UYg Player: Luxidream Game: Sporkhack Server: $ATTR(14) -$ATTR() Filename: 2017-06-30.03:14:21.ttyrec Time: (1498792461) Fri Jun 30 03:14:21 2017  UYThe Dungeons of   Doom on level 2. Killed by a fox. - [16] 157 91 k2-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 2. Killed by a jackal, while fainted from lack of food. - [18] 158 84 Elronnd-Cav-Elf-Fem-Neu quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 1. 15 [15] UYhAccess to /dgldir/userdata/Luxidream/sporkhack/Luxidream.sporkrc denied (2). Hit return to continue: UY* SporkHack, copyright 2007 Derek S. Ray; a variant of NetHack 3.4.3,  copyright 1985-2003 by Stichting Mathematisch Centrum and M. Stephenson.  See license for details. Hello Luxidream, welcome to SporkHack!Create your character:ClassRaceGenderAlignmenta - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k - Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v + Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD + DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO - OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL - LawfulN + NeutralC - Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!UYN7Ta - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k ! Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD + DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO - OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL - LawfulN ! NeutralC - Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!"UYTa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k ! Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL - LawfulN ! NeutralC - Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!%UYCwa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO ! OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL ! LawfulN - NeutralC - Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!(UY wa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!*UY_`wa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!+UYRwa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!+UY wa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!+UYjuwa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!,UY4wa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!,UYVwa - Archeologist b - Barbarian c - Caveman h - Healer k + Knight m - Monk p - Priest R - Ranger r - Rogue s - Samurai t - Tourist v - Valkyrie w - WizardH - HumanD - DwarfE - ElfG - GnomeO + OrcM - MaleF + FemaleL - LawfulN - NeutralC + Chaotic q - quit* - reroll. - play!/UY9------|....||.........@||..u.+|....|------Luxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1 It is written in the Book of Manannan Mac Lir:  After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled against the authority of Marduk the Creator. Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all the artifacts of the gods, the Amulet of Yendor, and he hid it in the dark cavities of Gehennom, the Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time.  Your god Manannan Mac Lir seeks to possess the Amulet, and with it to gain deserved ascendance over the other gods.  You, a newly trained Sniveler, have been heralded from birth as the instrument of Manannan Mac Lir. Yo/UYVu are destined to recover the Amulet for your deity, or die in the attempt. Your hour of destiny has come. For the sake of us all: Go bravely with Manannan Mac Lir!--More--0UY------|....||.........@||..u.+|....|------Salutations Luxidream, welcome to SporkHack! You are a chaotic female orcish Dark Knight.--More--2UY  5UYk Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) Comestibles g - 12 uncursed apples h - 12 uncursed carrots i - an uncursed food ration j - an uncursed tin of newt meat Potions k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness(end) ?UY0------|....||.........@||..u.+|....|------CUY&Count: 98DUY^ <@EUY/In what direction? EUYti ~cmdassist: Invalid direction key! Valid direction keys are:  y k u  \ | /  h- . -l  / | \  b j n  < up  > down  . direct at yourself (Suppress this message with !cmdassist in config file.)--More--FUY%*------|....||.........<||..u@+|....|------Luxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1In what direction? FUY8~cmdassist: Invalid direction key! Valid direction keys are:  y k u  \ | /  h- . -l  / | \  b j n  < up  > down  . direct at yourself (Suppress this message with !cmdassist in config file.)--More--GUY9 *------|....||.........<||..u@+|....|------Luxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1In what direction? GUY? !Never mind.GUY%.u@JUY^E  Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  legacy [true]  news [true]  a - autodig [false]  b - autopickup [true]  c - autoquiver [false]  d - checkpoint [true]  e - cmdassist [true]  f - color [false]  g - confirm [true]  h - dark_room [true]  i - DECgraphics [false]  j - eight_bit_tty [false]  k - extmenu [false]  l - fixinv [true]  m - help [true]  n - hilite_pet [false]  o - IBMgraphics [false]  p - ignintr [false]  q - lit_corridor [false]  r - lootabc [false]  s - menucolors [false]  t - statuscolors [true]  u - null [true]  v - perm_invent [false]  w - prayconfirm [true]  x - pushweapon [false] (1 of 3)LUYjE+MUYQ)0Luxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1(0lqqqqk(B(0x~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~(B(0~~~~(B<(0x(B(0x~~~(Bu+(0x~~~(B@(0x(B(0mqqqqj(BOUY= What type of object do you want an inventory of?  a - Weapons (')') b - Armor ('[') c - Comestibles ('%') d - Potions ('!')(end) OUY h(0qqqqk~~~~x(BPUY  Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  legacy [true]  news [true]  a - autodig [false]  b - autopickup [true]  c - autoquiver [false]  d - checkpoint [true]  e - cmdassist [true]  f - color [false]  g - confirm [true]  h - dark_room [true]  i - DECgraphics [true]  j - eight_bit_tty [false]  k - extmenu [false]  l - fixinv [true]  m - help [true]  n - hilite_pet [false]  o - IBMgraphics [false]  p - ignintr [false]  q - lit_corridor [false]  r - lootabc [false]  s - menucolors [false]  t - statuscolors [true]  u - null [true]  v - perm_invent [false]  w - prayconfirm [true]  x - pushweapon [false] (1 of 3)PUY  a - rest_on_space [false]  b - safe_pet [true]  c - show_dgn_name [true]  d - showexp [false]  e - show_obj_sym [true]  f - showrace [false]  g - showscore [false]  h - silent [true]  i - sortpack [true]  j - sound [true]  k - sparkle [true]  l - standout [false]  m - time [false]  n - timed_delay [true]  o - tombstone [true]  p - travel [true]  q - use_inverse [false]  r - verbose [true]   Compounds (selecting will prompt for new value):  name [Luxidream]  role [Knight]  race [orc]  gender [female]  align [chaotic]  altkeyhandler [unknown]  catname [(none)]  dogname [(none)]  dumpfile [/dgldir/usePUY 8rdata/%n/sporkhack/dumplog/%t.txt] (2 of 3)PUYzi . horsename [(none)]  msghistory [20]  pettype [random]  windowtype [tty]  a - boom_flightpath [-1]  b - boulder [`]  c - disclose [ni na nv ng nc]  d - fruit [slime mold]  e - menustyle [full]  f - menu_headings [inverse]  g - msg_window [single]  h - number_pad [0=off]  i - packorder [$")[%?+!=/(*`0_]  j - pickup_burden [stressed]  k - pickup_types [all]  l - runmode [run]  m - scores [3 top/2 around]  n - sortloot [none]  o - suppress_alert [(none)]  p - autopickup exceptions (0 currently set) (3 of 3)QUY DLuxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1(0lqqqqk(B(0x~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~(B(0~~~~(B<(0x(B(0x~~~(Bu+(0x~~~(B@(0x(B(0mqqqqj(BQUYn #You can't go up here.RUY Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  legacy [true]  news [true]  a - autodig [false]  b - autopickup [true]  c - autoquiver [false]  d - checkpoint [true]  e - cmdassist [true]  f - color [false]  g - confirm [true]  h - dark_room [true]  i - DECgraphics [true]  j - eight_bit_tty [false]  k - extmenu [false]  l - fixinv [true]  m - help [true]  n - hilite_pet [false]  o - IBMgraphics [false]  p - ignintr [false]  q - lit_corridor [false]  r - lootabc [false]  s - menucolors [false]  t - statuscolors [true]  u - null [true]  v - perm_invent [false]  w - prayconfirm [true]  x - pushweapon [false] (1 of 3)RUY  a - rest_on_space [false]  b - safe_pet [true]  c - show_dgn_name [true]  d - showexp [false]  e - show_obj_sym [true]  f - showrace [false]  g - showscore [false]  h - silent [true]  i - sortpack [true]  j - sound [true]  k - sparkle [true]  l - standout [false]  m - time [false]  n - timed_delay [true]  o - tombstone [true]  p - travel [true]  q - use_inverse [false]  r - verbose [true]   Compounds (selecting will prompt for new value):  name [Luxidream]  role [Knight]  race [orc]  gender [female]  align [chaotic]  altkeyhandler [unknown]  catname [(none)]  dogname [(none)]  dumpfile [/dgldir/useRUY 8rdata/%n/sporkhack/dumplog/%t.txt] (2 of 3)SUY7~. horsename [(none)]  msghistory [20]  pettype [random]  windowtype [tty]  a - boom_flightpath [-1]  b - boulder [`]  c - disclose [ni na nv ng nc]  d - fruit [slime mold]  e - menustyle [full]  f - menu_headings [inverse]  g - msg_window [single]  h - number_pad [0=off]  i - packorder [$")[%?+!=/(*`0_]  j - pickup_burden [stressed]  k - pickup_types [all]  l - runmode [run]  m - scores [3 top/2 around]  n - sortloot [none]  o - suppress_alert [(none)]  p - autopickup exceptions (0 currently set) (3 of 3)UUY/+UUY  Select number_pad mode:  a - 0 (off) b - 1 (on) c - 2 (on, DOS compatible)(end) VUY+Luxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:0 HP:15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1(0lqqqqk(B(0x~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~(B(0~~~~(B<(0x(B(0x~~~(Bu+(0x~~~(B@(0x(B(0mqqqqj(BVUY8#Unknown command '^J'.WUYZ~q Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) Comestibles g - 12 uncursed apples h - 12 uncursed carrots i - an uncursed food ration j - an uncursed tin of newt meat Potions k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness(end) WUY)X O(0lqqqqk(B(0x~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~(B(0~~~~(B<(0x(B(0x~~~(Bu+(0x~~~(B@(0x(B(0mqqqqj(BXUY,What do you want to throw? [ab or ?*] YUYJT15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1In what direction? YUYa{MThe saddled nightmare catches the apple.--More--YUYI KThe saddled nightmare eats an uncursed apple.(0~(BuZUYP:What do you want to throw? [ab or ?*] ZUY T15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1In what direction? ZUY6 %ZUY6m %(0~(BZUYL %:The saddled nightmare eats an uncursed apple.aUYV9What do you want to throw? [ab or ?*] aUYS15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1In what direction? aUYA#KThe saddled nightmare catches the apple.--More--aUY> HThe saddled nightmare eats an uncursed apple.u<bUY;# cUYrcUY[idecUYq&In what direction? cUYt >You mount the saddled nightmare.u(0~(BdUY}(0~(BudUY (0~(Bu#dUY (0~(Bu#dUYE#u#eUY6#u#eUY5#u#eUY#u##eUYP #u+fUYJ #ufUYD "That door is closed.fUY 0That door is closed.gUYG00That door is closed.gUY0That door is closed.gUY 0That door is closed.hUY0'In what direction? hUYtThe door opens.(0qqqqqqk(B(0~~~~~~x(B(0a~~~~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~x(B(0~~~~x(B(0~(B[(0~(B(0qqj(BiUY`pz(0q(B(0x~(B#u(0x~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~~(B(0qqqq(BiUYxN(0l(B(0a(Bu+(0x~(B(0mq(BiUYi (0~(BuiUY (0~(BuiUYP (0~(BuiUY4z(0~(BujUYl(0~(BujUYs((0~(Bul - a chain mail.kUY Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) l - a chain mail Comestibles g - 8 uncursed apples h - 12 uncursed carrots i - an uncursed food ration j - an uncursed tin of newt meat Potions k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness(end) lUYoD(0lqqqqk(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lqqqqqqqk(B(0x~~~~~(B######(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0~~~~(B<(0x(B#(0a~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~(B+(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~x(B+(0~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqj(B(0x~~~~~~(Bu(0~(B(0mqqqqqqqj(BmUYI,What do you want to drop? [a-l or ?*] mUY_15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1You drop a chain mail.nUY7#[u#nUYtP (0~(BunUY8 #u#nUYM #u#nUY#u#oUY&n#u#oUY\:(0q(B(0~~(B##u#oUYq2(0qq(B(0~~(Bu#oUY ##u#pUY(cV(0k(Bud(0x(B#$[(0x(B(0x(BpUYTYou kill the fox!15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1%pUYh (0l(B#u(0x~(B(0~~~(B(0~~x(B(0qqj(BYou have a little trouble lifting m - a fox corpse.--More--qUYYour movements are slowed slightly because of your load.15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1BurdenedrUYv/Unknown command '^J'.rUY~:What do you want to eat? [ghijm or ?*] sUY$15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1BurdenedThis fox corpse tastes terrible!Your movements are now unencumbered.15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1 15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1Satiated--More--tUY|.You finish eating the fox corpse.tUY~/Unknown command '^J'.tUY( I(0~(Bu(0x(B(0x~(B(0m~(BtUY=v(0~(Bu815(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1Satiated$ - 8 gold pieces.uUY4(0~(Bun - a faded pall.vUY (0~(BuwUY.What do you want to drop? [$a-kn or ?*] wUYyh15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1SatiatedYou drop a faded pall.xUYu[yUY# yUYNryUY)ideyUYYou've been through the dungeon on a nightmare with no name.(0~(B@u15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1Satiated--More--zUYEThe saddled nightmare picks up a faded pall.(0~(Bu{UYna(0~(B@The saddled nightmare drops a faded pall.[u{UY=(u(0~(B@(0~~(B|UY6,u(0~~(B(0~(B@|UYrE@(0~(Bn - a faded pall.u(0~(B|UY7 }UYK Coins $ - 8 gold pieces Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) n - a faded pall Comestibles g - 8 uncursed apples h - 12 uncursed carrots i - an uncursed food ration j - an uncursed tin of newt meat Potions k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness(end) ~UYri (0lqqqk(B#(0~~~~x(B(0lqqqqk(B###(0x~(Bu(0~x(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lqqqqqqqk(B#(0x~~(B@(0x(B(0x~~~~~(B######(0x~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~x(B(0~~~~(B<(0x(B#(0a~~~~~~~x(B#(0m~qqj(B(0x~~~~(B+(0x~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~~x(B+(0~~~~~~~x(B#(0mqqqqj(B(0x~~~~~~(B[(0~(B#(0mqqqqqqqj(BUYU*What do you want to wear? [n or ?*] UYg(15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-4 Exp:1SatiatedYou are now wearing an elven cloak.15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1Satiatedu(0~(BUY Coins $ - 8 gold pieces Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn) Comestibles g - 8 uncursed apples h - 12 uncursed carrots i - an uncursed food ration j - an uncursed tin of newt meat Potions k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness(end) UYs (0lqqqk(B#(0~~~(Bu(0x(B(0lqqqqk(B###(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lqqqqqqqk(B#(0x~~(B@(0x(B(0x~~~~~(B######(0x~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~x(B(0~~~~(B<(0x(B#(0a~~~~~~~x(B#(0m~qqj(B(0x~~~~(B+(0x~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~~x(B+(0~~~~~~~x(B#(0mqqqqj(B(0x~~~~~~(B[(0~(B#(0mqqqqqqqj(BUY# UY8 UY 0(0~(B@(0~(Bu(0~(BUY` # UYN rUY!ideUYj&In what direction? UY0GDYou mount the saddled nightmare.(0~(BuUYsk(0~(BuUY͞(0~(Bu#UY:(0~(Bu#UYM #u##UYO #uUYR#uUY u#UY#uUYxCount: 20UYTD+UY "That door is closed.UYg0That door is closed.UY:{0That door is closed.UYuv 'In what direction? UYǪ |The door opens.(0a(B(0~(B(0~~~(B(0~(B$(0~(B(0qqq(BUY#(0q(Bu(0q(B(0x(B>(0~~(B(0x(B(0x(B(0x(B(0x(B(0m(B(0j(BUYX'(0l(B(0a(B(0k(BuUY F(0~(BuYou lead the poor nightmare into a pit!UY =Your nightmare is still in a pit.UYu#UYFu#UYu#UY u(0~(BUY' u(0~(BUYu(0~(BUYʵu(0~(BUYU u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY #uUY #uUYK #uUYN #uUY #uUY #uUY #uUY& u#UYh*u(0~(Bl - a chain mail.UYu(0~(BUYh u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYi u(0~(BUYX u(0~(BUYs u(0~(BUY1# u(0~(BUYu(0~(BUYu(0~(BUY^u(0~(BUY*(0~(BuUY u(0~(BUYw u(0a(BUYrdu#UY(0~(Bdu#UY #du#UY ]You kill the fox!15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1Satiated#UYCu#UYu#UYX0 u#FUYc u(0~(BUYr u(0~(BUY6 u(0~(BUY) u(0~(BUY@W15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1(0~(B#u#UYwu(0~(B#UYW"#u(0~(BUYnj $F#u##UY u#UY/(0~(B#u+#UY #uUY"That door is closed.UY/ 0That door is closed.UYE 0That door is closed.UYC0That door is closed.UYSk'In what direction? UYA 'The door resists!UYtr'In what direction? UY@'The door resists!UYf 'In what direction? UYThe door opens.(0lqqqq(B(0x~~~~a(B(0x(B)(0~~(B(0x~(B(0mq(BUYiZ(0k(Bu#(0~x(B$(0~(BF(0qqq(BUY& 2u(0a(B(0x(B(0j(BUY_ u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYܦ\(0~(BuYou have a little trouble lifting p - a spear.--More--UYYour movements are slowed slightly because of your load.15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1BurdenedUY11Unknown command '^J'.UY>What do you want to drop? [$a-ln-p or ?*] UY15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1BurdenedYou drop a spear.Your movements are now unencumbered.15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1UY?g w)u3815(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1$ - 25 gold pieces.UYplFu(0~(BThe lichen just misses!UYoYou kill the lichen!15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1(0~(BUYz (0~(BuUY<u(0~(BUY1u(0~(BUY (0~(BuUY (0a(BuUYFu#UYYu#UY u#UY#uUYXYou kill the lichen!15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1%UYY&j(0~(BuYou have a little trouble lifting q - a lichen corpse.--More--UY: Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1BurdenedUY1Unknown command '^J'.UY- Coins $ - 38 gold pieces Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a +1 lance Armor c - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) l - a chain mail n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn) Comestibles g - 8 uncursed apples h - 12 uncursed carrots i - an uncursed food ration j - an uncursed tin of newt meat q - a lichen corpse Potions k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness o - a golden potion(end) UY (0lqqqk(B#(0~~~~x(B(0lqqqk(B(0lqqqqk(B###(0x~~~x(B(0x~(B^(0~x(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lqqqqqqqk(B#(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~~~(B######(0x~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B#(0~(Bu(0~~(B<(0x(B#(0a~~~~~~~x(B#(0m~qqj(B#(0~~~~x(B###(0x~~~~(B+(0x~~~~~~~x(B#####(0mqqqjqk(B#(0x~~~~x(B+(0~~~~~~~x(B###(0~a(B#(0mqqqqj(B(0x~~~~~~~~(B####(0~x(B(0mqqqqqqqj(B(0lqaqk(B#(0~x(B(0x(B>(0~~~(B#(0qj(B(0x~(B^)(0x(B(0x~~~x(B(0mqqqj(B Luxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:1UY 0 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:1 $:38 HP:15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1BurdenedUY90What do you want to drop? [$a-lnoq or ?*] UYZ15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1BurdenedYou drop a chain mail.Your movements are now unencumbered.15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1UY ,Autopickup: OFF.UY7[uUYy (0~(BuUY 2You don't know any spells right now.UY^ hWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)UY^UY4 4(0~~(B#####(0~(BuUY ;#(0a~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~~~~(BuUYz _#(0~(B#u#####(0~(BUYs (0~(BuUY`(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B###(0a(Bu(0~(BUYp2(0lqqqqqk(B(0x~~~~~~(B(0~(B?(0~~~(Bk(0x(B(0x(Bu(0~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqj(BLuxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:2 $:38 HP:15(15) Pw:5(5) AC:-6 Exp:1UYu< Things that are here: a scroll labeled ZELGO MER a bubbly potion--More--UY`x/UYO  Pick up what?  Scrolls ('?') a - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER Potions ('!') b - a bubbly potion(end) UY +UY +UYwr - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER.s - a bubbly potion.k(0~(BUYc(0~(BuUYV ((0~(BuThe kobold misses.UY9 .You miss the kobold.UY.You kill the kobold!(0~(B20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Welcome to experience level 2.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2UY(0~(BuUYdu(0~(BUY" 1(0~(Bu(0~(Bd(0~(BUY/ u(0~(Bd(0~(BUYI #u(0~(BUY|(##u(0~(Bd(0~(BUY # UY+ rUY| ideUYYou've been through the dungeon on a nightmare with no name.@u20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened--More--UYp Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened#ud(0~(BUY/Unknown command '^J'.UY (0~~(BUYc dUYA)u##d(0~(BUYR& #ud(0~(BUY6, AThe saddled nightmare misses the fox.--More--UY<The saddled nightmare misses the fox.(0~(BUY2u##(0~(BUY (0~(BUY3 dUY(0a(B #u@#d(0~(BThe fox bites!18(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened 19(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdenedu#UYQh You displaced your saddled nightmare.##@uYou hear some noises.#dUY'u##UY= ##uUY˾#uUY‡ #@#uUY#@(0~~(BuUYk $(0~(B#@u(0~(BUYiJYou displaced your saddled nightmare.(0~(B@uUY) # UY$rUYiideUY;Y&In what direction? UY; You mount the saddled nightmare.(0~(BuYour movements are now unencumbered.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2UYYwu<UY u(0~(BUYac u(0~(BUY9 u#UY_u#UY7u#UYA(0qqq(B(0~~~(B(#u#UY" _(0l(B(0x(B(0x~~(Bu(0x~~(B#(0x(BUYO(0x(Bu#(0~x(B(0~~(B$(0mqq(BUYjl(0k(Bu(0a(B(0x(B(0~j(BYou see here a stethoscope.UY>h,t - a stethoscope.UY$;There is nothing here to pick up.UY*T# UYk adjustUYR djustUY8AWhat do you want to adjust? [$a-knoq-t or ?*] UY4 c20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Adjust letter to what [lmpt-zA-Z]? UY 0Swapping: c - a stethoscope.UY-}?What do you want to use or apply? [c or ?*] UYn S20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2In what direction? UY XStatus of Luxidream (fervently chaotic): Level 2 HP 20(20) AC -6.UY{ ?What do you want to use or apply? [c or ?*] UYD4 S20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2In what direction? UYsStatus of the saddled nightmare (chaotic): Level 4 HP 7(8) AC 5, tame, carrying you.--More--UY~  UY (0~(BuUY.9(0~(BuYou see here 43 gold pieces.UY\!#$u##UY (0~(Bu#UYu#UY?u(0~(BYou see here 43 gold pieces.UY j8120(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2$ - 43 gold pieces.UY(0~(BuUYF(0~(Bu(0~(B>`(0q(BUY #u#UYC #u#UY>#u#UY#D#u(0~(B(0~(B(0q(B(0q(BUYq}#(0q(Bu(0q(B%(0~(B(0~~(B(0x~~(B(0~x(B(0mqq(B(0qj(BUYP(0lqq(B(0~(B(0qk(B(0x~(Bu(0~(BUY-u>UY3u(0~(BYou see here a slime mold.UY ` -u - a slime mold.UY(0~(BuUY.s (0~(BuUY}>uUY (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUYL u(0~(BUYǏ u(0~(BUYq u(0~(BUY5u>UY|u(0~(BUY+u#UY@u#UYV u#UY" u#UY u#UYwUu(0~(BUYIu(0~(BUYu(0~(BUY% (0~(BuUYO| (0a(BuUY #uUY #uUY@ #uUY #uUY#uUY2/ (0~(BuUY~ (0~(BuUY{{ (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY[ (0~(BuUYlu#(0~(B#UY (0~(BuUY #u#UYMz6You are carrying too much to get through.UYCount: 20UY#UY #u##UY] !#u##(0~(BUYx(0k(B(0~(B#(0~~x(Bu$(0~~x(B(0~~x(B(0qqj(BUYagj(0qqq(B(0~~~(B(0x~(B#u(0x~(B(0q(BUYw n(0l(B(0x(B(0~(Bu(0m(BYou see here 23 gold pieces.UYh( i104 HP:20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2$ - 23 gold pieces.UY!u(0~(BUYbVu(0~(B(0~~~~~~(B(0~~~~~x(B(0~x(BUY (0~(Bu#UYQ n(0~(Bu##(0~~(B(0~~~~(B(0~~~x(B(0~x(B(0qj(BUYp(0q(B(0qqqqk(B##(0~~~(B%(0~~x(Bu#(0~~~x(B##UY7R2(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B#uUY (0q(B(0x~(B#u(0x~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~~(B$(0~~~~~(B(0qqqqqq(BUY d(0l(B(0~(Bu(0x(B(0x~(B(0x~(B(0mq(BUY (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUYu(0~(BUY 5(0~(BuYou see here a fortune cookie.UY 1v - a fortune cookie.UY/(0~(BuUY(0~(BuUY(0~(BuUYf (0~(BuUY) C(0~(BuYou see here 11 gold pieces.FUY_UY^1520(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2$ - 11 gold pieces.UYl !u(0~(BUYu(0~(BUYNu(0~(BUYC # UYYrUYideUYYou've been through the dungeon on a nightmare with no name.u@20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened--More--UY_Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened(0~(BuUY1Unknown command '^J'.UY.(0~(B(0~(BuUYX u(0~(BUY*u(0~(B(0~(BUYq'(0~~(B(0~(BuUY (0~(Bu(0~(BUYy8+@u(0~(B(0~(BUY/ (0~(BF@u(0~(BThe saddled nightmare hits the lichen.The lichen is killed!u(0~(B--More--UY9The saddled nightmare eats a lichen corpse.UYay!@(0~(BUY"1 # UYwrUY:ideUY'In what direction? UY You mount the saddled nightmare.u(0~(BYour movements are now unencumbered.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2UY +###u(0~(BUYdu(0~(BUY#u#UY.#u#UYAL(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B##u#UYz9(0lq(B(0x~(B(0x~(B#u#UYZL(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B##u#UY >(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B##u#UY4u#UYJ(0qqq(B(0~~~(B[(0q(Bu(0q(B#UY, n(0qqqk(B(0~~~x(Bu(0~~~~~x(B(0m(B(0~(B(0qqqqqqj(BUY u(0~(BUYT(0~(BuUY 2(0~(BuYou see here a gnomish suit. UY7  Coins $ - 115 gold pieces Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a +1 lance Armor d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn) t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) Comestibles g - 8 uncursed apples h - 12 uncursed carrots i - an uncursed food ration j - an uncursed tin of newt meat q - a lichen corpse u - a slime mold v - a fortune cookie Scrolls r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER Potions k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness o - a golden potion s - a bubbly potion Tools c - a stethoscope(end) #UY(0lqqqqqqqqqqk(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~(Bu(0~~~~~x(B(0m~q~qqqqqqqjqqk(B###(0~~~(B##########(0~~x(B#(0lqqqk(B(0lqqq~qqqqk~~x(B###(0x~~~~(B###(0x~~~~~~~~xqqj(B#(0x~~~x(B##(0~~~~~~~~~x(B##(0~~~~x(B##(0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqj(B(0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqj(BLuxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:2 $:115 HP:20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2#UYu[$UYT u(0~(B$UY:(0~(Bu$UYA (0~(Bu$UY ##u##%UY##u%UY= #u##%UY #u&UY-#u##&UY/ #u#`&UY, CYour nightmare tries to move the boulder, but cannot.'UYQYour nightmare tries to move the boulder, but cannot.'UY&DQYour nightmare tries to move the boulder, but cannot.'UYA#u'UY> 4Your nightmare moves the boulder.#u`(UYYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~q(B(0x~~(B#u`(0x~~(B(0~~~~(B(0qqqq(B(UYYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0l(B(0q(B(0~(B(0~(Bu`(0~(B+(0~(B(0m(B(0q(B(UYF Your nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(B(0~(Bu`(0~(B(0x(B(0j(B)UYN:](0qk(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~~x(Bu(0~x(B)UYbu(0~(B)UY u(0~(B)UYk8(0~(Bu##*UY0 (0~(Bu*UY _ N#u##(0a(B@(0~(B=?(0qqq(B*UYb >#u?!]=(0x(B(0qqj(B+UY#u##+UY% _(0x(B=%(0x(B#%!*%(0x(Bu?%(0x(B,UYW(0qqqqk(B?[%](0x(B?"*[(0~(B[%(0x~(B#u(0x(B"Salutations, Luxidream! Welcome to Angmagssalik's general store!"--More---UY|="Will you please leave your nightmare outside?".UYu(0a(B.UYu#.UYq u#.UYʃu#/UY$u#(0~(B/UY # 0UYKr0UYOide0UYYou've been through the dungeon on a nightmare with no name.@u20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened--More--1UYYour movements are slowed slightly because of your load.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened##u1UY.11Unknown command '^J'.1UY[ 2UY,(0~(B@##u@2UY #@u(0a(B3UYl#@4UY2SYou displaced your saddled nightmare.u#@(0~(B4UYp #@@"Salutations, Luxidream! Welcome again to Angmagssalik's general store!"u#5UYM~i(0lq(B(0x~(B(0x~(B(0x(B(0a(B@(0m(B5UYI In what direction? 5UYA 5The door resists!##u6UY, 'In what direction? 6UYhw (The door closes.#+8UYd X@(0~(BYou see here a food ration (68 zorkmids).PUYZ Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) Armor d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn) t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)(end) QUY(0lqqqqqqqqqqk(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~(B[(0~~~~~x(B(0m~q~qqqqqqqjqqk(B#####(0~~~(B###########(0~~x(B#(0lqqqk(B(0lqqq~qqqqk(B#(0lqqqqqk~~x(B###(0x~~~~(B###(0x~~~~~~~~x(B###(0l~qqqqk(B(0x~(B?[%](0x(BQUY/mA@%You see here a tin (8 zorkmids).RUYWV@%You see here a square amulet (226 zorkmids).SUY6[@"You see here a scroll labeled VE FORBRYDERNE (76 zorkmids).TUY\@?You see here a scroll labeled NR 9 (160 zorkmids).UUY`db?@You see here a square amulet (226 zorkmids).--More--VUY3You hear some noises in the distance.WUYG"@You see here a tin (8 zorkmids).WUY j%@You see here a dark potion (150 zorkmids).@(0~(BXUYdp!@You see here a scroll labeled KIRJE (600 zorkmids).@(0~(BXUY"] M@?You see here a sky blue potion (76 zorkmids).YUYB~@!You see here a scroll labeled VERR YED HORRE (200 zorkmids).(0~(B(0~(B@ZUYkju?@You see here a scroll labeled VE FORBRYDERNE (76 zorkmids).@(0~(B[UY&u@?You see here a scroll labeled KIRJE (600 zorkmids).(0~(B@[UY? S@?You see here a tripe ration (24 zorkmids).\UYO\S@%You see here a food ration (68 zorkmids).]UYq@%You see here a pair of low boots (12 zorkmids).@(0~(B^UY.AWait! That's a small mimic!m_UY^You miss the small mimic.The small mimic misses._UY 5You miss the small mimic.`UY:U[@You see here a black onyx ring (226 zorkmids).bUYw@=You see here an orange gem (300 zorkmids).The small mimic misses.(0~(B@bUY7OT@*You see here a plate mail (900 zorkmids).cUY@V d@[You see here a scroll labeled NR 9 (160 zorkmids).@=dUYBu?@You see here a scroll labeled VE FORBRYDERNE (76 zorkmids).(0~(BmeUY Z?@You see here a studded leather armor (24 zorkmids).fUYKV[@You see here a food ration (68 zorkmids).@?gUYy%@You see here a sky blue potion (76 zorkmids).*m(0~(B@gUYW GReally attack Angmagssalik the Green-elf? [yn] (n) iUY?G nyUYG$j@!You see here a scroll labeled VERR YED HORRE (200 zorkmids).@=yUY GReally attack Angmagssalik the Green-elf? [yn] (n) zUYr nzUY @?@{UY Coins $ - 115 gold pieces Weapons a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) b - a +1 lance Armor d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn) t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn) Comestibles g - 8 uncursed apples h - 12 uncursed carrots i - an uncursed food ration j - an uncursed tin of newt meat q - a lichen corpse u - a slime mold v - a fortune cookie Scrolls r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER Potions k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness o - a golden potion s - a bubbly potion Tools c - a stethoscope(end) |UY (0lqqqqqqqqqqk(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~(B[(0~~~~~x(B(0m~q~qqqqqqqjqqk(B#####(0~~~(B###########(0~~x(B#(0lqqqk(B(0lqqq~qqqqk(B#(0lqqqqqk~~x(B###(0x~~~~(B###(0x~~~~~~~~x(B###(0l~qqqqk(B(0x~(B?[%(0~xqqj(B#(0x~~~x(B##(0~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~~~~(B#(0x~(B?"*[(0x(B##(0~~~~x(B##(0x~~~~~~~~x(B##(0~~~(B`(0~~x(B#(0x~(B[m=%(0x(B(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~x(B###(0x~(B%!*%(0x(B(0mqqqj(B(0x~~~~~~~~x(B+(0~~~~~x(B#+@?!?%(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqj(B(0x(B@=?]=(0x(B(0mqqqqqqqqj(B(0mqqqqqj|UY. (BLuxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:2 $:115 HP:20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened}UYw 2What do you want to drop? [$a-knoq-v or ?*] }UY; x20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2BurdenedYou drop a scroll labeled ZELGO MER.--More--~UY ~Angmagssalik the Green-elf offers 37 gold pieces for your scroll labeled ZELGO MER. Sell it? [ynaq] (y) UY` @n%m(0~(B@UYZYYou have a little trouble lifting r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER.@?UY@=UY @%(0~(BmUY@(0~(BUY("That door is closed.UY+0That door is closed.UY'In what direction? UY0The door opens.##uUYMcYou stop. Your saddled nightmare is in the way!u(0a(B--More--UYa)The small mimic misses.#UY  "u#@(0~(BUY@'u#(0~(B@(0a(BUYt 5u##@#m?UY: !u#@#UY# UYB rUYJu ideUYU'In what direction? UYYou mount the saddled nightmare.u#(0~(BYour movements are now unencumbered.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2UYߖUY u(0~(BUY# u(0~(BUYK u(0~(BUY & u(0~(BUY@ u(0~(BUYK(0~(BuUY7/ u(0~(BUY?nu#UY u#UY?u#UYu#UY\u#UY&u#UY!q #uUYgu#UYfxu#UY u#UYM u#UYu#UYz #uUYg (0~(BuUYz ;>uYou see here a statue of a lichen.UYnu`UY (0lqqk(B(0x(B$u+(0x(B(#(0x(B(0m(B+(0qj(BLuxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:3 $:115 HP:20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2UY.u<You see here 71 gold pieces.UY,?$uYou see here a stethoscope.UYu(UY .u<You see here 71 gold pieces.UYOZj8620(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2$ - 71 gold pieces.UY> E(0~(BuYou see here a stethoscope.UY,w - a stethoscope.UY.That door is closed.UY[ .That door is closed.UY .That door is closed.UYT8(0~(BuUYu#UY\ !That door is closed.UYP .That door is closed.UY .That door is closed.UY0.That door is closed.UYJ.That door is closed.UYA&In what direction? UY;c,The door opens.(0a(BUY0#(0x(BUYЬh(0l(B#u(0x~(B(0~(B!{(0~~~x(B(0qqqj(BUY>(0a(Bu(0x(B(0x~(B(0mq(BUY (0~(BuUY(Q@(0~(BuYou see here a dark green potion.UY=R !uUY4u{You see here a dark green potion.UY4x - a dark green potion.UY3 "u(0~(BUY ud(0~(BUYu(0~(Bd UYu(0a(Bd UY #(0~(BuUYM!ud(0~(B#UY #ud(0~(BUY (0a(Bud(0~(BUYWYou kill the jackal!20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2%UY{(0~(Bu Things that are here: a jackal corpse a green gem--More--UY* /UYI Pick up what?  Comestibles ('%') a - a jackal corpse Gems ('*') b - a green gem(end) UYf+UYZty - a green gem.UYó_You have a little trouble lifting z - a jackal corpse.--More--UY Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2BurdenedUY_ /Unknown command '^J'.UYL<What do you want to eat? [g-jquvz or ?*] UY20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2BurdenedBlecch! Rotten food!You feel rather light headed.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Conf--More--UYӗzYour movements are now unencumbered.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Conf--More--UY8r 1You finish eating the jackal corpse.UYP/Unknown command '^J'.UY u(0~(BUY> fu(0~(BYou feel less confused now.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2UYz u(0a(BUY$ #uUY1 #uUY #uUYu#UY u(0a(BUY u<UYg(0~(BuUY/!That door is closed.UYN&In what direction? UY.The door opens.(0a(BUY*(0~(Bu##UYӹ(0a(Bu#UYo#u##UY #u#UY1e #u#UYf#u#UY#u#UY#u#UY3#u#UY #u#UY #u#UYK#u#UY#u#UY 6#u#UY#u#UY3#u#UYM #u#UY2p #u#UY>#u#UY#u#UYF #u`UY 4Your nightmare moves the boulder.#u`UY BYour nightmare moves the boulder.#u`UY BYour nightmare moves the boulder.#u`UYv BYour nightmare moves the boulder.#u`UYBYour nightmare moves the boulder.#u`UY}SBYour nightmare moves the boulder.#u`UYBYour nightmare moves the boulder.#u`UYZ KYour nightmare moves the boulder.##u`UYc6 QYour nightmare tries to move the boulder, but cannot.UY("QYour nightmare tries to move the boulder, but cannot.UYfQYour nightmare tries to move the boulder, but cannot.UYYQYour nightmare tries to move the boulder, but cannot.UY0[u#UYT8u#UYu#UYu#uUY#uUYh #uUYS#u#UYؽ #u#UY##u#UYQDu#You hear someone cursing shoplifters.UYUY #u#UY#u#UY+P#u#UYfy#u#+UY #uUYF"That door is closed.UY 0That door is closed.UY%0That door is closed.UY'In what direction? UYN 'The door resists!UY}'In what direction? UY'The door resists!UY'In what direction? UY$}The door opens.(0a(B(0x~(B(0x~~(B(0x(BF(0~(B(0mqq(BUYl u#(0l(Bu(0q(B(0~~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~~~(B(0qqqqq(BUYVd(0a(B(0qq(B(0qqk(Bu(0~~~(B+(0x(BF(0~~a(B(0~(B(0x(B(0j(BUY(0~(BuUYpXYou kill the lichen!20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2%UY(0~(B(0~(Bu Things that are here: a lichen corpse a pearl ring--More--UYeyiThe saddled nightmare eats a lichen corpse.UYx=uUY, 3u(0~(BYou see here a pearl ring.UY"-A - a pearl ring.UY #u(0~(BUY&{(0~(BuUY' (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY8 (0~(BuUY[u(0~(BUYu(0~(BUY+ '##u(0~(BUY#$#u(0~(BUY!##u#UY7#u#UY V(0x(B(0~~(B(0x~(B(0~~(B(0~(B#u#UY ](0qqqq(B(0~~~~(B(0~~~~(B(0~(B((0~~(Bu#UYz(0qqk(B(0~~x(B(0~~x(B(0~~~x(B(0~~~(B+(0~~(B(0q(Bu(0q(B#UYQ(0x(Bu{(0~x(B(0m(B(0~(B(0qqqj(BUY6(0l(B(0~(Bu(0~(BUY" :u(0~(BYou see here a chest.UY(uUY(0~(BuUYou{UY7 :u(0~(BYou see here a chest.UY# UY:lootUY=There is a chest here, loot it? [ynq] (q) UY@4yHmmm, it seems to be locked.UYf Coins  $ - 186 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green potion  Rings  A - a pearl ring  Tools (1 of 2)UYqXLuxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:3 $:186 HP:20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2(0lqqqqqqk(B(0~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~x(B(0~~~(Bu(0~~~x(B(0lqq(B+(0qk(B(0x~~~~~~x(B#(0a~~~~~(B+(0~~~~(B{(0~x(B###(0x~~~~x(B(0mq~qqqqj(B(0lqqk(B#(0x~~(B{>(0x(B####(0x~(B<(0a(B#(0x~~~~x(B#(0x~(B#(0x(B(0mqqqqj(B########(0maqj(B#(0laqqq~qqk(B###(0x~~~~~~(B+(0x(B##(0x~~~~~~~a(B###########################`(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqj(BUY_.What do you want to wield? [- ab or ?*] UYv g20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2b - a +1 lance (weapon in hand).UY|# UY forceUYorceUYDThere is a chest here, force its lock? [ynq] (q) UYLyYou start bashing it with your lance.--More--UY: <You succeed in forcing the lock.--More--UYToIn fact, you've totally destroyed the chest.You see a jar shatter!--More--UY0qaYou have a momentary vision.You see a flask shatter!--More--UYJv (A scroll is torn to shreds!UY\ /Unknown command '^J'.UYG Pick up what?  Rings ('=') a - a bronze ring Wands ('/') b - an ebony wand(end) UY+UYl+UY6B - a bronze ring.C - an ebony wand.UYDWhat do you want to write with? [- abyA-C or ?*] UY{20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2This ebony wand is a wand of digging!--More--UYYou engrave in the floor with a wand of digging.--More--UY^ >What do you want to engrave in the floor here? UYxUY99Gravel flies up from the floor.UY% # UYacUY onductUYo~ nductUYL9 Voluntary challenges:  You have been an atheist. You have been illiterate. You have never genocided any monsters. You have never polymorphed an object. You have never changed form. You have used no wishes.--More--UY(0qqqqk~~~~x~~~~x(Bu(0~~~x~~~~x~~(B{(0~xqqqqj(BUYE (0~(BuUY|r(0~(BuUYN(0~(BuUYn (0~(BuUY#uUYg #uUY" #uUY #uUYZ~(0~(BuUY(0~(BuUY: (0~(BuUY] #(0~(Bu#UY= (0a(BuUY #u#UYg#u#UY/#u#UY#u#UY #u#UY ##u#UY u#UY| #u+UYq!That door is closed.UY~o.That door is closed.UY .That door is closed.UY .That door is closed.UY.That door is closed.UY&In what direction? UY%The door resists!UY.That door is closed.UY .That door is closed.UY .That door is closed.UYq&In what direction?  UYK%The door resists! UY&In what direction?  UYWgThe door opens.(0qqk(B(0~~x(B(0a(B:(0~(B$(0x(B$(0~x(B(0qqj(B UYL(0q(B(0x~(B#u(0x~(B+ UYxdYou miss the newt.The newt bites the saddled nightmare.--More-- UYфBThe saddled nightmare misses the newt.--More-- UY_The saddled nightmare bites the newt.The newt is killed!(0~(B UYi/Unknown command '^J'. UY8 8(0l(B(0a(Bu(0m(B UY4 (0~(Bu UY۞x(0~(BuThere is a grave here.Something is engraved here on the headstone.--More--UY~sYou read: "She always said her feet were killing her but nobody believed her.". --More--UYzE < You see here 76 gold pieces.UYk26220(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2$ - 76 gold pieces.UY[ ?|uYou see here 9 gold pieces.UYi7120(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2$ - 9 gold pieces.UY u(0~(BUY? !That door is closed.UY-.That door is closed.UY.That door is closed.UYP.That door is closed.UY.That door is closed.UY .That door is closed.UY8&In what direction? UY(This door is locked.UYI4.That door is closed.UY] .That door is closed.UY .That door is closed.UYh &In what direction? UY(This door is locked.UYu -Kick your steed? [yn] (y) UY nUY/# UYrUYqideUYU You've been through the dungeon on a nightmare with no name.u@20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened--More--UYC\Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdenedu(0~(BUY /Unknown command '^J'.UY UY@  Coins  $ - 271 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword  b - a +1 lance (weapon in hand)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green potion  Rings  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring (1 of 2)UY# Luxidream the Sniveler St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:3 $:271 HP:20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened(0lqqqqqqk(B(0~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~x(B(0lqqqk(B(0lqq(B+(0qk(B(0x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B#(0a~~~~~(B+(0~~~~(B{(0~x(B##(0a~(Bu|(0x(B###(0x~~~~x(B(0mq~qqqqj(B#(0x~(B@(0~x(B(0lqqk(B#(0x~~(B{>(0x(B#####(0m(B+(0qqj(B(0x~(B<(0a(B#(0x~~~~x(B##(0x~(B#(0x(B(0mqqqqj(B#########(0maqj(B#(0laqqq~qqk(B####(0x~~~~~~(B+(0x(B###(0x~~~~~~~a(B############################`(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqj(BUY.w.What do you want to wield? [- ab or ?*] UYg20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdeneda - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand).u(0~(BUY&u(0~(B@(0~(BUYakIn what direction? UYWHAMMM!!!UYn~ &In what direction? UYڰXAs you kick the door, it crashes open!(0~(B(0q(BUY-&(0~(Bu@!UYvR.(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B"UY=#u(0~(B"UYB(0~(Bu(0~~(B|@(0~(B"UYcb#(0a(B(0~(B@$UYxIn what direction? $UY,fOuch! That hurts!18(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened%UY)u@(0~(B%UYD@(0~(B%UY[v E@(0~(BYou hear the splashing of a naiad.%UYh #&UYd(0~(B#@&UYA^19(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened#(0a(Bu(0~(B@&UYq8(0~(Bu&UYu(0~(B&UYz (0~(Bu|&UY$ $(0~(Bu(0~(B&UY2 ^@(0~(BSomething is engraved here on the headstone.--More--'UY;vYou read: "She always said her feet were killing her but nobody believed her.".(0~(B(0~(Bu(UY3(0~(B@u|(0~(B(UY u(0~~(B(UY( (0~(Bu(UYYou displaced your saddled nightmare.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2Burdened@(0~(Bu|)UY#(0~(Bu)UYg:'@u(0~(B(0~(B)UYZk*(0~(Bu|(0~(B)UY~u(0~(B(0~(B)UY`(0~~(B@u)UY% (0~(B(0~~(Bu)UYp (0~~(Bu@(0~(B)UY> u|)UY 7(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bu@)UY(0~(Bu*UY[ Pick an object.*UY=+UYi0(0q(B a wall+UY1 ,UY46(0~(Bu@(0~(B(0~(B,UY*(0~~(B@u|(0~(B,UYg @u(0~(B(0~~(B-UY!(0~~(B@|u-UYXw@u(0~(B-UY3 @(0a(Bu-UYB @#(0~(B.UYV. #@.UYX #@.UY #@.UY###u@.UY^ #u@.UYkL u#@.UY.u###@/UY #@#/UY @(0a(B/UYl @(0~(B/UYV% @(0~(B/UY D @(0~(BJUY=` (0~(B@JUY? (0~(B@u#JUYF (0~(B@(0a(B#JUY'u#(0~(B@KUY$#u(0a(B@KUY PYou stop. Your saddled nightmare is in the way!u#LUY35ku##@#You hear the chime of a cash register.LUY .#u@#LUY4PYou stop. Your saddled nightmare is in the way!u#MUY.u#@#MUYsW /u##@#NUYwD #@#NUYu#@#NUY& #@uPUYH# PUY& rPUYh idePUY &In what direction? QUY% You mount the saddled nightmare.#uYour movements are now unencumbered.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2RUYj RUY #uRUY& #uRUY&N #uRUYxC #uRUY #uSUY #uSUYu#SUY> u(0a(BSUYi u(0~(BSUYGt u(0~(BSUYIY u(0~(BSUY u(0~(BTUYFe u(0~(BTUYA u(0~(BTUYf u(0~(BTUY u(0~(BTUYu(0a(BUUYmu#UUYu#UUYݍu#UUYtu#UUYAK #uUUY_5 #uVUY #uVUYnvZWhere do you want to travel to?(For instructions type a ?)WUY2WUY/6 #u##WUY u#WUY u#########WUYZ Vu####You hear someone cursing shoplifters.u#####WUYGu(0~(B(0a(B#######XUY]4(0~(BuThe jackal misses.dUYYou miss the jackal.The jackal bites!19(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2dUY hYou kill the jackal!19(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2%eUY܄(0~(Bu##You see here a jackal corpse.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2eUY%ufUYJl<u#You see here a jackal corpse.fUYPaYou have a little trouble lifting D - a jackal corpse.--More--gUYȪYour movements are slowed slightly because of your load.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2BurdenedgUY< 1Unknown command '^J'.gUYU =What do you want to eat? [g-jquvD or ?*] hUY^20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2BurdenedThis jackal corpse tastes terrible!--More--iUY3tYour movements are now unencumbered.20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2--More--iUY; 2You finish eating the jackal corpse.jUYM 1Unknown command '^J'.kUY[##ulUYs#u#(0~(B(0~~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~~(B(0x~~~(B(0mqqq(BlUYzzOu#(0~~(B>(0~(B(0~~~~(B(0qqqq(BlUY! #(0q(Bu(0q(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~~~(B(0x(B((0~~~~(B(0~~~~x(B(0qqqqj(BlUYH(0lqqq(B(0~(B(0qqqqqk(B(0~(B*(0~(Bu(0~~~~x(B(0x(B(0~~x(B(0x(BmUYq(0~(BumUY(0~(BumUY(0~(BunUYb>u(0~(BYou see here a large box.oUYP# oUYlootoUY6 BThere is a large box here, loot it? [ynq] (q) pUYR_ qqUY# qUYDlootqUYFBThere is a large box here, loot it? [ynq] (q) qUY, 6yHmmm, it seems to be locked.rUY1Unknown command '^J'.sUY"@You are empty handed.--More--tUY&Ba - a +1 long sword (alternate weapon; not wielded).tUY1Unknown command '^J'.tUY* tUYx .What do you want to wield? [- ab or ?*] tUY i20(20) Pw:8(8) AC:-6 Exp:2b - a +1 lance (weapon in hand).uUYk# uUY forceuUYorceuUY IThere is a large box here, force its lock? [ynq] (q) uUYDNyYou start bashing it with your lance.--More--vUY=You succeed in forcing the lock.--More--wUYP.>In fact, you've totally destroyed the large box.wUYY1Unknown command '^J'.xUYn Things that are here: a white spellbook a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA--More--yUY 0yUY3  Pick up what?  Scrolls ('?') a - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA Spellbooks ('+') b - a white spellbook(end) yUYiJ +yUYW+zUYE - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA.F - a white spellbook.UY#u(0~(BUYu(0~(BUYWu(0~(BUY¼u(0~(BUY#uUY+#uUYyu#UY u#UYP_ u(0~(BUYn (0~(BuUY!That door is closed.UY/|.That door is closed.UYw.That door is closed.UYw.That door is closed.UY` .That door is closed.UY .That door is closed.UYW &In what direction? UY RThe door opens.(0a(BYou hear a door open.UY$(0~(Bu##UY A (0a(BuUY #u#UYf#u##UY9#u##UYcK#u#UY #u#UYb#u#UYٱ#u#UY$#u#+UYb #uUY$ "That door is closed.UY!0That door is closed.UY60That door is closed.UY'In what direction? UYϷThe door opens.(0x(B(0~~mqqqj(B(0x(B(0a~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~~a(B(0~~~~~~~~x(B(0qqqqqqqqj(BUYM (0qqk(B(0~~x(B(0~~~(B(0x~(B#u(0x~(B(0~~~(B(0qqq(BUY& f(0lq(B(0x~(B(0x(B(0a(Bu(0x(B(0m(BUYD (0~(BuUY. (0~(BuUYZ (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY (0~(B(0~(BuUY /(0x(B(0~(B(0~(BuUYS(0qqk(B(0~~x(B(0~~~(B(0~(B(0~(BuUY@(0lq(B(0x~(B(0x(B(0~(BuUY= (0~(BuUYF (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUYX k(0~(Bu#UYD(0a(BuThe kobold lord misses the saddled nightmare.UY^rUY! &You hit the kobold lord.UY,You joust the kobold lord!You kill the kobold lord![Pawn 27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3--More--UYnaWelcome to experience level 3.27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3UY^ Coins  $ - 288 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (alternate weapon; not wielded)  b - a +1 lance (weapon in hand)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Spellbooks  F - a white spellbook  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green poUY^tion (1 of 2)UY Luxidream the Pawn St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:4 $:288 HP:27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3(0lqqqqqk(B+(0~~(B<(0~~x(B(0x~~~~~a(B#(0mqqq~qj(B##########(0lqqqq~qqqqqqk(B#(0~(B*(0~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0lqqqk(B(0lqqqk(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~~(B>(0~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~mqqqj~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqqj(B#(0a~~~~~~~~~~~x(B[(0x~~~~~~~~~~~a(Bu(0x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqqj(BUYBa - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand).--More--UY=b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded).UYd 1Unknown command '^J'.UYX#u#You see here a studded leather armor.UY+%#u[UY#u#UY#u#UYR#u#UY #u#UYy. %##(0a(Bu#UY(0qqqqk(B(0~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~x(Bu(0~~~~~~~(Bb(0~~x(B#(0~~~~~~~~x(B(0~~~~x(B(0qqqqj(BUY$r(0qqq(B(0~~~(B(0~(B#u(0~(B(0~~~(B(0qqq(BUY~|(0qq~(B(0~~~(B(0x~(B#u(0x~(B(0~~~(B(0qqq(BUYU(0l(B(0x(B(0a(Bu(0x(B(0m(BUY  (0~(BuUY= (0~(BuUYb (0~(Bub(0~(BUY (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY!# UYZrUYideUYVYou've been through the dungeon on a nightmare with no name.u@27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3Burdened--More--UYޗYour movements are slowed slightly because of your load.27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3BurdenedUY/ 1Unknown command '^J'.UYVThe saddled nightmare misses the acid blob.--More--UY^ GThe saddled nightmare bites the acid blob.--More--UY(tThe saddled nightmare hits the acid blob.The acid blob is killed!(0~~(BuUY>K 1Unknown command '^J'.UYt # UY  rUY\ ideUY}'In what direction? UY You mount the saddled nightmare.(0~(BuYour movements are now unencumbered.27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3UYku(0~(BUYI u(0~(BUY @u(0~(BYou lead the poor nightmare into a pit!UY =Your nightmare is still in a pit.UYX-UY.You ride to the edge of the pit.UY% u^UYu(0~(BUY=u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYv(0~(BuUYG u(0~(BUYg| u(0a(BUYC #uUYC #uUYmP #uUYw #uUYR #uUY #uUY>#uYou see here a studded leather armor.UY[uUY~\u#UY u(0a(BUY u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYw u(0~(BUY, u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYq? u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYs u(0~(BUY] u(0~(BUY+u u(0~(BUY u(0a(BUYT u#UYu#UY@+ u#UYH u#UY|u#UYu#UYTu#UYp u#UY u#UY<u#UY u(0a(BUY u(0~(BUY} u(0~(BUYQ u(0~(BUYw u(0~(BUYz3u(0~(BUY!That door is closed.UY4.That door is closed.UYS .That door is closed.UY &In what direction? UY *The door opens.(0a(BUY} ##u(0~(BUYE#u(0a(BUY~u#UYK##:u##UYSYou miss the iguana.The iguana misses.--More--UY+3You hear the chime of a cash register.UYg/Unknown command '^J'.UY##uUYM$SThe iguana bites!26(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3UY UYTThe iguana misses.27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3UYI UY{ The iguana misses.UY UYSThe iguana bites!26(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3UY4 UY6CThe iguana bites the saddled nightmare.--More--UY;BThe saddled nightmare hits the iguana.--More--UY4A 5The saddled nightmare misses the iguana.UY, UY $The iguana just misses!UYZMB27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3UYThe iguana misses.UY UYDThe iguana misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UYBThe saddled nightmare hits the iguana.--More--UY CThe saddled nightmare bites the iguana.--More--UYWeThe saddled nightmare's bite was poisoned!The iguana is killed!%UYa /Unknown command '^J'.UY4Eu#You see here an iguana corpse.UY$ /G - an iguana corpse.UY <What do you want to eat? [g-jquvG or ?*] UYSL27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3Blecch! Rotten food!The world spins and goes dark.--More--UY' %You are conscious again.UY~<What do you want to eat? [g-jquvG or ?*] UY 27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3You resume your meal.You finish eating the iguana corpse.UY4e ##uUYI#u#UYҶ##u##UY& u#UY!Vu#UY@Count: 20UY+UY7!That door is closed.UY@.That door is closed.UY.That door is closed.UY1 .That door is closed.UYy .That door is closed.UY&In what direction? UY%The door resists!UY &In what direction? UYThe door opens.(0lqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~~~~~(B>(0~~~~~(B$(0~~~~a(B(0x~~(B!(0~~~~~(B(0mq(B(0qqqqqq(BUY7 a(0qqq(B(0~~~(B:(0x(Bu#(0~x(B(0q(BUYG <u(0a(B(0j(BThe newt misses.UY3(0k(B(0~(Bu(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY ):(0~(Bu(0~(BUY:Y Lu(0~(B(0~(BYou see here 34 gold pieces.UYP'(0~(B:u$UY2(0~(BuYou see here 34 gold pieces.UY=m32227(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3$ - 34 gold pieces.UY'(0~(Bu(0~(B:UY ?(0~(BuYou see here a potion of sickness.UY7xEH - a potion of sickness.(0~(B:UY=  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Spellbooks  F - a white spellbook  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green poUYU tion (1 of 2)UYLuxidream the Pawn St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:4 $:322 HP:27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3(0lqqqqqqqqqk(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~(B(0x~~~~~~~(B>(0~x(B#(0~~~~~~~~~~a(B####(0lqqqqqk(B(0x~~(Bu(0~(B:(0~~~~x(B######(0a~~(B<(0~~x(B(0lqq~qqqqqqqk(B(0mq~qqqqqqqj(B#(0x~~~~~a(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqq~qj(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~x(B####(0a~~~~~~~~~~x(B########(0x~~~(B^(0~~~~~~x(B(0lqqqq~qqqqqqk(B##(0x~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0~(B*(0~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0lqqqk(B(0lqqqk(B#(0mqqqqqqqqqqj(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B#(0x~~~~(B>(0~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~mqqqj~~~x(B#(0mqqqqqqqqqqqj(B#(0a~~~~~~~~~~~x(B[(0x~~~~~~~~~~~a(B#(0UY*2x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqqj(BUY '(0~(B(0~(Bu##UY8(0~(B#u#UYi#u##UY#u##UYv#u+##UY N#uSomething is written here in the dust.--More--UYL/You read: "Closed for inventory".UY{K  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Spellbooks  F - a white spellbook  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green poUYK tion (1 of 2)UY ' Luxidream the Pawn St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Dungeons of Doom:4 $:322 HP:27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3(0lqqqqqqqqqk(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~(B(0x~~~~~~~(B>(0~x(B#(0~~~~~~~~~~a(B####(0lqqqqqk(B(0x~~~~~~~~~x(B######(0a~~(B<(0~~x(B(0lqq~qqqqqqqk(B(0mq~qqqqqqqj(B#(0x~~~~~a(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~x(B###(0mqqq~qj(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~x(B#####(0a~~~~~~~~~~x(B##########(0x~~~(B^(0~~~~~~x(B##(0lqqqq~qqqqqqk(B##(0x~~~~~~~~~~x(B+u#(0~(B*(0~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0lqqqk(B(0lqqqk(B#(0mqqqqqqqqqqj(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B#(0x~~~~(B>(0~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~x(B(0x~~~x(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B#(0x~~~mqqqj~~~x(B#(0mqqqqqqqqqqqj(B#(0a~~~~~~~~~~~x(B[UY#' (0x~~~~~~~~~~~a(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqqj(B Armor d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn) t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)(end) UY(0qqk~~~(B>(0~x(B#(0~~a(B####(0lqqqqqk~~x(B######(0a~~(B<(0~~x(B(0lqq~qqqqqqqk(B Armor d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn) t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)(end) UY=(0qqk~~~(B>(0~x(B#(0~~a(B####(0lqqqqqk~~x(B######(0a~~(B<(0~~x(B(0lqq~qqqqqqqk(B Armor d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn) t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)(end) UY(0qqk~~~(B>(0~x(B#(0~~a(B####(0lqqqqqk~~x(B######(0a~~(B<(0~~x(B(0lqq~qqqqqqqk(B Armor d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn) t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)(end) UY;(0qqk~~~(B>(0~x(B#(0~~a(B####(0lqqqqqk~~x(B######(0a~~(B<(0~~x(B(0lqq~qqqqqqqk(B Armor d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn) t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)(end) UY(0qqk~~~(B>(0~x(B#(0~~a(B####(0lqqqqqk~~x(B######(0a~~(B<(0~~x(B(0lqq~qqqqqqqk(BUY:, u#UYu#UY1`#:u#UYiu#UY ]You kill the newt!27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3%UYsku#There is a doorway here.You see here a newt corpse.UY5>,I - a newt corpse.UYD<What do you want to eat? [g-jquvI or ?*] UY27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3This newt corpse tastes terrible!You finish eating the newt corpse.UY/Unknown command '^J'.UY2 u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYO u(0~(BUY2#u(0~(B#UY u(0~(BUYE#uUY (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY13 (0~(BuUY5+ (0~(BuUY:# (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY@u(0~(BUY= u(0~(B UYC(0lqqk(B(0k~~~~~~~~(B(0qqqqj~~mqqj(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bu(0~~~~~~m(B(0mqk(B(0lqk~~(B(0qq~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x(B(0~~~(Bh(0~~~~~~~~~~~~(B(0k~~~~lqk~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mk~~l(B(0k~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~(B(0qqk~x~x(B(0lj(B(0mq(B(0qjqj(BLuxidream the Pawn St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:5 $:322 HP:27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3 UYoC (0lj(B(0x~(B(0qqqj(B>(0~~(B(0~~~~~~~~~~(B(0k~~~~~~~~~~(B(0~~~~~~~~~~(B(0~~~~(B<(0k(Bu(0~~(B(0~x(B(0q(B(0~(B(0q(B UYΠ#  UYr UYide UYQ/You've been through the dungeon on a nightmare with no name.(0x(B(0~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B@u(0j(B27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3Burdened--More-- UYYour movements are slowed slightly because of your load.27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3Burdened--More-- UY] BThe saddled nightmare hits the dwarf.--More-- UYICThe saddled nightmare bites the dwarf.--More-- UY AThe dwarf wields a dwarvish mattock!--More--UYYoThe dwarf swings her dwarvish mattock.The dwarf misses.G--More--UY0tThe gnome wields a bow!GThe gnome wields a crossbow!G--More--UYU4 BThe saddled nightmare hits the dwarf.--More--UYCThe saddled nightmare bites the dwarf.--More--UY cThe saddled nightmare's bite was poisoned!The dwarf is killed!%UYm_1Unknown command '^J'.UY(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0mk(B(0~~~~~(B@(0j(B(0lq(BThere are several objects here.(0~(BuUYBE i Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a dwarvish short sword b - a dwarvish mattock Armor ('[') c - a dwarvish cloak d - a pair of iron shoes e - a dwarvish iron helm Comestibles ('%') f - a dwarf corpse(end) UY ) UY< Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Spellbooks  F - a white spellbook  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green potion UYT[30;1H(1 of 2)UYt Luxidream the Pawn St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:5 $:322 HP:27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3Burdened(0x(B(0lj~(B(0x~~~~(B(0qqqj(B>(0~~~~~(B(0~~~~~~~~~~~~(B(0k~~~~~~~~~~~(B(0~~~~~~~~~~~(B(0lqqk(B(0k~~~~~~~~~~~~(B(0qqqqj~~mqqj(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B<(0~~~~(BG(0~mk(B(0mqk(B(0lqk~~~~(B(0qq~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mk(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~(B@u(0~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0j(B(0lqqk~~~~lqk~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mk~~lj(B(0k~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~(B(0qqk~x~x(B(0lj(B(0mqq(B(0qjqj(BUY`c Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a dwarvish short sword b - a dwarvish mattock Armor ('[') c - a dwarvish cloak d - a pair of iron shoes e - a dwarvish iron helm Comestibles ('%') f - a dwarf corpse(end) UY +UYG %You have a little trouble lifting J - a pair of iron shoes.G(0~(B(0~(BG(0~(Bu(0~(BUY}u G@u(0~(BYou hear a chugging sound.G(0~(BThe gnome shoots an arrow!)UYVE )(0~(BUY )(0~(BUYr --More--UYc 5You are almost hit by an arrow.)(0~(BUY8 )@UY )(0~(BUY a(0~(BG(0~(BGThe gnome picks up an arrow.UY GWhat do you want to drop? [$a-knoq-yA-CEFHJ or ?*] UY 27(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3BurdenedYou drop a pair of iron shoes.--More--UY DThe saddled nightmare misses the gnome.--More--UYDThe saddled nightmare misses the gnome.--More--UYDThe saddled nightmare misses the gnome.--More--UY 4The saddled nightmare bites the gnome.UYl, 1Unknown command '^J'.UY;UY(0x~~(B(0~(B@[The saddled nightmare hits the gnome.The gnome is killed!GG)G(0~(B--More--UY)The gnome shoots an arrow!)UYu (0~(B)UYO (0~(B)UY_k9You are almost hit by an arrow.(0~(B)UYE@)UY<)UY (0~(B)UY (0~(B)UY (0~(B)UYf (0~(B)UY< (0~(B)UY ^uG%Unknown command '^J'. UY["h(0~(BG)uG(0~(BThe gnome shoots a crossbow bolt!) UY (0~(B) UY0 (0~(B) UY JThe crossbow bolt hits the gnome!--More--!UYNP*The gnome is killed!(0~(B)!UYv$[u(0~(B!UY1Unknown command '^J'.!UY "UY5 {(0~(B(0~(B@You see here a pair of iron shoes.G(0~(Bu--More--#UY"YFThe gnome lord picks up a gnomish helm.(0~(BG#UY'1Unknown command '^J'.#UY?Q $UYѸ oYou displaced your saddled nightmare.G[G@[u--More--%UYdv/The gnome lord throws 2 daggers!)%UYQ--More--%UYL ;You are almost hit by the 1st dagger.(0~(B)%UYj% @)%UY (0~(B)%UY <)%UYJ (0~(B)%UYs (0~(B)%UYnI (0~(B)%UY )&UYǰxYou are hit by the 2nd dagger.(0~(B)26(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3Burdened&UYL(0~(BG@GG(0~(B(0~(B--More--The gnome shoots a crossbow bolt!)&UYb (0~(B)&UY{8 (0~(B)&UYK--More--The crossbow bolt hits the gnome lord.[)&UY=G--More--The saddled nightmare misses the gnome.--More--The saddled nightmare bites the gnome.--More--'UYOThe gnome swings her bow at the saddled nightmare.--More--'UYDThe gnome misses the saddled nightmare.--More--'UY+]The saddled nightmare hits the gnome.The gnome is killed!['UYst 1Unknown command '^J'.'UYn (UY0G(0~(B)@You see here a pair of iron aThe dwarf picks up a burnt pair of gnomish boots.(0~(BG--More--(UYThe gnome lord picks up a gnomish helm.(0~(BGThe gnome swings his bow.--More--)UY.The gnome hits!23(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3BurdenedGThe saddled nightmare hits the gnome lord.--More--)UYHThe saddled nightmare bites the gnome lord.--More--)UY"-The gnome lord wields a dagger!)UYm1Unknown command '^J'.)UYz *UYj(0~~(B[@The saddled nightmare hits the gnome lord.--More--*UYVHThe saddled nightmare bites the gnome lord.--More--+UYqlThe saddled nightmare's bite was poisoned!The gnome lord is killed![+UY1Unknown command '^J'.+UY,UYT^You displaced your saddled nightmare.G@u--More--,UY lThe saddled nightmare hits the gnome.The gnome is killed!)--More--,UYPThe dwarf picks up a gnomish suit.The dwarf puts on a gnomish suit.Gu)(0~(B(0~(B-UYL1Unknown command '^J'.-UYY.UYl(0~(B@(0~(B(0x(B(0j(BThere are several objects here.<uThe dwarf wields a dagger!--More--/UY"AThe dagger welds itself to the dwarf's hand!G/UY1Unknown command '^J'./UY//UY ? Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a dagger b - a bow c - 6 arrows d - an aklys e - an arrow Armor ('[') f - a gnomish helm g - a gnomish helm h - a gnomish helm(end) 0UYB(0k(B1UY%)[@There are several objects here.24(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-6 Exp:3Burdened[(0~(Bu1UYoGh@%You see here a pair of iron shoes.u(0~(BThe dwarf picks up a bow.(0~(Bu)(0~(B(0~(BG2UYypYou have a little trouble lifting J - a pair of iron shoes.UYƳ(0q(B(0~(B<(0~(Buh(0~(B@(0m(BThe gnome picks up a gnomish helm.%GThe gnome wields a dagger!>UYj1Unknown command '^J'.>UY= ?UYkrThe saddled nightmare hits the gnome.The gnome is killed!(0~(Bu?UYl 1Unknown command '^J'.?UY @UYs^[The saddled nightmare picks up a gnomish helm.(0~(Bh[u--More--AUYP* The gnome picks up a bow.(0~(BGThe saddled nightmare drops a gnomish helm.--More--AUYN GThe saddled nightmare picks up a gnomish helm.(0~(BuAUY1Unknown command '^J'.BUYQBUY %h(0~(B@(0~(BuThe gnome picks up 6 arrows.GThe gnome thrusts her dagger.--More--CUYqThe gnome hits!18(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-8 Exp:3Burdenedu(0~(BCUYU 1Unknown command '^J'.CUY DUYV?4What do you want to use or apply? [cwC or ?*] DUYYa18(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-8 Exp:3BurdenedIn what direction? DUYO[/You hear nothing special.EUY9~BWhat do you want to use or apply? [cwC or ?*] EUYa18(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-8 Exp:3BurdenedIn what direction? EUYCxStatus of the saddled nightmare (chaotic): Level 4 HP 15(22) AC 5, tame. --More--FUYn[ The saddled nightmare drops a gnomish helm.--More--GUYBThe saddled nightmare hits the gnome.--More--GUY=gThe saddled nightmare bites the gnome.The gnome is killed![u[GUY 1Unknown command '^J'.GUYHUY @(0~(B(0~(B(0qj(B Things that are here: a pair of gnomish boots 5 daggers an arrow a dagger--More--IUY6 u(0~(BThe dwarf picks up a gnomish suit.)GThe gnome wields a bow!--More--JUY( The bow welds itself to the gnome's hand!19(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-8 Exp:3Burdened(0~(BG(0~(B(0~(BuJUYw 1Unknown command '^J'.JUY KUY. (0~(BuThe dwarf picks up a crossbow.(0~(BG(0~(BGThe gnome picks up an aklys.u(0~(BLUY^The saddled nightmare picks up a gnomish helm.u(0~(BLUY;c[The saddled nightmare drops a gnomish helm.[u--More--MUYeThe dwarf picks up 10 crossbow bolts.(0~~(B)G(0~(BG(0~(BuMUYU1Unknown command '^J'.MUYVNUYd[@You see here a gnomish helm.(0~(BG)G(0~(B(0~(BuOUYF1Unknown command '^J'.OUY S(0q(B(0~(B[@(0~(Bu(0~(BPUY# PUYzrPUY߾idePUY52'In what direction? PUY  You mount the saddled nightmare.(0l(B(0x(BG(0qqk(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(BG(0~(Bu(0m(BThe gnome picks up a dwarvish cloak.--More--QUYě 1The gnome puts on a dwarvish cloak.QUY= 1Unknown command '^J'.QUY# RUY)G<u(0~(BThe gnome picks up a dwarvish short sword.20(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-8 Exp:3BurdenedRUYu(0~(BRUY h%u(0~(BThe dwarf picks up an arrow.G(0~(BThe gnome picks up a dagger.RUY -Gu(0~(BSUY,(0~(BGhu(0~(BThe gnome shoots an arrow!The arrow misses the dwarf.)SUY h)SUY (0~(B)SUY--More--SUY&/You are almost hit by an arrow.))SUYu)TUY (0~(B)TUY`[)TUY5[)TUYb (0~(B)TUY (0~(B)TUYAO%GUnknown command '^J'.TUYJ(0~(BPuTUYU You kill the gnome!(0~(Bh%20(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-8 Exp:3BurdenedThe dwarf picks up a dwarvish mattock.(0~(BGUUY#u(0~(BUUY You kill the gnome!20(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-8 Exp:3Burdened[The dwarf thrusts her dagger.The dwarf hits!19(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-8 Exp:3BurdenedVUY^{~You miss the dwarf.20(27) Pw:14(14) AC:-8 Exp:3Burdened--More--WUY(SThe dwarf thrusts her dagger at the saddled nightmare.--More--XUYmDThe dwarf misses the saddled nightmare.--More--XUY DThe saddled nightmare misses the dwarf.--More--YUY5The saddled nightmare misses the dwarf.YUY1Unknown command '^J'.YUY1 /You miss the dwarf.ZUYYou hit the dwarf!The dwarf thrusts her dagger.The dwarf misses.[UY#1Unknown command '^J'.[UYv[UYt sYou miss the dwarf.The dwarf thrusts her dagger.The dwarf misses.[UYY+.You hit the dwarf.\UYJ You kill the dwarf!%26(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4BurdenedWelcome to experience level 4.26(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4Burdened 27(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4Burdened\UYB Z(0~(BuThere are many objects here.(0~(BP]UYc Pick up what?  Coins ('$') a - 17 gold pieces Weapons (')') b - a cursed dagger c - a bow d - 7 arrows e - a crossbow f - 10 crossbow bolts g - a dwarvish mattock Armor ('[') h - a very burnt dwarvish cloak i - a pair of iron shoes j - a burnt pair of gnomish boots k - a gnomish suit l - a gnomish suit Comestibles ('%') m - 2 dwarf corpses Gems ('*') n - a blue gem(end) aUY'(0~~~~(B(0lqj~~~~~(B(0lqqk(B(0x~~~~~~~~~(B(0qqqqj~~mqqj~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B<(0~~~~~~mkqqkk~~~~(B(0qq~(B[(0~(B)(0~~(B[[(0~~(B)(0x~~mkx~~~~~~(BP(0~~~(Bu%(0~~~~~~~~~~~~xj(B(0lqqk~~~~lqk~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0mk~~lj(B(0mk~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~x(B(0mqqk~x~x~lj(B(0mqqj(B(0mqjqjqj(B Luxidream the Pawn St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:5 $:322 HP:27(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4BurdenedbUY#u(0~(B%bUY]u(0~~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0x~(B(0mk(BbUY! (0lqlq(B(0lq(B(0lqq(B(0~x~mj~mj~~m(B(0~~~~~~~~~~m(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0~~~~~~~(B(0~~~~~~(B(0~~~~(B(0~~~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(BP(0~(B(0~(BcUY' (0lqk(B(0j~mj(B(0~~~~(B(0~~~~(B(0~~(B(0~~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B(0l(BcUYm (0j(B(0~(Bh(0l(B(0x(B(0~x(Bu(0~(B(0~(B(0mq(BdUYF(0qk(B(0~mk(B(0~~x(B(0~~~m(B(0~~~~~(B(0~~~~(B(0~~~(B(0~~(B(0q(Bh(0~(Bu(0mqq(B(0~(B(0v(B(0~(B(0q(BdUYQo"28(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4Burdened(0k(B(0x(B(0k(B(0~~m(B(0~~~~(B(0~~~(B(0k(B(0m(B(0~~(B(0x~~~(Bhu(0~(B(0~(B(0mq(B{UYɆ(0k(B(0qk(B(0~x(B=(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(Bh(0x(B(0j(B{UYE!(0~(Bu(0~(B{UYF(0~(Bu(0~(Bh(0~(B(0j(B{UY{ F(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(Bh(0~(B{UY" R(0~(Buh(0~(BThe hobbit throws an elven dagger!){UYͯ )(0~(B{UYύ )(0~(B|UYfh--More--|UYa <You are almost hit by an elven dagger.)(0~(B|UY )u|UYc )(0~(B|UYa9 )(0~(B|UYD )(0~(B}UY P(0~(B}UY1Unknown command '^J'.}UY(0~(Bu}UYE (0~(Buh(0~(B~UYy?You miss the hobbit.The hobbit misses.29(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4BurdenedThe hobbit misses.~UYO# 0You miss the hobbit.UYyYou kill the hobbit!29(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4Burdened(0~(BUYqI (0~(BuUY? (0~(BuUY (0~(B(0~(BuUYG?(0~(Bu(0mqqqqqqq(B(0~(BUY 30(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4Burdened(0j(B(0~(B(0x(Bu(0~~~~l(B(0~(B(0k(B(0lk(B(0lqj(BUY eu(0~(B(0qj(B(0~(B(0qj(BP(0~(BUY/(0q(B(0j~(B(0~(B(0l(Bu(0~(B(0~(B(0qj(B(0~(BUY C(0l(B(0x(B(0~(Bu(0m(BUYY,(0l(B(0x(B(0~(BuUY1(0l(B(0~(BuUY ((0~(Bu(0m(BUY0(0~(BuYou see here a wire ring.UYJ You have a little trouble lifting K - a wire ring.31(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4BurdenedUY Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Spellbooks  F - a white spellbook  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion Y+H s - a bubbly potion (1 of 2)UY)qLuxidream the Pawn St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:5 $:322 HP:31(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4Burdened(0lqqk(B(0lj~~mk(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~~mk(B(0lqlq(B(0lq(B(0lqqk(B(0x~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~mj~mj~~mklqklj~~~~~~mqk(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~mj~mj~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bu(0~~~x(B(0k(B(0mqqqqqj(B>(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lqj(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lk~lk~lqj(B(0mqqqqqqqk~~~~~(B)(0~~~~~~~~~~~xmqjmqj(B(0lqj(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0lqqk(B(0x~~(B(0mqqk~~~~~~~~~~~~~qvqqj~~mqqj~l(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B<(0~~~~~~mkqqk(B(0mqk~lqk~~~~~~~qq~(B[(0~(B)(0~~(B[[(0~~(B)(0x~~mk(B(0mq(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~(B%%(0~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0j~~~lqqk~~~~lqk~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~x(B(0mk~~lj(B(0mk~~~~~~~~~x(BUYDq[21;43H(0mk~lqj(B(0x~~x(B(0mqqk~x~x~lj(B(0mqj(B(0mqqj(B(0mqjqjqj(BUY" :What do you want to drop? [$a-knoq-yA-CEFHJK or ?*] UY 31(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4BurdenedYou drop a white spellbook.Your movements are now unencumbered.31(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4UY5u+UY u(0~(BGUY u(0~(B(0~(BUYq u(0~(BUYܒ u(0~(BUY #u(0~(BP:UY )u(0~(B:(0~(BUY G32(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4u(0~(BUYَ u(0~(BUYe)u(0~(B:(0~(BUYXN u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYYL)u(0~(B:(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY:R)u(0~(B:(0~(BUYU"(0k(Bu(0~(BUYXgu(0~(BA trap door in the ceiling opens and a rock falls on your head!--More--UY߃nFortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet.30(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4UY|31(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4*u(0~(B:(0j(BUY>(0k(Bu(0~(BP(0~(BUYx u(0~(BUYD 6(0w(Bu(0~(B(0~(B:UY u(0~(BUY) G(0j(BG(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~lk(BLuxidream the Pawn St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:6 $:322 HP:31(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4UY You hit the gnome.UYm+mYou kill the gnome!31(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4)UY (0k~~(Bu< GYou see here an aklys.G GThe gnome throws a dagger!)UYI --More--UYE05You are almost hit by a dagger.)(0~(BUYl)uUY(G UY1Unknown command '^J'.UY UY0 !You miss the gnome.UY8jYou miss the gnome.The gnome wields an aklys!--More--UY ^DThe saddled nightmare misses the gnome.--More--UYThe saddled nightmare misses the gnome.The gnome wields 2 daggers!32(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4G UY1Unknown command '^J'.UY$ mYou kill the gnome!32(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4)UY (0~(B)u (0~(BThe gnome thrusts his dagger.The gnome misses.--More--UY-:)The gnome wields 5 daggers!UYX 1Unknown command '^J'.UYI UY$YYou kill the gnome!32(33) Pw:26(26) AC:-8 Exp:4[UY(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B Things that are here: a very burnt gnomish helm a very burnt gnomish suit 2 daggers--More--UYMuYou hear crashing rock.G UY") u[  UY" You kill the gnome!%40(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5Welcome to experience level 5.41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5UY  (0~(B(0~(Bu (0~(B There is a staircase up here.  Things that are here: a gnome corpse a gnomish helm a gnomish suit 5 daggers--More--UY\XUYT@(0~~(Bu %(0~(B UY r (0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B Things that are here: a very burnt gnomish helm a very burnt gnomish suit 2 daggers--More--UY:UYn  Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - 2 daggers Armor ('[') b - a very burnt gnomish helm c - a very burnt gnomish suit(end) UY~bUY! ! u[  UY d(0~~~(Bu (0~(B You see here an aklys.UYe )u(0~(B(0~(BYou see here an aklys.UYh5 UYמ<(0~~~(Bu(0~(B)  UYΌ o(0~~~(B u(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B You hear a nearby zap.UY%AW(0mqk(B u(0x(B (0~(B(0x(B UY} 5(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(BUY+ O(0mqk(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B  UY+?(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B UY] @(0j(B(0~(Bu(0~(B (0~(B UYk D(0lqk(Bu(0~(B hUY =(0l(B(0~(B(0x(Bu (0x~~(BUYS (0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~~~(Bh UYe I  (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B(0~(BUYD  (0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(BUY  (0~(B(0~(Bu(0~~~(B Things that are here: a very burnt gnomish helm a very burnt gnomish suit 2 daggers--More--UYThe dwarf swings his pick-axe at the saddled nightmare.--More--UY3The dwarf hits the saddled nightmare.UY 1Unknown command '^J'.UYw.You hit the dwarf.UYGBWhat do you want to use or apply? [cwC or ?*] UYZV41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5In what direction? UYvStatus of the saddled nightmare (chaotic): Level 4 HP 10(24) AC 5, tame, carrying you.--More--UY" UYŭ You hit the dwarf!UY!You miss the dwarf.The dwarf swings his pick-axe.The dwarf misses.UY% gYou kill the dwarf!41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5%UY=}v (0x(B [u(0~(B (0~(BThere are several objects here.UY K Pick up what?  Armor ('[') a - a dwarvish cloak b - a pair of iron shoes Comestibles ('%') c - a dwarf corpse Tools ('(') d - a pick-axe Gems ('*') e - 11 rocks(end) UY (0k(BUY E Pick up what?  Armor ('[') a - a dwarvish cloak b - a pair of iron shoes Comestibles ('%') c - a dwarf corpse Tools ('(') d - a pick-axe Gems ('*') e - 11 rocks(end) UYz+UY8(0k(BL - a dwarf corpse.You rebalance your load. Movement is difficult.41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5StressedUY _=What do you want to eat? [g-jquvL or ?*] UY41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5StressedThis dwarf corpse tastes terrible!--More--UYYour movements are only slowed slightly by your load.41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5Burdened--More--UY1~ vYour movements are now unencumbered.41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5--More--UYU71You finish eating the dwarf corpse.UYSU1Unknown command '^J'.UYqG (0~(B[u(0k(B (0m(BThe gnome throws a dagger!UY(_ )UY7 IYou are almost hit by a dagger.(0~(B)UY u)UY׶ (0~(BUY U   (0~(B(0~(Bu)(0~~(BUYv=  (0~(Bu(0~(B(0qk~(BUY*  (0~(B'u(0~(B(0mqq(BThe straw golem misses.The straw golem hits!40(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5UY&G (0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BUYhYou destroy the straw golem!40(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5[UY (0j~(Bu(0~(B Things that are here: a gnomish helm 7 arrows a balsa wand--More--UY. :UYͅ Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - 7 arrows Armor ('[') b - a gnomish helm Wands ('/') c - a balsa wand(end) UY }+UY҈M - a balsa wand.UYjGWhat do you want to write with? [- abyA-CKM or ?*] UY>You write in the dust with your fingers.--More--UYW`<What do you want to write in the dust here? xUYÐxUYN C41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5UYi9What do you want to write with? [- abyA-CKM or ?*] UY;41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5The engraving now reads: "Money lost, li tle lost; nonor lost, m?ch lost; pl??k lcs?, ?ll lcst.".--More--UYF  UY9  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green potion  UYS .H - a potion of sickness (1 of 2)UYT 1 Rings  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  M - a balsa wand  Tools  c - a stethoscope  w - a stethoscope  Gems  y - a green gem (2 of 2)UY\{Luxidream the Pawn St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:6 $:322 HP:41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5(0lqk(B(0lj(B (0mqk(B(0x(B (0mqk(B(0x(B (0x(B (0x(B(0k(B) (0x(B )) [[ (0k(B % (0mj~(B (0lk(B) (0~(Bu(0~(B(0qk~~~(B(0mqqq(BUY=6 # UY nameUY>79Name an individual object? [ynq] (q) UYDInWhat do you want to call? [c-fknor-tw-yA-CEHJKM or ?*] UY"Call a balsa wand: UYJpUY& oUY lUY yUY$C41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5UY E(0k~~(Bu(0~(B [(0~(B UYt;:(0~~~(Bu(0~(B UYD :(0~~~(Bu(0~(B UY_P(0k~(B(0l(Bu (0~(B(0~(B  UY J(0~~~(Bu(0x(B(0~(B(0~(B UYrN(0qk(B# u(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B UY7You are carrying too much to get through.UY7 EYou are carrying too much to get through.UYeZ EYou are carrying too much to get through.UYWUY7You are carrying too much to get through.UY EYou are carrying too much to get through.UYIUY2(0m(B(0~(Bu(0~(B UY&(0~(Bu(0~~~(BUYf H (0~(Bu(0~~~(BGUYsR  (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B[(0~~~(BUYQ(0~~(B u(0~(B (0~(B(0~(B UYQM(0j~(Bu(0~(B (0~(B(0~(B UYnW  (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B(0~~~(BGUYgY(0~mq(B u(0~(B (0~(B(0~(B [UY; H(0lqk(Bu(0~(B(0~(B  UY1(0~(B u(0~(B(0~~~(BUYI  (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B(0~x~(BUY> K  (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B(0mk~(BUYm F (0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0mk~(BUYbL(0~mj(B u(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B UYX O(0~mk(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B  UY\L(0qk(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B UY, (0~(B u(0~~~(BUYx ?  (0~(B u(0~(B(0~~~(BUY$ I  (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B(0~~~(BUYm K  (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B(0~~~(BUYrO(0~mk(B u(0m(B (0~(B(0~(B UYY L(0~x(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B UY7  (0~(B u(0~~~(BUYI  (0~(B(0k(B u(0x(B(0~lj(BUYD (0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~lj(BUYF (0~(B(0~(B(0k(Bu(0mqj(BUYC(0~~~(B(0~(Bu (0q(B(0~(BUYv; (0x(Bu(0~(B (0m(B UYLS ,(0~~~(Bu(0~(BUYҾ:(0~~~(Bu(0~(B UYgG(0~~(B(0~(Bu (0~(B  UYL(0~~(B(0~(BuG(0~(B  UY:(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B  UYt(0~(B(0~(B G(0~(Bu  (0~~(B[The gnome throws a dagger!UY )UY9You are almost hit by a dagger.(0~(B)UYdu)UY (0~(BUY;qQ (0~(B(0~(B (0~(Bu(0~~l(BUY: (0~(Bu(0~(B (0~(BThe gnome thrusts her dagger.The gnome hits!40(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5UYmYou kill the gnome!40(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5%UY (0~~(B(0~(Bu (0~(B(0~(B  There are several objects here.UY Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a rusty dagger b - a bow Armor ('[') c - a gnomish helm d - a very burnt pair of gnomish boots e - a dwarvish cloak f - a pair of iron shoes g - a very burnt gnomish helm h - a very burnt gnomish suit Comestibles ('%') i - a gnome corpse(end) UY+UYw$5(0lqk(B(0lj(B (0mqk(B(0mqk(B#(0lqk(B(0x(B (0mqk(B (0qj(B (0mqqk(B(0x(B (0x(B(0k(B (0x~~(B (0mk(B (0xl(B (0~(Bu(0~(B (0mj(B (0x(B(0k(B) (0x(B (0~~~(B (0x(B (0mk(BN - a gnomish helm.41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5UY}IWhat do you want to drop? [$a-knoq-yA-CEHJKMN or ?*] UYc41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5You drop a gnomish helm.UYp  Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a rusty dagger b - a bow Armor ('[') c - a gnomish helm d - a very burnt pair of gnomish boots e - a dwarvish cloak f - a pair of iron shoes g - a very burnt gnomish helm h - a very burnt gnomish suit Comestibles ('%') i - a gnome corpse(end) UY|+UYr(0lqk(B(0lj(B (0mqk(B(0mqk(B#(0lqk(B(0x(B (0mqk(B (0qj(B (0mqqk(B(0x(B (0x(B(0k(B (0x~~(B (0mk(B (0xl(B (0~(Bu(0~(B (0mj(B (0x(B(0k(B) (0x(B (0~~~(B (0x(B (0mk(BO - a gnome corpse.You rebalance your load. Movement is difficult.41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5StressedGUY=What do you want to eat? [g-jquvO or ?*] UY^41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5StressedThis gnome corpse tastes terrible!G [--More--UYIYour movements are only slowed slightly by your load.41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5Burdened--More--UY The gnome wields 2 daggers!G You stop eating the gnome corpse.41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5BurdenedUYQ4 1Unknown command '^J'.UYIWhat do you want to drop? [$a-knoq-yA-CEHJKMO or ?*] UY=v41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5BurdenedYou drop a partly eaten gnome corpse.--More--UY Your movements are now unencumbered.41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5The gnome thrusts her dagger.--More--UYNThe gnome misses.UYPiYou kill the gnome!41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5)UY  %u(0~~~(B Things that are here: 4 daggers a gray stone 11 rocks 2 daggers--More--UYMZUY ? (0~(B )u(0~(B (0~(BUY(0~~(BZu (0~(B(0~(B  There are several objects here.The dwarf zombie misses.UY;6You miss the dwarf zombie.UY,H6You miss the dwarf zombie.UYK`You miss the dwarf zombie.The dwarf zombie misses.UY; 6You miss the dwarf zombie.UYcYou hit the dwarf zombie.The dwarf zombie hits!38(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5UY uYou destroy the dwarf zombie!39(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5(0~(BUY J(0~(B (0~(Bu% (0~(B `UY^I(0~~~(Bu (0~(B(0~(B `UY~P(0~(B(0~(Bu (0q(B(0~(B `UYl M(0~~l(B(0k(Bu(0u(B(0~(B  `UYht M(0~~~(B(0~(Bu(0q(B(0~(B `UYQ(0~~x(B(0k(Bu (0x(B(0~(B  aUY?M(0~mq(B(0~(Bu(0q(B(0~(B  aUY K(0~~x(B(0k(Bu(0x(B(0~(B  bUY.~40(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5(0~mq(B(0~(Bu(0q(B(0~(B bUY6J(0~~x(B(0k(Bu(0x(B(0~(B  bUYHJ(0qqq(B(0~(Bu(0q(B(0~(B bUY>(0q(B(0~(Bu(0~(B (0q(B cUY)04(0q(B(0~(Bu(0~(B (0q(BcUYR4(0q(B(0~(Bu(0~(B (0q(BcUYV=4(0q(B(0~(Bu(0~(B (0q(BcUYi?4(0m(B(0~(Bu(0~(B (0~(BcUYV 4(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B (0~(BcUY}- 41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B (0~(BGGGGcUYzJw(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B (0~(B GG h GG dUY*j(0~(B (0~(Bu(0~(B (0~(B G G dUY9O(0~(B (0~(Bu(0~(B (0~(B hdUYB.   (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B(0~~~(BG GG  hG h  GG dUYXf \  (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B(0~~~(B heUY (0~(Bu(0~~(BhG  The gnome lord wields an aklys!hG  --More--eUY ,The gnome lord shoots a crossbow bolt!eUYh)fUY1a--More--fUY BYou are almost hit by a crossbow bolt.)(0~(BfUY)ufUY T(0~(BG The gnome shoots an arrow!)fUYA--More--fUYf ;You are almost hit by an arrow.)(0~(BfUYh )ufUY(0~(BG The gnome shoots an arrow!--More--The gnome is hit.The gnome is killed!gUYL7" G gUY)1You hit the gnome lord!gUY You kill the gnome lord!41(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5[G gUYo   (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B%(0~~(B Things that are here: a gnomish helm an aklys--More--hUYk:h The hobbit throws a dagger!hUY )hUYDYou are almost hit by a dagger.)(0~(BhUY/W )uhUYh 3(0~(BG --More--iUY@EThe gnome shoots a crossbow bolt!It is missed.iUY )iUYV--More--You are almost hit by a crossbow bolt.)(0~(BiUY)uiUY (0~(BGh  --More--The gnome picks up a gnomish helm.The gnome puts on a gnomish helm.G Unknown command '^J'.jUYJ [Gu (0~(Bh(0~(BG The gnome lord shoots a crossbow bolt!--More--jUY& 2The crossbow bolt misses the gnome.)jUY hYou are hit by a crossbow bolt.G)37(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5jUY ujUYң1Unknown command '^J'.kUY/kUYYYou kill the gnome!)37(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5The newt misses.The hobbit hits!36(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5G --More--lUYrdThe gnome shoots a crossbow bolt!The crossbow bolt hits the hobbit.)lUYG2 G hhGG--More--lUY(The gnome wields an aklys!lUY:1Unknown command '^J'.mUY jYou kill the hobbit!36(41) Pw:30(30) AC:-8 Exp:5%mUY" You kill the gnome lord![Brute 41(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6Welcome to experience level 6.41(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6--More--nUY4jThe newt misses.G The dwarf wields a dagger!--More--nUYQ hThe gnome wields an aklys! GThe gnome shoots an arrow!)nUY& --More--nUYs =You are almost hit by an arrow.)(0~(BnUYI )uoUY(0~(BG (0~(B (0~(Bu(0~(B  There are several objects here.oUY* You hit the dwarf!:The gnome swings her crossbow.The gnome misses.--More--pUYrThe dwarf thrusts his dagger.The dwarf misses.GGG   pUY"^1Unknown command '^J'.pUY qUYZYou kill the dwarf!42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6%qUY iYou kill the gnome!42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6%rUYVYou kill the gnome![42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6The newt misses.You hear some noises.G --More--rUYM0The gnome picks up a gnomish helm.sUY1*1Unknown command '^J'.sUYa9sUY!You miss the gnome.sUYRYou kill the gnome!%42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6The newt bites!41(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6tUYQ.You miss the newt.tUY hYou kill the newt!42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6G uUYLNgYou kill the gnome!42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6[uUY6 (0~(B [u(0~(B(0~(B Things that are here: a very burnt gnomish helm an aklys an egg--More--vUY:vUYr^  [u(0~~~(BThere are several objects here.vUY  Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a bow b - 10 arrows c - a crossbow d - 11 crossbow bolts Armor ('[') e - a burnt gnomish helm f - a gnomish helm Comestibles ('%') g - a gnome corpse h - a hobbit corpse Potions ('!') i - a cyan potion(end) xUY T +yUY%(0x(B  (0lk(B (0mqk(B#(0lqku(B (0qj(B (0mqqkxqk(B (0x(B (0mkxl(B % (0mj(B (0xx(B ) (0x(B (0mk(B (0kk(B (0lmk(B (0mk(BYou have a little trouble lifting P - a hobbit corpse.--More--yUY Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedzUY:1Unknown command '^J'.zUYř=What do you want to eat? [g-jquvP or ?*] zUY942(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedThis hobbit corpse tastes terrible!43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6Burdened 44(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6Burdened--More--{UYlvYour movements are now unencumbered.44(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6--More--{UY gYou finish eating the hobbit corpse.45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6|UY11Unknown command '^J'.|UY` (0~(B u% (0~(B  Things that are here: a gnome corpse a gnomish helm a pair of gnomish boots an aklys--More--}UY D}UY(0~(B(0~(Bu%(0x(B  Things that are here: a dwarf corpse a dagger--More--~UY0~UY   %u(0~(B Things that are here: a gnome corpse a gnomish helm a pair of gnomish boots an aklys--More--UY~DUY5k (0~(B%u(0~(B (0~(BThere are several objects here.UY 1Unknown command '^J'.UYG Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a bow b - 10 arrows c - a crossbow d - 11 crossbow bolts Armor ('[') e - a burnt gnomish helm f - a gnomish helm Comestibles ('%') g - a gnome corpse Potions ('!') h - a cyan potion(end) UYzh +UY `(0x(B  (0lk(B (0mqk(B#(0lqku(B (0qj(B (0mqqkxqk(B (0x(B (0mkxl(B % (0mj(B (0xx(B ) (0x(B (0mk(BQ - a cyan potion.UYJ|C % (0~(Bu (0qk~(BUYVp46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6(0~(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(BUYG  (0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~~~(BUY| K  (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B(0k~~(BUY G  (0~(B(0x(Bu(0x(B(0~lj(BUYj7@(0~~~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B UY| :(0~~~(Bu(0~(B UY;(0~~~(Bu(0~(B UY;(0~mj(Bu(0~(B UY;v<(0~l(Bu(0~(B  UYzL (0~~~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B  Things that are here: a gnomish helm an aklys--More--UY>/UYFI(0~~~(B(0~(Bu (0~(B[  UYX N(0~~~(B(0~(Bu (0~(B(0~(B  UYH (0~(B(0~(B (0~(Bu (0~~~(BUYI (0~(B(0~(B (0~(Bu (0~~~(BUY;7J (0~(B(0~(B (0~(Bu (0~~~(BUYNK (0~(B(0~(B (0~(Bu (0~~~(BUYt_ K (0~(B(0~(B (0~(Bu (0~~~(BUY K (0~(B(0~(B (0~(Bu (0~~~(BUY9K (0~(B(0~(B (0~(Bu (0~~~(BUY>5 (0~(Bu(0~~(B>UYG K  (0~(B(0~(B u(0~(B(0~~~(BUY UY[(0qk(B(0~x(B(0~~(B (0x(B(0~~(B (0x~(B(0~~(B (0x~m(B(0~(B (0x~~mqj~l(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0k~(Bu(0~~l(B(0mqk~~x(B(0qqj(BLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6UYz\UY(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B(0j(B(0~(Bu (0mq(B<(0qj(B(0m(BUY (0m(B(0~(Bu(0~(B Things that are here: an orcish helm an orcish short sword a pair of iron shoes--More--UY 9UY=-  Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - an orcish short sword Armor ('[') b - an orcish helm c - a pair of iron shoes(end) UYaUYS"(0~(Bu[UY(0j(B(0~(B(0k(B(0m(B(0l(B(0~(B(0x(B(0~(Bu(0~(BUY+](0qqq(B(0~~~~(Bu(0~l(B(0~(B(0qqj(BUY (0l(B(0x(B(0x(B(0q(B(0x(Bu(0~~~x(B(0~(B(0qqqqk(B(0x(BUY(0l(B(0~(BuUYM (0~(BuUY0u(0~(BUY"(0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY4 (0~(BuUY"Z 6(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(BUY_ (0x(B`(0{(B(0~x(B(0~~x(B(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0k~x(B(0x(BUY (0lqj(B(0lj~~(B(0x~~~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~(B(0~~(B(0~~(B(0~(Bu(0m(B(0~(B)(0x(B(0x(BUY~(0lj(B(0x~(B(0j~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(Bu(0x(B(0x(B(0x~(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0x~x(B(0x~m(BUY (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY(0~(BuUYm=(0~(BuYou see here an orcish dagger.UYap)uUY3 >(0~(BuThere are several objects here.UY  Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a scimitar Armor ('[') b - an orcish helm c - an orcish shield d - an orcish helm e - an orcish shield f - an orcish chain mail g - an orcish helm h - an orcish helm Comestibles ('%') i - a hill orc corpse Gems ('*') j - 32 rocks(end) UYUYi %uUYS,(0~(Bu(0x(B)(0~(BUY7(0~(B(0q(Bu(0~(B(0qqq(BUY 5(0q(B(0~(Bu%(0q(BUY( u(0~(BUYSHu(0~(B (0m(BYou see here an orcish dagger.UYO\)u(0~(BUYE (0~(BuUY (0q(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(B Things that are here: a goblin corpse an orcish short sword an orcish helm a rusty orcish shield--More--UYDUY 6(0q(B %u(0~(B(0q(BUY*;(0q(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BUY6(0q(B (0~(Bu (0q(BUY~$You miss SubG's ghost.UYY2You miss SubG's ghost.UY|}You miss SubG's ghost.SubG's ghost touches you!45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6UY 2You miss SubG's ghost.UY2You miss SubG's ghost.UY 2You miss SubG's ghost.UYlYou miss SubG's ghost.SubG's ghost touches you!44(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6 45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6UY !(0~(Bu(0~(B=UY u(0~(B UYE(0~(Bu(0~(B  Things that are here: a goblin corpse an orcish short sword an orcish helm a rusty orcish shield--More--UY$ DUY٫ (0~(Bu% UY* u(0~(BUYf> u(0~(B UY $u(0~(B UYyu(0~(BThere are several objects here.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6UYu%UYCu(0~(BYou see here an orcish dagger.UYӞu)UY u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYu(0~(BUY,(0x(Bu(0~(BUYgF(0l(B(0x~(Bu(0v(B(0~(BUYmV(0l(B(0~x(B(0~(Bu(0nk(B(0~(BUYwfYour nightmare moves the boulder.`u(0x(B(0~(B(0x(BUY Your nightmare moves the boulder.`(0x(Bu(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0x(B(0v(BUYH@]Your nightmare moves the boulder.`(0x(Bu(0~(BUY$]Your nightmare moves the boulder.`(0l(Bu(0~(BUYR UYcg;(0qq(B(0~(B`u(0~(BUYD&(0l(Bu(0~(BUYܼXYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`(0q(BUY< eYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`(0q(BUYu(0~(BUY u(0~(BUY3] IYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`UY. VYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`UY u(0~(BUYMmu(0~(BUYiv (0~(BuUY XYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`(0q(BUYˬ eYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`(0q(BUY& eYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`(0q(BUYeYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`(0q(BUYZpeYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`(0q(BUYSYou hear a monster behind the boulder.I--More--UY >Perhaps that's why your nightmare cannot move it.UY8d/Unknown command '^J'.UYR OYou hear a monster behind the boulder.--More--UY>Perhaps that's why your nightmare cannot move it.UY/Unknown command '^J'.UYm Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green potion [UYm429;1H H - a potion of sickness (1 of 2)UY1`Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~(Bu`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % =(0mqqqqqqqq(BUY u(0~(BUYE u(0~(BUYl u(0~(BUY  u(0~(BUY/[ u(0~(BUY4 u(0~(BUY$ u(0~(BUY(0~(BuUY7p(0~(BuUY"(0~(BuUYC(0~(Bu:UY $(0~(Bu(0~(BUYO M(0~(BuThe lizard passes between the iron bars.:UY‘ (0~(BuUY,(0{(B(0~(BuUY $:u(0~(BUYu(0~(BUYu(0~(BUY[{HYou hit the lizard!The lizard just misses!UY .You miss the lizard. UYR_You miss the lizard. The lizard just misses! UY.You miss the lizard. UY You miss the lizard.The lizard bites!42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6 UYkkYou kill the lizard!42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6% UYu(0~(BYou see here a lizard corpse.43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6(0~(B UYe_You have a little trouble lifting R - a lizard corpse.--More-- UY'Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6Burdened UYH/Unknown command '^J'. UYa  UYL  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - UY&L )a dark green potion (1 of 2)UY%"Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~(Bu(0x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % =(0mqqqqqqqq(BUY # UYdipUYipUYipUYWHWhat do you want to dip? [$a-knoq-yA-CEHJKMQR or ?*] UYz43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedWhat do you want to dip into? [kosxHQ or ?*] UYb43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedInteresting...UY) Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  j - an uncursed tin of newt meat  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion [29;1UY>/H x - a dark green potion (1 of 2)UY:X Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~(Bu(0x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % =(0mqqqqqqqq(BUY/What do you want to eat? [g-jquvR or ?*] UY43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedIt is not so easy to open this tin. You stop opening the tin.43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedUY /Unknown command '^J'.UY͡<What do you want to eat? [g-jquvR or ?*] UY@ 43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedIt is not so easy to open this tin.44(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6Burdened 45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6Burdened 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6Burdened (0~(B)(0~(B%(0~(B(0m(BYou succeed in opening the tin.--More--UYx#It smells like newts.--More--UY6/Eat it? [yn] (n) UYCyYou consume deep fried newt.--More--UYDSEating deep fried food made your fingers very slippery.--More--UY3 uYour movements are now unencumbered.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6--More--UYv.Your sword slips from your hands.UY /Unknown command '^J'.UY6.a - a +1 long sword.UYL2;(0~(Bu (0~(BUY#2(0~(BuUYY(0~(BuUY/(0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY#(0~(BuSubG's ghost touches you!45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6 UY UY}(0~(Bu UYz(0~(Bu!UYj=(0~(BuYou see here an orcish dagger.!UY.)u!UYV(0~(BuThere are several objects here.(0~(B !UY%u!UYU $(0~(Bu(0~(B!UY; =(0~(BuYou see here an orcish dagger."UY((0k(B)u(0~(B"UYa (0~(Bu"UY  (0~(Bu(0~(B Things that are here: a goblin corpse an orcish short sword an orcish helm a rusty orcish shield--More--#UYz D$UYY.Autopickup: ON, for all objects.$UYV ,Autopickup: OFF.%UY4 %u(0~(B%UY(0~(Bu(0~(B%UY  (0~(Bu&UYp3(0q(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BThere is a grave here.Something is engraved here on the headstone.--More--&UYbY JYou read: "SubG, killed by an orcish dagger".--More--'UYI*There are many objects here.'UYV`G Pick up what?   Coins ('$')  a - 49 gold pieces  Amulets ('"')  b - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons (')')  c - a dagger  d - a rusty long sword  Armor ('[')  e - a pair of fencing gloves  f - a pair of iron shoes  g - a dwarvish cloak  h - a small shield  i - a chain mail  j - a pair of iron shoes  k - a dwarvish cloak  Comestibles ('%')  l - a lichen corpse  m - 6 food rations  n - a tripe ration  o - a food ration  p - a human corpse  Spellbooks ('+')  q - a bronze spellbook  Rings ('=')  r - a bronze ring  s - a jade ring  t - a granite ring (1 of 2)3UY/Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % (0~(Bu(0~(B(0mqqqqqqqqq(B4UYA Pick up what?   Coins ('$')  a - 49 gold pieces  Amulets ('"')  b - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons (')')  c - a dagger  d - a rusty long sword  Armor ('[')  e - a pair of fencing gloves  f - a pair of iron shoes  g - a dwarvish cloak  h - a small shield  i - a chain mail  j - a pair of iron shoes  k - a dwarvish cloak  Comestibles ('%')  l - a lichen corpse  m - 6 food rations  n - a tripe ration  o - a food ration  p - a human corpse  Spellbooks ('+')  q - a bronze spellbook  Rings ('=')  r - a bronze ring  s - a jade ring  t - a granite ring (1 of 2)5UYq a - an engagement ring  b - a twisted ring  Wands ('/')  c - a hexagonal wand  d - an iron wand  e - a hexagonal wand  f - a wand of digging  g - an aluminum wand  h - a wand of digging  i - an aluminum wand  j - a wand of digging  Tools ('(')  k - a small bag  l - a bag  m - a key (2 of 2);UY+- +;UYX +;UYK (0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % (0~(Bu(0~(B(0mqqqqqqqqq(B Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedYou have a little trouble lifting S - a small bag.T - a bag.;UYi --More--UY\ LWhat do you want to drop? [$a-iknoq-yA-CEHJKMQ-T or ?*] >UY l 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6StressedYou drop a small bag.@UYȜ# @UYname@UY{ 9Name an individual object? [ynq] (q) BUYVDKnWhat do you want to call? [c-fknor-tw-yA-CEHJKMQT or ?*] CUY3Call a bag: CUYhDUY<oDUYlDUYCdDUYYiDUY nDUY gDUYj N46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6StressedEUY;C>What do you want to drop? [$a-iknoq-yA-CEHJKMQRT or ?*] EUYV 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6StressedYou drop a bag called holding.Your movements are now unencumbered.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6FUY{G Pick up what?   Coins ('$')  a - 49 gold pieces  Amulets ('"')  b - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons (')')  c - a dagger  d - a rusty long sword  Armor ('[')  e - a pair of fencing gloves  f - a pair of iron shoes  g - a dwarvish cloak  h - a small shield  i - a chain mail  j - a pair of iron shoes  k - a dwarvish cloak  Comestibles ('%')  l - a lichen corpse  m - 6 food rations  n - a tripe ration  o - a food ration  p - a human corpse  Spellbooks ('+')  q - a bronze spellbook  Rings ('=')  r - a bronze ring  s - a jade ring  t - a granite ring (1 of 2)HUY$+KUYԅ+KUY~ (0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % (0~(Bu(0~(B(0mqqqqqqqqq(B Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedYou have a little trouble lifting U - a pyramidal amulet.--More--LUY#RYou have a little trouble lifting V - a small shield.--More--LUYx Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedMUYu1Unknown command '^J'.MUYo Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a small shield  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion MUYo [C(1 of 2)OUYeLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % (0~(Bu(0~(B(0mqqqqqqqqq(BPUY82What do you want to take off? [defnJ or ?*] PUY' 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-8 Exp:6BurdenedYou were wearing an uncursed +0 orcish shield.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-5 Exp:6BurdenedQUY(9What do you want to wear? [eV or ?*] QUY r 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-5 Exp:6BurdenedYou are now wearing a small shield.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedQUY  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed +0 orcish shield  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion QUY [K(1 of 2)RUYILuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % (0~(Bu(0~(B(0mqqqqqqqqq(BSUYf?What do you want to drop? [$a-iknoq-yA-CEHJKMQRUV or ?*] SUY } 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedYou drop an uncursed +0 orcish shield.SUY  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion (1 of 2)UUY]TLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % (0~(Bu(0~(B(0mqqqqqqqqq(BVUYY Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion (1 of 2)cUYI] x - a dark green potion  H - a potion of sickness  Q - a cyan potion  Rings  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  M - a wand called poly  Tools  c - a stethoscope  w - a stethoscope  Gems  y - a green gem (2 of 2)dUY* Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % (0~(Bu(0~(B(0mqqqqqqqqq(BeUY]s6(0q(B [u(0~(B(0q(BeUY ;(0q(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BfUYC u(0~(B fUY(0~(Bu(0~(B There is a grave here.Something is engraved here on the headstone.--More--gUYwJYou read: "SubG, killed by an orcish dagger".--More--gUYT *There are many objects here.hUY4#1Unknown command '^J'.hUY@ Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion (1 of 2)iUY x - a dark green potion  H - a potion of sickness  Q - a cyan potion  Rings  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  M - a wand called poly  Tools  c - a stethoscope  w - a stethoscope  Gems  y - a green gem (2 of 2)jUY Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqq(B(0x(B) % (0~(Bu(0~(B (0mqqqqqqqqqqq(BkUYBWhat do you want to drop? [$a-df-iknoq-yA-CEHJKMQRUV or ?*] kUY  46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedYou drop a stethoscope.Your movements are now unencumbered.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6qUY  (u(0~(BrUY(0~(Bu(0~(BrUY<(0q(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BrUY#b(0qq(B(0~~(B(0{(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BrUY4-<(0q(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BrUY9[(0q(B(0~(B(0q(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BrUY <(0q(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BsUY^(0m(B(0~~(Bo (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BsUYL(0q(B(0~(B(0k~(B(0x~(B(0x~(B(0x~(B(0j~(B(0~(B`{`(0~l(B(0k~x(B(0x~(B(0~x(B(0x~x(B(0j(B"(0q(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BsUYqFGo[(0q(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BsUYiJ(0~(B(0q(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BsUY <(0q(B (0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(BtUYW(0~(Bu(0~(B tUY(0~(Bu(0~(B tUYn-o"(0~(Bu(0~(B uUY]6(0q(B(0~(B(0{(B(0~(B(0q(B(0q(B(0~(Bo(0~(Bu(0~(BThere are many objects here.o(0~(Bo(0~(BuUYD(0~(B(0mqqqqqqq(B(0qqqqj(B(0mqq(B`(0~~~~~~~(Bou(0~~~~(BF(0~~~(B`[(0qqqq(B(0qq(B vUY]N+Really attack the hill orc? [yn] (n) wUY nwUY" (0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~~~(BThere are many objects here.o"xUY Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - 2 orcish daggers b - a very rusty orcish dagger c - an orcish short sword Armor ('[') d - an orcish helm e - an orcish helm f - a rusty orcish chain mail g - an orcish helm h - an orcish cloak i - a pair of iron shoes j - an orcish chain mail k - a very burnt orcish cloak l - an Uruk-hai shield m - an orcish helm n - an Uruk-hai shield o - a very rusty orcish helm(end) |UY(0qq~(B`(0qq(B|UYQ M(0~(Bo(0~(BuF[ }UY:(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(Bu}UY"(0~(Bu}UY!o(0~(B(0~(Bu}UY$ !(0~(Bo(0~(Bu}UY/ (0~(Bu~UYH (0~(Bu~UYiYOYou begin bashing monsters with your gloved hands.--More--UY<You hit the red mold.o(0~(BoUY@ Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion (1 of 2)UYLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:11 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0q(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0q{(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0k~~(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0j~(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0~(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B`{ (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B`(0~l(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0k~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0~~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(UY0mqqqqqqqqqqqj(B"(0mqqqqqj(B(0mqq(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~(BuF(0~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq(B(0qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY;A .What do you want to wield? [- ab or ?*] UYh 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand).(0~(BUY8You kill the red mold!46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6(0~(Boo%UYc (0x(B(0~(B(0~x(B(0~(B(0~(BuYou see here a red mold corpse.--More--UYR ;The saddled nightmare eats a red mold corpse.UYO1Unknown command '^J'.UY(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B(0k~(B(0x~l(B(0x~(B(0x~(B(0x(Bu(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0{(BUYƃ M(0qqk(B(0~~x(B(0~(Bu(0~(BUYk(0q(B(0~(Bu((0x(B(0~(B(0~~(B`(0qq(BUYD9{u(0~(B(0~(BUY4(0x(B(0~x(B(0~(B(0q(B(0q~qqq(B(0~(B(0~~~~~(B(0~~~(B(0~~(Bu(0~(BUY (0~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~~(B`o`(0~~~~m(B(0qj(B(0~~~(B(0~~~(B`(0x(B(0~~(Bo(0~~~~~~x(Bu(0~~~~~~~~x(B(0~(B(0wqq(B+(0qk(B(0x(BUY+O(0q(B(0~(B(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B(0lq(B(0q(B(0~(B(0j~~~~(B(0~~~(B(0~~~~~(Bu(0q~~(B(0q(B(0~(B(0~(BUY&T(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B((0~~(B(0~~(B)(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(B_(0~~(BUYR(0q(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0x(Bu(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~~(B(0~(Boo(0~(B(0~~~(BUYYou(0~~~~~~~(B(0~(B(0lq(B(0qqq(BUY0Ik(0qq(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(Bu(0~(BUY-X(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~~~(BoUY72 4(0~(Buo(0~(BUYUxNo(0~(Buo`(0~(Bo_(0~(BUY[ +Really attack the Uruk-hai? [yn] (n) UY nUY-%(0~(B(0~(BuUY# +Really attack the hill orc? [yn] (n) UY{ nUY #u(0~(BUY@u(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(BoUYLu(0~(Bo(0~(Boo_UYkj(0~l(B(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~~(B(0~(B(0q(BUYH lu(0~(B(0~~~(Bo(0k(B(0~(Bo(0~(BUY~s(0q(B(0~(Bou(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0mq(B)UYI(0~(B(0x(Bou(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bo(0q(B(0~(BooUY{d(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0q(B(0~(B[UY]](0lq(B(0x~(B(0x~(B(0~~(B(0a(Bu(0~(BUY{l(0qq(B(0~~(Bo(0~(Bu(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(BUY> K(0x(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(BUY !u(0t(B(0a(BUY # UYծcUYhatUYs}5Talk to whom? (in what direction) UY9The orc shaman grunts.(0~(BoUY 'o(0~~(BuUY>(0~(Bo(0a(BuoUYM)u(0~(Bo(0~(BUY \(0~(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0q(B(0~(Bu(0~(BUY_u(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0x~(B(0x~(B(0x(BUYrbu(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(B((0~~~x(B(0v(B(0v(BUY~?u(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0x(BUY u(0~(BUY& (0~(BuUYX%(0~(Bu(0x(BUYž 3(0w(B(0~(Bu(0~(BUYx '(0~(Bu(0~(BUYn6(0~(BuYou see here 4 candles.UYW [You have a little trouble lifting W - 4 candles.--More--UYDYour movements are slowed slightly because of your load.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedUY1Unknown command '^J'.UY?UYy}u(0~(BUYSu(0~(BUYu(0~(BUYu(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYTr u(0~(BUYX_u(0~(B(0a(B(0~~(B(0x~(B(0x~(B(0x(BUYVHu(0~(B(0~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B/(0~(BUYB >(0~(Bu(0x(B(0~(B oUYaD0(0a(Bu(0~(BoUYxL/(0~(Bu(0~(BoUY/k*(0x(B(0~(B uUY-Really attack the orc shaman? [yn] (n) UY- nUY/uo(0~(B/UY[5u(0~(B(0~(BoUY -u(0~(Bo/UY 6u(0a(B (0~(BUY 5"That door is closed.UYX -(0~(Bu(0~(BUY 1o(0~(Bu(0~(BUY (0~(BuUY (0~(B(0~(BuUY! (0~(BuUY\Fo(0~(BuUY(0~(B(0~(BuUY "o (0~(BuUY (oo(0~(B(0~(BuUYrYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(Bo(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bu`UYPMWYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`oUYiwYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bo(0~(B {u`[UY/tYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(B(0~(Bu`(0~(B(UY.- kYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`oo)UYxb eYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`o(0~(BUY@|Your nightmare moves the boulder.o(0~(B (0~(Bu`(0~(BoUY2UY\Your nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bo(0~(Bu`(0~(BUYF]Your nightmare moves the boulder.o(0~(B(0~(Bu`(0~(BYou feel tough!2 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened--More--UY)7You must be leading a healthy life-style.UYV Vu(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(BoUYO (0~(Bu(0~(B UYYR(0qk(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(BUY:V(0qq(B((0~(B(0~~(B(0~(Bu(0~(BoUY (0l(B(0x(B(0x(B(0x~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BUYVh D(0~x(Bu(0~~~x(B(0v(B(0~(BUYu(0~(BUY:u(0~(BUY /u(0~(BYou see here 3 candles.UY JYou have a little trouble lifting X - 3 candles.UY Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion Y;1H(1 of 2)UYK x - a dark green potion  H - a potion of sickness  Q - a cyan potion  Rings  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  M - a wand called poly  Tools  c - a stethoscope  W - 4 candles  X - 3 candles  Gems  y - a green gem (2 of 2)UY Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x(Bu(0~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x(B(0~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqq(B(0qj(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~UY̜ ~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(B_(0~~x~~~(B((0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~(B` (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj(B"(0mqqqqqj~mqqqq(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY (0~(BuUYD/(0x(B(0~(B(uUY G(0qqqk(B(0~~~(B(0~(B(0~(BuUYhM(0w(B(0~(Bu(0a(Bo(0x(BUYn #(0~(Bu(0~(BUY" u(0~(B Things that are here: a lamp a candle 2 candles--More--UY9UYC Pick up what?  Tools ('(') a - a lamp b - a candle c - 2 candles(end) UY +UY'You have a little trouble lifting Y - a lamp.UY# UYT nameUYk! 8Name an individual object? [ynq] (q) UYKnWhat do you want to call? [cdfknor-txyA-CEHJKMQU-Y or ?*] UYCall a lamp: UYSUYHUY} IUY TUYTM46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedUYB  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion UY (1 of 2)UYy x - a dark green potion  H - a potion of sickness  Q - a cyan potion  Rings  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  M - a wand called poly  Tools  c - a stethoscope  W - 4 candles  X - 3 candles  Y - a lamp called SHIT  Gems  y - a green gem (2 of 2)UYLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~(Bu(0~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~xUY(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(B_(0~~x~~~(B((0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~(B` (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj(B"(0mqqqqqj~mqqqq(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY7What do you want to use or apply? [cCMW-Y or ?*] UYA q46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedYour lamp is now on.oUYDWhat do you want to use or apply? [cCMW-Y or ?*] UY i46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedYour lamp is now off.UY Pick up what?  Tools ('(') a - a candle b - 2 candles(end) UYN+UYA+UYYou have a little trouble lifting X - a candle.--More--UY UYou have a little trouble lifting W - 2 candles.(0~(BoUY>/Unknown command '^J'.UYj(0~(BuUY+(0~(Buo(0~(BUY !(0a(Bu UY0 O(0~x(B(0~(B(0~(Bou(0~(BUY/(0~(BuUYW"That door is closed.UYR0That door is closed.UYV 0That door is closed.UY' 0That door is closed.UYu(0~(BUY`C(0~(BuoUY u(0~(BUY6u(0~(B(0~(BoUYj u(0~(BUY u(0~(BoUY (0~(B(0~(BuUY +Really attack the Uruk-hai? [yn] (n) UY nUYMA7uoo(0~(BUYIo uo(0~(B(0~(BUYgUou(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(BUYG(0~(Bo(0~(Bu(0~(Bo)UY "{(0~(BuUYK(0~(Bo (0~(Bou(0~(BUY:)(0~(Bo((0~(BuUY":o(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(BuUY Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a pyramidal amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion UY< (1 of 2)UYf Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~(Bo(0~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~(B (0q~~~qk~~~~UY ~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(Bo(0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Bu(0~~x~~~(B((0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~(B` (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj(B"(0mqqqqqj~mqqqq(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY&EWhat do you want to drop? [$a-df-iknoq-vxyA-CEHJKMQRU-Y or ?*] UY46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedThere is a black flash as a pyramidal amulet hits the altar.oo(0~(B(0l(B (oUY You have a little trouble lifting U - a cursed pyramidal amulet.(0~(Bo(0~(BoUY Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potiUYon (1 of 2)UYLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~(Bo(0~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq(Bo(0~~qk~~~~UY~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x(B ((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)o(0~~x~x~~x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Bu(0~~x~~~(B((0x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~(B` (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj(B"(0mqqqqqj~mqqqq(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUYuM;o(0~(Bo(0~(Bu_UYQy+Really attack the hill orc? [yn] (n) UY4 nUY =(0~(Bo(0~(B u(0~(BUY <(0~(Boou(0~(BoUYhIo(0~(Bou(0~(Bo(0~(BUY< b(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Boouo(0~(B(UY-(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BuUYw6(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BuUY(0~(BuUYc (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUYH[u(0~(BUY̋ (0~(BuUY"(0~(B(0~(B`uUYq6(0~~~~(B(0~(B(0~(BuUY LYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`(0q(BUY ZYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`(0q(BUY2Your nightmare moves the boulder.`(0x(Bu(0~x(B(0~(B(0~x(B(0qj(BYou see here 11 rocks.UYeu*UYj"That door is closed.UY0That door is closed.UYv(0~(BuUYo(0~(BuUY u(0~(BUYg u(0~(BUYH u(0~(BUYu(0~(BUYvu(0~(BUY"# u(0~(BUY  $You miss SubG's ghost.UY} 2You miss SubG's ghost.UY ((0~(B uUY (0~(BuUY.(0~(BuUY^a(0~(BuUYX:(0~(B (0~(BouUY 1(0~(Bo(0~(Bu(0~(BUYc "o(0~(Bu(0~(BUY "o(0~(Bu(0~(BUY  u(0~(BUY"(0~(Bou(0~(BUY`#(0~(Bou(0~(BUY(0~(Bou(0~(BUY Cu(0~(BYou see here an oval amulet.UY^\You have a little trouble lifting Z - an oval amulet.o(0~(BUY  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potioUY n (1 of 2)UYVLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B UY6V(0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(B_(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj(Bu(0mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUYA+u(0~(B(0~(BUYo(0q(B(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(Boou(0~(BUY [(0~(B(0~(B(uo(0~(BoUYUD(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Buo_UYxD(0~(B(0~(Booo(0~(Bu)UYU@(0~(Boo(0~(B(0~(BuUYo 9o(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(BuUYmEEWhat do you want to drop? [$a-df-iknoq-vxyA-CEHJKMQRU-Z or ?*] UY}46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedAn oval amulet lands on the altar.(0~(Bo(oUY zYou have a little trouble lifting Z - an uncursed oval amulet.:(0~(Booo(0~(B(0~(BoUY~ Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golUY den potion (1 of 2)UYLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~(B:(0~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~(Bo(0~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq(Boo(UY0~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~(Bo(0~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Bu(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUYC Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden poUYXtion (1 of 2)UY}Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~(B:(0~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~(Bo(0~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq(Boo(UY0~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~(Bo(0~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Bu(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY3You don't have anything else to wear.UY@You don't know any spells right now.UY?>What do you want to put on? [ABKUZ or ?*] UYQ46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedZ - an uncursed oval amulet (being worn).oo:(0~(Boooo UYUo ooo(0~(Boo(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Boou_(0~(B(0~(BoUY (0~(B:o (0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(Bu(0~(Boo(0~(BUYx o ooo oo(0~(B{(0~(Boou(0~(Bo(0~(B/o(0~(BUY!W:(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bu (0~(BUY o ooo(0~~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bou(0~(BoUY^(0~(B: oo(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Boo(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(BoUY o (0~(Bo(0~(Boo(0~(Bo/(0~(B(0~(BouUY! (0~(Bu(0~~~(BThere are many objects here.(0~(B o(0~(Bo(0~(B (0~(BUYN Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - 2 orcish daggers b - a very rusty orcish dagger c - an orcish short sword Armor ('[') d - an orcish helm e - an orcish helm f - a rusty orcish chain mail g - an orcish helm h - an orcish cloak i - a pair of iron shoes j - an orcish chain mail k - a very burnt orcish cloak l - an Uruk-hai shield m - an orcish helm n - an Uruk-hai shield o - a very rusty orcish helm(end) UYR0+UY+UYu} +UY@+UYF(0qqqwqqqk~~~x~~~x~~~x~~~x~~~~~~~xq~qqqaqj~x~~~~~~~~(B`(0x~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~xqqwqq(B+(0qk~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x~~~~~(B`(0~xqqqqqqqj~(B`(0qq(BYou have a little trouble lifting e - an orcish helm.--More--UYM RYou have a little trouble lifting j - an orcish helm.--More--UY. RYou have a little trouble lifting l - an orcish helm.--More--UYuYou have a little trouble lifting m - an orcish command '^J'.UYt+UY Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - 2 orcish daggers b - a very rusty orcish dagger c - an orcish short sword Armor ('[') d - a rusty orcish chain mail e - an orcish cloak f - a pair of iron shoes g - an orcish chain mail h - a very burnt orcish cloak i - an Uruk-hai shield j - an Uruk-hai shield k - a very rusty orcish helm(end) UYtX(0qqqwqqqk~~~x~~~x~~~x~~~x~~~~~~~xq~qqqaqj~x~~~~~~~~(B`(0x~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~xqqwqq(B+(0qk~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(BUYKXo (0~(Boo(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Booo(0~(Bu[ UYo: o(0~~(Bo(0~(Boo(0~(Boo(0~(B(0~(Bouo(0~(B(0~(BUY2 Koo :ku(0~(B (0~(BUY o o o(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Boo(0~(Bou(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(BoUYA :o (0~(Boo(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(Boo(0~(B(0~(BoUY  oo o(0~(Boo(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Buo(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(BUY P :oo(0~(B(0~(Bu (0~(BUY#(0~(Bu Things that are here: an orcish dagger a knife an orcish dagger--More--UY+T Something is engraved here on the floor.--More--UY_ You read: "Elbere hElbereth".Io oo o(0~(Boo(0~(B{oo(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(BUYtr 1Unknown command '^J'.UYJUY\ o oo :o (0~(Bo(0~(Boo(0~~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(B_o(0~~(BoUYT :o(0~(B{o)u (0~(BUYK Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet (being worn)  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an orcish helm  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  j - an orcish helm  l - an orcish helm  m - an orcish helm  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER UYK(1 of 2)UY2 Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`Iooo(0~~~(B:(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~(Bo(0~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(Bo(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~(Bo(0~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(Bo(0~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~(Bo(0~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~xUYN (B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~(Bo(0~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Bu(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~(Bo(0~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~(B (0~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY0>?What do you want to drop? [$a-oq-vxyA-CEHJKMQRU-Z or ?*] UYq46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedAn orcish helm lands on the altar. o (0~(Bo o(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(Boo(0~(BUY  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet (being worn)  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  j - an orcish helm  l - an orcish helm  m - an orcish helm  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GUY  EX VEN ZEA (1 of 2)UYiLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`Ioo(0~~~(B:(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~(Bo(0~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj(Bo(0~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~(B{(0~(Bo(0~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B[UYC(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~(Bo(0~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Bu(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~(Bo(0~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~(B (0~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUYGBWhat do you want to drop? [$a-df-oq-vxyA-CEHJKMQRU-Z or ?*] UYWM46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedAn orcish helm lands on the altar. :o(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(Boo(0~(Bo(0~(BUY̷ SWhat do you want to drop? [$a-df-ik-oq-vxyA-CEHJKMQRU-Z or ?*] UY/46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedAn orcish helm lands on the altar.o o : (0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(Boo(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(B (0~(Bo(0~(BUYnTWhat do you want to drop? [$a-df-ikm-oq-vxyA-CEHJKMQRU-Z or ?*] UY46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedAn orcish helm lands on the altar. o oo(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Booo/(0~(Boo(0~(BUY?h Pick up what?  Armor ('[') a - an uncursed orcish helm b - an uncursed orcish helm c - an uncursed orcish helm d - an uncursed orcish helm(end) UY '++++UYC(0wqqqkx~~~xx~~~x~~~(Bo(0x(BYou have a little trouble lifting m - an uncursed orcish helm.--More--UYo [You have a little trouble lifting l - an uncursed orcish helm.--More--UY֛[You have a little trouble lifting j - an uncursed orcish helm.--More--UYqYou have a little trouble lifting e - an uncursed orcish helm.: oo(0~(B(0~(Boo(0~(B(0~(Boo(0~(Bo(0~(BUY 1Unknown command '^J'.UY1I Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet (being worn)  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  e - an uncursed orcish helm  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  j - an uncursed orcish helm  l - an uncursed orcish helm  m - an uncursed orcish helm  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r UYJI2- a scroll labeled ZELGO MER (1 of 2) UYY,Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`Ioo(0~~~(B:(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(Bo(0x~~~x(Bo(0~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~(Bo(0~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~(B{(0~(Bo(0~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~ UYq,~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x(Bo(0~(Bu(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/o(0x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj(B (0mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(B UY8 2What do you want to take off? [dfnJV or ?*]  UY@ oo  (0~(Boo(0~(Bo(0~(Boo(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bo46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedYou finish taking off your helmet.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-6 Exp:6Burdened: o(0~(B(0~(Bo (0~(Bk UY<What do you want to wear? [dejlm or ?*]  UYH 3o o(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Boo)o(0~(B(0~(Bo46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-6 Exp:6BurdenedYou finish your dressing maneuver.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened UY Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet (being worn)  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  e - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  j - an uncursed orcish helm  l - an uncursed orcish helm  m - an uncursed orcish helm  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  UY5 r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER (1 of 2) UY-*Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`Ioo(0~~~(B:(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~(Bo(0x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~(Bo(0~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~(Bo(0~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0 UYJ*lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`o(0lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)o(0~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Bu(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x(B (0x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % k ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(B UYӘ    (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B You were wearing an uncursed oval amulet.o(0~(BoUYw  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  e - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  j - an uncursed orcish helm  l - an uncursed orcish helm  m - an uncursed orcish helm  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scrollUY ( labeled ZELGO MER (1 of 2)UY`DLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~(Boo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~UY}D~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Buo(0~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY 2What do you want to take off? [efnJV or ?*] UYs(0~(B(0~(Bo46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedYou finish taking off your helmet.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-6 Exp:6Burdened(0~(BoUY Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  e - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  j - an uncursed orcish helm  l - an uncursed orcish helm  m - an uncursed orcish helm  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGUYشO MER (1 of 2)UYULuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-6 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~(Bo(0~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~UYp~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Bu(0~(Bo(0x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUYn.What do you want to wear? [dejlm or ?*] UYf o(0~(Bo46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-6 Exp:6BurdenedYou finish your dressing maneuver.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedUY@What do you want to take off? [fjnJV or ?*] UYY (0~(Bo(0~(B46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedYou finish taking off your helmet.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-6 Exp:6BurdenedUY2 Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  e - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  j - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  l - an uncursed orcish helm  m - an uncursed orcish helm  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZUY2ELGO MER (1 of 2)UYLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-6 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~UY~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Buo(0~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUYX .What do you want to wear? [dejlm or ?*] UYmo(0~(Boo(0~(B46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-6 Exp:6BurdenedYou finish your dressing maneuver.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened UY @What do you want to take off? [flnJV or ?*] UY (0~(Boo(0~(B46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedYou finish taking off your helmet.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-6 Exp:6BurdenedUY><What do you want to wear? [dejlm or ?*] UYԋo(0~(B(0~(Bo46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-6 Exp:6BurdenedYou finish your dressing maneuver.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedUYj Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  e - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  j - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  l - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  m - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r -UY1 a scroll labeled ZELGO MER (1 of 2)UYiLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~(Bo(0~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~UYi~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x(Bo((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~(B (0~(B)(0~(Bo(0~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(Bu(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY?What do you want to drop? [$a-oq-vxyA-CEHJKMQRU-Z or ?*] UYHW 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedAn uncursed +0 orcish helm lands on the altar.(0~(Boo(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(B oUY+PWhat do you want to drop? [$a-ik-oq-vxyA-CEHJKMQRU-Z or ?*] UY46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedAn uncursed +0 orcish helm lands on the altar.(0~(Bo)o(0~(BoUY Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  d - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  e - an uncursed +0 orcish helm  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA [29;UY'1H Potions (1 of 2)UYLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~(Bo(0~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~UY~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x(B ou(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~(Bo(0~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY+CWhat do you want to drop? [$a-ikm-oq-vxyA-CEHJKMQRU-Z or ?*] UY| 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedAn uncursed +0 orcish helm lands on the altar.o(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(BUYTWhat do you want to drop? [$a-ce-ikm-oq-vxyA-CEHJKMQRU-Z or ?*] UY46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedAn uncursed +0 orcish helm lands on the altar.(0~(B(0~(Boo)(0~(B (0~(BoUY  Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golUY den potion (1 of 2)?UYUS s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green potion  H - a potion of sickness  Q - a cyan potion  Rings  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  M - a wand called poly  Tools  c - a stethoscope  W - 6 candles  X - 4 candles  Y - a lamp called SHIT  Gems  y - a green gem (2 of 2)?UYkLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqq(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x(B(0l(B(0lqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B`(0~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x(B(0x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x(B(0mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~~~~~(B`{(0~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x(B(0lqaqwq~qk~~~(B`(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~?UYl~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x(B(0x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B(o(0~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~(B u(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x(B(0x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~(Bo(0~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x(B(0mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(B@UYK(0~(Bo(0~(Bu[o(0~(B@UYu(0~(BYou see here a key.(0~(Boo(0~(Bo(0~(BAUYfo(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(Buoo[AUY]z Aou(0~(B (0~(BBUYXo(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(Bu(o(0~(BBUYTo(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B)BUY"nYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(Bu`BUY# HYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`CUY:o(0~(B(0~(Bu{CUY&?(0~(Boou(0~(B(0~(BCUYs[(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(Bo (0~(BooCUYnZo(0~(Bou(0~(B ((0~(BoCUY9 SYou miss SubG's ghost.(0~(B(0~(Bo[DUYRsYou miss SubG's ghost.o(0~(Boo(0~(Bo(0~(BEUYv(0~(Bo(0~(Buo(0~(B(oo(0~(BEUYC 3(0~(BuSubG's ghost misses.FUY_(0~(B(0~(Boou)(0~(BoFUY6=o(0~(B(0~(B(oouFUY (0~(Bu There is an altar to Moloch (unaligned) here.  Things that are here: an uncursed +0 orcish helm an uncursed +0 orcish helm an uncursed +0 orcish helm an uncursed +0 orcish helm--More--GUY' A(0qqq(B(0~~~(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0~~~~~~~~~qqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk~~~x(Bo(0~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(B(0~(B(0~(Boo(0~(BoGUY~  There is an altar to Moloch (unaligned) here.  Things that are here: an uncursed +0 orcish helm an uncursed +0 orcish helm an uncursed +0 orcish helm an uncursed +0 orcish helm--More--HUY(0qqq(B(0~~~(B(0qq{qqqqqq(B(0~~~~~~~~~qqqk~~~~~~l(B(0lqqqwqqqk~~~x(Bo(0~~~~~x(B(0x~~~x~~~x~~~x~~~~~~(B(0x~~~x~~~x(BIUY-Really attack the orc shaman? [yn] (n) IUY nIUY J(0~(Bo(0~(B u[JUYXfYou miss SubG's ghost.o((0~(B)o(0~(B(0~(BoJUY7Q(0~(Bo(0~(Bou(0~~(BoKUYlou(0~(BSubG's ghost touches you!45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0~(B(0~(BoKUY'Y(0~(Boouo(o(0~(BKUY46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedu(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(BoKUYcro(0~(Bu(0~(Boo(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(BKUYs ?(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(BkLUY >oo(0~(B(0~(B{uLUY {o(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Buko(0~(B(0~(BLUY 8(0~(Buo(0~(B(0~(BMUYho(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(Bk(0~(BoMUY D(0~(Bu(0~(Boo(0~(BNUYqYou miss the kobold shaman.The kobold shaman casts a spell at you!--More--OUY_Wounds appear on your body!36(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedo(0~(Bo(0~(BOUY3 1Unknown command '^J'.PUYeYou miss the kobold shaman.(0~(Bo(0~(BoPUY^FYou miss the kobold shaman.--More--QUY LThe saddled nightmare misses the kobold shaman.--More--QUY mThe saddled nightmare bites the kobold shaman.(0~(Boo[o(0~(BQUYJ1Unknown command '^J'.RUYFYou miss the kobold shaman.--More--SUYThe kobold shaman points at you, then curses.37(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened)o(0~(BSUYǼ 1Unknown command '^J'.SUY fYou hit the kobold shaman!o(0~(Boo(0~(BTUY You kill the kobold shaman!37(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedo(o(0~(B=oUUYN(0~(Bu[There are many objects here.o(0~(B(0~(BVUY4O Pick up what?  Spellbooks ('+') a - a bronze spellbook Rings ('=') b - a bronze ring c - a jade ring d - a granite ring e - an engagement ring f - a twisted ring Wands ('/') g - a hexagonal wand h - a hexagonal wand i - an iron wand j - a wand of digging k - a wand of digging l - an aluminum wand m - an aluminum wand n - a wand of digging(end) XUY+XUY +XUY +YUYyu+YUYw+YUYWZ W(0~x(B`(0x~x~x~x(B(0x(BYou have a little trouble lifting p - a bronze ring.--More--ZUYnOYou have a little trouble lifting w - a jade ring.--More--ZUY,RYou have a little trouble lifting z - a granite ring.--More--ZUY^p VYou have a little trouble lifting D - an engagement ring.--More--ZUY [You have a little trouble lifting F - a twisted ring.o(0~(B[UYͭ1Unknown command '^J'.[UY Pick up what?  Spellbooks ('+') a - a bronze spellbook Wands ('/') b - a hexagonal wand c - a hexagonal wand d - an iron wand e - a wand of digging f - a wand of digging g - an aluminum wand h - an aluminum wand i - a wand of digging(end) UYW(0~x(B`(0x~x~x~x(B(0x(BUY Pick up what?  Spellbooks ('+') a - a bronze spellbook Wands ('/') b - a hexagonal wand c - a hexagonal wand d - an iron wand e - a wand of digging f - a wand of digging g - an aluminum wand h - an aluminum wand i - a wand of digging(end) UY4 +UYK+UYث+UYh+UY` +UY+UY +UYq +UY_ (0~x(B`(0x~x~x~x(B(0x(BYou have a little trouble lifting G - a hexagonal wand.--More--UYTYou have a little trouble lifting I - a hexagonal wand.--More--UY{PYou have a little trouble lifting L - an iron wand.--More--UY4 UYou have a little trouble lifting N - a wand of digging.--More--UY UYou have a little trouble lifting O - a wand of digging.--More--UYTYou have a little trouble lifting P - an aluminum wand.--More--UY&TYou have a little trouble lifting S - an aluminum wand.--More--UYYou have a little trouble lifting T - a wand of digging.38(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0~(Bo UY61Unknown command '^J'.UY UY0l(0~(B{(0~(Buo(0~(B+(0~(BooUY= Uo u(0~(B)oo(0~(B(0~(BUYvYour nightmare moves the boulder.o(0~(B`u(0~(B(0~(B[UY lYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(B`ou {(0~(BUY 9Really attack the Uruk-hai? [yn] (n) UY[ nUYV(0~(BuUYm39(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedou(0~(B(0~(BUY (0~(BuoUYju(0~(B (0~(BUY?u(0~(B(0~(BUY"That door is closed.UY|0That door is closed.UY 0That door is closed.UY-u(0~(BUY)u(0~(BoUYEg40(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedu(0~(B(0~(BUY 3 8u(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(BUY* "That door is closed.UYp 'In what direction? UYK *This door is locked.UY 'In what direction? UYFT*This door is locked.UY 6(0~(Buo(0~(BUYN (0~(BuUYs (0~(Bu(0~(BUY (0~(BuUYI "That door is closed.UY 'In what direction? UY@*This door is locked.UY+ 'In what direction? UY>K *This door is locked.UYe41(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedu(0~(BoUY#Unknown command '^J'.UY q 8ou(0~(B(0~(BoUYj u(0~(B UY+9u(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(BUYV6(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(BUYga(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BUYy42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BUY$ u(0~(BUY u(0~(BUYu(0~(BUYAu(0~(BUYA)+(0~(B`u(0~(BUYkf43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedu(0~(B(0q(BUY~ (0~(BuUYJYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`(0q(BUYWYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`(0q(BUY 4WYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`(0q(BUYVWYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`(0q(BUYiYour nightmare moves the boulder.44(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0q(B(0~(Bu`(0q(BUY eYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`(0q(BUYe eYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`(0w(BUYtTYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`UYTYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`UYTYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0q(B(0~(Bu`UYYour nightmare moves the boulder.45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0~(Bu`UY)lrYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`o(0~(Bo(0~(BUY bYour nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`(0~(BoUY7 Your nightmare moves the boulder.(0~(Bu`(0~(B(0~~(B((0~(BoUYb(0qqq(B(0~(B(0~~~(Bu(0~(Bo[UYGE(0~(Bu(0~(Bo(0~(BoUY46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedo(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(BooUY=s BYour nightmare tries to move the boulder, but cannot.UY! Your nightmare moves the boulder.(0qw(B(0~(B(0~(Bu`You see here 10 rocks.(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(BoUYgYour nightmare moves the boulder.*u(0~(B`)oo(0~(BUYo(0~(Bo(0~(Buo(0~(Boo[UYV(0~(B (0~(B(0~(Buoo(0~(BUY ](0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(BUY @u(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(BUYliL(0~(B{o(0~(Bu(0~(BZUY1(0~(B(0~(Bu:UY3 V(0~(B((0~(BuooZ(0~(BUY4 o(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(BYou see here a bronze spellbook.(0~(Bo:[UYYou miss the ghoul.The ghoul misses.The ghoul just misses!o(0~(B:(0~(BUYYou miss the ghoul.The ghoul misses.The ghoul misses.o(0~(BUY`KYou hit the ghoul.(0~(B(0~(BUYYou hit the ghoul!The ghoul misses.The ghoul hits!45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedoo:UYxYou miss the ghoul.The ghoul misses.The ghoul misses.(0~(Bo(0~(BoUY You destroy the ghoul!46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedo(0~(B:(0~(BUYYou miss the baby crocodile.(0~(Bo(The baby crocodile bites!45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedUY@-You are beginning to feel hungry.45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Hungry BurdenedYou kill the baby crocodile!45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Hungry Burdenedo(0~(Bo(0~(BUYk7(0~(B(0~(B+uUYF(0~(BuUYg46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Hungry Burdenedu(0~(BUYkkou(0~(BYou see here a bronze spellbook.(0~(BoUY Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  i - an uncursed food ration  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golUY den potion (1 of 3)UY  Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Hungry Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~~~~~~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B*(0~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(B`(0~~~(B`(0~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B{(0~~~~~~~~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~~~~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(BY9 H(0mk~x~x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~(Bu(0x~~(B[(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B%(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) % ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY#/What do you want to eat? [g-iquvR or ?*] UYc\46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Hungry BurdenedThat food really hit the spot!46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0~(B(0~~~(Bo(0~(BoYou finish eating the food ration.o(0~(B(0~(BUY=j"o+uUY!((0~(B(0~(BuUY+ 1(0~(Bo(0~(BuUYMY(0~(Bu(0~~~(BThere are many objects here.oUY1(0~(Bo[uUY<3(0~(B{(0~(Bu(0~(B UYWH(0~(Bu(0~(B UY,\(0~(Bu(0~(B UY(0~(Bu(0~(B UY (0~(Bu(0~(B UYk ou(0~(B UY +Really attack the hill orc? [yn] (n) UY nUYy ou(0~(BUYn  ou(0~(BUYn(0~(BUYt oUYJ (0~(Bu(0~(BUY_ (0~(Bu(0~(BUYY-(0~(B (0~(Bu(0~(BUYYAo(0~(B(0~(B (0~(Bu(0~(BUYG#{ (0~(Bu(0~(BUY/Y${(0~(Bu(0~(B UYTr(0~(Bu(0~(B UYou(0~(B UY++Really attack the hill orc? [yn] (n) UY!5 nUY ou(0~(BUYL,oo (0~(Bu(0~(BUY}q2{(0~(B (0~(Bu(0~(BUY3o(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B UYPu(0~(BThere are many objects here.(0~(BUYj&3ou[ UY7E%ou(0~(BUY9 '(0~(B(0~(BuUY q(0~(Bu(0~~~(BThere are many objects here.o(0~(BoUY>(0~(B{[(0~(Bu UY(0~(Bu(0~(B UY (0~(Bu(0~(B UY5 ou(0~(B UY+Really attack the hill orc? [yn] (n) UYj nUYH  ou(0~(BUY  (0~(Bu(0~(BUY> (0~(Bu(0~(BUY"2(0~(Bo (0~(Bu(0~(BUY`#{ (0~(Bu(0~(BUY;!'o{ou(0~(B UYecu(0~(BThere are many objects here.(0~(Bo(0~(BUYǧ={ou[ UY9+(0~(Bu(0~(BUYu u(0~(BUY;(0~(BuUYo(0~(BuUY; (0~(BuUY5  (0~(BuUY (0~(BuUY u(0~(BUY7 (0~(BuUY Y>(0~(Bu(0j(B u(0~(BUY5U0(0~(B(0~(BuuUY!u(0~(B(0~(BUYV (0~(BuUYCu(0~(BSubG's ghost misses the saddled nightmare.UY(0~(BuUY u(0~(BUYD<You miss SubG's ghost.u(0~(BUY (0~(B(0~(Bu(0~~~(BThere are many objects here.SubG's ghost touches you!45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedUYs{&[(0~(Bu UY+(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B UY(0~(Bu(0~(B UYw( (0~(Bu(0~(B UY$ (0~(Bu(0~(B UY(0~(Bu(0~(B UY(0~(Bu(0~(B UYbV u(0~(B UYu}ou(0~(B There is a grave here.Something is engraved here on the headstone.--More--UYvJYou read: "SubG, killed by an orcish dagger".--More--UY 1There are many objects here.(0~(BUY1Unknown command '^J'.UYUe Pick up what?  Coins ('$') a - 49 gold pieces Weapons (')') b - a dagger c - a rusty long sword Armor ('[') d - an uncursed +0 orcish shield e - a pair of fencing gloves f - a pair of iron shoes g - a dwarvish cloak h - a chain mail i - a pair of iron shoes j - a dwarvish cloak Comestibles ('%') k - a lichen corpse l - 6 food rations m - a tripe ration n - a food ration Tools ('(') o - a stethoscope p - a bag called holding q - a small bag r - a key(end) ;UY(0qqq~~~qwqqqwqqqk~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~~~xqvq~qqqaqj~x~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x~mqqqqqqqj~~~(B`(0q{qq(BLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened;UYQ/  Pick up what?  Coins ('$') a - 49 gold pieces Weapons (')') b - a dagger c - a rusty long sword Armor ('[') d - an uncursed +0 orcish shield e - a pair of fencing gloves f - a pair of iron shoes g - a dwarvish cloak h - a chain mail i - a pair of iron shoes j - a dwarvish cloak Comestibles ('%') k - a lichen corpse l - 6 food rations m - a tripe ration n - a food ration Tools ('(') o - a stethoscope p - a bag called holding q - a small bag r - a key(end) UYK=(0~(Bu(0~(B>UY< (0~(Bu(0~(B>UYL (0~(Bu(0~(B>UY  (0~(Bu >UYTi JYou miss SubG's ghost.SubG's ghost misses.>UY_2You miss SubG's ghost.?UYYou miss SubG's ghost.SubG's ghost touches you!45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed 46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed?UY3 !(0~(Bu(0~(B ?UY (0~(Bu(0~(B ?UY(0~(Bu(0~(B @UYK u(0~(B @UY(0~(Bu(0~(B There is a grave here.Something is engraved here on the headstone.--More--AUY$JYou read: "SubG, killed by an orcish dagger".--More--AUY*There are many objects here.AUY(0~(Bu( AUYp (0~(Bu(0~(BAUY )u(0~(B BUYG_(0~(Bu(0~(B  Things that are here: an orcish short sword an orcish helm a rusty orcish shield--More--BUY#S :BUY: ou) CUYx+Really attack the hill orc? [yn] (n) CUY$t nCUYc=(0~(BDUYh!(0~(Bu(0~(BDUY 1o*u(0~(B EUYAo(0~(Bu(0~(B EUYVu(0~(BThere are several objects here.o)EUYe2.o)u*EUY]aCu(0~(BYou see here an orcish dagger.EUY 9Really attack the hill orc? [yn] (n) FUY! nFUY[ 1Unknown command '^J'.FUYB ,(0~(B(0~(BFUYUoGUY/o(0~(B(0~(BGUYW-o(0~(Bu)GUY+(0~(Bou(0~(BGUY 3o(0~~(Bu(0~(BGUY u(0~(BGUYP2o(0~(Bu(0~(BHUYo6(0~(Bou(0~(BHUY$0o(0~(Bu(0~(BHUY&(0~(B(0~(BoHUY,B o(0~(B HUYu &(0~(B(0~(BuIUY)@o(0~(Bu (0~(BIUY((0~(Bo(0~(BuIUYZ,(0~(B(0~(BuIUYf(o (0~(BIUY,o(0~(B(0~(BIUY6 0(0~(Bo *IUYٯ %(0~(Bo(0~(BJUYE>/(0~(Bo (0~(BJUY&(0~(B(0~(BoJUYJ-u(0~(B )JUY&o(0~(B(0~(BJUYkHo(0~(Bu(0~(B (0~(BJUYTt !(0~(Bou(0~(BJUY (0~(Bo(0~(BKUY|5o(0~(B (0~(BKUYG;o(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(BKUYY9o(0~(B (0~(BKUY$(0~(B(0~(BKUY x(0~(BuSubG's ghost touches you!45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedLUY{5o(0~(B(0~(BuLUYR((0~(Bo(0~(BuLUY8o(0~(B(0~(B (0~(BuLUY >(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(BuLUY! T(0~(BuYou see here an orcish dagger.(0~(B LUY)uMUY^F(0~(BuThere are several objects here.oMUY[1(0k(B *uMUY H(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(BMUYp=(0~(BuYou see here an orcish dagger.MUY MUYf "(0~(B)u(0~(BNUYY (0~(BuNUYe (0~(Bu(0~(B Things that are here: an orcish short sword an orcish helm a rusty orcish shield--More--OUY:OUYs  )u(0~(BOUY(0~(Bu(0~(BOUYL  (0~(BuOUY  (0~(Bu(0~(BThere is a grave here.Something is engraved here on the headstone.--More--PUY3JYou read: "SubG, killed by an orcish dagger".--More--QUY(*There are many objects here.QUYҪ1Unknown command '^J'.QUY (u(0~(BQUY (0~(Bu(0~(BQUY  (0~(Bu(0~(BQUYC (0~(Bu(0~(BYou hear the splashing of a naiad.RUYP  (0~(Bu(0~(BRUY (0~(Bu(0~(BRUYQ (0~(Bu(0~(BRUY5 (0~(Bu(0~(BRUYi 1(0~(Bo (0~(Bu(0~(BSUYB~Pu(0~(BThere are many objects here.(0~(BSUY<;u(0~(Bo[ SUY4@oou(0~(B(0~(BSUYv~ 9(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(BSUY fou(0~(BYou see here a bronze spellbook.(0~(BSUY ?o(0~(Bu+oTUYH(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BTUY?<oo(0~(Bu(0~(BTUYǭ To(0~(B(0~(Boouo(0~(BUUY[ Coins  $ - 322 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion UY[0;1H(1 of 3)VUY& x - a dark green potion  H - a potion of sickness  Q - a cyan potion  Rings  p - a bronze ring  w - a jade ring  z - a granite ring  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  D - an engagement ring  F - a twisted ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  G - a hexagonal wand  I - a hexagonal wand  L - an iron wand  M - a wand called poly  N - a wand of digging  O - a wand of digging  P - an aluminum wand  S - an aluminum wand  T - a wand of digging  Tools  c - a stethoscope  d - a bag called holding  W - 6 candles  X - 4 candles  Y - a lamp called SHIT (2 of 3)VUYbyB Gems  y - a green gem (3 of 3)WUY& x - a dark green potion  H - a potion of sickness  Q - a cyan potion  Rings  p - a bronze ring  w - a jade ring  z - a granite ring  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  D - an engagement ring  F - a twisted ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  G - a hexagonal wand  I - a hexagonal wand  L - an iron wand  M - a wand called poly  N - a wand of digging  O - a wand of digging  P - an aluminum wand  S - an aluminum wand  T - a wand of digging  Tools  c - a stethoscope  d - a bag called holding  W - 6 candles  X - 4 candles  Y - a lamp called SHIT (2 of 3)WUYD Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:322 HP:45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~~(Bo(0~~~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B*(0~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~~~~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(B`(0~~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~~~~(Buo(0~~~~~~~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~~~~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(BWUY` (0mk~x~x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~(B+(0x~~(B[(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B*(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) ) ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BXUY"# XUYRq dipXUY3 ipXUY> pXUYX DWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] XUYq45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) YUYJyYour bag called holding gets wet.--More--ZUYfJwA strange tingling runs up your arm.(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bo{[UY# [UYdip[UY ip[UY[p[UYDWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] [UYUq45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) [UYu JyYour bag called holding gets wet.--More--\UYA strange tingling runs up your arm.46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed(0~(Boo]UYdY# ]UYfdip]UY ip]UY p]UYDWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] ]UY@ q46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) ]UY yYour bag called holding gets wet.(0~(B(0~(Booo(0~(B^UY # ^UYdip^UYip_UYzp_UYSDWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] _UY\q46(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) _UY!yYour bag called holding gets wet.&You unleash a water demon!o--More--`UY+The water demon hits!45(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon misses.The water demon bites!44(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressedoo(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BaUYq1Unknown command '^J'.bUYB%# dUY/dipdUYjipdUYb\pdUYDWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] dUYq44(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) dUYryYour bag called holding gets wet.The water demon hits!43(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed--More--eUY7rThe water demon hits!42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon bites!41(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressedo(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B42(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon misses.--More--eUY( The water demon hits!41(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon bites!40(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressedo(0~(BoofUY# gUYWdipgUYeipgUYpgUYDWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] gUYiq40(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) gUY3 JyYour bag called holding gets wet.--More--hUYWater gushes forth from the overflowing fountain!(0`(B(0`(B(0`(B(0`(B(0`(B(0`(B(0`(B--More--hUY|J The water demon hits!39(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon hits!38(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon misses.--More--iUY6JThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--iUYف HThe water demon hits the saddled nightmare.--More--jUY2sIThe water demon bites the saddled nightmare.--More--jUY JThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.--More--kUYiThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.(0~(Booo(0~(BkUY( 1Unknown command '^J'.lUYZ# lUYxdiplUYQiplUY plUY DWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] lUYFP q38(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) lUYyYour bag called holding gets wet.The water demon hits!37(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed--More--mUYu The water demon misses.The water demon bites!36(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressedo(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bo--More--mUYX The water demon misses.The water demon hits!35(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed--More--nUY JThe water demon misses.o(0~(B(0~(BonUY1Unknown command '^J'.nUYoUY# oUYmdipoUYXipoUY}poUYVDWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] oUYq35(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) oUYI JyYour bag called holding gets wet.--More--pUY ARFar below you, you see coins glistening in the water.--More--pUYIm[The water demon misses.The water demon hits!34(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon bites!33(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressedo(0~(B34(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed--More--qUYaWThe water demon misses.The water demon hits!33(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon bites!32(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed(0~(Boo(0~(BqUY1Unknown command '^J'.qUY rUYg# rUY9cdiprUYIiprUYM2prUY9DWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] rUYq32(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) rUYg JyYour bag called holding gets wet.--More--sUY%CAn urge to take a bath overwhelms you.--More--sUYd You lost some of your money in the fountain!The water demon hits!1731(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed--More--tUY9The water demon misses.The water demon misses.(0~(B(0~(Boo--More--tUYD JThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--tUYe JThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--tUY.IThe water demon bites the saddled nightmare.--More--uUYJThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.--More--uUY^`The saddled nightmare misses the water demon.o(0~(B(0~(BuUY 1Unknown command '^J'.vUYW# vUYWdipvUYůipvUYqpvUYc DWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] vUYx q31(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) vUY/JyYour bag called holding gets wet.--More--wUYwHThe water demon hits the saddled nightmare.--More--wUY HThe water demon hits the saddled nightmare.--More--wUY JThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--xUYJThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.--More--xUYThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.o(0~(BThe water demon hits!29(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed--More--xUY The water demon hits!27(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon misses.(0~(BooxUY~ 1Unknown command '^J'.yUYyUY# yUYF dipyUY ipyUYȠ pyUYoDWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] zUYEq27(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) zUYXzyYour bag called holding gets wet.The flow reduces to a trickle.--More--{UYf]The water demon misses.The water demon misses.--More--{UYThe water demon just misses!(0~(Bo(0~(B28(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon misses.--More--{UY The water demon just misses!The water demon bites!27(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressedo(0~(B(0~(Bo{UY#[ 1Unknown command '^J'.{UY%|UYI# |UY dip|UY ip|UY p|UYUDWhat do you want to dip? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] }UYXq27(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedDip it into the fountain? [yn] (n) }UYO=ryYour bag called holding gets wet.The fountain dries up!--More--}UY3 The water demon hits!26(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon misses.The water demon bites!25(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Stressed--More--~UYHThe water demon hits the saddled nightmare.--More--~UY HThe water demon hits the saddled nightmare.--More--~UYJThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--~UY/ JThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.--More--~UY SThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.(0~(Boo~UY 1Unknown command '^J'.UY"UYX dYou miss the water demon.The water demon just misses!--More--UYr The water demon misses.The water demon misses.(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B--More--UY_ DThe water demon hits!24(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon hits!23(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedThe water demon bites!22(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedooUY491Unknown command '^J'.UYITUY [Your nightmare moves the boulder.`(0~(B&u$oUY/oo(0`(B&u(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(BoThe water demon hits the saddled nightmare.--More--UYHThe water demon hits the saddled nightmare.--More--UYThe water demon bites the saddled nightmare.(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Boo(0~(BUYS 1Unknown command '^J'.UY UYIG6You miss the water demon.--More--UYT# JThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UY HThe water demon hits the saddled nightmare.--More--UYJ JThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UYJThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.--More--UYZThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.o(0~~(Boo(0~(Bo--More--UYJThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UYJThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UY]JThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UY JThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.--More--UY SThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.o(0~(BUYЃ1Unknown command '^J'.UYHwUY4 7What do you want to drop? [$a-df-hkm-zA-Z or ?*] UYv} 22(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6StressedYou drop a bag called holding.--More--UYeYour movements are only slowed slightly by your load.22(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened--More--UYM nThe water demon hits!21(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedThe water demon hits!20(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedThe water demon bites!19(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(BUYq1Unknown command '^J'.UY%UY^ 6You miss the water demon.--More--UYJThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UY6 HThe water demon hits the saddled nightmare.--More--UY JThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UYAJThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.--More--UYdcThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.o(0~(Bo(0~(Boo[20(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened--More--UYvHThe water demon hits the saddled nightmare.--More--UY'JThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UYOe JThe water demon misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UY3JThe saddled nightmare misses the water demon.--More--UYi {The saddled nightmare misses the water demon.(0~(Boo(0~(Boo(0~~(BUYl1Unknown command '^J'.UYt Coins  $ - 317 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  E - a scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potiUYon (1 of 3)UY6  x - a dark green potion  H - a potion of sickness  Q - a cyan potion  Rings  p - a bronze ring  w - a jade ring  z - a granite ring  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  D - an engagement ring  F - a twisted ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  G - a hexagonal wand  I - a hexagonal wand  L - an iron wand  M - a wand called poly  N - a wand of digging  O - a wand of digging  P - an aluminum wand  S - an aluminum wand  T - a wand of digging  Tools  c - a stethoscope  W - 6 candles  X - 4 candles  Y - a lamp called SHIT  Gems (2 of 3)UY3 Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:317 HP:20(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~`~~~~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~(Bo(0x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~(Bo(0~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~(B*(0~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~~(B`(0~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(B`(0~~`(B&u(0~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~`(B$(0`~~~~~`~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~`~~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(BUY53 (0mk~x~x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~(Boo(0x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~(B+(0x~~(B[(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B*(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) ) ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY-0What do you want to zap? [CGIL-PST or ?*] UY#a20(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6BurdenedIn what direction? UYm`c"Oh my!""Uh-oh."The orc shaman turns to flee!--More--UY,The orc-captain turns to flee!UYYou hit the pyrolisk!(0~(Bo(0~(BoThe hill orc picks up 10 rocks.(0~(Bmo(0~(BUY[}You hit the pyrolisk!The pyrolisk attacks you with a fiery gaze!--More--UYYour scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA catches fire and burns!14(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(BoUY{ Coins  $ - 317 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green potion UY{ (1 of 2)UY$ H - a potion of sickness  Q - a cyan potion  Rings  p - a bronze ring  w - a jade ring  z - a granite ring  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  D - an engagement ring  F - a twisted ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  G - a hexagonal wand  I - a hexagonal wand  L - an iron wand  M - a wand of polymorph  N - a wand of digging  O - a wand of digging  P - an aluminum wand  S - an aluminum wand  T - a wand of digging  Tools  c - a stethoscope  W - 6 candles  X - 4 candles  Y - a lamp called SHIT  Gems  y - a green gem (2 of 2)UYLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:317 HP:14(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~`~~~~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~(Bo(0~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~(Bo`(0~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(Bm(0~~`(Bcu(0~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~`(B$(0`~~~~~`~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~`~~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x~x~~~xUY~~~mqqqk~x~(Bo(0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~(Bo(0x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~(B+(0x~~(B[(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B*(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) ) ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY #You can't go up here.UY Coins  $ - 317 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  Potions  k - 2 uncursed potions of sickness  o - a golden potion  s - a bubbly potion  x - a dark green potion UY (1 of 2)UYGq H - a potion of sickness  Q - a cyan potion  Rings  p - a bronze ring  w - a jade ring  z - a granite ring  A - a pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  D - an engagement ring  F - a twisted ring  K - a wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  G - a hexagonal wand  I - a hexagonal wand  L - an iron wand  M - a wand of polymorph  N - a wand of digging  O - a wand of digging  P - an aluminum wand  S - an aluminum wand  T - a wand of digging  Tools  c - a stethoscope  W - 6 candles  X - 4 candles  Y - a lamp called SHIT  Gems  y - a green gem (2 of 2)UYdLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:317 HP:14(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~`~~~~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~(Bo(0~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~(Bo`(0~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(Bm(0~~`(Bcu(0~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~`(B$(0`~~~~~`~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~`~~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x~x~~~xUY{~~~mqqqk~x~(Bo(0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~(Bo(0x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~(B+(0x~~(B[(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B*(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) ) ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY; yYou hit the pyrolisk!15(46) Pw:37(37) AC:-9 Exp:6Burdenedo(0~(BUY`LYou hit the pyrolisk!(--More--UYUThe hill orc thrusts her knife at the saddled nightmare.--More--UYŐGThe hill orc misses the saddled nightmare.--More--UYGThe saddled nightmare misses the hill orc.--More--UYԸ YThe saddled nightmare bites the hill orc.`m(0~(BoUYSx1Unknown command '^J'.UYiYou kill the pyrolisk!(0~(B21(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-9 Exp:7BurdenedWelcome to experience level 7.--More--UYYou feel quick!21(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-9 Exp:7BurdenedThe hill orc thrusts her knife.The hill orc misses.(0~(BoUY:t1Unknown command '^J'.UY{qYou hit the hill orc!The hill orc thrusts her knife.--More--UY4HThe hill orc misses.(0~(Boo(0~(BUY1Unknown command '^J'.UYr UY ~You kill the hill orc!21(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-9 Exp:7Burdenedo%oUYu6u()There are several objects here.(0~(B(0~(Bmo(0~(BUY[ 22(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-9 Exp:7Burdenedo(0~(Buo%(0~(BUYrO\(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(B UY1 :u(0~(Bo (0~(BUYw(0qq(Bo(0~(Bu(0~~(B(0~~(Bu(0~(Bo(0~(BoUYu(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BUY+ +Really attack the Uruk-hai? [yn] (n) UYю nUY 23(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-9 Exp:7Burdenedo(0~~(Buu(0~(B(0~(Bo(0~(B oUYUzW(0~(BuThe saddled nightmare falls into the water!--More--UYOYou kill the poor saddled nightmare!@23(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-9 Exp:7Burdened--More--UYonYou hear the rumble of distant thunder...You fall into the water!--More--UY dYou sink like a rock.You try to crawl out of the water.--More--UYJPheew! That was close.23(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-9 Exp:7Burdened@(0`~(Bu(0~(Bo (0~(BThe orc-captain picks up an orcish helm.--More--UYl ^The orc-captain removes an orcish helm and puts on an orcish helm.--More--UY<The orc-captain picks up 10 rocks.23(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0~(BuUY%/Unknown command '^J'.UY(0~(B(0~(B@u(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(BThe Uruk-hai picks up some gold.o(0~(BuUY,zk(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bu@(0~(B(0~(BooUYG Coins  $ - 317 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a rusty +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed rusty +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed rusty +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a rusty +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  Potions  k - 2 uncursed diluted potions of sickness  o - a diluted golden potion  s - a diluted bubbly potion UY_= x - a diluted dark green potion (1 of 2)UY Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:317 HP:23(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~`~~(Bu(0~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~(B@(0~~~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~(Bo`(0~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(B`(0~~`~(B((0~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~`~~~~~`~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~`(Bo(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(BY 19H(0mk~x~x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~(B (0x~~(B[(0~(Bo(0x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B*(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) ) ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY< Coins  $ - 317 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a rusty +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed rusty +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed rusty +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a rusty +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  Potions  k - 2 uncursed diluted potions of sickness  o - a diluted golden potion  s - a diluted bubbly potion UYQ= x - a diluted dark green potion (1 of 2)UYLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:317 HP:23(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~`~~(Bu(0~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~(B@(0~~~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~(Bo`(0~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(B`(0~~`~(B((0~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~`~~~~~`~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~`(Bo(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(BY919H(0mk~x~x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~(B (0x~~(B[(0~(Bo(0x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B*(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) ) ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY8  Coins  $ - 317 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a rusty +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed rusty +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed rusty +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a rusty +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  Potions  k - 2 uncursed diluted potions of sickness  o - a diluted golden potion  s - a diluted bubbly potion UY8 = x - a diluted dark green potion (1 of 2)UY/Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:317 HP:23(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bo(0~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~`~~(Bu(0~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~(B@(0~~~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~(Bo`(0~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(B`(0~~`~(B((0~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~`~~~~~`~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~`(Bo(0~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(BYI19H(0mk~x~x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~~~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~(B (0x~~(B[(0~(Bo(0x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B*(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) ) ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY(0~(B(0~(Bu@`(0~(BThe orc-captain picks up a knife.(0~(BuUY[ 24(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0~(Bo(0~(B(0~(Bu(0~(B@o(0~(B+UYE8(0~(B(0~(Bu@%oUYd Du(0~(B(0~(B@aUY4You hit the orc-captain!o(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Ba(0~(B(0~(BoUY0You hit the orc-captain!(0~(B(a(0~~(Boo(0~(BoUY) u(0~(B@(0~(BYou see here a bag called holding.(0~(B(0~(Bua(0~(BUYi\You have much trouble lifting a bag called holding. Continue? [ynq] (q) UY q25(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0~(Ba(0~~(B(0~(BoUYKYou feel more confident in your weapon skills.--More--UYaYou hit the orc-captain.u(0~(Ba(0~(BooThe orc-captain throws a knife!)UY5--More--UY<You are almost hit by a knife.)(0~(BUY})@UYҨ)%UYĊ(0~(BUYN1Unknown command '^J'.UY u(@The fire ant misses.The fire ant misses.(0~(Bo(0~(BThe fire ant bites!24(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened--More--UYa !The fire ant bites!UY@1Unknown command '^J'.UY>You miss the fire ant.The fire ant bites!19(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7BurdenedThe fire ant bites! (0~(B(0~(BooUYɉYou miss the fire ant.The fire ant bites!17(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7BurdenedThe fire ant misses.uo(0~(B--More--UYhUThe fire ant misses.The fire ant bites!(0~(BUY1Unknown command '^J'.UY UYe~18(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Ba@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BUY%You kill the orc-captain![18(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7BurdenedThe fire ant misses.The fire ant misses.(0~(Bu--More--UYQ `The fire ant misses.The fire ant misses.u(0~(BUY1Unknown command '^J'.UYӁUYr(0~(B@There are several objects here.o(0~(Bu(0~(Ba UY F Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a rusty scimitar Armor ('[') b - an orcish helm c - an orcish helm d - an orcish shield e - an orcish helm Gems ('*') f - 10 rocks(end) UY;sUY Coins  $ - 317 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a rusty +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  b - a +1 lance (alternate weapon; not wielded)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed rusty +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed rusty +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a rusty +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  Potions  k - 2 uncursed diluted potions of sickness  o - a diluted golden potion  s - a diluted bubbly potion UY˧= x - a diluted dark green potion (1 of 2)UYcLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:15 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:317 HP:18(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~`~~~~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x(Bo(0~~~~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~(B%`(0~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(B`(0~(B`(0`~(B((0~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~`~~(Bu(0~~`~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~`~~lq~~(Ba(0qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(BY~19H(0mk~x~x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B( @(0~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~~(B)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x~~(B[(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B*(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) ) ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BUY :What do you want to drop? [$a-cf-hkm-zA-DF-Z or ?*] UYu 318(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7BurdenedYou drop a +1 lance.(0~(BuThe fire ant bites!16(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7BurdenedThe fire ant bites!u(0~(B--More--UY q12(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdenedu(0~(BUYYou hit the fire ant.The fire ant misses.The fire ant bites!)o(0~(BouUYaUYc5You kill the fire ant!12(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdenedo(0~(B(0~(Bu%The orc shaman picks up a spellbook.13(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0~(B(0~(BuUYkAUY@)You see here a fire ant corpse.u(0~(BSubG's ghost touches you!12(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdenedu(0~(BUY{You have a little trouble lifting e - a fire ant corpse.u(0~(B--More--UYP5The orc shaman picks up a wand.oUY1Unknown command '^J'.UY UY?6You miss SubG's ghost.u(UY{ x(0~(B@There are several objects here.%(0~(Bo(0~(BuUY^o(0~(B(o(0~(B(0~(Bu)@UY0(0~(B@ There is an altar to Moloch (unaligned) here.  Things that are here: an uncursed +0 orcish helm an uncursed +0 orcish helm an uncursed +0 orcish helm an uncursed +0 orcish helm--More--UYb(0qqq(B(0~~~qqqqq{qqqqqqqqqqq~~~~~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~qqqk~`~~~~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk~~~x~~~(Bo(0~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x~~~x~~~~~~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B13(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0~(Bu(0~(B(0~(B UYTS # UY offerUY@fferUYBY?What do you want to sacrifice? [eqR or ?*] UYY13(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7BurdenedMoloch rejects your sacrifice!--More--UY: The voice of Moloch booms out: "Suffer, infidel!"3 13(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened--More--UYN]The voice of Manannan Mac Lir rings out: "Thou hast angered me."--More--UYYou are being punished for your misbehavior!o(0~(B(0~(Bo(u(0~(BUY- 1Unknown command '^J'.UYk H(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bou@_UYg$+((0~(Bo_0@UY =(0~(B(0~(B@ 0(0~(BUYa$jYou hit the orc shaman.The orc shaman casts a spell at you!--More--UY}hWounds appear on your body!3(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7BurdenedUY?D1Unknown command '^J'.UY Coins  $ - 317 gold pieces  Amulets  U - a cursed pyramidal amulet  Z - an uncursed oval amulet  Weapons  a - a rusty +1 long sword (weapon in hand)  Armor  f - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)  m - an uncursed rusty +0 orcish helm (being worn)  n - a +1 elven cloak (being worn)  t - a blessed rusty +0 plate mail (being worn)  J - a rusty +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)  V - a +3 small shield (being worn)  Comestibles  e - a fire ant corpse  g - 8 uncursed apples  h - 12 uncursed carrots  q - a lichen corpse  u - a slime mold  v - a fortune cookie  R - a lizard corpse  Scrolls  r - a scroll labeled ZELGO MER  Potions  k - 2 uncursed diluted potions of sickness  o - a diluted golden potion  s - a diluted bubbly potion  x - a dilutUY*ed dark green potion (1 of 2)UY[> H - a diluted potion of sickness  Q - a diluted cyan potion  Rings  p - a bronze ring  w - a jade ring  z - a granite ring  A - a rusty pearl ring  B - a bronze ring  D - a rusty engagement ring  F - a twisted ring  K - a rusty wire ring  Wands  C - a wand of digging  G - a hexagonal wand  I - a rusty hexagonal wand  L - a rusty iron wand  M - a wand of polymorph  N - a wand of digging  O - a wand of digging  P - an aluminum wand  S - an aluminum wand  T - a wand of digging  Tools  c - a stethoscope  W - 6 candles  X - 4 candles  Y - a lamp called SHIT  Gems  y - a green gem (2 of 2)UY Luxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:13 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:317 HP:3(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~`~~~~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x(B)(0~~~~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~(B%`(0~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(B`(0~(B`(0`~(B((0~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~`~~~~~`~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~`~~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x~x~UY ~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~(B)(0~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~(Bo)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x(B@ 0(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B*(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) ) ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(B#UYAsYou hit the orc shaman!4(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened--More--#UYBI <The orc shaman points all around, then curses.$UYpa1Unknown command '^J'.$UY oYou hit the orc shaman!The orc shaman points at you, then curses.%UY_y1Unknown command '^J'.%UY[ ZYou miss the orc shaman.SubG's ghost misses.&UY+ qYou hit the orc shaman!The orc shaman casts a spell!--More--'UYW2The orc shaman looks better.o'UY=BYou hit the orc shaman!--More--(UYs<The orc shaman points all around, then curses.)UY1Unknown command '^J'.)UY OWhat do you want to write with? [- apwyzA-DFGIK-PST or ?*] *UY Z4(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7BurdenedYou can't engrave with such a large object!5(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened*UY*1Unknown command '^J'.+UY5# +UYΕ enhance+UY nhance+UY3 Pick a skill to advance:   Fighting Skills  bare handed combat [Unskilled]  two weapon combat [Unskilled]  riding [Basic]  Weapon Skills  dagger [Unskilled]  knife [Unskilled]  axe [Unskilled]  pick-axe [Unskilled]  short sword [Unskilled]  broadsword [Unskilled]  a - long sword [Basic]  two-handed sword [Unskilled]  scimitar [Unskilled]  saber [Unskilled]  club [Unskilled]  mace [Unskilled]  morning star [Unskilled]  flail [Unskilled]  hammer [Unskilled]  polearms [Unskilled]  spear [Unskilled]  javeli+UYKn [Unskilled]  trident [Unskilled]  lance [Basic]  bow [Unskilled]  crossbow [Unskilled] (1 of 2),UYO +(0lqqqqqqqqq(B(0qqq(B(0lqj~~~~~~~~(B`I(0~~~(B(0lj~~~lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{qqqqqqqqqqq(B(0x~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~(B(0lj~~~(B`(0x~lqqqqqqqwqqqk~`~~~~l(B(0qwqqqwqqqk(B(0x~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~~~x(B(0~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lqqklj~~~~~{~x(B(0x~~~x~~~~(Bo(0~~~~x~~~x~~~x(B(0lj~~xx~~~~~~x~x(B(0x~~~x(B)(0~~~~(B`(0x~~x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~mnk~x~~~x~x(B(0tqaqj~(B%`(0~~~mqqvq~qqqaqj~x(B (0x(B(0x~~~~mvqvq~~x~mq(B+(0qqq(B+(0qj~(B`(0~(B`(0`~(B((0~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0x(B (0x~(B(0lj~~~~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~`~~~~~`~(B{`(0~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~m(B(0x~~~~lqqqqk~~x~lqaqwq~qk~~`~~lq~~~qk~~~~~~~~~~~x(B (0x~~mqj~lqqj(B(0mk~x~x~~~x~~~mqqqk~x~(B((0~(B)(0~x~lqqwqq(B+(0qk~x(B (0lj~~~~~~mk(B(0x~x~x~~~x~~~~~~~x~~(Bo)(0~~~x~x~~x~~~(B`(0x(B(0x(B (0x,UYj ~~~~(B[(0~~~x(B(0x(B)(0x~x~~~x~~~x(B`(0~~~~x(B@ 0(0~~x~~~(B((0x~~(B*(0~x(B (0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~x~x~(B/(0~x~~~x~~~x~x~~~~~x~x~~~~~(B`(0~x(B (0mqk~(B<(0~~lqj(B(0x(B*(0x~mqqqvqqqvqqqj~mqqqqqj~mqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~x(B(0x~x(B`(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B`(0mqqj(B(0x~mqqqqqqqqqq{qqq(B[(0qqqqqqqq{qq(B(0x(B) ) ( (0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(BLuxidream the Brute St:18 Dx:10 Co:12 In:7 Wi:13 Ch:17 Chaotic Gnomish Mines:7 $:317 HP:5(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7BurdenedYou are now more skilled in long sword.-UYL You kill the orc shaman!5(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0~(B%SubG's ghost misses..UY%u@o(0~(B0There are several objects here.o(0~(B/UY&} Pick up what?  Comestibles ('%') a - an orc shaman corpse Spellbooks ('+') b - a bronze spellbook c - a dark blue spellbook Wands ('/') d - a uranium wand e - an aluminum wand Gems ('*') f - 16 rocks(end) 0UY (0qqk~~x~~x~~xaqj~x~~~(B`(0x~~~~x~~~~x(B+(0qk~x(B1UY%'w Pick up what?  Comestibles ('%') a - an orc shaman corpse Spellbooks ('+') b - a bronze spellbook c - a dark blue spellbook Wands ('/') d - a uranium wand e - an aluminum wand Gems ('*') f - 16 rocks(end) 2UY7(0qqk~~x~~x~~xaqj~x~~~(B`(0x~~~~x~~~~x(B+(0qk~x(B2UYd ]@_[The Uruk-hai thrusts his orcish short sword.--More--4UYm5UYia6(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdenedo(0~(B_@6UY](0~(B(0~(B%_@SubG's ghost touches you!5(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdenedoo8UYc8UY9o(0~(B(0~(Bo_@:UY1o(0~(B(0~(Bo_@:UY]u6(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-6 Exp:7Burdened(0~(B(0~(B @(0~(Bo_;UYD)@_(0~(B(0~(B. EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.qUYJ EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.qUY; EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.qUY EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.qUY5 EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.qUYӶ EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.qUY87EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.qUYxEYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.qUYJ9EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.rUYA EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.rUYc a(0~(B0_(0~~~~(B@(0qqqq(B(0q(BsUYC<+(0~(B(0~(B@_sUY C28(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7@_0sUYL @_0(0~(BsUY) O29(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7@_0(0~(BsUYՠ @_0(0~(BsUYn HWith great effort you move the boulder.`@_0(0~(BsUY V30(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7`@_0(0~(BsUY*`@_0(0~(BsUYԞP31(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7`@_0(0~(BsUY`@_0(0~(BtUY``@_0(0~(BtUY P32(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7`@_0(0~(BtUYf`@_0(0~(BtUYP33(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7`@_0(0~(BtUYb`@_0(0~(BtUY`@_0(0~(BtUYfg34(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7o(0~(B`@_0(0~(BtUY#)`@_0(0~(BtUYeP35(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7`@_0(0~(BtUY`@_0(0~(BtUYa`@_0(0~(BtUYP36(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7`@_0(0~(BtUYa`@_0(0~(BtUYP37(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7`@_0(0~(BtUYa`@_0(0~(BtUY`@_0(0~(BtUYgmP38(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7`@_0(0~(BtUY}`@_0(0~(BtUYrm Y39(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7 `@_0(0~(BtUY( 7You try to move the boulder, but in vain.tUYh EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.tUY EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.tUY-p EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.tUY EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.tUYl EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.tUYq EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.tUYEn EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.tUY, EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.tUYuEYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.tUY EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.uUY3EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.uUY&EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.uUY5EYou try to move the boulder, but in vain.wUYb0# wUYyEquitwUY uitwUY1 itwUY *Really quit? [yn] (n) xUY"sy39(52) Pw:46(46) AC:-3 Exp:7Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) yUY@nDo you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (n) yUYS.LnDo you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynq] (n) yUY>=nDo you want to see your conduct? [ynq] (n) yUY /nFare thee well Luxidream the Dark Knight... You quit in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 7 with 4587 points, and 317 pieces of gold, after 2270 moves. You were level 7 with a maximum of 52 hit points when you quit. --More--