Dk[2* Player: Gragaloth Game: Slash'EM Extended Server: $ATTR(14) -$ATTR() Filename: 2018-08-09.01:52:04.ttyrec Time: (1533779524) Thu Aug 9 01:52:04 2018 Dk[;This is Sadistic Levels of Endless X-Citement (SLEX) 1997-2018 by Amy NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, M. Stephenson. Contact the dev team via the channel on Freenode IRC. See license for details. Bug reports can also be posted on Nethackwiki. Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] Fk[snChoosing Character's Role Pick a role for your character   a - an Acid Mage  b - an Activistor  c - an Altmer  d - an Amazon  e - an Anachronist  f - an Anachronounbinder  g - an Archeologist  h - an Artist  i - an Assassin  j - an Augurer  k - a Barbarian  l - a Bard  m - a Binder  n - a Bleeder  o - a Bloodseeker  p - a Bosmer  q - a Bully  r - a Camperstriker  s - a Caveman/Cavewoman  t - a Chaos Sorceror  u - a Chevalier (1 of 6)Mk[:4 v - a Convict  w - a Cook  x - a Courier  y - a Cruel Abuser  z - a Death Eater  A - a Diver  B - a Doll Mistress  C - a Doom Marine  D - a DQ Slime  E - a Druid  F - a Drunk  G - a Dunmer  H - an Electric Mage  I - an Elementalist  J - an Elph  K - an Erdrick  L - a Failed Existence  M - a Feat Master  N - a Feminist  O - a Fencer  P - a Fighter  Q - a Firefighter  R - a Flame Mage (2 of 6)Mk[! S - a Form Changer  T - a Foxhound Agent  U - a Gamer  V - a Gang Scholar  W - a Gangster  X - a Geek  Y - a Gladiator  Z - a Goff  a - a Goldminer  b - a Graduate  c - a Gunner  d - a Healer  e - a Hussy  f - an Ice Mage  g - an Intel Scribe  h - a Jedi  i - a Jester  j - a Justice Keeper  k - a Knight  l - a Korsair  m - a Kurwa  n - a Ladiesman  o - a Librarian (3 of 6)Nk[A 3 p - a Locksmith  q - a Lunatic  r - a Mahou Shoujo  s - a Mason  t - a Medium  u - a Midget  v - a Monk  w - a Murderer  x - a Musician  y - a Mystic  z - a Necromancer  A - a Ninja  B - a Nobleman/Noblewoman  C - a Nuclear Physicist  D - an Occult Master  E - an Officer  F - an Ordinator  G - an Otaku  H - a Paladin  I - a Pickpocket  J - a Pirate  K - a Poison Mage  L - a Pokemon (4 of 6)Pk[յ? M - a Politician  N - a Priest/Priestess  O - a Prostitute  P - a Psion  Q - a Ranger  R - a Ringseeker  S - a Rocker  T - a Rogue  U - a Sage  V - a Saiyan  W - a Samurai  X - a Scientist  Y - a Shapeshifter  Z - a Slave Master  a - a Spacewars Fighter  b - a Supermarket Cashier  c - a Thalmor  d - a Topmodel  e - a Tourist  f - a Tracer  g - a Transsylvanian  h - a Transvestite  i - a Twelph (5 of 6)Rk[6q j - an Unbeliever  k - an Undead Slayer  l - an Undertaker  m - an User of Stand  n - a Valkyrie  o - a Wandkeeper  p - a Warrior  q - a Wild Talent  r - a Wizard  s - a Yeoman  t - a YSexymate  u - a Zookeeper  v - a Zyborg  * - Random  ! - Quit (6 of 6)Tk[+Choosing Race Pick the race of your Wizard   a - addict  b - aggravator  c - ak Thief is dead!  d - albae  e - alchemist  f - alien  g - american  h - amnesiac  i - ancient  j - ancipital  k - angbander  l - angel  m - aquarian  n - argonian  o - asgardian  p - bastard  q - batman  r - borg  s - breton  t - burninator  u - centaur (1 of 8)Wk[G  v - chiropteran  w - clockwork automaton  x - cockatrice  y - cortex  z - curser  A - dark seducer  B - deathmold  C - deep elf  D - destabilizer  E - developer  F - devil  G - dinosaur  H - dolgsman  I - doppelganger  J - dragon  K - drow  L - dryad  M - dufflepud  N - dunadan  O - dwarf  P - elemental  Q - elf  R - ent (2 of 8)[k[  S - evilvariant  T - expert  U - fawn  V - felid  W - fenek  X - fiend  Y - gastly  Z - gelatinous cube  a - giant  b - gnome  c - golden saint  d - green slime  e - gremlin  f - grid bug  g - haxor  h - hemi-doppelganger  i - hemophage  j - herbalist  k - heretic  l - hobbit  m - homicider  n - hidden elf  o - human (3 of 8)]k[ p - illithid  q - immunizer  r - imp  s - imperial  t - incantifier  u - inka  v - insectoid  w - ironman  x - jelly  y - khajiit  z - kobold  A - kop  B - leprechaun  C - levelscaler  D - levitator  E - lich  F - listener  G - lizardman  H - loli  I - lycanthrope  J - maia  K - mazewalker  L - mimic (4 of 8)_k[2 M - minimalist  N - missingno  O - monkey  P - monster  Q - moon elf  R - mould  S - mummy  T - naga  U - nastinator  V - navi  W - nord  X - null  Y - nymph  Z - octopode  a - ogre  b - orc  c - peacemaker  d - phantom  e - poisoner  f - polyinitor  g - problematic  h - race X  i - randomizer (5 of 8)`k[  j - redditor  k - redguard  l - rodneyan  m - rohirrim  n - rougelike  o - salamander  p - satre  q - scurrier  r - sea elf  s - segfaulter  t - senser  u - shoe  v - sinner  w - skeleton  x - skillor  y - snail  z - snakeman  A - sokosolver  B - soviet  C - specialist  D - spiderman  E - spirit  F - spriggan (6 of 8)ak[  G - sticker  H - sustainer  I - suxxor  J - sylph  K - thunderlord  L - trainer  M - transformer  N - trapper  O - troll  P - tumblrer  Q - turtle  R - unalignment thing  S - undefined  T - ungenomold  U - unicorn  V - unmagic  W - vamgoyle  X - vampire  Y - veela  Z - venture capitalist  a - vortex  b - warper  c - wind inhabitant (7 of 8)dk[I)+Use hybrid races? [yn] (n) fk[l nChoosing Gender Pick the gender of your vampiric Wizard  m - male f - female * - Random ! - Quit(end) lk[;7+Choosing Alignment Pick the alignment of your female vampiric Wizard  l - lawful n - neutral c - chaotic * - Random ! - Quit(end) sk[ +Ŀ++@f[Gragaloth the Evoker ] St4 Dx15 Co11 In18 Wi7 Ch5 WizVamFemCha Dlvl:1 $0 HP 18(18)  Pw 32(32)  AC6 Exp1 T1 It is written in the Book of Anhur:  After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled against the authority of Marduk the Creator. Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all the artifacts of the gods, the Amulet of Yendor, and he hid it in sk[ ?the dark cavities of Gehennom, the Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time.  Your god Anhur seeks to possess the Amulet, and with it to gain deserved ascendance over the other gods.  You, a newly trained Evoker, have been heralded from birth as the instrument of Anhur. You are destined to recover the Amulet for your deity, or die in the attempt. Your hour of destiny has come. For the sake of us all: Go bravely with Anhur!--More--tk[Ŀ++@fHello Gragaloth, welcome to SlashEMExtended! You are a chaotic female vampiric Wizard.--More--vk[\ You are playing SLASH'EM Extended on a public server. For game discussion, bug reports etc. join the IRC channel on Freenode. You should absolutely do that, unless you want to figure out this complex game on your own. Amy and other players will be glad to give you advice!--More--yk[66 Attention: This is a bleeding-edge beta version of SLASH'EM Extended that may have bugs and incomplete features. On the whole, it should be playable, but it will probably be replaced with a more polished version soon, and that will break saves. You can play an old version by selecting the 'SLASH'EM Extended - old version' option on the launch menu. If your savegame seems to be gone completely, get on the IRC and pester Amy, she can probably bring it back. --More--k[- Ŀ ++ [Gragaloth the Evoker ] St4 Dx15 Co11 In18 Wi7 Ch5 WizVamFemCha  18(18)  Pw 32(32)  AC6 Exp1 T1The moon is waning tonight.k[D)Pick an object.k[ k[- k[kk[}Xk[  a wall[Gragaloth the Evoker ] St4 Dx15 Co11 In18 Wi7 Ch5 WizVamFemCha  18(18)  Pw 32(32)  AC6 Exp1 T1k[e There is a staircase up here.[Gragaloth the Evoker ] St4 Dx15 Co11 In18 Wi7 Ch5 WizVamFemCha  18(18)  Pw 32(32)  AC6 Exp1 T1k[;<What do you want to drink? [fghpq or ?*] k[%Never mind.[Gragaloth the Evoker ] St4 Dx15 Co11 In18 Wi7 Ch5 WizVamFemCha  18(18)  Pw 32(32)  AC6 Exp1 T1k[|))Really save? [yn] (n) k[(BySaving...Be seeing you...