%nábò­Ñ Player: FlamingIce Game: Slash'EM Extended Server: $ATTR(14)em.slashem.me - https://em.slashem.me/$ATTR() Filename: 2022-07-27.16:56:05.ttyrec Time: (1658940965) Wed Jul 27 16:56:05 2022 %nábëH)0This is Sadistic Levels of Endless X-Citement (SLEX) 1997-2018 by Amy NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, M. Stephenson. Contact the dev team via the #em.slashem.me channel on Libera IRC. See license for details. Bug reports can also be posted on Nethackwiki. %nábäëRestoring save file...%náb¨Ü%nábì[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu Min:10 $152 HP 111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5651 Sat You return to level 10 in The Gnomish Mines.--More--'nábMê(0lqqqqqqq(B(0lqqqqqqq(B(0qqqk(B(0lqqqqqk(B##(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~x~~~x(B(0x~~~(B^(0~x(B%#(0lqqqqqqqk(B(0qj~~~~~~~mqqqqqj[38;5;0'náb ïm~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0tqq~~(B%(0m~k(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~j(B(0j~~~~~(B*(0~x(B(0x~~~~~~qvqqqqk(B(0lqq~~~~~~(B*(0~~~~(B<(0~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B%#(0~~~~~~~lj(B(0x~~qk~~~~~~~(B)(0mqq'náb$óqj~~~~~~~~~(B)(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~(B#(0x~q~~lqqj(B(0mk~~mk~qqwqk~~~~(B%(0~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lqu(B##(0lq~~lj(B(0mk~~mk~(B%(0x(B(0mqqwqqwqqvk'nábÿö[m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~qqj~mqqqqqqqqj~~lj(B(0x~~~mk~x(B(0x~(B*(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lqk~~~~~(B^(0~~~~~~~~~~lj(B(0lvqq~~mqvqk(B(0mqqvqqqvqqqk~~~~~'náb¨5~~~lqj(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqk~~~qqu(B(0x~~~~~(B)^(0~~mk(B(0mqqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~~mk(B(0lj~~~~~lqk~~mk(B(0lqqqqq(B(0mk~~~m[38;5;'nábÎ52mq(B(0lqqj~(B%(0x~~lj(B(0mk(B)(0~mwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk(B(0lj~~~~~~m(B(0mqk~~~~(B (0lqj~~~(B[(0qnqqj(B(0mk~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mqk['nábß538;5;3m(B###(0x(B@(0~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~(B (0x~~~~~~~x(B(0mk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B^(0~~~(B>(0~(B#(0mk~~~~~~qk(B(0tqq~~l(B (0mqk~qq(B((0lj(B##(0mqqk~(B%(0~~~~~~~(B((0~~~~~~~qwj(B###(0mqqq'nábð5qk~~mqqqqj(B%(0~~lj(B(0x~~~~~~~(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~(B%(0~~~~x~~x(B#(0~~~~~~(B%(0~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqj(B###(0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqvqqj(B[38;5'náb6Ü;3m###(0mqqqqqqqqqqq(B[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu Min:10 $152 HP 111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5651 Sat Hello FlamingIce, the angelic Dragonmaster, welcome back to SlashEMExtended![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5651 Sat  --More--*nábËd? Be careful! New moon tonight.6nábÍ‹  Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  legacy [true]  news [false]  winggraphics [false]  blindfox [false]  dudley [false]  gehenna [false]  hippie [false]  iwbtg [false]  elmstreet [false]  lostsoul [false]  uberlostsoul [false]  wonderland [false]  zapem [false]  askforalias [false]  randomhybrids [false]  a - autodig [false]  b - autopickup [true]  c - autoopen [true]  d - autoquiver [false]  e - bash_reminder [true] (1 of 7)7nábä= a - checkpoint [true]  b - cmdassist [true]  c - color [true]  d - confirm [true]  e - classic_status [true]  f - cursesgraphics [false]  g - DECgraphics [true]  h - eatingboulders [true]  i - eatingconfirm [false]  j - eatingdoors [true]  k - eatingwalls [true]  l - eight_bit_tty [false]  m - extmenu [false]  n - gmmessage [true]  o - graffitihilite [true]  p - help [true]  q - hilite_pet [true]  r - hitpointbar [true]  s - IBMgraphics [false]  t - ignintr [false]  u - inertiaconfirm [false]  v - invweight [true]  w - knapsacklimit [false] (2 of 7)7nábœO  a - lit_corridor [true]  b - lootabc [false]  c - mail [true]  d - materialglyph [false]  e - memorizationknown [false]  f - statuscolors [true]  g - menucolors [false]  h - menu_on_esc [true]  i - menu_glyphs [false]  j - missing_safety [true]  k - mon_polycontrol [false]  l - moreforced [true]  m - numpadmessage [true]  n - null [true]  o - paranoidquit [true]  p - perm_invent [true]  q - pickup_thrown [true]  r - pickup_cursed [false]  s - pokedex [true]  t - prayconfirm [true]  u - pushweapon [false]  v - quiver_fired [false]  w - qwertz_layout [false] (3 of 7)7náb;ã  a - rest_on_space [false]  b - safe_pet [true]  c - showexp [false]  d - showrace [false]  e - showrealtime [false]  f - showscore [false]  g - showsym [true]  h - showdmg [true]  i - showweight [false]  j - showmc [false]  k - showmovement [false]  l - showlongstats [false]  m - showsanity [false]  n - showsymbiotehp [false]  o - silent [true]  p - simpledescs [false]  q - sortpack [true]  r - sound [true]  s - sparkle [true]  t - standout [false]  u - tabcursesconfirm [false]  v - tech_description [true]  w - time [true] (4 of 7)8náb¸i a - timed_autosave [true]  b - quick_autosave [false]  c - tombstone [true]  d - toptenwin [false]  e - travel [true]  f - use_inverse [false]  g - verbose [true]  h - wallglyph [true]   Compounds (selecting will prompt for new value):  name [FlamingIce]  role [Dragonmaster]  race [angel]  gender [male]  align [neutral]  altkeyhandler [unknown]  catname [(none)]  dogname [(none)]  dragonname [(none)]  monkeyname [(none)]  parrotname [(none)]  girlname [(none)]  boyname [(none)] (5 of 7)9nábtÍ ravenname [(none)]  dumpfile [/dgldir/userdata/%n/slex/dumplog/%d.txt]  ghoulname [(none)]  horsename [(none)]  msghistory [20]  pettype [random]  plalias [(none)]  ratname [(none)]  videocolors [1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15]  windowtype [tty]  wolfname [(none)]  a - boulder [`]  b - disclose [ni na nv ng nc]  c - fruit [slime mold]  d - menustyle [full]  e - menu_headings [inverse]  f - msg_window [single]  g - number_pad [0=off]  h - packorder [$"])[%?+!=/(*`0_.]  i - pickup_burden [stressed]  j - pickup_types [$]  k - pilesize [5]  l - runmode [run] (6 of 7);náb÷o+náb³Æ +(0qqqk(B(0lqqqqqk(B##(0~~~x(B(0x~~~(B^(0~x(B%#(0~~~x(B(0tqq~~(B%(0m~k(B[?1l>[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu Min:10 $152 HP 111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5651 Sat (0lqqqqqqq(B(0lqqqq>nábÊ qqq(B(0qqqk(B(0lqqqqqk(B##(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~x~~~x(B(0x~~~(B^(0~x(B%#(0lqqqqqqqk(B(0qj~~~~~~~mqqqqqj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0tqq~~(B%(0m~k(B>náb¾Ï (0x~~~~~~~x(B(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~j(B(0j~~~~~(B*(0~x(B(0x~~~~~~qvqqqqk(B(0lqq~~~~~~(B*(0~~~~(B<(0~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B%#(0~~~~~~~lj(B(0x~~qk~~~~~~~(B)(0mqqqj~~~~~~~~~(B)(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~[38;5;3>náb¾Ó m(B#(0x~q~~lqqj(B(0mk~~mk~qqwqk~~~~(B%(0~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lqu(B##(0lq~~lj(B(0mk~~mk~(B%(0x(B(0mqqwqqwqqvk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~qqj~mqqq>nábx× qqqqqj~~lj(B(0x~~~mk~x(B(0x~(B*(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lqk~~~~~(B^(0~~~~~~~~~~lj(B(0lvqq~~mqvqk(B(0mqqvqqqvqqqk~~~~~~~~lqj(B(0mqqqqqq[3>nábQÚ 8;5;5mqqqqk~~~qqu(B(0x~~~~~(B)^(0~~mk(B(0mqqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~~mk(B(0lj~~~~~lqk~~mk(B(0lqqqqq(B(0mk~~~mq(B(0lqqj~(B%(0x~~lj(B(0m[>nábÖÝ 38;5;5mk(B)(0~mwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk(B(0lj~~~~~~m(B(0mqk~~~~(B (0lqj~~~(B[(0qnqqj(B(0mk~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mqk(B###(0x(B@(0~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~(B [>nábÊá 19;3H(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0mk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B^(0~~~(B>(0~(B#(0mk~~~~~~qk(B(0tqq~~l(B (0mqk~qq(B((0lj(B##(0mqqk~(B%(0~~~~~~~(B((0~~~~~~~qwj(B###(0mqqqqk~~mqqqqj(B%[>náb—å 38;5;0m(0~~lj(B(0x~~~~~~~(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~(B%(0~~~~x~~x(B#(0~~~~~~(B%(0~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqj(B###(0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqvqqj(B###(0mqqqqqqqqqq>nábÏå [38;5;3mq(B@nábº<Ñ[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5651 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5652 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5653 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B@náb®É [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5653 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5654 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(BAnábòÀ&[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5654 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5655 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(BAnáb. d[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5655 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5656 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BBnáb uq[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5656 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5657 Sat (0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~~(B(0~(BBnáb¹Ò :[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5657 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5658 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5659 Sat (0~~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~~(BCnábÿ>! [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5659 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5660 Sat (0~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B@Cnábåœ ó [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5660 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5661 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@(0~(BDnáb¬|(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(BDnábƱÁYou see here a mystpick corpse {800}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5661 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5662 Sat DnábA& í[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5662 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5663 Sat (0~(B%@(0~(BEnábdB³ [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5663 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5664 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5665 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@(0~(BEnáb ÑÔ [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5665 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5666 Sat (0~(B@(0~(BEnábR›  [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5666 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5667 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(BFnáb1l  [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5667 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5668 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(BFnábÿ…  [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5668 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5669 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0j(BGnábiÜ [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5669 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5670 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5671 Sat (0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(BGnáb|& > [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5671 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5672 Sat (0~~~(B(0~(B(0~~(B@(0~(B(0~~(BHnábTýv[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5672 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5673 Sat (0j~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0q(B(0~(B(0~(BHnábée Ï[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5673 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5674 Sat (0lqq(B(0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BInábjÆ[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5674 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5675 Sat (0qk(B@(0m(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(BInábÒ²;[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5675 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5676 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5677 Sat (0~(B(0k(B(0~(B@(0x(B(0lj(B(0qj(BJnábÄE [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5677 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5678 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(BMnáb}Úî[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5678 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5679 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(BMnáb" î[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5679 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5680 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(BMnábmýî[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5680 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5681 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(BNnábÛ·³[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5681 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5682 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5683 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(BNnáboßî[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5683 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5684 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(BNnábNu î[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5684 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5685 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(BOnáb•î[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5685 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5686 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(BOnáb/‹î[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5686 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5687 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(BOnáb4= ³[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5687 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5688 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5689 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(BOnáb_Ñ [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5689 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5690 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(BPnáb, ![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5691 Sat (0~~(B@(0~~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5691 Sat PnábÊ` ¿[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5697 Sat (0~(B(0~~~(B(0~~(B@(0~~~~~~(B(0~~(B(0~~~(B(0~~(BPnáb«c òThere is a wall in the way![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5697 Sat Qnáb_3&[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5697 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5698 Sat (0~~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(BQnábÏ• D[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5698 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5699 Sat (0~(B(0~~(B@(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(BRnábCLø[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5699 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5700 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5701 Sat (0~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~~(BRnáb²L @[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5701 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5702 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(BSnábË£[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5702 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5703 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BSnáb¨¨[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5703 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5704 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BSnáb‚e[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5704 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5705 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(BSnáb,å ·[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5705 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5706 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5707 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(BTnábŽ'Ü[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5707 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5708 Sat @(0~(B(0~(BTnáb†¨ò[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5708 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5709 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(BTnáb’ GDo you really want to fly into that teleportation trap? [yn] (n) Xnáb´5 ƒy(0~(B(0~(B0(0~(B(0~(BXnábs #XnábGá @Xnábý® #Xnáb‡ 0Xnáb\#Xnáb$4*YnábÅÈ@YnábÞÍ»You feel a wrenching sensation.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5709 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5710 Sat Znábóò[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5710 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5711 Sat (0~(B@^(0~(BZnábQ ·[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5711 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5712 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5713 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B[náb_ ñ[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5713 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5714 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B[náb˜ [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5714 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5715 Sat (0~(B(0~~(B@(0~(B(0~(B\nábùJ[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5715 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5716 Sat (0~~~(B(0~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B\nábÜ i[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5716 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5717 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B\náb6 /[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5717 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5718 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5719 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~~(B]nábÿ{[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5719 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5720 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B]náb‚µ }[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5720 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5721 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B^náb ˜[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5721 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5722 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B^nábÀø˜[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5722 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5723 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B^nábäÀ |[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5723 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5724 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5725 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B_nábÒI×[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5725 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5726 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B_nábWR×[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5726 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5727 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B_nábÅ×[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5727 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5728 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B_náb< å[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5728 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5729 Sat (0~(Br(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B_nábΦ[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5729 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5730 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5731 Sat (0~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B`nábâ¾[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5731 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5732 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B`náb×È ¾[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5732 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5733 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BanábU¾[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5733 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5734 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Banáb2òo[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5734 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5735 Sat (0~~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(BanábáûX[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5735 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5736 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5737 Sat (0~~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~~~(Banáb° p(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BThey say that practicants will receive nasty penalties as soon as they killed their quest nemesis.--More--hnáb7£ © [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5737 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5738 Sat jnáb´ª[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5738 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5739 Sat (0~(B(0~~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(Bknábþ¡ò[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5739 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5740 Sat (0lq(B(0~(B(0x(B@(0~(B(0t(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(BlnábÆ¡[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5740 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5741 Sat @(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(Bmnábj.s[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5741 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5742 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5743 Sat (0~(Bmnáb2è®[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5743 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5744 Sat (0~(Bmnábü• ®[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5744 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5745 Sat (0~(Bnnáb¿‹®[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5745 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5746 Sat (0~(Bnnábw®[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5746 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5747 Sat (0~(BnnábŽÜ s[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5747 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5748 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5749 Sat (0~(Bnnábæ|®[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5749 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5750 Sat (0~(Bonáb@‹®[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5750 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5751 Sat (0~(BonábnT ®[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5751 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5752 Sat (0~(Bonáb¡Ö [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5752 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5753 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(Bpnábš[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5753 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5754 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5755 Sat (0~(B(0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(Bpnáb¡€[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5755 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5756 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~~(BpnábÁ$R(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(BThey say that those who have a high polymorphing skill will sometimes polymorph monsters by using melee attacks.--More--unábE © [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5756 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5757 Sat vnáb—Š[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5757 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5758 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(BvnábwíS[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5758 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5759 Sat (0~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~~(Bvnáb Ô[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5759 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5760 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5761 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(Bvnábßdñ[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5761 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5762 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@(0~(Bwnáb£;[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5762 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5763 Sat (0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(Bwnáb‡#ò[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5763 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5764 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(Bwnábïÿ ò[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5764 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5765 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(Bxnáb«ý¼[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5765 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5766 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5767 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(Bxnáb Q÷[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5767 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5768 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(Bxnáb• ú[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5768 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5769 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(BynábÖòø[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5769 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5770 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~~(BynábDÒ[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5770 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5771 Sat (0~(B@(0~(Bynáb 4 ·[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5771 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5772 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5773 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(Bynáb4¸=[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5773 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5774 Sat (0~(B(0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BznábÄ#[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5774 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5775 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(Bznáb. [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5775 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5776 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B{náb¹þ4[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5776 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5777 Sat (0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B{nábxP>[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5777 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5778 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5779 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(B(0~~(B(0~(B{nábO ø[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5779 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5780 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B{náb@™[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5780 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5781 Sat (0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B|náb¼Ý<[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5781 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5782 Sat (0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~~(B(0~(B|náb»| [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5782 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5783 Sat (0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~~(B|nábÝKL[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5783 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5784 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@v(0~~(B(0~(B|nábûK-The thirsty vortex engulfs you!--More--~nábìp Ž/(0o(B\(0x(B@(0x(B\(0s(B/~náb…u ñ[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu Min:10 $152 HP 111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5784 Sat It sucks your blood!~náb~w ¯[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5784 Sat [-5 -> 106][FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5785 Sat náb£ 7You hit the thirsty vortex.nábÈ =You claw the thirsty vortex.--More--náb€.You curse at the thirsty vortex.náb¬Ñ[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5785 Sat nábÂ&It sucks your blood!nábvõ[FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  102(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5785 Sat [-5 -> 102]--More--‚náb¶M"It sucks your blood!‚nábÊP¯[FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  100(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5785 Sat [-2 -> 100][FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  100(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5786 Sat ‚náb,~ eYou hit the thirsty vortex.You claw the thirsty vortex.‚nábf~ --More--ƒnáb.-You destroy the thirsty vortex!--More--„náb£g[FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu Min:10 $152 HP 100(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5786 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  102(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5787 Sat (0lqqqqqqq(B(0lqqqqqqq(B(0qqqk(B(0lqqqqqk(B##(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~x~~~x(B(0x„nábr~~~(B^(0~x(B%#(0lqqqqqqqk(B(0lqqj~~~~~~~mqqqqqj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0tqq~~(B%(0m~k(B(0x~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~j(B(0j~~~~~(B*(0~x(B(0x~~~~~~qvqqqqk(B„náb$ƒ(0tqq~~~~~~(B*(0~~~~(B<(0~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B%#(0~~~~~~~lj(B(0x~~qk~~~~~~~(B)(0mqqqj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~(B#(0x~q~~lqqj(B(0mk~~mk~qqwqk~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lqu(B##(0lq~~„nábÊlj(B(0mk~~mk~(B%(0x(B(0mqqwqqwqqvk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~qqj~mqqqqqqqqj~~lj(B(0x~(B@(0~mk~x(B(0x~(B*(0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lqk~~~~~(B^(0~~~~~~~~~~lj„nábš˜(B(0lvqq~~mqvqk(B(0mqqvqqqvqqqk~~~~~~~~lqj(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqk~~~qqu(B(0x~~~~~(B)^(0~~mk(B(0mqqqqqqqqj(B(0mq„náb\¢k~~~mk(B(0lqqqk(B(0lj~~~~~lqk~~mk(B(0lqqqqq(B(0mk~~~mqj~~~mk(B(0lqqj~(B%(0x~~lj(B(0mk(B)(0~mwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk(B„náb²[38;5;1m(0lj~~~~~~m(B(0mqk~~~~~~~~x(B (0lqj~~~(B[(0qnqqj(B(0mk~~x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mqk(B###(0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~lj(B (0x~~~~~~~x(B(0mk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(B^(0~~~(B>(0~(B#(0mk~~~~~~qk(B(0tqq~~[38„nábŒ½;5;2mlqqj(B (0mqk~qq(B((0lj(B##(0mqqk~(B%(0~~~~~~~(B((0~~~~~~~qwj(B###(0mqqqqk~~mqqqqj(B%(0~~lj(B(0x~~~~~~~(B#(0x~~~~~~~~~~(B%(0~~~~x~~x(B#(0~~[„nábĦ38;5;2m~~~~(B%(0~~~~~~~x(B(0mqqqqj(B###(0mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqvqqj(B###(0mqqqqqqqqqqqj(B…nábAc X[FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  102(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5787 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5788 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~~(B(0~~(B(0~~~(B†náb¨ ?[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5788 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5789 Sat (0~(B(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B‡náb¤qÇ[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5789 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5790 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5791 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@(0~(BˆnábêÁ8[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5791 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5792 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~~(Bˆnáb{] ?Do you really want to fly into that arrow trap? [yn] (n) ‰nábY: y(0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B@:(0~~(BŠnáb µYou escape an arrow trap.[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5792 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5793 Sat ‹náb/Ùh(0~(B^@(0~~(B‹nábzâÐ[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5793 Sat Your plate mail blocks the presslizard's attack.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5794 Sat Œnáb\nYou hit the presslizard!You claw the presslizard.--More--nábÞ, +You curse at the presslizard.nábî, í[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5794 Sat You hear a flinging sound.náb³Ô )nábŽ² --More--náb¸çUYou are almost hit by a bullet.)(0~(Bnáb ¼ã[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5795 Sat @náb‘œnábEÜ#You kill the presslizard![FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5795 Sat %You hear a flinging sound.náb4­)náb--More--‘náb¾,&You are hit by a bullet!‘náb!-[FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  102(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5795 Sat [-7 -> 102])(0~(B‘nábú@‘náb'úù[FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  103(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5796 Sat You are hit by a thonged club!‘nábTúØ[FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  101(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5796 Sat --More--’nábµ â[-2 -> 101][FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  101(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5797 Sat “náb± m(0~(B(0~(B@$“náb You see here a presslizard corpse {10}.[FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  101(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5797 Sat --More--•náb@Z 9The tanja machine infantry wields a mace {12}![FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  101(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5798 Sat $(0~(B—nábX —náb$õ# - a presslizard corpse {10}.[FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  101(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5798 Sat ˜nábˆ˜náb#y'You kill the tanja machine infantry![FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  103(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5799 Sat %.™náb  [(0~(B@(0~(B™náby óThere are many objects here.[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5800 Sat ›nábø  Things that are here: a blessed tanja machine infantry corpse {1000} a flintlock {10} a thonged club {7} an arrow {0} an arrow named Mystery Ankh {0} a little blue vest {20} a thresher {60} a little red hat {1} 5 arrows {0} 10 rocks {0} a hard hat {16} a tarrier {30} an arrow {0} 3 spears {36} an arrow {0} a mace {12}--More-- nábDv (0qqqq(B(0lqqqqqqq(B(0qqqk(B(0lqqqqqk(B##(0~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~x~~~x(B(0x~~~(B^(0~x(B%#(0~~~~mqqqqqj~~~~~~~~~~~x(B(0tqq~~(B%(0m~k[38;5; náb÷€ 0m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~j(B(0j~~~~~(B*(0~x~~(B*(0~~~~(B<(0~~~~~~~~~~~~x(B%#(0~~~~~~~lj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x~(B#(0x~q~~lqqj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lqu(B##(0lq~~lj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~qqj~mqqqqqq náb|‡ qqj~~lj~~~~~~~~~~~~lqk~~~~~(B^(0~~~~~~~~~~ljqk~~~~~~~~lqj(B(0mqqqqqqqqqqk~~~qqu(B(0mqqqqqqqqj(B(0mqk~~~mk(B(0lqqqk(B(0l[38;5;2 nábuŽ Ðmqqqqq(B(0mk~~~mqj~~~mkqqqqqqqqqk(B(0lj~~~~~~m(B(0mqk~~~~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~mqk(B###(0x~~~~~~~~x(B(0x~~~~~~~lj(B[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5800 Sat ¡nábS A[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5801 Sat (0~(B%@(0~~(B¢náb™„á[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5801 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5802 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5803 Sat (0~(B(0~(B.@(0~~(B¢nábÚ\ [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5803 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5804 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B£nábÖ%[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5804 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5805 Sat (0~(B.(0~~(B(0~(B@(0~(B£nábCK[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5805 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5806 Sat (0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~~(B(0~(B£nábZÆ C[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5806 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5807 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B¤náb”b[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  105(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5807 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5808 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5809 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B¤náb4Õ[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5809 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5810 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B¤náb ž[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5810 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5811 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B¤náb„çž[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5811 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5812 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B¥nábïCž[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5812 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5813 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B¥náb c[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5813 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5814 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5815 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B¥náb†ž ƒ[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5815 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5816 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B¦nábx§ž[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5816 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5817 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B¦nábGœ[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5817 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5818 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(BF¦náb Yž[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5818 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5819 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B¦náb[6 c[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5819 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5820 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5821 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B§náb…ªu[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5821 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5822 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B((0~(B§nábU;ž[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5822 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5823 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B§náb…  2[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5823 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5824 Sat (0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B¨náb⡉ [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5824 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5825 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~(B(0~~(B¨nábÓ‡ [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5825 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5826 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5827 Sat (0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~~(B¨náb¿ç òThere is a wall in the way![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5827 Sat ©nábwV%[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5827 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5828 Sat (0~(B@(0~(B(0~(B(0~(B©nábžÊ <[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5828 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5829 Sat (0~~(B(0~(B(0~(B@(0~~(B(0~(Bªnáb¾Ó[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5829 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5830 Sat (0~(B@(0~(Bªnábš}Ú[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5830 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5831 Sat (0~(B(0~(B@«nábc ,You fly down along the stairs.--More--¬náb‡+#,##,##,G@*,##*##,#¬náb‡Ï[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu Min:11 $152 HP 111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5831 Sat ¬nábŠ©’[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5832 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5833 Sat ­nábdo dYou hit the gnome warrior!You claw the gnome warrior.--More--¯nábbñYou curse at the gnome warrior.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5833 Sat --More--¯nábâjOYour plate mail blocks the gnome warrior's attack.--More--°nábƒ´ ôYou feel an unexpected draft.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5834 Sat ²náb³rYou hit the gnome warrior!You claw the gnome warrior.--More--³nábóØ-You curse at the gnome warrior.³náb*÷ÈYou kill the gnome warrior![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5834 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5835 Sat !¶náb/x#,@<,#¶nábJ?¿You see here a potion of speed {0}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5835 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5836 Sat ·náb#Ô·náb÷áñ# - a potion of speed {0}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5836 Sat ¹náb/­Þ[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5836 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5837 Sat ,,@,¹náb¤< v#,<@,#¹náb® }You see here a blue gem {0}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5837 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5838 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5839 Sat ºnábôY ºnábÚg ê# - a blue gem {0}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5839 Sat ¼náb’åMWhat do you want to write with? [- ##alstBD-GNRXY or ?*] ½nábbí@You write in the dust with a blue gem {0}.--More--¾náb+µ :What do you want to write in the dust here? ¿náböN¿nábHdâNever mind.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5839 Sat Ànáb-ó[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5839 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5840 Sat ,@,,Ànáb–Ø’,<@$,###Ànáb »You see here 2 orange gems {0}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5840 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5841 Sat Ánábé ÁnábÔ í# - 2 orange gems {0}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5841 Sat ÃnábözMWhat do you want to write with? [- ##alstBD-GNRXY or ?*] ÃnábÖð CYou write in the dust with 2 orange gems {0}.--More--ÄnábÝ„ :What do you want to write in the dust here? ÅnábñË Ænáb@[ Ænáb~‰ Ænábæž âNever mind.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5841 Sat ÈnábZ;[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5841 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5842 Sat ,,,,,,,@##Ènábi v#,,@,#Ènáb"Y ¶16 gold pieces.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu 68 111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5842 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5843 Sat Énáb(ž¡[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5843 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5844 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5845 Sat ,,,@Ênábå„×[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5845 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5846 Sat ,,@,ÊnábÞ%í[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5846 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5847 Sat #,@,,ÊnábsÝ*[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5847 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5848 Sat #M@,,#G,ÊnábS5 `[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5848 Sat @,,#Your plate mail deflects the null mummy's attack.--More--ÌnábƒAYour hard hat blocks the null mummy's attack.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5849 Sat Ínáb®!lYou hit the null mummy!You claw the null mummy.--More--Înáb>You curse at the null mummy.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5849 Sat GThe null mummy misses.--More--Înábi¤ EThe null mummy misses.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5850 Sat G,The null mummy misses.--More--Ïnáb5 NYour plate mail deflects the null mummy's attack.--More--Ðnáb!. Your small shield blocks the clockwork dwarf's attack.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5851 Sat ÑnábIÙÑnáb6ÜYou destroy the null mummy![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5851 Sat #--More--Ònábã]The gnome warrior wields a thonged club {7}!G--More--Ònáb@$òThe clockwork dwarf misses.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5852 Sat Ônábh Ônáb2 You kill the clockwork dwarf![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5852 Sat [--More--Õnáb¦Ü!The gnome warrior wields an uncursed bullwhip {8}![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5853 Sat ,×náb(W ×nábe< ÉYou kill the gnomish wizard![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5853 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5854 Sat GÙnáb~aqYou hit the gnome warrior!The gnome warrior screams.--More--ÚnábM )You claw the gnome warrior.Únábí You curse at the gnome warrior.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5854 Sat --More--Ûnáb/ECThe gnome warrior swings his bullwhip.--More--Ünábæª Your small shield blocks the gnome warrior's attack.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5855 Sat Ýnábz¯ÝnábÔ§You kill the gnome warrior![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5855 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5856 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5857 Sat G)ÞnábK¶7,@,Þnáb½You see here a little red hat {1}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5857 Sat G--More--ßnábìrFThe gnome warrior thrusts a thonged club.--More--ßnábE] BYou are almost hit by a thonged club.--More--ànáb!ëTYour small shield deflects the clockwork dood's attack.--More--ànábc You hear a flinging sound.ánáb3>)ánábçánábÎSThe dagger hits the clockwork dood.),ánábÊà[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5858 Sat GánábB ánáb,O ëUnknown command ' '.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5858 Sat ânáb¤Žânábw•CYou kill the clockwork dood![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5858 Sat )G,--More--ãnábÔf The gnome warrior picks up an uncursed bullwhip {8}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5859 Sat änábþQänábnZ+You kill the gnome warrior![FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5859 Sat )You hear a flinging sound.änáb[ )änábûÞ ,änáb»¾ --More--ånáb͸ &You are hit by a dagger.ånáb#¹ ø[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5859 Sat [-2 -> 109])ånábJ¥ ã[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5860 Sat @ænábYQ g)@,,ænáb!d ¶You see here a dagger {4}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5860 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5861 Sat çnábw T[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5861 Sat ,)@GThe pt gnome throws a dagger!)çnáb‰ë ,You are hit by a dagger.çnábì [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5861 Sat [-3 -> 107]),çnáb Û ¨[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5862 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5863 Sat @ènáb\ %[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5863 Sat ,)@,ènáb>\ /The pt gnome wields a dagger {4}!ènábL\ 2The pt gnome thrusts his dagger.ènábY\ --More--ênábsÀYour plate mail blocks the pt gnome's attack.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5864 Sat ënáb0éënábHÊYou kill the pt gnome![FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5864 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5865 Sat [ënáb…Ç,@,# Things that are here: a pair of little black boots {4} a red gem {0}--More--ínábg Ó[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5865 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5866 Sat GînábUI¼ Pick up what?  Armor ('[') a - a pair of little black boots {4} Gems ('*') b - a red gem {0}(end) ïnábJÃ+ïnábj¨Xïnáb¤¬é# - a red gem {0}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5866 Sat ðnábH)>[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5866 Sat @[,The gnome warrior hits you!ðnáb7¯[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5866 Sat [-3 -> 108][FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5867 Sat ðnábÌ U,@,,ðnábƒ8 {You see here a dagger {4}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5867 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5868 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5869 Sat ñnáb’~ B,@)ñnáb³— ¶You see here a dagger {4}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5869 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5870 Sat ònábì1Ê@),, Things that are here: a dagger {4} a little red hat {1}--More--ônáb¤ô¾[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5870 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5871 Sat õnábÍõƒ)@h,,#õnáb¶ãThere are several objects here.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5871 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5872 Sat ,hönábRlQ[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5872 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5873 Sat )@h,,,##,#önáb®E j@,,,,önábsx ±There are several objects here.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5873 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5874 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5875 Sat ,,÷náb Ë  Things that are here: a thonged club {7} a red gem {0} an uncursed bullwhip {8} a pair of little black boots {4} a little blue vest {20} a gray stone a gnomish wizard corpse {700}--More--ûnábù +[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5875 Sat ünábZ®º Pick up what?  Weapons (')') a - a thonged club {7} b - an uncursed bullwhip {8} Armor ('[') c - a pair of little black boots {4} d - a little blue vest {20} Comestibles ('%') e - a gnomish wizard corpse {700} Gems ('*') f - a red gem {0} g - a gray stone(end) þnábF+ÿnábãAÏ#,#ÿnáb©Ué# - a red gem {0}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5875 Sat oábÜuMWhat do you want to write with? [- ##alstBD-GNRXY or ?*] oáb»ñ@You write in the dust with 2 red gems {0}.--More--oábs•:What do you want to write in the dust here? oábúË oábdØ âNever mind.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5875 Sat oábø [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5875 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5876 Sat )@,,hoábì–B[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5876 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5877 Sat ,#,h@#,###oábôC2Really attack the player dolgsman? [yn] (n) oábâ Õn[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5877 Sat oábŽ®ó[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5877 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5878 Sat ,,h,,@oáb‡ü.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5878 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5879 Sat )#Z,h,@, oábŸ IYou hit the marked-for-death corona patient!--More-- oábð(JYou miss the marked-for-death corona patient.--More-- oáb'You miss the marked-for-death corona patient.[FlamingIc the Page of Scales ] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  111(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5879 Sat ,--More-- oáb¡™ <The marked-for-death corona patient claws you! oábœ ˆ[FlamingIc the Page of Sca les] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  102(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5879 Sat [-9 -> 102][FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5880 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5881 Sat hoábQWYou hit the marked-for-death corona patient!--More--oáb“ JYou claw the marked-for-death corona patient.--More--oáb´!NYou curse at the marked-for-death corona patient.--More--oáb1b You destroy the marked-for-death corona patient![FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5881 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  104(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5882 Sat !G,hoáb 105]--More--oáb5–TYour plate mail deflects the bell gnome Timer's attack.--More--oábÌ¢ãYour plate mail deflects the bell gnome Timer's attack.[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  106(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5886 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5887 Sat !oábisoáb—†ÉYou kill the bell gnome Timer![FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5887 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5888 Sat %oábaÇ O,@,#oáb>Ø ÃYou see here a bell gnome corpse {700}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5888 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5889 Sat oáb:K ý[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5889 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5890 Sat ,%@,#oábÊE,@,,oáb$ÜYou see here a bell gnome corpse {700}.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5890 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5891 Sat Goábp( ¾[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5891 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5892 Sat ,hoáb¢1 %The small glowing figure wields an uncursed bullwhip {8}![FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5893 Sat #"oábû@Really attack the player dolgsman? [yn] (n) #oáb‘fÕn[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5893 Sat 'oábùfã[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5893 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5894 Sat ,,%@,'oábR„ .[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5894 Sat ,,@,You hear a flinging sound.'oáb W )'oábß) %)'oáb*You are hit by a dagger.'oáb%[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5894 Sat [-3 -> 107],)'oábüåã[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5895 Sat @*oáb¦&[FlamingIc the Page of Scal es] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  107(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5895 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5896 Sat #)@#,#,+oáb/z[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5896 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5897 Sat ,,@,,####+oábÊË[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  108(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5897 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5898 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5899 Sat ,,,@##,oáb‡ ð[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  109(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5899 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5900 Sat ,,,@,-oáb™ô [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5900 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5901 Sat #@,,#G,.oábF‘dYou hit the gnome warrior!You claw the gnome warrior.--More--/oábì 8You curse at the gnome warrior.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5901 Sat The gnome warrior swings his bow.--More--1oáb°Your hard hat blocks the gnome warrior's attack.[FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5902 Sat 2oáb/{rYou hit the gnome warrior!You claw the gnome warrior.--More--3oábZÎ -You curse at the gnome warrior.3oáb ËYou kill the gnome warrior![FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5902 Sat [FlamingIc the Page of Scale s] St17 Dx8 Co14 In11 Wi8 Ch11 DraAngMalNeu  110(111)  Pw 74(74)  AC-2 Exp10 T5903 Sat )