>UYR p(0qqk(B(0~~x(Bu!{(0~(B+#(0~~x(B(0qqj(B?UY:S(0q(B(0x~(B#u(0x~(B(0q(B?UY[](0l(B(0~(Bu(0m(BYou see here a greasy potion.@UY0r - a greasy potion.@UY (0~(Bu@UYuR{uAUYEYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.AUYM SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.AUYSYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.AUY% SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.AUY1A SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.BUY7'In what direction? BUYu .The door opens.(0a(BBUYK (0~(Bu#BUY (0a(Bu#CUYk##u#CUY 3#u#You hear water falling on coins.CUYz#u#CUYG #u#CUYB #u+DUY)0u#DUYsu#DUY##u#DUY/$ u#EUY##u#EUY#uEUY_ ###(0~(Bu#FUY!f(0qqqqqqk(Bu(0~~~~~~x(B#(0~~~~x(B(0x(BFUYc6#u(0~(B(0~~~(B(0~x(BFUY (0l(B#u(0x~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~~(B(0~~~~~x(B(0~~~~x(B(0qqqqj(BFUYT W(0~(Bu(0x(B(0x~(BF(0x~~(B(0mqq(BFUYM (0~(BuGUYK2(0~(BuF(0~(BGUY(0~(BuGUY L(0~(BuHUYq# HUYj rHUY? ideHUYɌ You've been through the dungeon on a nightmare with no name.u@15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1Burdened--More--IUYYour movements are slowed slightly because of your load.15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1Burdened--More--JUYoJiThe saddled nightmare hits the lichen.The lichen is killed!(0~(BKUY[/(0~(B(0~~(Bu@LUY# LUYl rLUYQT ideLUYR 'In what direction? MUYYou mount the saddled nightmare.u(0~(BYour movements are now unencumbered.15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1NUYc#u(0~(BNUY0 u(0~(BNUY9 u(0~(BNUY@ u(0~(BOUYu(0~(BOUYqu(0~(BOUYK u(0~(BOUY u#PUYg4 #uPUYn #uPUYp #uPUY5 #:uQUY7TYou kill the newt!15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1#QUY u#QUY|u#QUY u(0a(BQUYi$ u(0~(BQUY|u{RUYEC u(0~(BRUYŬ u(0~(BRUY #uRUYc #uSUY6u#SUYl u#SUYM u#SUY u#SUYL u#SUY u#SUYT u#SUY u(0~(BSUY}T u(0~(BSUY u(0~(BSUYS u(0~(BSUYR u(0~(BTUY5 u(0~(BTUY u(0~(BTUY u(0~(BTUY:(0~(BuUUY\You kill the newt!15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1%UUY\ !u(0~(BVUYpu(0~(BVUY:(0~(BuYou see here a newt corpse.WUY.s - a newt corpse.XUY>What do you want to eat? [g-ikmpqs or ?*] XUY15(15) Pw:3(3) AC:-4 Exp:1This newt corpse tastes terrible!You finish eating the newt corpse.--More--YUYVYou feel a mild buzz.15(15) Pw:4(4) AC:-4 Exp:1YUYH1Unknown command '^J'.ZUY*u#ZUYu##ZUY u#]UY u(0~(B]UY u(0~(B^UY'V u(0~(B^UY u(0~(B^UY^ u(0~(B^UYM u(0~(B^UY #u#_UY& #u_UY u#_UYwu#`UYu#`UY u#`UYV u(0a(B`UYN\ u(0~(BaUYp u(0~(BaUY u(0~(BaUY.I u(0~(BaUY (0~(BuaUY DYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.bUYWQYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.bUYQYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.bUYzQYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.bUY=QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.cUY&In what direction? cUYi.The door opens.(0a(BcUYR\,(0~(Bu###cUY(0a(Bu#dUY9_##u##dUY ##ueUYL#u#(0~(B(0~~(B(0x~(B(0mq(BeUYq4+u#(0~~(B(0qq(BeUY} _#(0q(Bu(0q(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~~(B[(0qqq(BfUYKec(0l(B(0~(B(0qqqqqk(Bu(0~~~~x(B(0~~~(B(0qqj(BfUYr(0~(BufUYU (0~(BufUY] 2(0~(BuYou see here a splint mail.gUY  Coins $ - 54 gold pieces Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a blessed +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - a blessed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) Comestibles g - 10 uncursed apples h - 10 uncursed carrots i - 2 uncursed food rations k - a fortune cookie m - 3 tripe rations p - 2 food rations q - a pancake Potions j - 2 uncursed potions of sickness r - a greasy potion Rings l - an agate ring Wands n - a wand called wind Gems o - 2 green gems(end) UY (0kx(B+(0u(B(0lqqqqqqkx(B###(0~~~~~~~xa(B#(0lqqqqk(B#(0x~~~~~~xx(B#(0~~~~~x(B(0lqqqqqqqqk(B(0lqqqk(B###(0x~~~~~~xj(B#(0x~~~~x(B##(0~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B#(0x~~~~~~x(B#(0~~~~~~(B#(0x~~(B>(0~~~~~x(B##(0~~(B{(0~a(B######+(0~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqj(B###(0~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~x(B####(0x~~~~~~~~~(B########(0mqqqj(B(0mqqqqqqj(B(0~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqj(BLuxidream the Sniveler St:18/32 Dx:8 Co:10 In:8 Wi:14 Ch:16 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:2 $:54 HP:15(15)Y- )K Pw:4(4) AC:-4 Exp:1UY Lu[UYY u(0~(BUY  u(0~(BUY  u(0~(BUY1 u(0~(BUY#u(0~(BUYω u(0~(BUY#uUY (0~(BuUY& (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY' (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY% (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY+ (0~(BuUY (0~(B#u#UYe#(0~(BuUYO #u#UY#u#UYX7 #u#UY #uUY07 ##u#UY?#uUY[##u#UYk u#UYPo#u#UY3#u#UY2 #u#UY #u#UY1#uUYB#uUY #uUY#uUY#uUYu#UYSu(0~(BUY (0~(BuUY_P (0~(BuUY&g /(0lqqqk(B(0x~~~x(B+?(0~~x(B(0x~(B$u(0x(B(0x~~~(B+(0mqqqj(BLuxidream the Sniveler St:18/32 Dx:8 Co:10 In:8 Wi:14 Ch:16 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:3 $:54 HP:15(15) Pw:4(4) AC:-4 Exp:1UY 9 .u<You see here 17 gold pieces.UYjj7115(15) Pw:4(4) AC:-4 Exp:1$ - 17 gold pieces.UYv Vu(0~(BYou see here a scroll labeled ELAM EBOW.UY>9t - a scroll labeled ELAM EBOW.UY (0~(BuUY?n(0~(BuUY9EYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYVSYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY۵SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYSYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY4l SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYg'In what direction? UYzW 'The door resists!UY SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYX"SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYSYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY'In what direction? UY.9.The door opens.(0a(BUY{e!#(0~(Bu#UYk (0a(BuUYM#u#UY` ##u#UYu#UYr##u#UY #uUY_###(0~(Bu#UYޤ(0qqqqqqk(Bu(0~~~~~~x(B#(0~~~~(B{(0x(B?(0~~x(B(0qq~j(BUYY L(0l(B#u(0x~(B(0~~~(B(0qqq(BUY:-(0~(Bu(0x(B(0m(BUY (0~(BuUY< (0~(BuUY(0~(BuUYO (0~(BuUY<Eu(0~(BYou see here a scroll labeled VERR YED HORRE.UYx>u - a scroll labeled VERR YED HORRE.UY UYY5 (0~(BuUYj>(0~(Bu##UY+(0~(Bu#UY, B#u##(0~(B(0a(B(0x(BUY[u#(0~(B(0~(B(0x~~(B(0x~~(B(0mqq(BUY4?#u(0~(B(0~(B(0q(BUY!u#(0l(Bu(0q(B?(0~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~x(B(0~~x(B(0qqj(BUY# C(0~(B(0qqqk(Bu(0~~x(B(0x(BUY? (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUYu(0~(BUYNu(0~(BYou see here a scroll labeled KERNOD WEL.UY_3<v - a scroll labeled KERNOD WEL.UYu(0~(BUYF #u(0~(BUY  #u(0a(BUY*u#UYS #uUYi#uUYf (0a(BuUYu(0~(BUYB u(0~(BUY̺ u#UY#uUY"u#UY u(0~(BUYhu(0~(BUYku(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYk u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY #uUYF #uUY #uUY #uUY #uUY u#UY, u(0a(BUY u(0~(BUY)- u(0~(BUYJNu(0~(BUYQu(0~(BUY DYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY, QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYtPQYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY8QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY]QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY} QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYD&In what direction? UYl(This door is locked.UYQYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY( QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY10 QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYf&In what direction? UY(This door is locked.UY QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY$ QYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYءQYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY3# UYerUYQideUY| You've been through the dungeon on a nightmare with no name.u@15(15) Pw:4(4) AC:-4 Exp:1Burdened--More--UYYYour movements are slowed slightly because of your load.15(15) Pw:4(4) AC:-4 Exp:1Burdened(0~(BuUYO: /Unknown command '^J'.UYy_ )@(0~(Bu(0~(BUY{ In what direction? UY WHAMMM!!!UYYE&In what direction? UYlWHAMMM!!!UY,|&In what direction? UY8aAs you kick the door, it shatters to pieces!u(0~(B(0~(BUY # UY0rUYideUY&In what direction? UY)} You mount the saddled nightmare.u(0~(BYour movements are now unencumbered.15(15) Pw:4(4) AC:-4 Exp:1UY(0~(B#uUY #u(0~(B#UY u#UY#u##UY #uUY#u##UYnu#UY #u#UY #u#UY"#u+#UY #uUY(EYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY* SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY$G SYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYmSYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UYSYou can't lead your nightmare through that closed door.UY 'In what direction? UY The door opens.(0lqqq(B(0x~(B$(0~(B(0x~~~~a(B(0~~~~(B(0x~(B(0mq(BUYj(0q(B(0~x(Bu#(0~x(B(0~~(B?(0qqq(BUYKF(0k(Bu(0a(B(0x(B(0j(BUYj6 u(0~(BUY Cu(0~(BYou see here 15 gold pieces.UYq$ UY=^8615(15) Pw:4(4) AC:-4 Exp:1$ - 15 gold pieces.UY+(0~(BuUY (0~(BuUYs (0~(BuUYC(0~(BuYou see here a scroll labeled DAIYEN FOOELS.UYj?w - a scroll labeled DAIYEN FOOELS.UY *Really save? [yn] (n) UYG!ySaving...UYDIUYn